Installing local package with Stack - haskell

Is it possible to install package from sources with something similar to stack build package-name? (latter works with packages on Stackage, but not with custom ones)

Um, stack build (within the source directory)?
Stack doesn't really have a notion of installing libraries though, it only installs executables. To “install” locally-sourced packages, you need to specify what for you want them installed: add them as dependencies to another project, via a location: field in the packages: field in that project's stack.yaml file.
That's arguably sensible since, one might say, there's nothing you can do with an installed library except invoking it in another Haskell project (or in a REPL, which you can get with stack ghci). I personally don't hold with that though, I like actually being able to say install that library now. Which is one of the reasons I have always stuck to good old cabal-install rather than Stack. With that, you can just
cabal install
from within the source directory.
Cabal-install has often been criticised: its local installs can easily get out of sync and then you have weird dependency conflicts and need to rebuild lots of stuff. I never found this that much of a problem, and anyway this has been adressed in recent Cabal through Nix-style builds, which never produce conflicts.


Stack: 'hdevtools is a library dependency, but the package provides no library needed since my-app is a build target.'

I was trying to add hdevtools to my stack project, so I ran stack build hdevtools. The install seemed to work successfully, and my text editor stopped reporting imported libraries installed via stack (like aeson and tasty) as missing.
However, things went wrong when I added this line to the dependencies section of my package.yaml file:
- hdevtools >= 0.1 && < 1
And then tried to run stack build again. I received the following error output:
Error: While constructing the build plan, the following exceptions were encountered:
In the dependencies for my-app-name-
hdevtools is a library dependency, but the package provides no library
needed since my-app-name is a build target.
Some different approaches to resolving this:
* Consider trying 'stack solver', which uses the cabal-install solver to attempt
to find some working build configuration. This can be convenient when dealing
with many complicated constraint errors, but results may be unpredictable.
Plan construction failed.
I tried running stack solver, but that threw the exception documented here.
How can I declare hdevtools as a dependency of my project?
#alexis-king recommends using stack build --copy-compiler-tool hdevtools in this guide, in the section titled Setting up editor integration.
This works for the current project, and other projects using the same GHC version, but you will need to run it again when you upgrade to a new GHC version.
More context from King's guide:
As mentioned above, stack install is not what you want. Tools like ghc-mod, hlint, hoogle, weeder, and intero work best when installed as part of the sandbox, not globally, since that ensures they will match the current GHC version your project is using.
How can I declare hdevtools as a dependency of my project?
hdevtool is an executable and cabal doesn't have a concept of development dependencies (like in other package managers like npm etc). So, all you can do is install hdevtools globally and make it work.

Recommended approach to use Stack as global package manager

I would like to install some Haskell libraries globally, for example hindent which is used by my editor's Haskell integration. What is the recommended way to do this?
I thought that stack install hindent was the correct way to do this. However, then I wanted to update my packages and found that there was no way to do this. According to the GitHub issue report I found,
stack is concerned with managing a local build sandbox for a project. It isn't intended to be a global package manager.
There appear to be workarounds such as maintaining a dummy project with artificial dependencies on the packages I would like installed. This sounds like a terrible hack, and I have been unable to find any official documentation on what approach should actually be taken.
Installing Haskell packages using my system package manager (Homebrew) is not an option since they are not packaged.
I would have opened an issue report against Stack, however the contribution guidelines requested that I instead ask a question here under the haskell-stack tag.
Well, stack install in any project will install to ~/.local/bin therefore making whatever executable you install be globally accessible.
The global project is used when running stack without a project, it is located in ~/.stack/global-project/stack.yaml.
If you want all of your globally accessible tools to have the same dependencies (perhaps to ensure that the ghc version matches or something), then you could make a project intended to build all of these tools. It's up to you whether or not it is the "global project" - there's not much special about it, it's just a default if you run stack and aren't in a project.
In order to record "what haskell executables do I want installed globally", you might consider creating a shell file like
stack install hindent
And then running this whenever you change the versions of the installed tools.
Also, for tools like intero that need to match the ghc version, you can do stack install --copy-compiler-tool intero, and it will be available on the PATH when stack is used with that ghc version.

Will users be diverted from a package if it's not passing `cabal check` for `cabal` `1.22` due to the absence of `Setup.hs`?

stack new usually creates a default Setup.hs file. I removed it from a project and it still builds alright for any lts resolver down to lts-2. It also passes cabal check at least for cabal version 1.24. (Though not for cabal 1.22.)
Can I conclude from this result that including a default Setup.hs in a project is not trendy anymore and I can drop it? In particular, will many prospective users be diverted from installing the package if it's not passing cabal check for cabal 1.22?
P.S. This question is more specific than the other, similar one in that I want to know, specifically, if the package not passing cabal check for a certain version of cabal due to the absence of an otherwise unnecessary Setup.hs will be counted against that package in some situations, and whether there are any other downsides to not having a Setup.hs in a project, considering the current state of the Haskell ecosystem. Whether a Setup.hs is necessary or useful overall is not a question here.
If you run cabal sdist on a project without a Setup.hs file, cabal creates one for you -- try it!
As such, there's no point to removing the file, because it will just get regenerated when you package for distribution anyway.

Stackage inclusive or exclusive usage

I'm attempting to start a new project using the Snap web framework. I used snap init to get my basic skeleton working. I also put next to my .cabal file. I didn't uncomment the line to use Stackage exclusively. So I tried to build and it failed and couldn't find the version of lens required by my .cabal file. The cabal.config file from Stackage specifies a version of lens that is not the same as the one in my .cabal file. So I deleted every constraint from my package list and did the usual cabal install --only-dep -j8 --enable-test and it worked!
However, I have always been told that package versions should be constrained. So when working with Stackage is it okay to leave package versions unconstrained? Should I downgrade my packages to the ones available in Stackage instead?
As far as I understand a cabal.config file specifies a set of dependencies with the specific versions that satisfy dependencies, so how does Stackage work? Is it just a subset of packages from Hackage that are proven to be compatible? Do they host their own packages or rely on Hackage for downloads?
Thanks in advance :)
Both options are available. The default option is what you did, and still goes to hackage to get the packages. You just added a filter to your cabal that prevents you from using any version of a package included in Stackage that was not tested to work together with all of the other packages.
The other option is to simply point your cabal repo to a Stackage url, and then you will download packages directly from the Stackage server. That server will only serve packages that are known to work together, so there is no need for additional constraints in your cabal file. I actually prefer this way of working.
In both cases, if you have additional constraints in your cabal file that are incompatible with the Stackage restrictions, your build will fail. If you use the first option, you will get dependency conflicts. When using the second option, the Stackage server will simply report that it does not have that specific package/version.

How can I resolve zlib-enum, zlib-binding, zlib-conduit conflict when installing Yesod

I am trying to install my Yesod web app on another machine.
I have it installed fine on my current machine and can cabal install it on there without any problems.
I seem to run into trouble with it on the other machine though (which is a fresh Ubuntu VM - e.g., no cabal packages where installed on it prior.
Note that I changed nothing about my setup (e.g. cabal files are exactly the same).
This is the error I keep getting:
cabal: cannot configure zlib-enum-0.2.2. It requires zlib-bindings ==0.1.*
For the dependency on zlib-bindings ==0.1.* there are these packages:
zlib-bindings-0.1.0 and zlib-bindings- However none of them are available.
zlib-bindings-0.1.0 was excluded because zlib-conduit- requires zlib-bindings >=0.0.3 && <0.1
zlib-bindings-0.1.0 was excluded because zlib-bindings- was selected instead
zlib-bindings-0.1.0 was excluded because of the top level dependency zlib-bindings ==
zlib-bindings- was excluded because zlib-conduit- requires zlib-bindings >=0.0.3 && <0.1
zlib-bindings- was excluded because zlib-bindings- was selected instead
zlib-bindings- was excluded because of the top level dependency zlib-bindings ==
I have tried all kind of ways to resolve this, but keep running into this same problem, no matter what path I take.
My guess is, that theses packages' versions are conflicting at this point.
How can I resolve this until it gets fixed?
This is a prime example of cabal dependency hell. Theoretically, the fault lies with zlib-enum, since it should have had a major version bump to reflect the major version bump with zlib-bindings. But really, the problem is cabal's dependency analyzer. The new one will hopefully be ready soon.
In the meanwhile, depending on zlib-enum <= 0.2.1 should work.
Also, #ehird's answer should be helpful too, though it may not entirely solve the problem.
You might want to try installing the new Yesod Platform (Hackage page):
cabal install yesod-platform
It's a metapackage that depends on specific versions of Yesod and all its dependencies, designed to avoid versioning conflicts like this.
You could also try the in-development version of cabal-install, which has the modular dependency solver Michael mentioned. If you darcs get --lazy, you should be able to run in cabal/cabal-install to install it (but you should probably wipe ~/.cabal and ~/.ghc first).1 You still have to explicitly request the modular solver by passing --solver=modular to cabal, though.
Note that, even though it's a development version, it's actually pretty stable; lots of people on GHC 7.4.1 (including me) use it, since the version on Hackage doesn't compile. I haven't had any issues so far.
1 This is for Linux; I think the relevant directory is ~/Library/Haskell on OS X. I have no idea what to do on Windows, especially since the shell script won't run there.
