Allow remote web server administration of Azure server core VM - azure

I am trying to configure a server code 2016 VM on Azure to allow access from IIS on a remote server (outside of Azure) - I have been following documentation from here and here.
When I try to connect to the Azure servercore server from IIS (File, Connect to a Server, provide server name/port and credentials), I am getting the following error:
"Could not connect to the specified computer.
Details: Unable to connect to the remote server"
I have added the firewall rule as noted in the steps I have been following with no success. I believe that this may be a security group issue, but web searching has drawn a blank - I have not been able to find anything on connecting IIS to a VM on Azure in order to allow web server administration.
Any help would be much appreciated, preferably in simple steps - I'm a programmer who has had a devops task dropped on him, and as such have minimal understanding of Azure's mechanics and terminology!

So the error was due to the misconfigured NSG. Need to open up port 8172.


Web Deploy connection timed out

I've previously had Web Deploy up and running without any issues. Following a company wide installation of Bitdefender, Web Deploy has stopped working. I've tried the following without any success
Added the following rule to Bitdefender firewall
Local Address: Any
Remote Address: our server IP port 8172
Protocol: TCP
Direction: Both
IP: Any
Network: Home / Office
Permission: Allow
Using the following telnet command, telnet [IP address] 8172, I get a blank screen.
Navigating to the URL for the publishing server connection, I'm prompted with a login and then a blank screen.
I don't have Fiddler, or anything similar, running.
I've tried on other machines in our office yet I get the same response.
Re-installed Web Deploy via Web Platform Installer Recommended Server Configuration for Web Hosting Providers and using command prompt I've restarted the agent services with the following commands
net stop msdepsvc & net start msdepsvc
net stop wmsvc & net start wmsvc
I've added IIS Manager Permissions to the appropriate site in IIS, using the server administrator account (which worked in the past) and configured web deploy publishing.
I'm running out of ideas of what to try so I'd appreciate any suggestions.
When attempting to validate the connection in Visual Studio I see the failed notification, "The operation has timed out".
The problem is in the Policies for Content Control. Exceptions need to be added for the sites you would like to web deploy to.
Click on policies, then go to the policy that applies to your development system. In my case this was "IT Policy." If you don't know, you can go to Network and drill down through Active Directory to find what policy applies.
Next, go to Content Control => Traffic. Check the boxes for Web (HTTP traffic) and Traffic Scan exclusions. Then add the URL or IP address for whatever system you are trying to deploy to (We used IP).
Hope that helps!

Azure WebDeploy Failing

I've been happily deploying my website to Windows Azure, but this morning I get the following error...
Web deployment task failed. (Could not connect to the remote computer ("") using the specified process ("Web Management Service") because the server did not respond. Make sure that the process ("Web Management Service") is started on the remote computer. Learn more at:
I can load the website and data is coming back from the WebAPI I have. I've looked at the link which suggests the following....
You can ping the remote machine
That the msdepsvc or wmsvc service
is started on the remote server.
Your firewall is not blocking
incoming connections of your ports on the destination. If you used
the default installation, then it would be 80 for msdepsvc and 8172
for wmsvc.
I've tried the ping, which doesn't work, but then a ping to the actual site doesn't work either (and the site works). As these are Azure servers I'm unsure how to check points 2 & 3.
Another site that I deploy to Azure has worked, so there must be something about this project
I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction to look.
In the end I fixed the issue, by upgrading from "Shared" to "Basic", and then switched back again, this must of caused some sort or reset at the MS backend.

Connect to Sql Server of Windows Azure VM from local Sql Server

I am trying to connect to my Sql server 2012 which is setup on Azure VM. I am trying to connect it from my local Sql server 2012. I have tried all these steps
But still not able to connect. I getting this error
Can Some please help me to solve this problem?
Since you're connecting to domain address I assume you don't use VPN. This means:
- SQL Server authentication should be set to mixed mode
- SQL login should be created or enabled
- In case enabling SA login make sure you set the password
For connectivity part I agree with Jason's suggestions, but I would not disable firewall, since with endpoints facing public internet it is your last line of defense on the VM. Just make sure you have allow rule for the SQL Server port (most likely 1433).
Confirm the following:
You have configured the cloud service port 57500 (from the screenshot) to forward to the port that SQL is configured on, typically 1433.
Turn off the firewall within the VM. Once you get a working connection, I would reconfigure the firewall to only open the port(s) you need for security. The instructions you provided show how to open a specific port, but you should first disable the firewall to rule out a misconfiguration there.
Remote into the VM and ensure that you're able to use the management tools on that machine to make a local connection. This will help rule firewalls and the load balancer for the cloud service.

Cannot Connect to Windows Azure VM (Server 2012 R2) Web Deploy Service

I can't seem to be able to deploy a site to a windows server 2012 r2 running IIS and Web Deploy in Azure VM. I have verified that the port is open, the credentials are correct and the site name as well. I tried using http: and https: also tried using msdeploy.axd end point and the MSDEPLOYAGENTSERVICE one nothing. Check is the services are running and if I can connect to the machine which at can on port 80 to the default site. Tried connecting from multiple connections I get the same result...
Could not connect to the remote computer ("<computer name>"). On the remote computer make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that the required process ("Web Deployment Agent Service") is started. Learn more at: Unable to connect to the remote server.
After dealing with this for about an hour now, I figured out how to fix this on my Azure Virtual Machine.
First the obvious
Check that port 8172 (if you're using default settings) is open in your firewall
Check that the processes MsDepSvc and WMSVC are running.
Check that the site name is correct.
Management Service
In ISS, at the root level of the server, check your settings under Management Service.
It should have Enable Remote Connections checked:
Did you download the full package
This was the one that got me, I hadn't installed everything.
On the bottom of the WebDeploy page:
You can download the full package, and then just install everything.
You don't mention if you have an endpoint configured for your Azure VM. If not, make sure you create an endpoint with a private port of 8172.
EDIT: Here is a troubleshooting guide for web deploy that includes the error message you've encountered. Additionally, from my own experience I have managed to mistype the site name and not install .NET and seeing similar errors.
Helpful but in the end in our case it was TLS mismatch. Check both machines can do TLS 1.2 if you are forcing it. Have put more detail here Cheers

Can't create an Azure web site

Help! When I try to creat a web site on Azure, I receive the following error message:
There was no endpoint listening at that could accept the message.
I was able to create 2 sites about 3 months ago without any problem. My subscription is an active pay as you go account. I'm not trying to do anything advanced, just a web site connected to a SQL DB. The SQL DB creates without a problem. I was also able to create a virtual Win2008 machine. Azure reps have said my account is fine. I don't know where else to look. Thanks
If your development machine is behind a proxy server, the problem could be caused by the machine's proxy server settings. Have a look at them via Control Panel / Network and Internet / Internet Options / Connections tab / Lan Settings and try checking the box for 'Automatically detect settings' if it isn't.
Solved: Azure Problem - There was no endpoint listening at that could accept the message
Windows Azure Package Deployment Failed with Error - "There was no endpoint listening"
Same for me. Seems they simply do not have enough recourses atm.
