JSON object selector to describe the criteria for querying documents in Azure Cosmos/ Document DB - azure

I am using a Javascript Azure function to bind to CosmosDB (Document DB) and query documents within a collection. I would like the SELECT query to be formed based on a JSON object that would be coming in the request body. IBM Cloudant provides a feature wherein you can pass a JSON object (selector) to describe the criteria for selecting documents. How do I achieve the same in Azure?
The JSON selector looks like this-
"selector": {
"id": {
"$gt": 0
"username": "Jack",
"department": "HR"

The sql-from-mongo npm package provides conversion of expressions similar to these into CosmosDB SQL. The module can be easily loaded in your Azure Functions or it can even be loaded into a sproc with a little bit of manipulation.
Full disclosure: I'm the author of the npm package.


JMeter: Connect to PostGresSQL in JSR using groovy and then compare values from multiple tables in DB with API response

Sorry for the long post, but I really need some guidance here. I need to compare values from an API response with the values from multiple tables in the DB.
Currently, I am doing it as follows:
Use a JDBC Connect Configuration to connect to Postgres DB and then use the JDBC Sampler to execute queries. I use it three times to query 3 different tables. I store this data in variables (lets call them DBVariables). Please see this image for current Jmeter setup. https://i.stack.imgur.com/GZJyF.png
In JSR Assertion, I have written code that takes data from various DBVariables and compares it against the API response.
However, my issue is the API response can have an array of records and then nested arrays inside each (please see API response sample below). And these array elements can be sorted in any order. This is where I have issues.
I was wondering what would be the most efficient way of writing this JSR Assertion to validate all data elements returned by the API are the same as what is in the DB.
I am very new to groovy, but I think if I can query the DB inside the JSR assertion (instead of using the JDBC sampler), then the comparison can be done by storing API response in a map and then the DBResponse in another map and sorting both and comparing the items.
My questions are:
How can I connect to postgressql using groovy and then execute query statements in it? I have not done that before and was hoping if someone can provide a sample code.
How can I store API response and DB responses in Map and sort them and compare them in groovy?
The API response is of the following type:
"street_1":"123 Any street"
"street_1":"123 Any street"
"street_1":"123 Any street"
"street_1":"123 Any street"
Have you seen Working with a relational database chapter of Groovy documentation? Alternatively you can obtain a Connection instance from the JDBC Configuration Element like
def connection = org.apache.jmeter.protocol.jdbc.config.getConnection('your-pool-name')
With regards to "sort" There is DefaultGroovyMethods class which provides sort() function for any "sortable" entity. With regards to "compare" - we don't know how the object from the database looks like hence cannot provide a comprehensive solution.
Maybe an easier option would be converting the response from the JDBC Sampler to JSON using JsonBuilder and once you have 2 JSON structures use the library like JSONassert which doesn't care about order and depth
You haven't asked, but if you're "very new to groovy" maybe it worth extracting individual values from API using JSON Extractor, do the same for the database with the JDBC elements and compare individual JMeter Variables using Response Assertion?

Apply json patch to mongodb document

I want to implement HTTP PATCH using Python Flask framework. As an input, I would be receiving JSON patch like:
{ "op": "replace", "path": "/work/title", "value": "Senior Engineer" }
My database is MongoDB where I want to apply the above patch directly to Mongo. For example, below is the document stored in Mongo:
After applying the patch, it should be:
"title":"Senior Engineer",
Could you please help me to find a way to implement?
According to my research, I found a Python module python-json-patch which helps to apply json to patch to a json object. So, we would need to get json/document from the MongoDB and apply the patch using above module. Then replace the document back in MongoDB. So, basically this would end up in PUT rather than PATCH.
One more approach I thought to have a module to parse the json patch and construct the json and apply the update to MongoDB using $set. But this approach is naive and not efficient.
So, please suggest a good way to implement HTTP PATCH using json patch and directly applying to the MongoDB document.

Case insensitive search in arrays for CosmosDB / DocumentDB

Lets say I have these documents in my CosmosDB. (DocumentDB API, .NET SDK)
// partition key of the collection
"userId" : "0000-0000-0000-0000",
"emailAddresses": [
"someaddress#somedomain.com", "Another.Address#someotherdomain.com"
// some more fields
I now need to find out if I have a document for a given email address. However, I need the query to be case insensitive.
There are ways to search case insensitive on a field (they do a full scan however):
How to do a Case Insensitive search on Azure DocumentDb?
select * from json j where LOWER(j.name) = 'timbaktu'
e => e.Id.ToLower() == key.ToLower()
These do not work for arrays. Is there an alternative way? A user defined function looks like it could help.
I am mainly looking for a temporary low-effort solution to support the scenario (I have multiple collections like this). I probably need to switch to a data structure like this at some point:
"userId" : "0000-0000-0000-0000",
// Option A
"emailAddresses": [
"displayName": "someaddress#somedomain.com",
"normalizedName" : "someaddress#somedomain.com"
"displayName": "Another.Address#someotherdomain.com",
"normalizedName" : "another.address#someotherdomain.com"
// Option B
"emailAddressesNormalized": {
"someaddress#somedomain.com", "another.address#someotherdomain.com"
Unfortunately, my production database already contains documents that would need to be updated to support the new structure.
My production collections contain only 100s of these items, so I am even tempted to just get all items and do the comparison in memory on the client.
If performance matters then you should consider one of the normalization solution you have proposed yourself in question. Then you could index the normalized field and get results without doing a full scan.
If for some reason you really don't want to retouch the documents then perhaps the feature you are missing is simple join?
Example query which will do case-insensitive search from within array with a scan:
join email in c.emailAddresses
where lower(email) = lower('ANOTHER.ADDRESS#someotherdomain.com')
You can find more examples about joining from Getting started with SQL commands in Cosmos DB.
Note that where-criteria in given example cannot use an index, so consider using it only along another more selective (indexed) criteria.

Aggregate query for IBM Cloudant which is basically couchDB

I am a contributor at http://airpollution.online/ which is open environment web platform built open source having IBM Cloudant as it's Database service.
Platform's architecture is such way that we need to fetch latest data of each air pollution measurement devices from a collection. As far as my experience go with MongoDB, I have wrote aggregate query to fetch each devices' latest data as per epoch time key in each and every document available in respective collection.
Sample Aggregate query is :
$sort: {
"time": -1,
"Id": -1
}, {
$project: {
"Id": 1,
"data": 1,
"_id": 0
}, {
$group: {
"_id": "$Id",
"data": {
"$last": "$$ROOT"
If someone has idea/suggestions about how can I write design documents in IBM Cloudant, Please help me! Thanks!
P.S. We still have to make backend open source for this project. (may take some time)
In CouchDB/Cloudant this is usually better done as a view than an ad-hoc query. It's a tricky one but try this:
- a map step that emits the device ID and timestamp as two parts of a composite key, plus the device reading as the value
- a reduce step that looks for the largest timestamp and returns both the biggest (most recent) timestamp and the reading that goes with it (both values are needed because when rereducing, we need to know the timestamp so we can compare them)
- the view with group_level set to 1 will give you the newest reading for each device.
In most cases in Cloudant you can use the built-in reduce functions but here you want a function of a key.
(The way that I solved this problem previously was to copy incoming data into a "newest readings" store as well as writing it to a database in the normal way. This makes it very quick to access if you only ever want the newest reading.)

Return only _source from a search

Is it possible to only retrieve the _source document(s) when I execute a search query with the (official) nodejs-elasticsearch library? According to the documentation, there seems to be a way, sort of:
Use the /{index}/{type}/{id}/_source endpoint to get just the _source field of the document, without any additional content around it. For example:
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/twitter/tweet/1/_source'
And the corresponding API call in the nodejs library is:
client.getSource([params, [callback]])
However, this method only seems to be able to retrieve documents on an ID basis. I need to issue a full search body (with filters and query_strings and whatnot), which this method doesn't support.
I'm running ES 1.4
You can use "fields" for this. See a simplified example below. Go ahead and customize your query as per your requirement:
"fields": [
"query": {
"match_all": {}
The value of fields _index, _type, _id and _score will always be present in the response of Search API.
