MongoLab and Heroku without mongoose - node.js

I am currently working with a team in a NodeJS project that uses express and a local MongoDB database.
We did not implement mongoose into the project, and now we are at a stage where we wish to upload the project using heroku, so that we can have a central point as we further develop different parts of the project (apps and web pages that consume the data from the database.)
We managed to upload the project to heroku, and some of the pages are working, but we can't access the database, it returns "500 - internal server error" everytime we try to access data from the MongoDB.
After some research we could only find that it's best to use MongoLAB to store the data in a cloud based datacenter, but we can't seem to find ways to connect our project with MongoLab without the use of mongoose, which we didn't install to the project.
My question is: is there a way to connect our NodeJS project to MongoLab using only the original MongoDB npm module, without having to install and use mongoose? We are at a stage that refactoring our DB-access classes, and implement mongoose, would cause our project's deadline to be delayed.
Thank you for your time.

You can definitely use mongoDB with mLab(previously mongoLab), without using mongoose.
var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
MongoClient.connect('mongodb://ID:PASSWORD!', function(err, db) {
console.log("Connected correctly to server.");


Can't authenticate to local MongoDB database

I recently started working on a project with Express and since I'm using Node.js as backend I chose MongoDB as my database. It's my first time working with Mongo but I can't authenticate with Express, it works fine from terminal. I followed the guide from MogoDB blog here. I tried using their Atlas service where I had no problem authenticating. I'm using MongoDB driver. Here's how my connection URI looks like:
const uri = `mongodb://${username}:${password}#`;
I tried changing mongodb:// to mongodb+srv:// but that resulted in invalid connection string error.
You need to specify the authentication database, usually admin:
const uri = `mongodb://${username}:${password}#`;
If you don't specify it then in your case MonogDB defaults the authentication database to cloud - which is most likely wrong.
When you are accessing mongodb on the web you can click on connect and on connect your application. You will show the uri to copy paste starting with
You forgot to specify the CLUSTER. Currently is your local Database

Incomplete response received from application in Node Js and Mongoose

I installed my api rest in my hosting using cPanel. The routes work perfect and the db is connected. The problem is when I need to use any mongoose method, i.e. model.find({}), the response is
Incomplete response received from application
For other routes, that don't return any data from the DB, works perfect, using json format.
You cannot run MongoDB on shared hosting. Please refer to this thread..
You can use free cloud service like Heroku or more sophisticated ones like AWS or Azure. If shared hosting deployment is a must, then an option is use external MongoDB instance. Easiest way to get MongoDB instance is using MongoDB Atlas. There is a free sandbox for development purpose.
To create an instance, follow these steps:
Go to, and login/create account
Click 'build a cluster'. Set it as tier-0 for free instance.
Once the cluster is created, click on connect, then choose 'connect your application'
Copy the mongoDB URI and paste it to your code containing something like mongoose.connect(mongoDBAtlasURIhere, { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true})
Example of complete tutorial for Node JS:
Hope this helps.

node express postgres - why and how to connect to database using pg module?

I am super new to node express and postgres and wondering the following:
const pg=require('pg').native
const client=new pg.Clirnt('postgres ...')
what is const?
pg is used to create a client to connect to the Postgres database-correct?
If so
var db = new Sequelize('postgres://localhost:5432/mydb')
would work too or would I just have created a database without connecting it?
Why exactly do I need to connect at all-to do what?
Thanks a lot!
const is constant in javascript which was introduced in ES6 specification.
node-postgres is a client for PostgreSQL.
Sequelize is using node-postgres for working with PostgreSQL database, so yes, in the nutshell, it will act like node-postgres.
Imagine the warehouse, that's your database, where you have different shelves, that's your tables, to take or put different items into warehouse you need workers that will do your instructions like - INSERT someitem INTO items_shelf;. So worker is the client like Sequelize or node-postgres. The important part, warehouse should be open, otherwise, workers couldn't access to it, so your database should be turned on.
Hope I'm explained understandable enough.
what is const?
TLDR; variables that can't be re-assigned. scoped the same way as var. Part of es6.
pg is used to create a client to connect to the postgres database?
yes, note you need to do npm install --save pg as well as npm install --save sequelize. the save flag adds the packages to the package.json file for your convenience.
would I just have created a database without connecting it?
That bit of code should instantiate a connector - you haven't modified the database, and you also don't really know if the connection works yet.
why exactly do I need to connect at all?
The pg library looks to use a connection pool; this means you set it up once, and then you use it repeatedly as desired and it handles the connections for you. You connect now so you can run queries against the database later.
This snippet of code connects to a postgres instance running locally on my machine, and tests that it can connect - per the docs
const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
var sequelize = new Sequelize('postgres://localhost:5432/postgres');
sequelize.authenticate().then(() => {
}).catch((e) => {
console.log('nooo', e);

Link mongoDB instance database to meteor local

I've recently setup an ec-2 instance to deploy a meteor application on AWS. My app works correctly with mongoDB database.
Now I want to connect my meteor project's database to the EC2 database and then I've tried some command lines :
start my meteor project with a new mongo url with the following command line : "MONGO_URL="mongodb://" meteor" but it returns the following screen
connect to mongo with the other following command line :
"meteor mongo --url" but it returns a timeout. I thought it was due to the lack of username and password however when I add this option meteor does not assume the command.
connect to mongo in my js collection file with
"export const Tasks = mongoose.connect("mongodb://").connection;" but it returns "Error: connect ECONNREFUSED" (second screen)
Is there any tips to manage to establish database connection from local meteor ?
Thank you for answer,
If the database and the Meteor processes are in the same machine, you can call it from "localhost".
If you really want to use the IP + Port approach, you have to ensure that it's accessible from the EC2 Security Groups you're using.
The same applies for connecting manually in Mongoose but you should't be using Mongoose with Meteor, it has it's own way of handling collections. If you need something more powerful, or a way to extend it yourself checkout the Meteor Simple Schema project.

How to work with node.js and mongoDB

I read :
How do I manage MongoDB connections in a Node.js web application?
How can I set up MongoDB on a Node.js server using node-mongodb-native in an EC2 environment?
And I am really confused. How I should work with mongoDB from node.js? I’m a rookie, and my question may look stupid.
var db = new db.MongoClient(new db.Server('localhost', 27017));, dataBase) {
//all code here?
Or every time when I needing something from db I need call:
MongoClient.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/myDB", function(err, dataBase) {
//all code here
What is the difference betwen open and connect? I read in the manual that open: Initialize and second connect. But what exactly does that mean? I assume that both do the same, but in the other way, so when should I use one instead the other?
I also wanna ask it's normal that mongoClient needing 4 socket? I running two myWEbServer at the same time, here’s picture:
I wanna mention that this isn't a problem ( rather doubt :D), my server works perfect. I ask because I wanna know if I am using mongoDB driver correctly.
Now/Actually I use first option,init mongo dirver at the beginning and inside load put all code.
I'd recommend trying the MongoDB tutorial they offer. I was in the same boat, but this breaks it down nicely. In addition, there's this article on github that explains the basics of DB connection.
In short, it does look like you're doing it right.
MongoClient.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/myDB", function(err, dataBase) {
//all code here
var collection = dataBase.collection('users');
var document1 = {'name':'John Doe'};
collection.insert(document1, {w:1}, function(err,result){
You still can sign up for a free course M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers, provided by MongoDB guys
Here is short description:
This course will go over basic installation, JSON, schema design,
querying, insertion of data, indexing and working with language
drivers. In the course, you will build a blogging platform, backed by
MongoDB. Our code examples will be in Node.js.
I had same question. I couldn't find any proper answer from mongo documentation.
All document say is to prefer new db connection and then use open (rather than using connect() )
