Displaying the relative path of the currently edited file in Vim's statusline? - vim

:help statusline claims %f will render as:
Path to the file in the buffer, as typed or relative to current directory.
When I set statusline=%f, the path in the statusline is sometimes relative, but often absolute.
Is there a way to make sure the path displayed is always relative?

There may be a better way, but you could try this:
set stl+=%{expand('%:~:.')}
The expression inside %{} should be evaluated and added to your statusline. Here the expression is:
... which expands the name of the current file, but prevents the expansion of the tilde (:~), and makes the path relative to the current working directory (:.).

Just below the explanation of %f, you will find explanation of F. Using %F instead of %f will give you the desired display.
item meaning ~
f S Path to the file in the buffer, as typed or relative to current
F S Full path to the file in the buffer.

you can type :!echo % to view path in shell
and :pwd shows the current working directory of vim


Expand relative path wrt containing file

I am reading a config file, foo.yml with Vimscript. This file contains a parameter that is the relative path to a directory. This path is relative to the foo.yml file, not my current working directory.
I need to expand this relative path to an absolute path.
I have tried using fnamemodify(path, ':p') and expand(path) without luck. I think these functions seem to get confused because from the current working directory the relative path is invalid. So it keeps the path as is.
Is there a way to make Vim use the foo.yml as the point-of-reference when resolving relative paths? Or any other function that can do the same?
Thanks for your help.
In order to expand relative to the file's directory, it's easiest to temporarily :cd into that directory. Here's some sample code that does this for the current file (%); you have to adapt this to work with a passed filespec.
if expand('%:h') !=# '.'
" Need to change into the file's directory first to get glob results
" relative to the file.
let l:save_cwd = getcwd()
let l:chdirCommand = (haslocaldir() ? 'lchdir!' : 'chdir!')
execute l:chdirCommand '%:p:h'
" Get the full path to a:filespec, relative to the current file's directory.
let l:absoluteFilespec = fnamemodify(a:filespec, ':p')
if exists('l:save_cwd')
execute l:chdirCommand fnameescape(l:save_cwd)
How about
:let dir = expand('%:p:h')
:let absolute_path = dir . '/' . path
You will have to work harder if you want it to work on Windows, too.
:help expand()
:help filename-modifiers
:help file-functions

Find command in vim gets incomplete path

In vim when I'm using :find to open another file, it misses the first component of the relative path.
For example, if I'm looking for a file that's in:
I'll type
:find **/file.txt
It finds the file but then tries to open
It works correctly if I type
But I'm lazy and don't want to type that much. Is there some config I'm missing that will correctly locate and open this path?
My Solution
I simply appended the main source code dir to my path
exec "set path^=src/**"
Is your 'path' set? That (IMO) is a pretty handy way to keep from even typing the **/ bit.
In my setup, there's an environment variable that defines which project I'm currently in so I use that and construct a path with that as the root. In a nutshell:
let s:rootdir = $PROJECT_DIR
let s:path = 'src/**;' . s:rootdir . ',scripts/**;' . s:rootdir
execute "set path=" . s:path
Then I can just :find a_file.txt and it searches my src hierarchy then my scripts hierarchy for the file.

Getting relative paths in Vim

Say I am running Vim and pwd returns
And say I am currently editing the file
Is there any command that returns this for me?
That is, the path of the file relative to the current folder.
Although expand('%') often works, there are rare occasions where it does not. But you can force Vim to always present the relative path by calling fnamemodify:
:echo fnamemodify(expand("%"), ":~:.")
From the manual:
:. Reduce file name to be relative to current directory, if
possible. File name is unmodified if it is not below the
current directory.
For maximum shortness, use ":~:.".
The :~ is optional. It will reduce the path relative to your home folder if possible (~/...). (Unfortunately that only works on your home; it won't turn /home/fred into ~fred if you aren't logged in as fred.)
As Adam pointed out the comments, this can be shortened to:
:echo expand("%:~:.")
Reference: :h expand<Tab> and :h fnamem<Tab>
If you are limited for space (e.g. using this in your statusline), and can manage with "fuzzy" information about where the file is located, then check out pathshorten() which compresses folder names down to one character:
:echo pathshorten('~/.vim/autoload/myfile.vim')
Reference: :h pathsh<Tab>
Another option would be to write a vim function. Here's my humble attempt:
function! Relpath(filename)
let cwd = getcwd()
let s = substitute(a:filename, l:cwd . "/" , "", "")
return s
You call Relpath with any full path name, and it will strip the current directory name from its argument.
For example, try :echo Relpath(expand("%:p")) (the :p modifier asks Vim to return the full path). Obviously, this is not necessary in your case, since % by itself returns relative path. However, it might come in handy in other cases.
This works for me :
:echo expand("%")
if you use autocmd to always set the current directory of the buffer that you are working on ( cd %:p:h ) then you can just type :cd
This works for me :
:echo expand("%")
This is only working if you opened that file with a relative file:
for vi ./foo, expand("%") will be ./foo
for vi /tmp/foo expand("%") will be /tmp/foo
Yes, you can use
This will give you the filename of the current file, for informational purposes.
A workaround can be :cd . which seems to re-evaluate the path relative-ness. I agree this is very annoying though.

How to source all vim files in directory

I have split my .vimrc into several files and placed them into ~/vimfiles/vimrc.d/.
Currently I source each file in that directory using exact name:
source ~/vimfiles/vimrc.d/file1.vim
source ~/vimfiles/vimrc.d/file2.vim
How to make a loop thourgh all files in that directory so i could only have to do such loop in my .vimrc:
for file in ~/vimfiles/vimrc.d/*.vim
source file
As mb14 has already said, if you put them in ~/.vim/plugin they will be sourced automatically. For information, however, if you want to source all of the files in your vimrc.d directory, you could do this (requires a relatively recent Vim):
for f in split(glob('~/vimfiles/vimrc.d/*.vim'), '\n')
exe 'source' f
You may also be interested in the autoload mechanism, described in :help 41.15: if you're defining a lot of functions, this can make start-up a bit quicker as the functions are only loaded the first time they're used.
You can just put your files in the plugins directory (~/.vim/plugin). They will be automatically loaded.
mb14 gave you the best answer. You want something automatically executed? Then use the standard organization: here the plugin/ subdirectory.
Otherwise, :runtime would have been your friend:
:runtime! vimrc.d/*.vim
:source barks when its parameter doesn't exist while :runtime silently source nothing.
:source can source only one file while :runtime! can source any number of files.
:source takes an absolute pathname, or a pathname relative to the current directory while :runtime takes a pathname relative to the 'runtimepath' option, which shouldn't be a problem as long as you respect vim conventions.
The example from DrAl did not work for me, this is how I achieved it:
for fpath in split(globpath('~/.vimrc.d/', '*.vim'), '\n')
exe 'source' fpath
The following snip is what I use within my ~/.vimrc file to source scripts within the ~/.vimrc.d/ directory and sub-directories...
for f in glob('$HOME/.vimrc.d/**/*.vim', 0, 1)
execute 'source' f
Check vim -c ':help glob' for details about additional glob arguments.
glob({expr} [, {nosuf} [, {list} [, {alllinks}]]]) *glob()*
{nosuf} set to False allows 'suffixes' and 'wildignore' options to apply
{list} set to True causes glob to return a list that respects new-lines within file names

Vim problem with gf command

I am using Vim and I have set the path (set path+= c:/work/etc/etc) to my project directory (for C#), but still using command 'gf' give me error:
E:447 Can't find file.
Is there anything I am doing wrong over here?
To get a bit more detail on your current path settings you can see what's being included and the files vim can't find by entering the command:
and you'll get a dump of the files not found, e.g.
--- Included files not found in path ---
vim.h -->
Or you can get a listing of all included files, both found and not found, by entering
:help path
to get more info on the path syntax.
Edit: Don't forget that using the syntax
set path=/work
will completely reset your path variable to what you've just declared. I'd suggest using
set path+=/work
instead. This won't clobber the current path and will just add your /work directory instead.
I also found out that
:set path+=./foo/bar
adds a search location relative to the directory of the current file, just like '.' does.
My vim didn't want to search for such include
#include <common/util/string.h>
So what I needed to do was
:set path+=foo/bar
instead of
:set path+=./foo/bar
The former adds a search path relative to current working directory. Hopefully it helps someone.
First can you open the file using :find file.name ? (:help find for more info). If this does not work then your path is wrong. If :find does locate your file then do the following:
Insure that you are not in Visual/Insert mode
Place cursor on the first letter of the filename and press gf
I know this is an old question, but I also had some troubles with this for another reason and it took me some time to find out why. I hope this might be helpful to someone.
When a directory is matched with wildignore, gf does not work for files in it, nor does :find.
This is obvious if you read wildignore's documentation, but I forgot I ever changed this variable, and what it was for exactly. Also I used a glob, and it was not immediately apparent to me that the directory I was using gf in, was also matched with this glob.
Make sure there is no leading character to the file name if you press gf, i.e. using gf when the cursor is on help.txt will not work here:
If you are talking about the gf tool wri††en by tomnomnom then here's how to set-up:
Setting PATH for GO (if you have not setup yet).
export GOROOT=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin
Step 1: Download tool from github
Step 2: cp -r path/to/tomnomnom/gf/examples ~/.gf
Step 3: source ~/tools/gf/gf-completion.bash
Now gf should work along with auto-completion from anywhere.
Source: Original sources are present at his repo.
