Etabs API using VBA - release

I don't know why I cannot assign the stiffness value when I am using the code from Etabs API documentation.
Sub Main()
'if the above flag is set to True, specify the path to ETABS below
Dim ProgramPath As String
''set it to the desired path of your model
Dim ModelDirectory As String
ModelDirectory = "C:\CSi_ETABS_API_Example"
If Len(Dir(ModelDirectory, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
MkDir ModelDirectory
End If
Dim ModelName As String
ModelName = "ETABS_API_Example.edb"
Dim ModelPath As String
ModelPath = ModelDirectory & Application.PathSeparator & ModelName
'create API helper object
Dim myHelper As cHelper
Set myHelper = New Helper
''dimension the ETABS Object as cOAPI type
Dim myETABSObject As cOAPI
Set myETABSObject = Nothing
''use ret to check return values of API calls
Dim ret As Long
On Error Resume Next
''get the active ETABS object
Set myETABSObject = GetObject(, "CSI.ETABS.API.ETABSObject")
If myETABSObject Is Nothing Then
If ProgramPath <> "" Then
''create an instance of the ETABS object from the specified path
Set myETABSObject = myHelper.CreateObject(ProgramPath)
''create an instance of the ETABS object from the latest installed ETABS
Set myETABSObject = myHelper.CreateObjectProgID("CSI.ETABS.API.ETABSObject")
End If
''start ETABS application
End If
''get a reference to cSapModel to access all OAPI classes and functions
Dim mySapModel As ETABS2016.cSapModel
Set mySapModel = myETABSObject.SapModel
''initialize model
ret = ret + mySapModel.InitializeNewModel()
''create steel deck template model
ret = ret + mySapModel.File.NewSteelDeck(1, 12, 12, 2, 2, 8, 8)
''Set release
Dim ii() As Boolean
Dim jj() As Boolean
Dim StartValue() As Double
Dim EndValue() As Double
ReDim ii(5)
ReDim jj(5)
ReDim StartValue(5)
ReDim EndValue(5)
ii(5) = True
jj(5) = True
StartValue(5) = 10000#
EndValue(5) = 10000#
ret = mySapModel.FrameObj.SetReleases("5", ii, jj, StartValue, EndValue)
''clean up variables
mySapModel = Nothing
myETABSObject = Nothing
End Sub
enter image description here
The code can set the release but it cannot assign the value.
Is there any way to fix it.
Thanks for any helps.

I guess the problem is in the assignment of ii, jj, StartValue and EndValue.
It would need to take a longer code to assign every value to these arrays. Something like that
Dim StartValue(5) As Double, EndValue(5) As Double
Dim ii(5) As Boolean, jj(5) As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
'<If you need to make the 2 points released at M33 only>
'First: the DOFs with no release
For i = 0 To 4
StartValue(i) = 1
EndValue(i) = 1
ii(i) = False
jj(i) = False
Next i
'Second: the DOFs that have release
StartValue(5) = 0
EndValue(5) = 0
ii(5) = True
jj(5) = True
P.S. No need to use the form ret = ret + Some_method, ret = Some_method would be enough to just make your method works.
Partial fixity (I guess this is what you mean by stiffness) is a value within range between 0 and 1, to assign a value to M33's partial fixity, just assign the values you want to StartValue(5) and EndValue(5).


OPC DA Client - Unable to assign item.Value to VBA variable

Below is an OPC Client written in VBA. It is using the OPC Foundation DA libraries. I am able to get the current value of the item (I can read it in locals window), but it is not assigning the value to myValue = theItem.Value Hovering over theItem.Value during a break shows the value as well.
Any thoughts?
Public Sub ReadValue()
Dim serverNames As Variant
Dim listServers As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim theStates As Variant
Set theServer = New OPCServer
serverNames = theServer.GetOPCServers
theStates = Array("Disconnected", "Running", "Failed", "No Configuration", "Suspended", "In Test")
For i = LBound(serverNames) To UBound(serverNames)
Debug.Print (serverNames(i))
Next i
theServer.Connect ("MyOPCServer")
Debug.Print theServer.VendorInfo
Debug.Print theServer.MajorVersion & "." & theServer.MinorVersion
Debug.Print theStates(theServer.ServerState)
Debug.Print theServer.StartTime
Debug.Print theServer.CurrentTime
Debug.Print theServer.LastUpdateTime
Dim theGroup As OPCGroup
Dim theGroups As OPCGroups
If theGroups Is Nothing Then
Set theGroups = theServer.OPCGroups
End If
If theGroup Is Nothing Then
Set theGroup = theGroups.Add("testing")
txtName =
End If
theGroup.UpdateRate = CLng(1000)
theGroup.DeadBand = CLng(1)
theGroup.TimeBias = CLng(0)
theGroup.IsActive = CBool(1)
theGroup.IsSubscribed = CBool(1)
Dim theItem As OPCItem
Dim theItem1 As OPCItem
Dim myItems As Variant
Dim myValue As Variant
Dim myWriteValues As Variant
Dim handles(1) As Long
Dim Errors() As Long
Dim CancelID As Long
Dim TransID As Long
myItems = Array("MyPathBlahBlahBlah.CV")
myWriteValues = Array(8, 0, 1)
For i = LBound(myItems) To UBound(myItems)
Set theItem = theGroup.OPCItems.AddItem(myItems(i), currentHandle)
myValue = theItem.Value
handles(1) = theGroup.OPCItems.Item(1).ServerHandle
theGroup.OPCItems.Remove 1, handles, Errors
Next i
End Sub
After review/trouble shooting.
The OPCItem object provides methods to read the current value of the item in the server and write a new value to the item. I have included these facilities into this dialog. The read method provided on an OPCItem object performs a synchronous read from the server and can be configured to read either from cache or from the device. To read from cache both the group and item should be active, but synchronous read operations directly from the device do not depend on the active state of either the group or item.
Adding the following code allowed me to assign to variable.
Dim source As OPCDataSource
Dim myValue As Variant
source = OPCDevice
theItem.Read source, myValue

Run time Error 91 with HTML documents in excel VBA [duplicate]

I have the following code:
Sub AddSources()
Dim pubPage As Page
Dim pubShape As Shape
Dim hprlink As Hyperlink
Dim origAddress() As String
Dim exportFileName As String
exportFileName = "TestResume"
Dim linkSource As String
linkSource = "TestSource2"
Dim hyperLinkText As TextRange
For Each pubPage In ActiveDocument.Pages
For Each pubShape In pubPage.Shapes
If pubShape.Type = pbTextFrame Then
For Each hprlink In pubShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Hyperlinks
If InStr(hprlink.Address, "") > 0 Then
hyperLinkText = hprlink.Range
origAddress = Split(hprlink.Address, "?source=")
hprlink.Address = origAddress(0) + "?source=" + linkSource
hprlink.Range = hyperLinkText
End If
Next hprlink
End If
Next pubShape
Next pubPage
ThisDocument.ExportAsFixedFormat pbFixedFormatTypePDF, "C:\" + exportFileName + ".pdf"
End Sub
I am getting the "Object variable or With block variable not set (Error 91)" error on the line with hyperLinkText = hprlink.Range. When I debug I can see that hprlink.Range does have a value. Any thoughts what I'm doing wrong?
As I wrote in my comment, the solution to your problem is to write the following:
Set hyperLinkText = hprlink.Range
Set is needed because TextRange is a class, so hyperLinkText is an object; as such, if you want to assign it, you need to make it point to the actual object that you need.

Not able to get out of the loop after getfirstitem in lotus script

Sub Initialize
On Error GoTo ErrorOut
Dim sess As NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim doc, searchDoc, reqNumDoc As NotesDocument
Dim body As NotesMIMEEntity
Dim header As NotesMIMEHeader
Dim stream As NotesStream
Dim vwSearchRequests As NotesView
Dim reqNum, totalNotify, totalAccepted, totalRejected, totalOOO, totalNoRes As Integer
Dim reqSer, reqJRSS, reqSPOC, reqNumStr As String
Dim reqDate As String
Dim reqNumColl As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim reqPanelRes As NotesItem
Dim reqPanelResValue As Variant
Set sess = New NotesSession
Set db = sess.CurrentDatabase
Set vwSearchRequests = db.GetView("RequestDocReport")
vwSearchRequests.Autoupdate = False
Set searchDoc = vwSearchRequests.GetFirstDocument
While Not searchDoc Is Nothing
reqSer = "Service"
reqJRSS = searchDoc.PS_JRSS(0)
reqSPOC = "Hiring SPOC"
totalAccepted = 0
totalRejected = 0
totalOOO = 0
totalNoRes = 0
totalNotify = 0
reqNum = searchDoc.PS_RequestNo(0)
reqNumStr = {PS_RequestNo = "} & reqNum & {"}
Set reqNumColl = vwSearchRequests.GetAllDocumentsByKey(reqNumStr)
Set reqNumDoc = reqNumColl.GetFirstDocument
While Not reqNumColl Is Nothing
If Not reqNumDoc.GetFirstItem("PanelResponse") Is Nothing Then
reqPanelResValue = reqNumDoc.GetItemValue("PanelResponse")
MsgBox CStr(reqPanelResValue(0))
'Exit Sub
If CStr(reqPanelResValue(0)) = "Accepted" Then
totalAccepted = totalAccepted + 1
End If
If CStr(reqPanelResValue(0)) = "Rejected" Then
totalRejected = totalRejected + 1
End If
If CStr(reqPanelResValue(0)) = "OOO" Then
totalOOO = totalOOO + 1
End If
If CStr(reqPanelResValue(0)) = "" Then
totalNoRes = totalNoRes + 1
End If
End If
totalNotify = totalNotify + 1
Set reqNumDoc = reqNumColl.GetNextDocument(reqNumDoc)
what is the error in code? The code is getting stuck after
If Not reqNumDoc.GetFirstItem("PanelResponse") Is Nothing Then
reqPanelResValue = reqNumDoc.GetItemValue("PanelResponse")
Instead of line
While Not reqNumColl Is Nothing
While Not reqNumDoc Is Nothing
You got an infinitive loop because the collection reqNumColl is not nothing all the time even when you reached the last document in collection. Instead you have to test the document reqNumDoc.
Another issue might be your code for collection calculation:
reqNumStr = {PS_RequestNo = "} & reqNum & {"}
Set reqNumColl = vwSearchRequests.GetAllDocumentsByKey(reqNumStr)
The way you coded it the first sorted column in view should contain
PS_RequestNo = "12345"
Probably, your view contains in first sorted column just the request number. If so, your code would be just:
Set reqNumColl = vwSearchRequests.GetAllDocumentsByKey(reqNum)
if column contains a numeric value or
Set reqNumColl = vwSearchRequests.GetAllDocumentsByKey(cStr(reqNum))
if it contains a string.
Apart from any other problems you might have in your code (and #Knut is correct about the cause of your infinite loop), this is not a good pattern:
If Not reqNumDoc.GetFirstItem("PanelResponse") Is Nothing Then
reqPanelResValue = reqNumDoc.GetItemValue("PanelResponse")
You're retrieving the item twice when you don't actually have to.
This woould be much better:
If reqNumDoc.HasItem"PanelResponse") Then
reqPanelResValue = reqNumDoc.GetItemValue("PanelResponse")

Extracting a Specific Variable from a Class Module in VBA to a Standard Module

The following code is from Bloomberg. It is designed to extract bulk data from their servers. The code works, but I am trying to extract a specific variable generated in the class module and bring it to the Regular Module for user defined functions. Thanks for the help.
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents session As blpapicomLib2.session
Dim refdataservice As blpapicomLib2.Service
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set session = New blpapicomLib2.session
session.QueueEvents = True
session.OpenService ("//blp/refdata")
Set refdataservice = session.GetService("//blp/refdata")
End Sub
Public Sub MakeRequest(sSecList As String)
Dim sFldList As Variant
Dim req As Request
Dim nRow As Long
Set req = refdataservice.CreateRequest("ReferenceDataRequest") 'request type
req.GetElement("securities").AppendValue (sSecList) 'security + field as string array
req.GetElement("fields").AppendValue (sFldList) 'field as string var
Dim cid As blpapicomLib2.CorrelationId
Set cid = session.SendRequest(req)
End Sub
Public Sub session_ProcessEvent(ByVal obj As Object)
Dim eventObj As blpapicomLib2.Event
Set eventObj = obj
If Application.Ready Then
If eventObj.EventType = PARTIAL_RESPONSE Or eventObj.EventType = RESPONSE Then
Dim it As blpapicomLib2.MessageIterator
Set it = eventObj.CreateMessageIterator()
Do While it.Next()
Dim msg As Message
Set msg = it.Message
Dim Security As Element
Set Security = msg.GetElement("securityData").GetValue(0)
Sheet1.Cells(4, 4).Value = Security.GetElement("security").Value
Dim fieldArray As Element
Set fieldArray = Security.GetElement("fieldData")
Dim field As blpapicomLib2.Element
Set field = fieldArray.GetElement(0)
If field.DataType = 15 Then
Dim numBulkValues As Long
numBulkValues = field.NumValues '76
Dim index As Long
For index = 0 To numBulkValues - 1
Dim bulkElement As blpapicomLib2.Element
Set bulkElement = field.GetValue(index)
Dim numBulkElements As Integer
numBulkElements = bulkElement.NumElements '2 elements per each pt
ReDim Call_Sch(0 To numBulkValues - 1, 0 To numBulkElements - 1) As Variant
Dim ind2 As Long
For ind2 = 0 To numBulkElements - 1
Dim elem As blpapicomLib2.Element
Set elem = bulkElement.GetElement(ind2)
Sheet1.Cells(index + 4, ind2 + 5) = elem.Value
Next ind2
Next index
Sheet1.Cells(index + 4, ind2 + 5).Value = field.Value
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
The variable i am trying to get, specifically, is the Call_Sch. I want a function in the main module to recognize the variable. Thanks again.
It isn't necessary to declare a variable before using ReDim on it; ReDim can declare a variable. However, if you added:
Public Call_Sch() as Variant ' Insert correct data type here
then you would be able to refer to it via:

Application-defined or object-defined error in Excel VBA

I'm getting said error in using VBA in Excel on the following code:
Private Sub XMLGen(mapRangeA, mapRangeB, ticketSize, mapping)
Dim fieldOneArr As Variant
Dim fieldTwoArr As Variant
Dim row As Long
Dim column As Long
Dim infoCol As Long
Dim endInfo As Long
Dim objDom As DOMDocument
Dim objNode As IXMLDOMNode
Dim objXMLRootelement As IXMLDOMElement
Dim objXMLelement As IXMLDOMElement
Dim objXMLattr As IXMLDOMAttribute
Set ws = Worksheets("StockData")
Dim wsName As String
Set objDom = New DOMDocument
If ticketSize = 8 Then
wsName = "A7Tickets"
ElseIf ticketSize = 16 Then
wsName = "A8Tickets"
wsName = "A5Tickets"
End If
Set ps = Worksheets(wsName)
'create processing instruction
Set objNode = objDom.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'")
objDom.appendChild objNode
'create root element
Set objXMLRootelement = objDom.createElement("fields")
objDom.appendChild objXMLRootelement
'create Attribute to the Field Element and set value
Set objXMLattr = objDom.createAttribute("xmlns:xfdf")
objXMLattr.NodeValue = ""
objXMLRootelement.setAttributeNode objXMLattr
infoCol = 1
fieldOneArr = Worksheets(mapping).range(mapRangeA)
fieldTwoArr = Worksheets(mapping).range(mapRangeB)
For row = 1 To UBound(fieldOneArr, 1)
For column = 1 To UBound(fieldOneArr, 2)
'create Heading element
Set objXMLelement = objDom.createElement(fieldOneArr(row, column))
objXMLRootelement.appendChild objXMLelement
'create Attribute to the Heading Element and set value
Set objXMLattr = objDom.createAttribute("xfdf:original")
objXMLattr.NodeValue = (fieldTwoArr(row, column))
objXMLelement.setAttributeNode objXMLattr
objXMLelement.Text = ps.Cells(row, infoCol)
infoCol = infoCol + 1
endInfo = endInfo + 1
If endInfo = 4 Then
infoCol = 1
End If
Next column
Next row
'save XML data to a file
If ticketSize = 2 Then
objDom.Save ("C:\ExportTestA5.xml")
MsgBox "A5 XML created"
ElseIf ticketSize = 8 Then
objDom.Save ("C:\ExportTestA7.xml")
MsgBox "A7 XML created"
objDom.Save ("C:\ExportTestA8.xml")
MsgBox "A8 XML created"
End If
End Sub
When I hit debug it points to this line:
fieldOneArr = Worksheets(mapping).range(mapRangeA)
I know that .Range is supposed to be upper case but it keeps on setting it to lower case automatically whenever I correct it.
This code is meant to create an XML file and then write the details from the chosen worksheet (based on the ticketSize variable) into the correct XML fields. Hence I have a mapping worksheet from which I write the field and attribute names, and then write in the info from the correct ticket size worksheet into the text property of the element.
You should define the types of your function parameters, in this case mapRangeA As String. Office object methods and properties are often not very helpful with their error messages, so it's better to have a type mismatch error if you have a problem with a parameter.
