finding the name of git branch from remote server - linux

i am trying to find the name of git branch on remote server using a shell script. I put the following command in a script under the bin directory.
git symbolic-ref --short HEAD
When I execute the script using ssh from another machine
ssh -i keyfile.pem user#ipaddress 'bash -s' /path/to/the/script
I get an error
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
Not sure where I am doing wrong. Any help would be appreciated.

Your call to git is using the wrong working directory (likely your home directory).
In your script, either cd to the path containing the git directory or specify the -C option with git:
git -C /path/to/git/checkout symbolic-ref --short HEAD
The -C option allows you to overwrite the working directory:
-C <path>
Run as if git was started in <path> instead of the current working directory. When
multiple -C options are given, each subsequent non-absolute -C <path> is interpreted
relative to the preceding -C <path>.


Bash script triggered remotely via ssh not working properly

I have a script on a remote machine which contains a for loop as below:
#!/bin/bash -eux
# execute in each component
for f in workspace/**/**/ ; do
echo $f
echo $REPO
git -C ./$REPO checkout master
git -C ./$REPO pull origin master
This script is finding all the repos with a file inside, pulls the latest changes and build them.
This works fine when I execute the scrript on the machine but when I try to trigger this script remotely the for loop just runs once, and I see that it returns a repo which actually doesn't have at all:
$ ssh devops "~/"
+ for f in workspace/**/**/
+ echo 'workspace/**/**/'
+ REPO='workspace/**/**/'
+ echo workspace/core/auth/
+ git -C ./workspace/core/auth/ checkout master
Already on 'master'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
+ git -C ./workspace/core/auth/ pull origin master
* branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
Already up to date.
+ 'workspace/**/**/'
/home/devops/ line 10: workspace/**/**/ No such file or directory
I tried to make a one-liner of the for loop and use ssh and that also didn't work. How can I solve this problem?
You need to enable globbing on the remote machine. Add this to the beginning of your script:
shopt -s globstar
Also see this thread

rsyncing git project folder

I need to rsync a git project folder and I'm using the follow rsync flags -r -a -v -u -W but when I run git status on the destination folder it does not match with git status on the source (I get modified/deleted files that were not actually touched).
Why is this happening? And how to make it work as intended?
From rsync manual:
-u, --update skip files that are newer on the receiver
So it may skip files...
Use git
Anyway, there is no need for rsync when you have the source dir versioned.
Clone the folder
cd /my/destination
git clone /my/source/repo
Sync the folder
cd /my/destination/repo
git fetch
The usual rsync command I use is
rsync --archive --delete --verbose src-dir/ dst-dir/
This makes dst-dir an exact mirror of src-dir. This will pick up everything, including your .git subdir and untracked files.

git alias not receiving parameters

I've been trying to create a new alias that send files to staging area, and at the same time it commit with a message.
I've tried this:
git config --global alias.stagecomm '!git add -A && git commit -m $1'
When I try to run:
git stagecomm "Commit"
It says that it didn't match any files known to git.
Try with a sh: edit your git config --global --edit and type:
!sh -c 'git add -A && git commit -m $1'
Another option: define a script (even on Windows) without extension, called git-stagecomm
In it, put your commands:
git add -A
git commit -m $1
If that script is in your path, you will be able to call it with git stagecomm "mymessage"
Any script called git-xxx will be executed by the git bash, as git xxx.
No alias needed there.
That being said, you could also type (without alias)
git commit -am "My message"
See git commit man page.
Tell the command to automatically stage files that have been modified and deleted, but new files you have not told Git about are not affected.
That would not take new files though.

How can I copy file from local server to remote with creating directories which absent via SSH?

I can copy file via SSH by using SCP like this:
cd /root/dir1/dir2/
scp filename root#$PWD/
But if on remote server some directories are absent, in example remote server has only /root/ and havn't dir1 and dir2, then I can't do it and I get an error.
How can I do this - to copy file with creating directories which absent via SSH, and how to make it the easiest way?
The easiest way mean that I can get current path only by $PWD, i.e. script must be light moveable without any changes.
This command will do it:
rsync -ahHv --rsync-path="mkdir -p $PWD && rsync" filename -e "ssh -v" root#"$PWD/"
I can make the same directories on the remote servers and copy file to it via SSH by using SCP like this:
cd /root/dir1/dir2/
ssh -n root# "mkdir -p '$PWD'"
scp -p filename root#$PWD/

Script for root to git pull as another user

I have a script that I would like to have do a git pull inside another user's git directory. This script is run by the root user. For example:
cd /home/username/GitProject
sudo -u username -i git pull
When I run this, I get:
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
Is there a way to have my script do a git pull as username?
Try without the -i option to sudo. That option is documented as first changing to the target user's home directory, which undoes the directory change you so carefully do before that. Alternatively, use the appropriate options to git to specify the directory, something like this:
sudo -u username -i git --git-dir=/home/username/GitProject/.git --work-tree=/home/username/GitProject pull
This can be done without sudo. This assumes you have password-less ssh keys since you are talking about a script. Here's the failure:
# git clone <user>#<host>:/path/to/repo
Cloning into 'repo'...
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
This shows that ~ properly expands to the user's homedir:
# MYUSER=somebody
# su - $MYUSER -c "echo ~"
And here's the actual command used to clone into the home directory along with some extra proofs:
# su - $MYUSER -c "git clone <user>#<host>:/path/to/repo"
Cloning into 'repo'...
remote: Counting objects: 13, done.
# ls -l /home/$MYUSER/repo/.git/config
-rw-r--r-- 1 somebody somebody 275 Nov 8 23:55 /home/somebody/repo/.git/config
# su - $MYUSER -c "cd ~/repo; git remote -v"
origin <user>#<host>:/path/to/repo (fetch)
origin <user>#<host>:/path/to/repo (push)
# su - $MYUSER -c "cd ~/repo; git pull"
Already up-to-date.
