CodenameOne - Layered Layout import not working - layout

According to the docu of LayeredLayout here (JavaDoc), there is an inset method that can be used for relative positioning. I created a bare pones CN1 project and added this piece, also from the docu:
Container cnt = new Container(new LayeredLayout());
LayeredLayout ll = (LayeredLayout)cnt.getLayout();
TextField searchField = new TextField();
Button btn = new Button("Search");
.setInsets(searchField, "1mm auto auto auto")
.setInsets(btn, "0 auto auto 0")
.setReferenceComponentLeft(btn, searchField, 1f)
.setReferenceComponentTop(btn, searchField, 0);
However, I am getting an error that the setInset Method is not found. Looking at the source of LayeredLayout class reveals that it indeed does not have this method.
The method setInsets(TextField, String) is undefined for the type LayeredLayout
I just updated CN1 lib to the latest version as of today.
Any idea?

I suggest updating your plugin.
In Codename One Settings select Basic and click Update Client Libs.


Vaadin 10 Dialog emulating Vaadin 8 Window Caption

Using Vaadin Flow Java API I would like to emulate a Vaadin 8 Window feature: particularly I need to emulate Caption behaviour.
I mean a fixed top "Title" not scrollable as the real content of the Dialog. Anyone can tell me some Example I could learn from ?
Thanks in advance
This is the workaround I found.
public MainView() {
Button button = new Button("Click me",
event -> {
Dialog dialog = new Dialog();
HorizontalLayout horizontalLayout = new HorizontalLayout();
VerticalLayout verticalLayout = new VerticalLayout();
Div headerDiv = new Div();
Div bodyDiv = new Div();
bodyDiv.getElement().getStyle().set("overflow", "auto");
bodyDiv.getElement().getStyle().set("max-height", "420px"); // !!!
dialog.add(headerDiv, bodyDiv);
horizontalLayout.add(new Label("Hi there !"));
for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {
verticalLayout.add(new TextField("TextField_" + i));
The trouble is that I have to fix max-height size to avoid scrolling of all the contained components. So I cannot take advantage from the auto-size behaviour of the Dialog Container. Also tried using setFlexGrow, but I did not reach the solution.
Any Hint ?
In Vaadin 10+ there is no component called Window, but there is component called Dialog. It does not have Title like Window, but otherwise it has similar baseline. I.e. it is popup. Based on your question you have found already that.
Dialog itself is component container, which means you can add components there. I would just create e.g two Divs (the simplest of the layout components in Vaadin 10). I would style the first one to have fixed height and place the Title there. And then I would apply component.getElement().getStyle().set("overflow", "auto") to the other one, which is the actual content body. The mentioned style will enable the scrollable feature. You could potentially use VerticalLayout / HorizontalLayout instead of Div as well depending what you need.
See also:

Find object button In Xamarin IOS

I am new in IOS and using websync tech to sync data and keep update price button, but how can I find the object button in IOS? In Android it can use findbyId function, Isn't got any solution? I using this setValueForKey function but always get error.
Name: NSUnknownKeyException Reason: [<SA_IOS_MatchScreen 0x7fab255c4730> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key TG01.
I think you can use ViewWithTag! Just remember set tag value.
Then you can use tag to find your button.
I tried it and it works!
* Don't set tag = 0 because it's default value is 0;
UIButton btn1 = this.View.ViewWithTag(1) as UIButton;
btn1.Enabled = false;

Add ImageSet and Images for pages/grids

In Acumatica 5.1 is it possible to add new ImageSets and Images for buttons?
For example, in the custom application I'm working on I'd like to create a new image for a few of the buttons that show above the grids.
The documentation/information references ImageSets and ImageID's w/in the set but there isn't a reference on how to create new ones (if possible)
Thank you
I propose you to try the following within declaration of your button:
public PXAction<PMTask> SyncPMTaskWithJira;
[PXButton(CommitChanges = true,
ImageUrl = "",
DisabledImageUrl =
HoverImageUrl = "")]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Sync With Jira")]
protected void syncPMTaskWithJira()

Custom controls not visible in the View

Below is my code I used to create a custom UITextField in code behind.
UITextField usernameField;
usernameField = new UITextField
Placeholder = "Enter your username",
BorderStyle = UITextBorderStyle.RoundedRect,
Frame = new RectangleF(10, 32, 50, 30)
But when I run my app, I dont see this anywhere. Not only this control but all the controls that I create in code behind.
If I drag the controls from toolbox onto my View it's working very fine.
What might be the cause?
Make sure that Container View is not transparent so Alpha = 1 and set background colors for appropriate controlls. Because by default its set to ClearYou can use this method to easly set background and rounded corners like in older versions of iOS
public static void MakeViewRounded(UIView view,float cornerRadius, MonoTouch.CoreGraphics.CGColor backgroundColor)
view.Layer.CornerRadius = cornerRadius;
view.Layer.BackgroundColor = backgroundColor;
Also make sure that you adding your custom controll to ViewController/View

ContentPanel AutoSize gxt

I am implementing a user interface using gxt. I have mainForm class with TabPanel.
TabPanel has few TabItems. On orderManagmentTabItem I have a ContentPanel.
TabPanel mainFormTab = new TabPanel ();
TabItem orderManagmentTabItem = new TabItem("TabItem 1");
OrderManagmentTabPanel orderManagmentTabPanel = new OrderManagmentTabPanel(); //contentpanel
TabItem warehouseManagmentTabItem = new TabItem("TabItem 2");
So I want to set Autozise to orderManagmentTabPanel, but can't do this. I write setAutoHeight(true) and setAutoWidth(true) in orderManagmentTabPanel class, but whet I run my app orderManagmentTabPanel is empty.
Than I tried to set autosize after creating OrderManagmentTabPanel copy
TabItem orderManagmentTabItem = new TabItem("TabItem 1");
OrderManagmentTabPanel orderManagmentTabPanel = new OrderManagmentTabPanel(); //contentpanel
But didn't help also
Also tried to implement TabItem class without ContenPanel and add it to mainFormTab, but also didn't work.
How can I make my TabItem to be autosized?
OK so I believe you mean (correct me if I am are wrong) you have a panel on a tab item and are trying to ensure it takes 100% of the space?
try setting a layout for example
orderManagmentTabItem.setLayout(new FillLayout()); //Sounds like what your after
