Get response for uncaught Exceptions using process.on - node.js

I am able to caught uncaught Exceptions in Node.js using
process.on('uncaughtException', function (exception, req, res) {
console.log("error======== >>>>>>>>> ",exception);
But i want to send an error message in the res.send({error:"Something broke"}) when my code goes in any exception rather than just halting it in time out.
I google it but could not find anything helpful.
i added process.exit(1) but it could not help.

It is not wise to continue operations after uncaughtException is hit. You should let the child die and spawn a fresh process to hand further requests.
More on this can be found here:


Catching an error in an async function in Node/Express

Is there any way to catch an error that occurs in an async callback after an Express next() or res.send() has been called from middleware or a route handler? Consider the following code:
app.use('/throw-error', (req, res) => {
setTimeout(() => {
throw new Error('Async error causes thread death')
}, 500)
res.send('This thread is going to die...')
It will execute and send "This thread is going to die..." to the browser. It will also, a half second later, crash that Node thread it is running in. If you happen to be running an app that uses Node's cluster module, maybe it launches a new thread, but it died nonetheless. You might see something like this in your logs:
::1 [2019-07-17T18:54:55.142Z] - [71700] 4.740 ms "GET /throw-error" 200 -
throw new Error('Async error causes thread death')
Error: Async error causes thread death
at Timeout.setTimeout [as _onTimeout] (/Users/moryl/Projects/InSight/sources/server/config/express.js:66:13)
at ontimeout (timers.js:436:11)
at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:300:5)
at listOnTimeout (timers.js:263:5)
at Timer.processTimers (timers.js:223:10)
That thread is now dead.
My question is, how the heck do you handle a (possibly unknown) async error that is outside the scope of a normal request, whether by design or through bad code? How do I prevent the thread from dying?
I don't want to be told that I shouldn't do this kind of stuff in async calls to begin with. I know this. I'm trying to write defensive code to catch "bad stuff" written by others.
This has been documented in express error handling doc:
You must catch errors that occur in asynchronous code invoked by route
handlers or middleware and pass them to Express for processing. For
app.get('/', function (req, res, next) {
setTimeout(function () {
try {
throw new Error('BROKEN')
} catch (err) {
}, 100)
The above example uses a try...catch block to catch errors in the
asynchronous code and pass them to Express. If the try...catch block
were omitted, Express would not catch the error since it is not part
of the synchronous handler code.
So, basically you need to try..catch the route. (the examples are basically same, mother of coincidence)
My question is, how the heck do you handle an async error that is outside the scope of a normal request, whether by design ...
You still want to handle errors in asynchronous code, even if it was fired and forgotten by design. Add a try { } catch { } or .catch to every independent task. With asynchronous code, Promises and async / awaithelp you (as they group independent callbacks into tasks, and you can handle errors per task then):
const timer = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms));
async function fireAndForgetThis() {
await timer(500);
throw new Error('Async error doesn't cause thread death, because its handled properly')
.catch(console.error); // But always "handle" errors
... or through bad code?
Fix bad code.
How do I prevent the thread from dying?
That's not the thing you want to prevent. If an error occurs, and was not handled, your application gets into an unplaned state. Continuing execution might create even more problems. You don't want that. You want to prevent the unhandled rejection / unhandled error itself (by handling it properly).
For sure there are cases you can't handle, e.g. if the connection to the backing database goes down. In that case, NodeJS crashes, causes the monitoring to wake up DevOps that get the database back running. Crashing is also a form of handling the error ;)
If you read this far, and you still want to handle unhandled errors, don't. Okay well, you probably have your reasons, there you go.

How to best make treat promise rejection like uncaught exception?

If there are unhandled Promise rejections, Node.js currently just logs an error, with a mention that in the future such errors will cause a process to exit.
I have two questions regarding this:
How to best make Node.js today treat unhandled Promise rejections such that it exits the process?
If the failure of some promise is, in effect, the same as an uncaught exception and should cause exiting the process, how to best make that happen?
There are obviously lots of ways to do this, but I am trying to find the cleanest and simplest way that would not require me to make a new utility library just for this functionality.
Some candidates:
process.on('unhandledRejection', (err) => { throw err; }) - might be confusing as nothing shows it is from a promise, instead of just a thrown exception, and also not usable in .catch().
process.on('unhandledRejection', (err) => { console.error(err); process.exit(1); })
In most of the cases you almost never want your node server to exit when there is an exception or error. The very job of error handler (try/catch and .catch()) is to make sure your server stay up and running even when there is an exception or error.
Rather, when you get an exception or error, you should:
catch that error and throw a custom error with a specific error message (and error code if that suits you).
catch the custom error at the end of promise chain (or app.use(err,...)) and send that error message to the user.
Following is a simple psudocode where the user is giving you XML and expects parsed JSON as a response:
function parseXML(xmlStr){
return someParsingLibrary.parseXml2JSON(xmlStr)
throw new Error("Your xml was not valid");
}"/parse", function (req, res, next) {
let xmlStr = req.body.xml;
res.status(200).send({description:"Success", body:json});
res.status(422).send({description:err.message, body:err});

Nodejs exit on error, shoud prevent or not?

I'm using Nodejs in my windows machine. the question is Nodejs always terminate process on errors e.g. empty Mysql insert statement.
So in production time, and without manual error handling, how can prevent NodeJs exit?
example code:'/api/accounts',function(req,res){
connection.query('insert into accounts set ?',req.body,function(err,results){
if (err) {
throw err ;
} else {
console.log(results) ;
console.log('post received') ;
Imagine i post an empty req.body.
nodejs will exit on error like this
throw err; // Rethrow non-MySQL errors
Is it possible to configure something in node to just show errors but don't exit?
It's not really a good thing to be continuing execution after a unhandled exception has been thrown by the interpreter (as Ginden said in his answer) - anything could happen and it could prove to be a mistake later, any sort of hole could easily be opened by stopping the process from cleaning up after something went so unexpectedly wrong in your code.
You could sensibly add a event handler for unhandledException like the answer by Ginden points out, however, it seems you're using express and it would make much more sense actually handling the error with middleware when it happens, instead of using throw as per your code.
Replace throw err; with return next(err); and that should mean the request will fall through to the next set of middleware, which should then handle the error, do some logging, tell the user, whatever you want it to do.
app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
// Maybe log the error for later reference?
// If this is development, maybe show the stack here in this response?
res.status(err.status || 500);
'message': err.message
Don't try to prevent process shutdown. If error was thrown, anything could happen.
Warning: Using 'uncaughtException' correctly
Note that 'uncaughtException' is a crude mechanism for exception handling intended to be used only as a last resort. The event should not be used as an equivalent to On Error Resume Next. Unhandled exceptions inherently mean that an application is in an undefined state. Attempting to resume application code without properly recovering from the exception can cause additional unforeseen and unpredictable issues.
Exceptions thrown from within the event handler will not be caught. Instead the process will exit with a non zero exit code and the stack trace will be printed. This is to avoid infinite recursion.
Attempting to resume normally after an uncaught exception can be similar to pulling out of the power cord when upgrading a computer -- nine out of ten times nothing happens - but the 10th time, the system becomes corrupted.
Domain module: don't ignore errors.
By the very nature of how throw works in JavaScript, there is almost never any way to safely "pick up where you left off", without leaking references, or creating some other sort of undefined brittle state.
The safest way to respond to a thrown error is to shut down the process. Of course, in a normal web server, you might have many connections open, and it is not reasonable to abruptly shut those down because an error was triggered by someone else.
The better approach is to send an error response to the request that triggered the error, while letting the others finish in their normal time, and stop listening for new requests in that worker.

Catch all `error` events from any EventEmitter in node

Via the Node.js documentation, an unhandled EventEmitter will crash a running process:
When an EventEmitter instance experiences an error, the typical action is to emit an 'error' event. Error events are treated as a special case in node. If there is no listener for it, then the default action is to print a stack trace and exit the program.
I would very much like for the process to not crash when this happens.[1] Ideally, I could catch every instance of an EventEmitter error like this:
emitter.on('error', function(err) { console.log(err); })
However our application is large, a simple search of the node_modules folder reveals that there are lots of EventEmitters, and tracking them down would be cumbersome.
Is there a global hook I can use to catch all instances of an EventEmitter failure?
I tried process.on('uncaughtException') but this doesn't catch EventEmitter errors. I also tried process.on('error') which catches errors emitted by the process, but does not catch errors emitted by other EventEmitters.
Other places say you should use domains, however, it sounds like you need to wrap specific function calls in it, at which point you might as well find and wrap every EventEmitter with .on('error'). My colleague also says domains are, if not deprecated, not going to be used going forward.
[1] I understand the logic behind the "processes should crash" argument. Partly I would like to keep processes alive because a) our server takes a long time to restart, and b) processes keep crashing with literally zero stack trace; I figure keeping the process alive will help with logging and tracking down errors.
process.on('uncaughtException', ...) does catch EventEmittor errors. Try this:
'use strict';
setInterval(function () {}, Number.MAX_VALUE); // keep process alive
var myEmitter = new (require('events').EventEmitter)();
// add this handler before emitting any events
process.on('uncaughtException', function (err) {
console.log('UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION - keeping process alive:', err); // err.message is "foobar"
myEmitter.emit('error', new Error('foobar'));
Note that if you add the uncaughtException listener after your error event has fired, the exception won't get caught!

Handling exceptions in express

I'm having trouble understanding how to handle something that it seems like would be a pretty basic aspect of express. If I have some code that throws an exception in an async callback, there is no way I can catch that exception because the try/catch block is no longer in scope by the time the callback is running. In these scenarios the browser will hang until it eventually give up stating that the server is unresponsive. This is a very bad user experience. I would much rather be able to immediately return a 500 error to the client. The default express error handler apparently does not handle this situation. Here is some sample code:
var express = require("express");
var app = express();
//express error handler (never called)
app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
app.get("/test", function(req, res, next) {
require("fs").readFile("/some/file", function(err, data) {
a.b(); //blow up
In the above code, the line a.b() throws a "ReferenceError: a is not defined" exception. The defined error handler is never called. Notice that the err object returned by fs.readFile() is null in this case because the file was correctly read. The bug is the code inside the async handler.
I have read this post about using node's uncaughtExpception even, but the documentation says not use that method. Even if I did use it, how would I then send the 500 response back to the user? The express response object is no longer around for me to use.
So how do you handle this scenario?
OK, I'm just going to post an entirely different answer since my first answer has some valuable information but is off topic in hindsight.
The short answer: the correct thing to do is what already happens: your program should print a stack trace and exit with an error.
The underlying thinking:
So I think you need to think about errors in different categories. My first answer deals with data-related errors that a well-written program can and should handle cleanly. What you are describing is a CRASH. If you read the node.js documentation you linked to, it is correct. The only useful thing your program can do at this point is exit with a stack trace and allow a process supervisor to restart it and attain an understood state. Once your program has crashed, it is essentially unrecoverable due to the extremely wide range of errors that could be the root cause of an exception getting to the top of the stack. In your specific example, this error is just going to continue happening every time until the source code bug is fixed and the application is redeployed. If you are worried that untested and buggy code is going to get into your application, adding more untested and buggy error handling code isn't really addressing the right problem.
But in short, no, there's no way to get a reference to the HTTP request object that caused this exception so AFAIK you cannot change the way this is perceived by the end user in the browser, outside of handling this at an intermediate reverse proxy layer where you could configure a crude timeout and send a more friendly error page (which of course would be useless for any request that isn't for a full HTML document).
The Bible of Error Handling in Node
Error Handling in Node.js by Dave Pacheco is the definitive work on this topic in my opinion. It is comprehensive, extensive, and thorough. I recommend reading and re-reading periodically.
To address #asparagino's comments, if an unhandled exception is easily reproducible or happening with high frequency, it's not an edge case, it's a bug. The correct thing to do is improve your code to not generate uncaught exceptions in face of this situation. Actually handle the condition, thus converting a programmer error into an operational error, and your program can continue without a restart and without an uncaught exception.
You should use express's error handling middleware via app.use(error, req, res, next). Express maintains a separate middleware stack that it uses when the normal middleware stack throws an uncaught exception. (Side note that express just looks at the callback's arity (number of expected arguments) to categorize it as regular middleware or error handling middleware, which is a bit magical, so just keep in mind you must declare the arguments as above for express to understand this is an error handling middleware).
And based on your question and comments, just understand that exceptions aren't all that useful in node.js because every async call gets a new stack, which is why callbacks are used everywhere and the 1st argument is an error universally. Your try/catch block in the example is only going to catch an exception thrown directly by findById (like if id were undefined, as it is in your snippet), but once an actual call to the database is made, that's it, the call stack is over and no further exceptions can happen until a totally different call stack starts when node invokes the async IO callback.
Thanks for the answer, but this only works if I put the try/catch inside the async callback and have the catch do next(exp). I'd like to avoid having separate try/catch blocks in every single async callback.
Nope, that's not true. You don't have to manually call next(exp). Express will catch the error and trigger the error handling middleware for you (that's how express does it's developer-friendly exception report pages in dev mode anyway). And async libraries don't throw exceptions even under "normal" error conditions. They pass an error to the callback, so in general you don't have to bother with try/catch that much in node. Just never ignore an error parameter passed to a callback function, and you're fine.
You don't see this boilerplate in node:
someDb.query(someCriteria, function (error, result) {
try {
//some code to deal with result
} catch (exception) {
You do see this though:
someDb.query(someCriteria, function (error, result) {
if (error) {
//some code to deal with result
Node handles IO differently, which means the call stack works differently, which means exceptions work differently, which means error handling works differently. You can write a stable node/express app that handles errors without crashing without writing a single try/catch. (express has one that handles uncaught errors that bubble all the way to the top). It's not a functional limitation, it's just a consquence of async IO that means you have to write your code differently and handle errors with callbacks instead of exceptions. Thinking of it as a "limitation" as opposed to the "way it is" is putting a negative connotation on something that is really just a technical reality. There are clean and robust patterns for exception handling in both a synchronous and asynchronous paradigm.
