mikrotik python3 API call from celery - python-3.x

I use the Python3 API of mikrotik to create some backups files,
When celery executes the python script the process doesn’t complete
and the backup file is not created . I attach a screenshot so you can see the output from the api.
Any suggestion, please advice.

When I run the python script it works fine but when the script runs through celery i get this output. So I examined the api code and I added "time.sleep( 5 )" after the line with "apiros.writeSentence(inputsentence)" and it works fine. Seems that the api returns before the end of the backup process and sends the output to /dev/null


Execute shell script for database backup

I have a ReactJS-neo4j application, deployed on a cloud server. Currently, i create backups of my databases manually.
Now I want to automate this process. I want to automatically execute the above query every day
Can anyone tell me how to automate the above process ?
You need to change your neo4j configuration file found in <HOME_neo4j>/conf/neo4j.conf as below. The location of the file is different if you are not using Linux server, like Debian.
The 2nd line will enable you to save the json file from default folder "import" to any folder you want.
Then open a terminal (or ssh) that connects to your cloud server. Go to <HOME_neo4j> directory where cypher-shell is installed. Copy and run this one liner script below.
echo "CALL apoc.export.json.all(\"/home/backups/deploymentName/backup_mydeployment.json\", { useTypes: true } )" | bin/cypher-shell -u neo4j -p <awesome_psw> --format plain
This will save the json file in /home/backups/deploymentName just like what you do in your neo4j browser.
I will leave it up to you on 1) how to add the timestamp YYMMDD0000_ in the filename via linux command and 2) schedule the job every midnight via crontab. Goodluck!

Databricks init scripts not working sometimes

Ok, it is very strange. I have some init scripts that I would like to run when a cluster starts
cluster has the init script , which is in a file (in dbfs)
basically this
Now , when I make the init script like this, it works (no ssl errors for my endpoints. Also, the event logs for the cluster shows the duration as 1 second for the init script
dbutils.fs.put("/databricks/init-scripts/custom-cert.sh", """#!/bin/bash
cp /dbfs/orgcertificates/orgcerts.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
sudo update-ca-certificates
echo "export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" >> /databricks/spark/conf/spark-env.sh
However, if I just put the init script in an bash script and upload it to DBFS through a pipeline, the init script does not do anything. It executes , as per the event log but the execution duration is 0 sec.
I have the sh script in a file named
with the same contents as above, i.e.
cp /dbfs/orgcertificates/orgcerts.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
sudo update-ca-certificates
echo "export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"
but when I check /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ , it does not contain /dbfs/orgcertificates/orgcerts.crt, even though the cluster init script has run.
Also, I have compared the contents of the init script in both cases and it least to the naked eye, I can't figure out any difference
cat /dbfs/databricks/init-scripts/custom-cert.sh
shows the same contents in both the scenarios. What is the problem with the 2nd case?
EDIT: I read a bit more about init scripts and found that the logs of init scripts are written here
ls /databricks/init_scripts/
Looking at the err file in that location, it seems there is an error
sudo: update-ca-certificates
: command not found
Why is it that update-ca-certificates found in the first case but not when I put the same script in a sh script and upload it to dbfs (instead of executing the dbutils.fs.put within a notebook) ?
EDIT 2: In response to the first answer. After running the command
dbutils.fs.put("/databricks/init-scripts/custom-cert.sh", """#!/bin/bash
cp /dbfs/orgcertificates/orgcerts.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
sudo update-ca-certificates
echo "export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" >> /databricks/spark/conf/spark-env.sh
the output is the file custom-cert.sh and then I restart the cluster with the init script location as dbfs:/databricks/init-scripts/custom-cert.sh and then it works. So, it is essentially the same content that the init script is reading (which is the generated sh script). Why can't it read it if I do not use dbfs put but just put the contents in bash file and upload it during the CI/CD process?
As we aware, An init script is a shell script that runs during startup of each cluster node before the Apache Spark driver or worker JVM start. case-2 When you run bash
command by using of %sh magic command means you are trying to execute this command in Local driver node. So that workers nodes is not able to access . But based on
case-1 , By using of %fs magic command you are trying run copy command (dbutils.fs.put )from root . So that along with driver node , other workers node also can access path .
Ref : https://docs.databricks.com/data/databricks-file-system.html#summary-table-and-diagram
It seems that my observations I made in the comments section of my question is the way to go.
I now create the init script using a databricks job that I run during the CI/CD pipeline from Azure DevOps.
The notebook has the commands
dbutils.fs.put("/databricks/init-scripts/custom-cert.sh", """#!/bin/bash
cp /dbfs/internal-certificates/certs.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
sudo update-ca-certificates
echo "export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" >> /databricks/spark/conf/spark-env.sh
I then create a Databricks job (pointing to this notebook), the cluster is a job cluster which is just temporary . Of course , in my case , even this job creation is automated using a powershell script.
I then call this Databricks job in the release pipeline using again a Powershell script.
This creates the file
I then use this file in any other cluster that accesses my org's endpoints (without certificate errors).
I do not know (or still understand), why can't the same script file be just part of a repo and uploaded during the release process (instead of it being this Databricks job calling a notebook). I would love to know the reason . The other answer on this question does not hold true as you can see, that the cluster script is created by a job cluster and then accessed from another cluster as part of its init script.
It simply boils down to how the init script gets created.
But I get my job done. Just if it helps someone get their job done too.
I have raised a support case though to understand the reason.

Execute Long running jobs from bottle web server

What I am trying to do
I have a front end system that is generating output. I am accessing this data(JSON) with a post request using bottle. My post receives the json without issue. I need to execute a backend python program(blender automation) and pass this JSON data to that program.
What I have tried to do
Subprocess - Using subprocess call the program and pass the input. In appearance seems to execute but when i check System Monitor the program is not starting but my server continues to run as it should. This subprocess command runs perfectly fine when executed independently from the server.
blender, script, and json are all string objects with absolute file paths
sub = subprocess.Popen([blender + " -b -P " + script + " -- " + json], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
C Style os.fork() - Same as above which i found reading pydoc that subprocess operates using these methods
Double Fork - From a posting on here tried forking from the server and then calling subprocess from that fork and terminating the parent of the subprocess to create an orphan. My subprocess command still does not execute and never shows up in System Monitor.
What I need
I need a solution that will run from the bottle server in its own process. It will handle multiple requests so the subprocess cannot block in the server. The process being called is fully automated and just requires sending the JSON data in the execution command. The result of the subprocess program will be string path to a file created on the server.
The above subprocess works perfectly fine when called from my test driver program. I just need to connect the execution to the webservice so my front end can trigger its execution.
My bottle post method - prints json when called without issue.
def getData():
json_text = request.json
I am not sure where to go from here. From what i have read thus far, subprocess should work. Any help or suggestions would be very much appreciated. If additional information is needed please let me know. I will edit with more details. Thank you.
Relevant Information:
OS: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS,
Python 3.x
This isn't an elegant solution but my subprocess call works now.
cmd = blender
cmd += " -b -P "
cmd += script
cmd += " -- "
cmd += str(json)
sub = subprocess.Popen([cmd], shell=True)
It seems by setting shell=True and removing the stdout, stderr=PIPE allowed me to see output where i was throwing an unhandled exception because my json data was a list and not a string.
When using python for executing your scripts a process created by Popen.subprocess will unintentionally inherited and keeps open a file descriptor.
You need to close that so that process can run independently. (close_fds=True)
subprocess.Popen(['python', "-u", Constant.WEBAPPS_FOLDER + 'convert_file.py', src, username], shell=False, bufsize=-1, close_fds=True)
Alsso, u dont have to use shell for creating another process. It might have unintended consequences.
I had the exact same problem where bottle was not returning/hangs. It works now.

Execute an application before log-in time forever in linux

I am working on a BBB device running on an Angstrom image and the display panel is a 7 inch LCD cape. I want to start an application as soon as log-in message prompts means the application should get start automatically just after the booting. To achieve this I tried
1) To put my script files in /etc/init.d and linked the script with /etc/rc5.d as S99myscript and then updated the rc.d
But it was not an successful attempt.
2) I changed the /etc/issue file a little bit and to invoke the script i appended myscript file in the last as this.
. /home/root/myscript
// tried it like this also
sh . /home/root/myscript
but this time also i couldn't get my desired result.
What's i am missing ? Or how can I get the result.
The service file
Status of service file

Runtime.exec() in Hadoop on Azure environment

This question is related to Hadoop on Azure environment.
I am trying to use Runtime.exec() to execute a batch script in the reduce function. I could not get this running in Hadoop on Azure environment while it runs fine in the Hadoop on Linux. I tested the Runtime.exec() code snippet in my desktop (windows 7) environment and it runs fine there. I have made sure that I consume the output and error streams of the sub-process after Runtime.exec().
The batch script contains the below ( a single command):
-f c:\hdfs\mapred\local\taskTracker\nabeel\jobcache\job_201207121317_0024\work\11_task_201207121317_0024_r_000001.out
-i c:\hdfs\mapred\local\taskTracker\nabeel\jobcache\job_201207121317_0024\attempt_201207121317_0024_r_000001_0\work\input.txt
I distribute the tool.exe and input.txt files using Distributed cache and it creates a symlink from the working directory. tool.exe and input.txt points to the actual files in the jobcache directory.
2012-07-16 04:31:51,613 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskRunner: Creating symlink: /hdfs/mapred/local/taskTracker/distcache/-978619214658189372_-1497645545_209290723/ <- \hdfs\mapred\local\taskTracker\nabeel\jobcache\job_201207121317_0024\attempt_201207121317_0024_r_000001_0\work\tool.exe
2012-07-16 04:31:51,644 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskRunner: Creating symlink: /hdfs/mapred/local/taskTracker/distcache/-4944695173898834237_1545037473_2085004342/ <- \hdfs\mapred\local\taskTracker\nabeel\jobcache\job_201207121317_0024\attempt_201207121317_0024_r_000001_0\work\input.txt
The reducer gives the below error when it runs.
Command Execution Error: Cannot run program
"cmd /q /c c:\hdfs\mapred\local\taskTracker\nabeel\jobcache\job_201207121317_0024\work\11_task_201207121317_0024_r_0000011513543720767963399.bat":
CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified
In another case, I tried running the same but without using the absolute paths.. The output stream from the sub-process is shown below:
c:\hdfs\mapred\local\taskTracker\nabeel\jobcache\job_201207121317_0022\attempt_201207121317_0022_r_000000_0\work>tool.exe -f /hdfs/mapred/local/taskTracker/nabeel/jobcache/job_201207121317_0022/work/1_task_201207121317_0022_r_000000.out
-i input.txt
I do not know how the job working directory paths and distributed cache works in Hadoop on Azure environment. Could you please let me know if I am missing something here (or) there is something I need to take care of while using Runtime.exec() in Hadoop on Azure environment.
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I am not familiar with Hadoop. But the error message seems to be obvious. It would be better if you can check whether the file exists.
Best Regards,
Ming Xu
