Enforce print-only document on the web - security

I need to provide printable documents without any ability (or a very minimized ability) of the user to view or download them.
I don't even have to render the document. They could just click a text link and have it blindly print to a printer.
This can be done using native applications, but it would be far better to provide this feature from a web interface.
Some points:
I can encrypt the document on the server so the HTTP GET response is garbled. The client could fetch a dynamic key from the server just before print to re-assemble the data. This would prevent snooping through a web inspector.
I could demand the use of a browser extension that sends print jobs without presenting print preview windows.
What other ways could a user get the document? What else should I be thinking with preventing?


Doing something in the background and notify user when it's done

I am using nodejs has my server and React in the frontend.
There is a menu item on the UI that says View PDF, what I need to do is to get some PDF files from my S3 bucket when users choose this menu item, put some headers etc.
I can easily put a modal screen to show users the PDF files are being generated and display a link to the PDF when it's ready.
But what technology should I use if I want to do away the modal screen, but to allow users to continue to do some other stuffs and display a say dismissable alerts with the link to the PDF when it's ready.
How difficult is that and what do I need?
Definitely take a look at socket.io.
Web sockets allow you to establish two way communication between the client and server. For your use case, this means you can send a notification to the the client from the server.
This is not too difficult to implement but will require a bit of work on both the client and the server. You can find a lot of React examples here.

How to track last login date for IBM Domino web user?

Does IBM Domino track the last login date for web users(UserName/Password and internet certificate)? I know the access logs contains this information but wanted to know if there may be something built into Domino (maybe in Address Book). Trying to come up with a method to disable web accounts that have not accessed a domino server in a specified time period.
The User Activity area in the Database Properties picks up from the log.nsf, which is where this information is stored. But, typically, the log.nsf will only have a few days' worth of information. When I've had this requirement before, I've manually captured it via a custom login page or an initUser function I've had in applications.
One of the easiest solutions is to trigger an action from a live web page that generates a database.nsf?openagent event.
Ideally you've use the openagent to print a content type and a response, but if you don't browsers do pretty well with invalid responses from servers.
inside your "myagent" you will have the users name available to you to write it to a document.
Your next challenge will be in getting the agent to trigger, but, not too often, ideally only on login.
When a user uses a custom login form it submits the username/password and redirection url in POST method. You could change that to ...?openagent&nexturl=/blablabla.nsf
Your tiny little agent would run one and only one time upon login and update a document in a your custom logging database.
That's a developer's solution.
There are also admin solutions. The server does keep track of active web sessions, but, it does not drop them into the log.nsf like it does upon session ending for a notes session. I don't think it would be too much work from an admin standpoint to get that information there are a lot of event triggers available to you. It's just been way too long since I worked on any server that anyone cared about statistics.

Record Browser Actions

I am looking for some browser recording software which can record browser actions for one of the business application and give the html elements :- name/id/xpath of the element along with the action performed (ex click, send keys, javascript etc)
My "application under test" is specific to IE and it doesn't run in any other browser.
Try using Selenium. It allows you to record browser actions and save them for later use (like automated browser testing).
You may want to try using SeleniumRC if you want to do this for Internet Explorer. You'll still have to set up some steps through firefox, but you should be able to run your tests on IE.
Try out contizee (www.contizee.com) which is a browser based plug in, easy record and playback and allows me to edit action paths e.g.
$("input#fk-top-search-box").val("HP COMPAQ");
We can customize according to our needs

Zabbix web scenarios - how to include the content of the web response in notifications?

I have notifications coming back from web scenarios that say "PROBLEM' and "OK". I would like to include the content of the web response when a problem happens. I'm not worrying about header values, just the content of the web page. Is this a variable I can reference in the Notification setup?
Unfortunately zabbix doesn't store that data (the database would get rather huge). One thing you could do is add a media type script, which you send your alert to (instead of standard email). Then in that script you could parse the item that is triggering and do a separate curl on the webpage. Ugly and error-prone, but as good as it gets for now.

Programmatic Creation of a Notes Link Hotspot (URL)

Earlier versions of the Notes client would automatically turn a sent URL into a clickable link for the recipient (regardless of mail client) but with 6.5 (and presumably later) this no longer happens; that is, the URL is sent as plain text. The Notes UI allows it to be done via the Create->Hotspot->Link Hotspot menu but this gets tedious.
I'm looking for a way to create a Link Hotspot in LotusScript. My research to date leads me to believe that this isn't possible but there may be a hack of some kind.
The automatic conversion of urls into clickable links is a user preference.
In 6.5 it is set via File/Preferences/User Preferences/Basics. In 8 it is set via File/Prefences/Basic Notes Client Config.
I don't think you can create a url link hotspot explicitly using lotusscript. You can create a doc link, but there is no obvious way to turn it into a url link.
You could try an approach where the form is set to render passthrough html on the client and then construct the relevant html for a link.
Update in response to comment.
The scenario is that we want to to control what a user receiving mail sees. We have a few cases we should think about.
The recipient is using Notes and received the mail directly via notes to notes routing.
The recipient is out on the internet using any client and allows email in a rich format.
The recipient is out on the internet using any client and only allows email in plain text.
In the first case the user will see links if they turn on the option for that. You could also create pass-through html in the rich text and that will render on the Notes client assuming the form option is set in the design. If it's straight email and you don't really need any other rich Notes features you could also construct a MIME message.
In the next two cases you just want to send properly formatted MIME messages. In the first of those cases the user will accept rich formatting and therefore you can construct the message as simple html and include links that way. In the second case the user will not, and you have to make do with plain text. Luckily most mail clients will automatically turn urls received in plain text messages into links for you. This may be an option as in the Notes client.
It is best practice when sending rich mail content to also include a MIME section for plain text. That way you don't need to care what version the user prefers.
You need to cheat and create a MIME entry to get your links. Going that route you also can take the opportunity to make it look really nice. The sample code is on this site
