Access config values in package.json - node.js

I have recently introduced to handle my config:
In dev.json I have something like:
"someVar": "something"
I used to be able to access config values in package.json like:
"scripts": {
"some_command": "do_something $npm_package_config_someVar"
But now this doesn't work - those variables are empty.
How can I access values from config/dev.json in packages.json?
Edit: using $npm_config_someVar is also empty

var pkg = require('./package.json');


npm package.json aliases like webpack

i am trying to alias a module however i am not sure how to do that with package.json
in webpack you would do something like this:
module.exports = {
resolve: {
alias: {
'pixi.js': 'pixi.js-legacy'
But what is the equivalent without webpack?
Since NPM Version 6.9 of March 2019 it is supported without installing any additional packages (see the RFC):
npm i aliasName#npm:packageToInstall
// package.json
"dependencies": {
"aliasName": "npm:packageToInstall#^1.6.1"
The idea seems to be that npm: is a URI-like scheme in a dependency version specifier.
const alias = require( 'aliasName' );
There is a npm package for this: module-alias.
After installing it you can add your aliases to the package.json, like so:
"_moduleAliases": {
"#root" : ".", // Application's root
"#deep" : "src/some/very/deep/directory/or/file",
"#my_module" : "lib/some-file.js",
"something" : "src/foo", // Or without #. Actually, it could be any string
Make sure to add this line at the top of your app's main file:
You should only use this in final products (and not packages you intend to publish in npm or use elsewhere) - it modifies the behavior of require.

Is there a way to pass the baseUrl env var into my package.json run scripts?

I want to be able to pass the baseUrl from the cypress.json file into the scripts of the package.json file for my cypress test project. Is this possible?
I have been looking at the cypress documentation and stack overflow but I cannot find a solution that does not require adding another script to do something like "get-base-url": "type cypress.json | jq -r .baseUrl" and pass this script as an argument into the relevant "test" script (see below)
cypress.json file
"baseUrl": "http://localhost:3000/",
//other key-value pairs
package.json scripts section
//other settings
"scripts": {
//other scripts
"test": "start-server-and-test website:dev http://localhost:3000 cy:run",
//other settings
I anticipated there would be an equivalent to Cypress.config().baseUrl, to get the value of the baseUrl in the json file.
Resulting in something similar to the following (sudo-code, doesnt work)
//other settings
"scripts": {
//other scripts
"test": "start-server-and-test website:dev ${baseUrl} cy:run",
//other settings
NB: I have not posted on Stack Overflow before, so I apologise if I have not given enough info and/or missed something in the rules.
scripts capability is limited. You need a small script to receive baseUrl from cypress.json and pass it into the start-server-and-test package
Let's say we create a script called start-server-and-test.js with the following code and put it under the scripts directory
const cypressConfig = require('../cypress.json') // line 1
const startServerAndTest = require('start-server-and-test') // line 2
const [startScript, testScript] = process.argv.slice(2) // line 3
startServerAndTest({ // line 4
start: `npm ${startScript}`,
url: cypressConfig.baseUrl,
test: `npm ${testScript}`,
Here is how we use it in package.json
"scripts": {
"test": "node scripts/start-server-and-test.js website:dev cy:run",
Short explanation:
Line 1: read cypress.json and assign to cypressConfig which you can access baseUrl later by cypressConfig.baseUrl
Line 3: retrieve arguments in the command-line which are ['website:dev', 'cy:run']
Line 4: Run the package with corresponding parameters
Just wanted to elaborate on Hung Tran's solution above for 2021:
/* eslint-disable #typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */
const startServerAndTest = require("start-server-and-test");
const [startScript, testScript] = process.argv.slice(2);
services: [{ start: `npm run ${startScript}`, url: process.env.CYPRESS_BASE_URL }],
test: `npm run ${testScript}`,

Multiple NPM repos in one GitHub repo with scoping?

Let's say I have a client, awesome-service that composes of different types of services, http-service, log-service, etc...
I want to have the option of either including each individual service (and a specific version), or just require all of the awesome-services, so in effect I want something like:
const awesomeService = require('#awesome-service');
// Now awesomeService has
// awesomeService.httpService;
// awesomeService.logService;
// etc
// or individually
const httpService = require('#awesome-service/http-service');
Is this possible? What would the package.json and the GitHub organization look like? Maybe this is package.json?
"dependencies": {
"awesome-service": "#awesome-service"
// OR if individually importing them
"http-service": "#awesome-service/http-service#1.0.0"
How can this be accomplished, or rather can this be accomplished?
Is this possible?
Yes, it's possible.
What would the package.json and the GitHub organization look like?
The package should have the following structure:
- awesome-service
- index.js // main module
- package.json // package.json of the main package
- http-service
- index.js // implementation of `http` service
- package.json // package.json of `http` package
- log-service
- index.js // implementation of `log` service
- package.json // package.json of `log` package
As you see there are three package.json files. The root is used for main package, others for each service.
In each package.json, set main field to index.js and set a correct name for each package:
"name": "awesome-service",
"main": "index.js",
"name": "awesome-service#http-service",
"main": "index.js",
"name": "awesome-service#log-service",
"main": "index.js",
In index.js of the root package export the object with the fields - required services (I don't specify index.js in requires, because this module will be loaded by default):
module.exports = {
httpService: require('./http-service'),
logService: require('./log-service')
To use these three package separately, you should add all of them in npm, or use github with a proper url:
"dependencies": {
"awesome-service": "awesome-service"
"http-service": "awesome-service#http-service#1.0.0",
"log-service": "git+"

How to use environment variables in package.json

Because we don't want sensitive data in the project code, including the package.json file, using environment variables would be a logical choice in my opinion.
Example package.json:
"dependencies": {
"accounting": "~0.4.0",
"async": "~1.4.2",
Is this possible?
The question is not if this is wise or not good, just if it's possible.
In case you use .env file, let's use grep or eval to get a value environment variable from the .env file.
Updated start2 as #Paul suggested:
"scripts": {
"start": "NODE_ENV=$(grep NODE_ENV .env | cut -d '=' -f2) some_script",
"start2": "eval $(grep '^NODE_ENV' .env) && some_script"
I have similar but different requirement. For me, I want to use environment variables in the scripts.
Instead of using the environment variables directly in package.json, I do:
"some-script": "./scripts/",
And in
npm run some-other-script -- --prop=$SOME_ENV_VAR
Here's how I managed to work around package.json to achieve the same purpose. It uses a script that reads from a custom section of package.json for URL modules, interpolates environment variables in them, and installs them with npm install --no-save (the --no-save could be omitted, depending on the usecase).
As a bonus: it tries to read the env variable from .env.json, which can be gitignore'd, and very useful for development.
Create a script that will read from a custom section of package.json
const execSync = require('child_process').execSync
const pkg = require('./package.json')
if (!pkg.envDependencies) {
return process.exit(0)
let env = Object.assign({}, process.env)
if (typeof pkg.envDependencies.localJSON === 'string') {
try {
Object.assign(env, require(pkg.envDependencies.localJSON))
} catch (err) {
console.log(`Could not read or parse pkg.envDependencies.localJSON. Processing with env only.`)
if (typeof pkg.envDependencies.urls === 'undefined') {
console.log(`pkg.envDependencies.urls not found or empty. Passing.`)
if (
!Array.isArray(pkg.envDependencies.urls) ||
!(pkg.envDependencies.urls.every(url => typeof url === 'string'))
) {
throw new Error(`pkg.envDependencies.urls should have a signature of String[]`)
const parsed = pkg.envDependencies.urls
.map(url => url.replace(/\${([0-9a-zA-Z_]*)}/g, (_, varName) => {
if (typeof env[varName] === 'string') {
return env[varName]
} else {
throw new Error(`Could not read env variable ${varName} in url ${url}`)
.join(' ')
try {
execSync('npm install --no-save ' + parsed, { stdio: [0, 1, 2] })
} catch (err) {
throw new Error('Could not install pkg.envDependencies. Are you sure the remote URLs all have a package.json?')
Add a "postinstall": "node env-dependencies.js" to your package.json, that way it will be run on every npm install
Add your private git repos to package.json using the URLs you want (note: they all must have a package.json at root!):
"envDependencies": {
"localJSON": "./.env.json",
"urls": [
(the semver specifier #semver:^2.0.0 can be omitted, but refers to a git tag, which can be very useful, as it makes your git server a fully-fledge package manager)
npm install
No, it's not possible. You should access the repo using git+ssh, and store a private key in ~/.ssh.
Your line then looks like:
Which doesn't contain anything sensitive.
No it isn't possible as npm does not treat any string values as any kind of templates.
It may be better to just use git+ssh (if your provider supports it) with an ssh agent.
You can use environment values to inject in your package.json like this:
Any environment variables that start with npm_config_ will be interpreted as a configuration parameter. For example, putting npm_config_foo=bar in your environment will set the foo configuration parameter to bar. Any environment configurations that are not given a value will be given the value of true. Config values are case-insensitive, so NPM_CONFIG_FOO=bar will work the same.
I had the same need and my solution was based on #Long Nguyen's response. This way, I can only rely on what's defined on the .env file.
"scripts": {
"test": "yarn cross-env $(grep SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK ../../.env) react-app-rewired test --watchAll=false"
You can install package
and all your envs from .env file will be visible
"scripts": {
"test": "env-cmd pact-broker can-i-deploy --broker-token=${ENV1}"
or another example from your question:
"my-private-module":"env-cmd git+https://${BB_USER}:${BB_PASS}"
For complicated environment variables, you can use
to access JSON file (env file at your case)
JSON file could be something like
"env" :
"username" : "1345345",
"Groups" : [],
"arraytest" : [
"yes" : "1",
"no" : "0"
so the script could be something like this to access yes value
"scripts": {
"yes": "jq [].arraytest[0].yes?"
If you're running node inside a Docker container
Use Docker Compose to inject the env variable
- NODE_ENV=staging
Run your package.json script from your Dockerfile
CMD [ "npm", "run", "start" ]
Use echo or printenv
"scripts": {
"start": "node -r dotenv/config app.js dotenv_config_path=/run/secrets/$(echo $NODE_ENV)"
"start": "node -r dotenv/config app.js dotenv_config_path=/run/secrets/$(printenv NODE_ENV)"
Don't use this for sensitive env variables. It's a really good way to point to a Docker secrets file (like this example shows).

Importing typescript from external node modules

I want to split my application into different node modules and have a main module which builds all other modules as well and I want to use typescript with es6 modules.
Here is my planned project structure:
I want to be able to define interfaces in framework which can be consumed in dep-a, dep-b and main.
How do I set up this correctly? Can I compile everything from my main-module? Do I need to create different bundles for framework, dep-a, ... and another typing file? What is the best approach for this?
I already set up some test files and folders and used npm link to link the dependencies and webpack to bundle the files and I am always running into issues with files not being found:
error TS2307: Cannot find module 'framework/interfaces/IComponent'
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory' ./components/test
TL;DR generate declarations for the modules using declaration: true in tsconfig.json and specify the file for your generated typings in the typings entry of the package.json file
Use a tsconfig file similar to this:
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es5",
"module": "commonjs",
"declaration": true,
"noImplicitAny": true,
"removeComments": true,
"outDir": "dist",
"files": [
The important bit is declaration: true which will generate internal declarations in the dist directory
Assuming there is an index.ts file which (re)exports all the interesting parts of framework, create a package.json file with a main and typings entry pointing to, respectively, the generated js and the generated declaration, i.e.
"name": "framework",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"typings": "dist/index.d.ts",
Commit this module to a git repo, say bitbucket at : ""
in package.json create a dependency to framework
"dependencies": {
"framework": ""
That is it.
import * from 'framework'
will pull the dependency with the typings, automatically
Obviously, it is possible to do with dep-a what was done with framework i.e. generate the declarations, update package.json and use dep-a as a module with embedded typings in main
note: a file URL will do in package.json/dependencies if you do not want go to via an external git repo
What arrived in TypeScript 1.6 is typings property in package.json module. You can check the relevant issue on GitHub.
So assuming you want to create separate modules ( dep-a, framework ). You can do the following :
main.ts // (1)
package.json // (2)
index.js // (3)
index.d.ts // (4)
package.json // (5)
index.js // (6)
index.d.ts // (7)
package.json // (8)
So let's see what you have in your files :
//(1) main.ts
import * as depA from "depA";
console.log(depA({ a : true, b : 2 }) === true) // true;
//(2) package.json
name: "main",
dependencies: {
"dep_a" : "0.0.1"
For depA
//(3) dep_a/index.js
module.exports = function a(options) { return true; };
//(4) dep_a/index.d.ts;
import * as framework from "framework";
export interface IDepA extends framework.IFramework {
a : boolean
export default function a(options: IDepA) : boolean;
//(5) dep_a/package.json
name: "dep_a",
dependencies: {
"framework" : "0.0.1"
typings : "index.d.ts" // < Magic happens here
For framework
//(6) dep_a/node_modules/framework/index.js
module.exports = true // we need index.js here, but we will only use definition file
//(7) dep_a/node_modules/framework/index.d.ts;
export interface IFramework {
b : number;
//(8) dep_a/node_modules/framework/package.json
name: "framework"
typings : "index.d.ts"
What I don't include in this answer ( for clarity ) is another compilation phase, so you could actually write the modules ( dep_a, framework ) with typescript and then compile them to index.js before you use them.
For a detailed explanation and some background also see:
