JSF 2.2 inject Deltaspike (CDI) windowId into Bean - jsf

I'm currently using JSF 2.2 with Deltaspike. We use the Multi-Window-Handling from Deltaspike to handle separate windows. It works great but in a specific case, we need the window ID.
I am able to read it with:
Is there a more elegant way, maybe with injection into my bean?

You can use Param from OmniFaces. I find it more elegant, but it is a third libary.
#Inject #Param
private String dswid;

If you don't want to add a library, you can also inject the external context.
private ExternalContext externalContext;


Get properties file from CDI bean

How can I get a properties file from CDI bean, I mean properties file for internationalization purposes as mentioned here.
In #ManagedBean everything is simple #ManagedProperty(name="....") but I can't encounter the way to achieve the same in CDI bean.
Thank you very much.
As far as I know, CDI doesn't support the kind of field-level access that #ManagedProperty gives (where you can have #ManagedProperty(name="#{msgs.title}")). If you want that level of control in CDI, you'll have to write a CDI Producer.
Considering that the resource bundle is simply a class of ResourceBundle, you could easily obtain your defined bundle with:
FacesContext ctxt = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ResourceBundle bundle = ctxt.getApplication().getResourceBundle(ctxt, aValue);
Alternatively, you could simply inject either your FacesContext or Application into your bean:
Application theApplication
public void getBundle{
ResourceBundle bundle = theApplication.getResourceBundle(ctxt, aValue);
If you're looking for internationalization support within CDI for JSF purposes, you may want to look at DeltaSpike's JSF module. It builds off of the core i18n support available in core.

Why does my FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getUserPrincipal() code runs to NullPointer?

I have a stateless bean which has a method, where I want to get the current/logged user.
My code to get it:
Principal p1 = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getUserPrincipal();
But I am getting nullpointer exception on this. Why is that?
Or is there any other way to get the logged user?
I am using weblogic.
You're not supposed to grab the FacesContext in an EJB. Even more, your EJBs should be completely free from any JSF dependencies. In other words, you should not have any code imported from javax.faces.* package inside your EJBs. Your EJBs should be designed that way that they are reusable across all different front-ends you can think of such as JSF, JAX-RS, Struts, Spring-MVC and even "plain vanilla" Servlets.
If you're using container managed security or a security framework like Apache Shiro, then you're supposed to use the API-provided facilities for that. In case of "plain vanilla" container managed security (JAAS via web.xml and so on), you're supposed to obtain it form SessionContext (which is rightfully from javax.ejb package) which can be injected as #Resource.
private SessionContext context;
public void doSomething() {
Principal principal = context.getCallerPrincipal();
// ...
An alternative would be to pass the JPA entity representation of the logged-in user as method argument.
verify the import of the following library:
Try again

How could I read a JSF session bean from a filter?

I'm searching but I can't find the answer, I need secure resources based on permissions, I can't use a filter because FacesContext is not initialized before and I need load the permissions in my session bean. Some solution avoiding use a filter? PhaseListener, ViewHandler and ResourceHandler can't capture an URL resource request, for example I need denied this direct access:
Thx in advance...
JSF stores session scoped managed beans as an attribute of the HttpSession, which in turn is just available in a Filter by HttpServletRequest#getSession().
HttpSession session = ((HttpServletRequest) request).getSession();
SessionBean sessionBean = session.getAttribute("sessionBean");
// ...
Update: as per the comment you seem to be actually using CDI:
my filter is triggered before than JSF, I always get a null value when I use getAttribute. I'm using CDI with 'Named' and 'SessionScoped' annotations on my Bean because I need use a interceptor to implement security
I understood that you were using JSF's own #ManagedBean and the initial answer only applies to that. If your bean is already managed by CDI's #Named, then just use CDI's own #Inject the usual way in the Filter.
private SessionBean sessionBean;
In case of JSF #ManagedBean you should just add a if (sessionBean != null) check. It's irrelevant whether the filter is invoked before JSF servlet or not. Once the session bean has been created by JSF, it won't be null in the filter.

How to call EJB in PhaseListener

I use JSF 2 and EJB 3.1, all of them are deployed on Glassfish 3.1.
When i setup a class named MyInterceptor which is implemented PhaseListener, i can not revoke remote EJB interface inside it.
It notice "NullPointerException ..."
public class MyInterceptor implements PhaseListener {
public AuthorizationService authorizationService;
When I call authorizationService.dosomestuff(), it raise error NullPointerException
How can i do to fix it?
Thank in advance
In JSF 2.1 and earlier, PhaseListeners are unfortunately no injection targets (meaning you can't use injection in them). You can do your lookup programmatically via JNDI instead though.
In JSF 2.2 all JSF artifacts (including PhaseListeners) will be injection targets, but this will probably not help you now.
Unrelated to your question, but I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve by specifying the beanInterface in your annotation. Most likely you'll also don't need the name attribute and if your bean is a local bean you'll also don't need mappedName.
Use a servlet filter instead of a JSF phase listener to do authorization. You can inject an #EJB in a #WebFilter.
Yeah in web filter you could have just used plain #EJB. Maximimum you needed to add beanName if you had two beans implement same AuthorizationService interface.
Servlet filter is per request, I don't think you need to do security stuff at a certain phase from JSF's lifecycle (which is a more granular level than the whole http request).
For normal lookup you can do:
AuthorizationService.class.cast(new InitialContext().lookup("corbaname:iiop:localhost:3700#ejb/AuthorizationEJB")).dosomestuff();
in a try catch javax.naming.NamingException

Inject EJBs into a Seam Component

guys. I have a Seam project running on Tomcat 6.0.20 (webapp.war) and an EJB project running on JBoss 4.2.3 (ejbapp.ear).
I can access my EJBs in my Seam components using JNDI lookup [initialContext.lookup(...)].
I'd like to have them injected in my Seam components instead.
My Seam components ARE NOT EJBs, so I can't use #EJB annotation. I'd like to have something like this in my Tomcat (Web) app.
public class CustomerAction {
#In // even with (autoCreate=true) or the EJB name if necessary
private CustomerEJB customerEJB;
And this in the JBoss (EJB) app.
public class CustomerEJBImpl implements CustomerEJB {
public interface CustomerEJB {
In my components.xml I have the jndiPattern=ejbapp/#jndiPattern/remote specified just like I currently use to lookup the EJBs (ex: ejbapp/CustomerEJB/remote).
I'm probably missing something in my configuration to make this work.
PS: I'd like NOT HAVE to annotate my EJBs as #Name (Seam) components.
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Thanks for your reply, but it didn't work.
When I declared the EJBs in components.xml, it did inject the object in my Action (Seam component), but as a POJO. I mean, the EntityManager and other EJB injections I had in the injected object didn't work.
I also tried to define the EJB as a Seam component, but, once they are in the webproject inside a JAR file, it didn't load automatically, and trying the scenario above, I got the same error.
Just an FYI, I also declared the Seam interceptor in ejb-jar.xml file.
I have no idea why this is happening, BTW I thought it would be quite a simple thing for Seam to handle.
Anyway..., any other suggestions, guys?
Define your EJB as Seam components in your components.xml
