Node.js request function return data - node.js

I have gone through questions about returning data from a node JS request call. A common mistake is assuming statements are executed line by line or synchronously, which is not the case here. A question of this type: How to get data out of a Node.js http get request.
My question is a bit different. I have written a function getNumber() which returns the number of results for given query. I am wondering how I return a value retrieved by the callback function? So for instance:
function getNumResults() {
Request(url, function(response) {
var responseJSON = JSON.parse(body);
function Request(URL, callback) {
request(URL, function(error, response, body) {
console.log('URL: ', URL);
console.log('error: ', error);
console.log('statusCode: ', response && response.statusCode);
console.log('body: ', body);
What if I want getNumResults() to return responseJSON.results.count? How could I do this?

What if I want getNumResults() to return responseJSON.results.count? How could I do this?
You can't directly return an async value from getNumResults(). You just can't. The function returns long before the value is even available. It's a matter of timing. That's how async responses work. They finish some indeterminate time in the future, but they are non-blocking so the rest of your Javascript continues to run and thus the function returns before the result is even available.
The ONLY way to get the result out is with a callback of some kind. That applies to both your Request() function and to our getNumResults() function. Once a result is asynchronous, nobody in the calling chain can escape that. Async is infectious and you can never go from async back to synchronous. So, if your getNumResults() wants to get the value back to its caller, it will either have to accept a callback itself and call that callback when it gets the value or it will have to return a promise that is resolved with the value.
Here's how you could do this using promises (which are the future of async development in Javascript):
// load a version of the request library that returns promise instead of
// taking plain callbacks
const rp = require('request-promise');
function getNumResults(url) {
// returns a promise
return rp(url).then(body => {
// make the count be the resolved value of the promise
let responseJSON = JSON.parse(body);
return responseJSON.results.count;
Then, you would use getNumResults() like this"
getNumResults(someURL).then(count => {
// use the count result in here
console.log(`Got count = ${count}`);
}).catch(err => {
console.log('Got error from getNumResults ', err);
FYI, I think you can also get the request() library to parse your JSON response for you automatically if you want by setting an appropriate option {json: true}.
EDIT Jan, 2020 - request() module in maintenance mode
FYI, the request module and its derivatives like request-promise are now in maintenance mode and will not be actively developed to add new features. You can read more about the reasoning here. There is a list of alternatives in this table with some discussion of each one. I have been using got() myself and it's built from the beginning to use promises and is simple to use.


Why can't I deep copping a DICT out of a function in Node.js?

I'm using request to call an API which gives me movies data in an object called body, but when I try to pass it to an array and console log it, the terminal shows me an empty array.
let copy = [];
const request = require('request');
request('', { json: true }, (err, res, body) => {
if (err) { return console.log(err);}
First off, the request() library is deprecated and it is not recommended that you write new code with it. There is a list of alternatives (that all support promises) here.
Then second, the request() library is non-blocking and asynchronous. That means that when you call request(), it starts the operation and then immediately returns. The code after the call to request() then continues to execute BEFORE request() calls its callback. So, you're trying to examine the array before its value has been set. This is a classic issue in asynchronous programming. There are a number of ways to handle this. If you stayed with the request() library, then you must either use the result INSIDE the callback itself or you can call some other function from within that callback and pass it the array.
With one of the listed alternatives that all support promises (my favorite is the got() library), you can then use await which is often a preferred programming style for asynchronous operations:
const got = require('got');
async function someFunction() {
let result = await got('').json();
// you can use the result here
// Or you can return it and it will become the resolved value
// of the promise this async function returns
return result;
someFunction().then(result => {
// can use result here
}).catch(err => {
Note that when you are writing asynchronously retrieved data to a higher scoped variable as you are when you do copy.push(), that is typically a warning that you're doing something wrong. This is because NONE of the code in the higher scope will know when the data is available in that variable. There are rare cases when you might do that (like for implementing a cache), but these have to be situations where the data is being stored only for future reference, not for immediate use. 99.9% of the time when we see that construct, it's a wrong way to program with asynchronously retrieved data.

Using 'body' returned from Request

I am using
The example that is given is:
const request = require('request');
request('', function (error, response, body) {
console.error('error:', error); // Print the error if one occurred
console.log('statusCode:', response && response.statusCode); // Print the response status code if a response was received
console.log('body:', body); // Print the HTML for the Google homepage.
How can I use body elsewhere in my code? I want something like return body but nothing works. I can't use it anywhere!
You cannot directly return an asynchronous result from outside the request() callback. This is not unique to this particular function, but is how all asynchronous callbacks work in Javascript.
When you call request() it starts an asynchronous operation and turns it over to native code. The JS interpreter then goes about it's merry way executing the rest of your Javscript after this function call (not in the callback, but after that). So, you should be able to immediately see that the body result does not exist yet, but the rest of your Javascript is already executing.
Then, some indeterminate time later (depending upon how responsive the server is that you're contacting and how big the result is), when the JS interpreter has nothing else to do, the callback gets called and the body result is available.
So, the ONLY place in your code that you know the body result is good and is available is INSIDE that callback. So, the general way of programming with an asynchronous operation like this in Javascript is that you use the result inside the callback. Any code that needs to use that result gets put inside that callback or you can put the code in a separate function and call that function from inside the callback and pass the body result as an argument to the function.
If you wanted to wrap this request in a function and communicate back that result to the caller (which is not exactly what you show here, but another way to write the code), I'd suggest you first read How do I return the response from an asynchronous call? because it outlines the various ways you can communicate back the body result from your asynchronous operation (another callback or use promises).
To many newbie Javascript developers this seems somewhat heretical. What do you mean I can't just call a function, get the result and return it from the function? Well, that's the extra complication with Javascripts non-blocking, asynchronous I/O model that is entirely event driven. Once you get down the learning curve, you will find a huge number of advantages in the language that flow from this architectural model, but you will have to deal with this extra complication.
The language is evolving to make this type of programming simpler with the use of promises in async functions and then the use of await to "wait" on a promise. If you use the request-promise library instead of the request library (request-promise is derived from request), then you can deal with a promise as the return value and you have more options.
const rp = require('request-promise');
async getMeSomeData() {
try {
let body = await rp('');
// can put code here that uses body
return body; // becomes the resolved value of the returned promise
} catch(err) {
throw err; // makes sure the returned promise is rejected
getMeSomeData().then(body => {
// use the body here
}).catch(err => {
// error here
Note: I showed possibly using the body value or err inside getMeSomeData() or at the caller. Usually, you would do one or the other, but I wanted to show both ways.

Recommended pattern to page through API response until exhausted?

I'm new to Node and the async programming model. I'm having problems dealing with a simple requirement that seems pretty basic in synchronous environments: paging through an API response until the response is empty.
More specifically, the API, on a successful call, will return data and a status of 200 or 206 (partial content). If I see the 206 response, I need to keep making calls to the API (also sending a page query param that I increment each time) until I see the 200 response.
In a synchronous language, the task will be a piece of cake:
// pseudocode
data = []
page = 1
do {
response =
} while (response != 200)
return data
Now, in Node, for a single api call, code like this will work:
// fire when '/' has a GET request
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
.then(response => {
// now what??
See the //now what?? comment? That's the point where I'm wondering how to proceed. I came across this somewhat-relevant post but am not able to convert this to a format that will work for me in Node and Axios.
Is it enough to just wrap the axios code in a separate function? I don't think so, because if I do this:
function getData(pageNum) {
.then(response => {
// now what??
I can't rely on a return value because as soon axios.get() gets executed, the function will be over. I can call getData() again after I get the first response, but then, suppose I want to return all the data from these multiple calls as the HTTP response from my Express server . . . how do I do that?
I hope I will not get downvoted for laziness or something. I've really looked around but not found anything relevant.
First, a counter-question: Is the data set so big that you need to worry about using up all the memory? Because if so then it will take more work to structure your code in a way that streams the data all the way through. (In fact I'm not even sure whether express allows streaming... you are using express aren't you?)
From the axios documentation, it looks like response is a readable stream which provides the response body. So reading it is also an asynchronous task. So you should write a function that does that. See the "Stream" page of the nodejs docs for more details. Or I could be persuaded to help with that too, time permitting. But for now, I'll assume you have a function readResponse, which takes an axios response object as an argument and returns a promise, and the promise resolves to an object such as { statusCode: 206, result: ['thing1', 'thing2'] }. I'll also assume that your goal is to get all the result arrays and concatenate them together to get e.g. ['thing1', 'thing2', 'thing3', 'thing4', 'thing5', 'thing6'].
You could write a self-calling version of your getData function. This will retrieve all data from a given page onwards (not just the page itself):
function getData(pageNum) {
axios.get('' + (pageNum ? '?page=' + pageNum) : '')
.then(function(parsedResponse) {
if(parsedResponse.statusCode == 200) {
return parsedResponse.result;
} else if(parsedResponse.statusCode == 206) {
return getData(pageNum + 1).then(function(laterData) {
return parsedResponse.result.concat(laterData);
} else {
// error handling here, throw an exception or return a failing promise.
Then, to get all data, just call this function with pageNum = 0:
// fire when '/' has a GET request
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
.then(function(results) {
// results is now the array you want.
var response = JSON.stringify(results); // or whatever you're doing to serialise your data

Triggering the fulfillment webhook asynchronously from an intent?

I have some intents that need to trigger the fulfillment webhook and don't care about the response. The webhook takes longer than the timeout to respond so I'd like the intent to simply respond with "Thanks for chatting" and then close the conversation while actually triggering the webhook.
Feels easy but I'm missing something. Also I'm new to the dialogflow stuff.
I can do this in any language, but here's an example in Javascript:
fdk.handle(function (input) {
// Some code here that takes 20 seconds.
return {'fulfillmentText': 'i can respond but I will never make it here.'}
EDIT 1 - Trying async
When I use an async function, the POST request never happens. So in the following code:
fdk.handle(function (input) {
return { 'fulfillmentText': 'here is the response from the webhook!!' }
async function callFlow(input) {
console.log("input is --> " + input)
var url = "some_url"
console.log("Requesting " + url)
request(url, { json: true, headers: {'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' : '*'} }, (err, res, body) => {
if (err) { return console.log(err); }
console.log("body is...")
I see in the logs the two console.log outputs but nothing from the request. And the request doesn't seem to happen either because I don't see it at my endpoint.
Thanks Prisoner for the tip. Seems like I needed to return the fulfillment JSON back through the callFlow() and handle() functions. Now Google Home doesn't timeout and both the HTTP call and response are generated.
const fdk = require('#fnproject/fdk');
const request = require('request');
fdk.handle(function (input) {
return callFlow(input);
async function callFlow(input) {
var searchPhrase = input || "cats"
var url = "some url"
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {, {
headers: { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' },
body: searchPhrase
function (err, resp, body) {
if (err) { return console.log(err) }
r = { 'fulfillmentText': `OK I've triggered the flow function with search term ${searchPhrase}` }
You cannot trigger the fulfillment asynchronously. In a conversational model, it is expected that the fulfillment will perform some logic that determines the response.
You can, however, perform an asynchronous operation in the fulfillment that does not complete before you return the result.
If you are using a sufficiently modern version of node (version 8 and up), you can do this by declaring a function as an async function, but not calling it with the await keyword. (If you did call it with await, it would wait for the asynchronous operation to complete before continuing.)
So something like this should work, given your example:
async function doSomethingLong(){
// This takes 20 seconds
fdk.handle(function (input) {
return {'fulfillmentText': 'This might respond before doSomethingLong finishes.'}
Update 1 based on your code example.
It seems odd that you report that the call to request doesn't appear to be done at all, but there are some odd things about it that may be causing it.
First, request itself isn't an async function. It is using a callback model and async functions don't just automatically wait for those callbacks to be called. So your callFlow() function calls console.log() a couple of times, calls request() and returns before the callbacks are called back.
You probably should replace request with something like the request-promise-native package and await the Promise that you get from the call. This makes callFlow() truly asynchronous (and you can log when it finishes the call).
Second, I'd point out that the code you showed doesn't do a POST operation. It does a GET by default. If you, or the API you're calling, expect a POST, that may be the source of the error. However, I would have expected the err parameter to be populated, and your code does look like it checks for, and logs, this.
The one unknown in the whole setup, for me, is that I don't know how fdk handles async functions, and my cursory reading of the documentation hasn't educated me. I've done this with other frameworks, and this isn't a problem, but I don't know if the fdk handler times out or does other things to kill a call once it sends a reply.

Accessing restAPI response outside function in nodejs

I want to be access array outside the function or outside the loop in nodejs. I written following code.
var result = [];
function setid (swfid){
crud.getswift(swfid).then(function (response) {
result = response;
// res.send(response);
}).catch(function (err) {
return ("error:" + err);
But its returning null. your suggestions please
You wrote a new statement in the function call and therefore you scoped it. This is one of the things wrong there. Apart from that, as the first person commenting to this answer mentioned, you have an async call here. Therefore, you need to return a promise from setid and wait for the response to get the result.
You're mixing your Aysnc logic with Sync. You won't get the response outside the .then function scope because there's no response available at the time you're trying to get the results.
Try using a callback in the promise - You'd need to invoke the function in the promise callback and send the response as function param, then play with the data.
> Promise / API call etc
.then(() => gotDataCallBack(data));
// handle your data and logic here.
// this will make sure you have the data available before you move ahead with
your application/manipulation logic.
