Understanding Data.Function.on type signature - haskell

I'm still a beginner when it comes to Haskell syntax and functional programming languages so when I look at the type declaration for Data.Function.on which is on :: (b -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> a -> c, my interpretation is that it takes four parameters: (b -> b -> c), (a -> b), a, a, and returns c. However, when I look at the general use syntax for Data.Function.on which is (*) `on` f = \x y -> f x * f y, it is only taking two function parameters, not four, so how does the type signature relate to the usage syntax?

my interpretation is that it takes four parameters
All Haskell functions take one argument. Some of them just return other functions.
The best way to look at the signature for on is as a higher-order function: (b -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> a -> c). This says "if you give me a binary operator that takes bs and gives a c and a way to get bs from as, I will give you a binary operator that takes as and gives a c". You can see this in the definition:
(*) `on` f = \x y -> f x * f y

The Haskell arrow for function types hides a simple but clever idea. You have to think of -> as an operator, like + and -, but for types. It takes two types as arguments and gives you a new type consisting of a function. So in
Int -> String
You have the types Int and String, and you get a function from an Int to a String.
Just like any other operator, you need a rule for a chain of them. If you think of -, what does this mean?
10 - 6 - 4
Does it mean (10 - 6) - 4 = 0, or does it mean 10 - (6 - 4) = 8? The answer is the first one, which is why we say that - is "left associative".
The -> operator is right associative, so
foo :: Int -> String -> String
actually means
foo :: Int -> (String -> String)
Think about what this means. It means that foo doesn't take 2 arguments and return a result of type String, it actually takes 1 argument (the Int) and returns a new function that takes the second argument (the String) and returns the final String.
Function application works the same way, except that is left associative. So
foo 15 "wibble"
actually means
(foo 15) "wibble"
So foo is applied to 15 and returns a new function which is then applied to "wibble".
This leads to a neat trick: instead of having to provide all the parameters when you call a function (as you do in just about every other programming language), you can just provide the first one or the first few, and get back a new function that expects the rest of the parameters.
This is what is happening with on. I'll use a more concrete version where 'f' is replaced by 'length'.
(*) on length
you give on its first two parameters. The result is a new function that expects the other two. In types,
on :: (b -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> a -> c
In this case (*) has type Num n => n -> n -> n (I'm using different letters to make this less confusing), so that is matched with the type of the first argument to on, leading to the conclusion that if type b is substitued by n then type c must be as well, and and must also be a Num instance. Therefore length must return some numeric type. As it happens the type of length is [d] -> Int, and Int is an instance of Num, so that works out. So at the end of this you get:
(*) `on` length :: [d] -> [d] -> Int

As an intuitive aid, I read this as "if you give me a comparator of type b, and a way to extract values of type b from values of type a, I will give you a comparator of type a".
E.g. if a is some composite data type and b is some numerical attribute of these data values, you can express the idea of sorting these composite data types by using Data.Function.on.


Unpacking tuples using "Either" in Haskell

I'm trying to get a grip on how tuples work in Haskell.
I came across this type constructor leftRight :: (Either a b -> c) -> (a -> c, b -> c) and I'm struggling to see what it does.
So we have (Either a b -> c)which means that either a is applied to c or b is applied to c. But the output is a tuple?
Does that mean that it splits the function so that left side of the tuple takes in argument given at a and right side takes argument given at right?
How would this look in code?
"I came across this type constructor..."
It's not a type constructor - it's a function type declaration.
The -> separates out the parameter types. The final one is the return type, and the previous ones are the input types.
Hence leftRight :: (Either a b -> c) -> (a -> c, b -> c) takes one input and returns one output.
Input function: (Either a b -> c)
Output function pair: (a -> c, b -> c)
The parentheses contain the functions.
The first function takes an Either type (left value is the error type, a, and the right value is the OK type, 'b' - it helps me to think of the latin, sinister for left, and dexter for right - your mileage may vary) as the input and returns something of type c.
The second function comes as a tuple of two separate functions, one is a -> c, and one is b -> c.
A concrete version: type a is a String to contain my error message, type bis an Int, and type c is another string.
leftRight :: (Either String Int -> String) -> (String -> String, Int -> String)
So we have Either a b -> c which means that either a is applied to c or b is applied to c
Wrong, or at least badly worded. Nothing is “applied to c” here.
What it actually means is: the function can accept an a-value or a b-value, and in either case produces a c-value.
This is equivalent to having both a function that accepts only a-values and gives c-results, and one that accepts only b-values and gives c-results. The tuple groups both of these functions together.
It might help to look at an example to illustrate:
fryPancake :: Either Butter Margarine -> Pancake
[Assume we've already taken care of the flour, eggs etc. in the batter]
From this you can obtain both
fryPancakeWithButter :: Butter -> Pancake
fryPancakeWithButter b = fryPancake (Left b)
fryPancakeWithMargarine :: Margarine -> Pancake
fryPancakeWithMargarine m = fryPancake (Right m)
Now you just group both of these together:
fryPancake' :: (Butter -> Pancake, Margarine -> Pancake)
fryPancake' = (fryPancakeWithButter, fryPancakeWithMargarine)
...which is the same as
fryPancake' = leftRight fryPancake
The input to leftRight is a function and the output is two functions. The tuple is barely relevant, except that it groups the two functions together into a single output, so leftRight can return both of them at once.
One function's type is a -> c and the other one's type is b -> c. Presumably, the first function wraps the a in Left and then calls the original function, and the second one wraps the b in Right and then calls the original function:
leftRight :: (Either a b -> c) -> (a -> c, b -> c)
leftRight original = (leftFunc, rightFunc)
leftFunc aVal = original (Left aVal)
rightFunc bVal = original (Right bVal)
The key is to use function composition. A function of type a -> c can be created from functions of type a -> Either a b and Either a b -> c. You have Left :: a -> Either a b and you have the argument f :: Either a b -> c passed to leftRight.
The same argument lets you construct a function of type b -> c similarly. This gives you
leftRight :: (Either a b -> c) -> (a -> c, b -> c)
leftRight f = let g1 = ...
g2 = ...
in (g1, g2)
I leave the definitions of g1 and g2 as an exercise.

Attempting to model operators for Integrated Dynamics

Integrated Dynamics is a Minecraft mod that uses lazy operators with currying, and acts very similarly to Haskell. I've been writing functions that have the same signature though do not perform anything to try and more easily explore combining the operators. An example is itemName :: Item -> String with itemName _ = "".This is to give in ghci :t itemName as Item -> String.
I've tried to make a couple slightly more complicated ones such as
itemListCount :: (Num c) => [a] -> b -> c
itemListCount _ _ = 0
I'd like to see the signature of this if I pipe it directly with greater than or less than, expecting to see something like [a] -> b -> c -> d. a List, an Item(custm data type) an integer and return a boolean. when calling with :t (lessThan . itemListCount) This gives error:
Couldn't match type 'b0 -> Integer' with 'Int'.
Expected type: [a] -> Int
Actual type: [a] -> b0 -> Integer
Is this because I'm calling it with :t that it's trying to evaluate instead of combining the functions?
(lessThan . itemListCount) is the same as \x -> lessThan (itemListCount x). It's a function, which takes one value, then calls itemListCount with this value, and then calls lessThan with whatever itemListCount returned.
itemListCount's type is (ignoring the Num constraint) [a] -> b -> c. It is a function which takes a list of any type, and then returns a function which takes any type as input and returns any number type as output.
So in \x -> lessThan (itemListCount x), x should be a list of any type, and (itemListCount x) is a function which takes any type as input and returns any number type as output. Presumably, this is not a valid argument for lessThan.

Understanding this type in Haskell?

I'm having some trouble understanding, how this type declaration works.
The type is: (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> (c -> d) -> a -> d
So, to me I interpret this as a function that takes a function and that function takes another function which outputs a value d.
So, this is how I make my function:
Example :: (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> (c -> d) -> a -> d
Example f g h x = f ( g ( h (x) )
I'd really appreciate it, if you guys could help me clarify. Thank you!
I think that you already know the theory behind the type you're writing, so I'll try to inject some intuitive way to read it (at least I hope so, your question is not totally clear to me).
When you read something like (a -> b) inside a type, that's a function, as you said. For example (Int -> Bool) is a function.
Let's make an example:
even :: Int -> Bool -- A more generic version of that is in the Prelude
even n = n `rem` 2 == 0
filter :: (Int -> Bool) -> [Int] -> [Int] -- And of that, too
filter _ [] = []
filter f (x:xs)
| f x = x : filter f xs
| otherwise = filter f xs
filteredEven :: [Int]
filteredEven = filter even [1..5] -- it gives [2, 4]
In this example we have a "high order function", a function that get another function and use it in some way.
In a function like the one you're defining you simply use 3 functions (and another parameter). But you can know more.
Each function you declare in the type accept a value returned from the previous one. So a possible solution is the one you have already showed. But the types are generic. There is not a total function that returns a generic value (where total means that it terminate always returning a value different from bottom if all the values are total and different by bottom, so it don't crash or return undefined, for example). So, if you wants a total function you have to have a way to generate the variables requested, from the context of the function (their parameters).
In the example before, using the names used by you, you have to return a value of type d. You only have a way to produce a value of that type, the h function. But to use the h function you have to get a value of type c. You only have the g function for that. But you need a value of type c. Fortunately you have the function f, that in exchange of a value of type a returns the value needed. We have this value (and don't have any other way to obtain a value of that type), so the function can be written. We can't in any way alter the values obtained (call multiple times the functions don't work, for purity and the fact that we have only a way to produce the values), so that's the only way to construct the function, if we wants it to be total:
Example (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> (c -> d) -> a -> d
Example f g h x = h (g (f x)))
We can write the function in many other ways, but the results they give will be always the same (if Example, f, g and h are total and x is not bottom). So the type can express really well the function, because we can understand how the function works only looking at the type!

What does the type of "+" mean in Haskell

Prelude> :t (+)
(+) :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a
My lecture slide says that
a -> a -> a
means a function take two parameters and return one, and all of them are the same type. Which two are the parameters and which one is the return value?
Thank you.
There are some levels you have to master here:
level 0
a -> b -> c
is a function taking one a and one b and producing one c
level 1
well there is more to it:
a -> b -> c
which is really
a -> (b -> c)
is a function taking one a and producing another function, that takes a b and produces a c
level 2
f :: (Num a) => a -> a -> a
Adds a constraint to a (here Num - this means that a should be a number - a is an instance of the Num type-class)
So you get a function that takes an a and produces a function that takes another a and returns a a, and a needs to be an instance of Num
so every input to f has to be of the same type of number:
f 1 2 is ok
f 'a' 'b' is not ok
f (1::Int) (2::Int) is ok
f (1::Float) (2::Float) is ok
f (1::Int) (2::Float) is not ok
level 3 (understanding (+))
The last thing you have to understand here is that, (+) is defined as a part of Num so there are different + based on the used types ... and the same is true for the number literals like 0, 1, ... thats why 0 can be a Float or a Int or whatever type that is a instance of Num
The first two are parameters, the last one is the return value.
In fact, due to currying, it can be read like this: the + function (which only accepts numeric values) takes a parameter a and returns a function that takes a parameter of the same type and returns the result of the same type.
Here's a contrived example:
let addTwo = (+) 2 -- the + function takes one argument and returns a function
addTwo 3 -- we can add the second argument here and obtain 5 as returned value
Suppose we have a type like this:
a -> b -> c -> d -> e
The last thing in the sequence is the return type. So this function returns something of type e. Everything else is the argument types. So this function takes 4 arguments, who's types are a, b, c and d.
Lower-case letters denote "type variables" — variables which can stand for any type. (It doesn't have to be a single letter, but it often is.) Anything beginning with an upper-case letter is a specific type, not a variable. (For example, Int is a type, int is a type variable.)
The Num a part means that a stands for any type, but that type must implement the Num type-class. Other common contexts are Eq (defines the == operator), Ord (defines <, >, and so forth) and Show (defines the show function that converts stuff into a string).

Understanding Haskell types [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Understanding Haskell Type Signatures
(3 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I need to understand how types works and can be interpreted.
For example, if we take map function we have map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
Well, how do I interpret this?
-> is a type constructor for the type of functions. It's a right-associative infix operator, meaning it's grouped together from the right. This means that we can rewrite the type by adding explicit grouping for the functions to the right side.
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map :: (a -> b) -> ([a] -> [b])
An infix expression for an operator * applied to two arguments, x and y, x * y can be written in prefix notation as (*) a b. We can rewrite the preceding type, starting with the outermost ->, which is the one in the middle.
map :: (->) (a -> b) ([a] -> [b])
And we can now translate the last type into English
map :: (->) (a -> b) ([a] -> [b])
map is a function that takes a "(a -> b)" and returns a "([a] -> [b])"
Where we interpret a -> b ~ (->) a b (here ~ means the types are equivalent) as
(->) a b
function that takes an "a" and return a "b"
And interpret [a] -> [b] ~ (->) [a] [b] as
(->) [ a ] [ b ]
function that takes a list of "a"s and returns a list of "b"s
We say "a function from a to b" as shorthand for "a function that takes an a and returns a b"
The as and bs in the type signature are type variables, they can take on any type, which we call polymorphism. Occasionally, you will see this written explicitly in Haskell as forall So, in all we could say:
map is a polymorphic value for all types a and b which is a function that:
takes a function from a to b and
returns a function from a lists of as to a list of bs.
The fact that this signature contains -> tells us it's a function. Whatever comes after the last -> is the return type of the function once fully applied. Let's look at the individual pieces.
(a -> b)
This is the first argument, and it, too is a function. This means that map is a higher-order-function -- it takes a function as one of its arguments. a -> b itself is a function that transforms some value of type a into some value of type b.
The second argument. The square brackets is special syntax that denotes list. This argument, therefore, is a list with elements of type a.
The type of the result. Again, a list, but this time with elements of type b.
We can try to reason about this now. Given a function a -> b and a list of a, map seems to be (it really is) a function that transforms that list of as into a list of bs.
Here's an example: map (*2) [1,2,3]. In this case, a is Integer (or some other integer type) and each element is doubled. b, too, is Integer, because (*2) assumes the same return type, so in the case the type variables a and b are the same. This need not be the case; we could have a different function instead of (*2), say show which would have produced a b distinct from a, namely String.
Try them out in ghci. You can type in map show [1,2,3] directly and see the result. You can query the type of the expression by prepending :t to that line.
To learn more, you should look up one of the marvelous starter resources. LYAH has an entire chapter dedicated to the basic understanding of types, and is definitely worth a read!
