Need a second level menu - activeadmin

Does activeadmin support 2nd level menus? For example, I tried the following to have "Safety" under "Resources" and "Cyber Security" and "Emergency Plans" under "Safety"
ActiveAdmin.register_page 'Safety' do
menu parent:'Resources'
content do
render template: 'safety/safety'
ActiveAdmin.register_page 'Cyber Security' do
menu parent: 'Safety'
content do
render template: 'safety/cyber_security'
ActiveAdmin.register_page 'Emergency Plans' do
menu parent: 'Safety'
content do
render template: 'safety/emergency_plans'
That does not work. I simply see the Safety menu item in the dropdown but I don't see the other three We are using version 0.6.6 of activeadmin.
Question: Does this version or any newer version of active-admin support multi level menus? If so, how can I do that?

It has limited support with a feature called navigation menu, see the docs on belongs_to.
Beyond that, but take a look at active_admin-subnav I hope you will consider ActiveAdmin 1.x for newer versions of Rails.


develop a menu item for a single item in joomla 2.5

how can I develop menu item for a single item at a joomla 2.5 component?
I develop menu item for category in my component but don't know how can
develop menu item for a single item from my category.
please help me
thank you
If you are referring to a single article from a category you would just use "single article" when creating a menu link. Then a new field will appear and you must select which article you want.
If you are referring to a component you need to make sure the component even allows the creation to the link you want. You do this the same way but instead of "single article" you would select the component then choose what links they offer as a menu link.
This refers to Joomla! 3.0+ for 2.5 or below you would see a full list without the show/hide effects in the menu selection modal.
If you use Joomla you know what I mean..
Hope this helps.

Is there a way to add an "Edit HTML" button to bootstrap-wysihtml5 when integrating with Rails_Admin?

The Rails_Admin wiki explains how to integrate with bootstrap-wysihtml5 which is incredibly easy.
However, I'd like the wysihtml5 widget to have the "edit as html" button.
Is this possible?
You can configure wysihtml5 on a per-field basis like below. To e.g. enable the HTML editor feature, use
RailsAdmin.config do |config|
config.model Team do
edit do
field :description, :text do
bootstrap_wysihtml5 true
bootstrap_wysihtml5_config_options :html => true
This was added to Rails_admin a while ago, but they somehow forgot to update the Wiki.
The above answer is now out of date with the current version of Rails Admin. You should use the following syntax to customize the editor:
field :description, :wysihtml5 do
config_options :html => true
I have updated the wiki

SharePoint 2007 - add additional menu to Global Navigation in a Master Page

In the source code for a master page, there is a section that has the following ASP.NET item: . This contains the "Welcome (User Name)" and Site Actions menus.
How do I create an additional menu that is similar to the look and feel of the Welcome menu? I've tried to create Front End HTML that behaves similar to the out of the box SharePoint menus, but it isn't quite right. I would prefer to utilize an ASP.NET or SharePoint control that acts similar to the SharePoint menu if that is possible.
For example, is <SharePoint:AspMenu> the appropriate control to use?
i am sure you will get better answer than this but just wanted to point what i have done to do this
i have added javascript library (JQuery) (for some other reason ) and when time come to do this thing i just added a JQuery code that creates another item in the navigation list with appropriate style and css class with the needed link and caption.
You could try another instance of the PersonalActions control with a custom GroupId. But when the control is rendered, it might also say "Welcome, [User]" just like the original.

How to add subpages in Orchard CMS

I added a new page in the main menu, e.g. Products. Now I want to add a subpage e.g. Sub Products below a Products page. I tried all possible options in the dashboard but it didn't work for me. Any ideas how to handle this?
here is a quick solution for this
Go to your dash board -->Gallery -->Modules
search for Hierarchical menu and install it
after installing then go to Configuration -->Features and enable it.
Go go to Navigation .give position like 2 for "Products" and 2.1 for "Sub products".
you will see Sub products appear under Products page.
As of Orchard CMS 1.5 this is supported by the core navigation module. Now you can simply drag and drop menu items under one another in the Admin -> Navigation view. You can then control level rendering under the widget settings for the menu by setting the "Start level" and "Levels to display" properties.
See release notes for further details.
The navigation documentation doesn't seem to be up to date though :(
Take a look at:
The module to support this (along with many other modules) is available in Orchard's module gallery.

Joomla nested ul menu

everyone! What I'm trying to do is to get Joomla! to desplay the menu items in a nested ul menu, like this:
Sub Subitem
currently I'm using a custom HTML for this, I've written a custom jquery script for this accordion and I'd like to use it with the Joomla's menu system. I've also downloaded Extended Menu module. Please let me know of any ideas.
P.S forgot to say that I don't want to create a dropdown menu that works on hover. My menu should slide down on .click()
You are in luck. The standard Joomla mod_mainmenu module builds menus exactly like that. You can basically take the entire module, add some IDs and classes to suit your accordion code and add in the JS to have a fully functioning menu with minimal effort. Just to be sure, I moved some menu items around on one of my demo sites. Take a look at the Resources menu here -
That is a basic Joomla menu module with the items nested as you illustrated.
