Creating regex restriction on OWL class - xsd

I'm trying to create a simple ontology that has two classes: class1 and class2,- and two instances that have simple text data property with the same name (hasName: "string1"^^xsd:string and hasName "string2"^^xsd:string respectivly). I want to classify these instances with reasoner to the respective classes based on regular expression (for example, the restriction for class 1 would be hasName some xsd:string[pattern "string1"], and such, the reasoner should infer that instance1 belongs to class1, but instance2 is not). How can it be done?

Using Openllet(2.6.2-SNAPSHOT) you can do things like that :
final OWLNamedIndividual x1 = OWL.Individual("#I1");
final OWLNamedIndividual x2 = OWL.Individual("#I2");
owl.addAxiom(OWL.equivalentClasses(ClsA, OWL.some(propB, OWL.restrict(XSD.STRING, OWL._factory.getOWLFacetRestriction(OWLFacet.PATTERN, OWL.constant("A.A"))))));
owl.addAxiom(OWL.propertyAssertion(x1, propB, OWL.constant("AAA")));
owl.addAxiom(OWL.propertyAssertion(x2, propB, OWL.constant("BBB")));
owl.addAxiom(OWL.differentFrom(x1, x2));
final OpenlletReasoner r = owl.getReasoner();
assertTrue(r.isEntailed(OWL.classAssertion(x1, ClsA)));
assertFalse(r.isEntailed(OWL.classAssertion(x2, ClsA)));
As you can see the line :
OWL.restrict(XSD.STRING, OWL._factory.getOWLFacetRestriction(OWLFacet.PATTERN, OWL.constant("A.A"))))));
is the one that add the "regexp" to the classification algorithm.
Here the pattern is 'A.A', pattern follow 'java-regexp'enter link description here rules.


Typescript complex mapping between two classes

Disclaimer: First I have to say that I have a different background - Java/Scala and Typescript is definitely not my biggest strength.
I have two fairly complex classes and pre-defined contract which maps each property from class class A to class B. I have to convert instance of class A to class B and vice versa on demand. I know this could be done with a static mapper which does the translation in code, but I was wondering if there are some packages/techniques which could easy my pain. I already checked, but it doesn't seem to cover everything I want.
Some array fields from one class could be transformed or flattened before mapped to the other class.
Class A is a simple {[key:string], string} map, while B's fields are more complex and type inferred from the contract.
Key in class A might be mapped to key Y in class B.
An example A->B:
class A {
"key1" = "1234"
"key2" = "text"
"key3" = "10/07/2021"
"key5" = "otherText"
and after conversion
class B {
"newKey1" = 1234,
"newKey2" = "text",
"newKey3" = Date(..),
"key4": {
"key5": "otherText"
Any tips, suggestions will be very much appreciated.

Storing type fields in a list

Hello i am faced with the following problem. I have a data type with multiple fields.I need to enumerate them and store them in a collection for further mapping.
data Worker=Worker{
data Title=Manager | Dev | Tester deriving (Show)
instance Show Worker where
show w=let !names=["age","name", "title","income"]
!props= [age,name,title,income] in -- Do i need to define another new type to be able to flat them down to a list?
"{"++intercalate "," (zipWith (\x y-> x++":"++ y w) names props)++"}"
Where can i store all all properties (methods)to be able to further use them as a parameter in a higher order function on a given variable of type Worker in our case.
You can get sort of close to the thing you're looking for, but it's not going to be pretty.
We can use RecordWildCards to bring all of the accessor names into scope as though they were ordinary variables, but that still introduces a new problem.
-- Not runnable Haskell code
foo Worker {..} = let names = ["age", "name", "title", "income"]
props = [age, name, title, income]
in ...
We're pattern matching on Worker {..}, which introduces a bunch of accessor names into the local scope. However, props is trying to be a heterogeneous list, which Haskell does not allow. It contains two integers, a string, and a title, whereas Haskell lists are only supposed to contain one type.
Since you're trying to show each field, you're going to have to apply show to each element by hand. Like I said, this is going to be a bit ugly.
foo Worker {..} = let names = ["age", "name", "title", "income"]
props = [show age, show name, show title, show income]
in ...
It may look like we can do map show [age, name, title, income], but we can't. That list still wouldn't be valid, and we're applying three different show functions here (they just happen to share a name), so we can't meaningfully map the same show over each element.
However, as the comments say, your best bet is to familiarize yourself with a proper JSON library, and Aeson is easily the best choice in Haskell for that sort of thing.

Camel custom component: perform two different actions

I just want to know if I can do below pertaining to custom component
1) I created a sample component
somComponent://foo ---> what this foo refers to?can i have any string there?
What does it denotes?
2) consider below route
from("some blah")
Idea - I want to perform two different actions on the above. Kind of two different methods.
Is the above possible?
The notation for your custom component in Apache Camel can be described as follows:
The instance part can be pretty much anything you want to uniquely identify the endpoint.
You can derive DefaultComponent and implement the methods. The signature for createEndpoint method looks like this:
protected Endpoint createEndpoint(final String uri, String remaining,
Map<String, Object> parameters) throws Exception
So for the endpoint someComponent://instance?parm1=foo&parm2=bar
uri = someComponent://instance?parm1=foo&parm2=bar
remaining = instance
parmeters = (Map) parm1 -> foo, parm2 -> bar
Therefore, yes! You can easily denote the action you want, for example as a parameter such as:

How do I find all elements which have a css class in coded ui?

I need to find all Html controls which have a given css class.
var htmlControl = new HtmlControl(document);
htmlControl.SearchProperties[HtmlControl.PropertyNames.Class] = #class;
var uiTestControlCollection = htmlControl.FindMatchingControls();
Using the class name works when there is just one css class on the control. If I have more than one css classes applied on the element, can I search for the element by specifying just one css class and not all of them?
You can perform a partial match, like so:
htmlControl.SearchProperties.Add(HtmlControl.PropertyNames.Class, #class, PropertyExpressionOperator.Contains);
var uiTestControlCollection = htmlControl.FindMatchingControls();
The main draw back of this is that it is just a simple string compare. To illustrate, imagine you have two controls A and B. A has class "Test" and B has classes "testdiv topnav". Now if you perform a search for "test", both controls A and B will be selected.
To match a class exactly, you can provide a close as match as possible using the above method and write a helper function to:
Loop through the collection
Get the class of each control
Split the class string on the spaces
Loop through this array and test each for an exact match
Keep the elements where a class matches exactly
Note: This is clearly non-optimal - I'm all ears if someone has a better solution.

Groovy type conversion

In Groovy you can do surprising type conversions using either the as operator or the asType method. Examples include
Short s = new Integer(6) as Short
List collection = new HashSet().asType(List)
I'm surprised that I can convert from an Integer to a Short and from a Set to a List, because there is no "is a" relationship between these types, although they do share a common ancestor.
For example, the following code is equivalent to the Integer/Short example in terms of the
relationship between the types involved in the conversion
class Parent {}
class Child1 extends Parent {}
class Child2 extends Parent {}
def c = new Child1() as Child2
But of course this example fails. What exactly are the type conversion rules behind the as operator and the asType method?
I believe the default asType behaviour can be found in:
Starting from DefaultGroovyMethods it is quite easy to follow the behavior of asType for a specific object type and requested type combination.
According to what Ruben has already pointed out the end result of:
Set collection = new HashSet().asType(List)
Set collection = new ArrayList( new HashSet() )
The asType method recognizes you are wanting a List and being the fact HashSet is a Collection, it just uses ArrayList's constructor which takes a Collection.
As for the numbers one, it converts the Integer into a Number, then calls the shortValue method.
I didn't realize there was so much logic in converting references/values like this, my sincere gratitude to Ruben for pointing out the source, I'll be making quite a few blog posts over this topic.
