Is there a way to shorten this deriving clause? - haskell

Is there a way to write the following:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
data X = A | B | C
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Data, SymWord, HasKind, SMTValue)
So that the deriving clause can be shortened somehow, to something like the following:
data X = A | B | C deriving MyOwnClass
I'd like to avoid TH if at all possible, and I'm happy to create a new class that has all those derived classes as its super-class as necessary (as in MyOwnClass above), but that doesn't really work with the deriving mechanism. With constraint kinds extension, I found that you can write this:
type MyOwnClass a = (Eq a, Ord a, Show a, Read a, Data a, SymWord a, HasKind a, SMTValue a)
Unfortunately, I cannot put that in the deriving clause. Is there some magic to make this happen?
EDIT From the comments, it appears TH might be the only viable choice here. (The CPP macro is really not OK!) If that's the case, the sketch of a TH solution will be nice to see.

There's bad and easy way to do it and good but hard way. As Silvio Mayolo said you can use TemplateHaskell to write such function. This way is hard and rather complex way. The easier way is to use C-preprocessor like this:
#define MY_OWN_CLASS (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Data, SymWord, HasKind, SMTValue)
data X = A | B | C
deriving MY_OWN_CLASS
UPDATE (17.07.2016): ideas & sketch of TH solution
Before introducing sketch of solution I will illustrate why this is harder to do with TH. deriving-clause is not some independent clause, it's a part of data declaration so you can't encode only part inside deriving unfortunately. The general approach of writing any TH code is to use runQ command on brackets to see what you should write in the end. Like this:
ghci> :set -XTemplateHaskell
ghci> :set -XQuasiQuotes
ghci> import Language.Haskell.TH
ghci> runQ [d|data A = B deriving (Eq, Show)|]
[ DataD
[ NormalC B_1 [] ]
[ ConT GHC.Classes.Eq , ConT GHC.Show.Show ]
Now you see that type classes for deriving are specified as last argument of DataD — data declaration — constructor. The workaround for your problem is to use -XStadandaloneDeriving extension. It's like deriving but much powerful though also much verbose. Again, to see, what exactly you want to generate, just use runQ:
ghci> data D = T
ghci> :set -XStandaloneDeriving
ghci> runQ [d| deriving instance Show D |]
[ StandaloneDerivD [] (AppT (ConT GHC.Show.Show) (ConT Ghci5.D)) ]
You can use StandaloneDerivD and other constructors directly or just use [d|...|]-brackets though they have more magic but they give you list of Dec (declarations). If you want to generate several declarations then you should write you function like this:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Deriving where
import Language.Haskell.TH
boilerplateAnnigilator :: Name -> Q [Dec]
boilerplateAnnigilator typeName = do
let typeCon = conT typeName
[d|deriving instance Show $(typeCon)
deriving instance Eq $(typeCon)
deriving instance Ord $(typeCon)
Brief tutorial can be found here.
And then you can use it in another file (this is TH limitation called staged restriction: you should define macro in one file but you can't use it in the same file) like this:
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Deriving
data X = A | B | C
boilerplateAnnigilator ''X
You should put other type classes you want inside boilerplateAnnigilator function. But this approach only works for non-parametrized class. If you have data MyData a = ... then standalone deriving should look like:
deriving instance Eq a => MyData a
And if you want your TH macro work for parametrized classes as well, then you basically should implement whole logic of GHC compiler by deducing whether type have type variables or not and generate instances depending on that. But this is much harder. I think that the best solution is to just make ticket in GHC compiler and let authors implement such feature called deriving aliases :)


How to 'show' unshowable types?

I am using data-reify and graphviz to transform an eDSL into a nice graphical representation, for introspection purposes.
As simple, contrived example, consider:
data Expr a where
Constant :: a -> Expr a
Map :: (other -> a) -> Expr a -> Expr a
Apply :: Expr (other -> a) -> Expr a -> Expr a
instance Functor Expr where
fmap fun val = Map fun val
instance Applicative Expr where
fun_expr <*> data_expr = Apply fun_expr data_expr
pure val = Constant val
-- And then some functions to optimize an Expr AST, evaluate Exprs, etc.
To make introspection nicer, I would like to print the values which are stored inside certain AST nodes of the DSL datatype.
However, in general any a might be stored in Constant, even those that do not implement Show. This is not necessarily a problem since we can constrain the instance of Expr like so:
instance Show a => Show (Expr a) where
This is not what I want however: I would still like to be able to print Expr even if a is not Show-able, by printing some placeholder value (such as just its type and a message that it is unprintable) instead.
So we want to do one thing if we have an a implementing Show, and another if a particular a does not.
Furthermore, the DSL also has the constructors Map and Apply which are even more problematic. The constructor is existential in other, and thus we cannot assume anything about other, a or (other -> a). Adding constraints to the type of other to the Map resp. Apply constructors would break the implementation of Functor resp. Applicative which forwards to them.
But here also I'd like to print for the functions:
a unique reference. This is always possible (even though it is not pretty as it requires unsafePerformIO) using System.Mem.StableName.
Its type, if possible (one technique is to use show (typeOf fun), but it requires that fun is Typeable).
Again we reach the issue where we want to do one thing if we have an f implementing Typeable and another if f does not.
How to do this?
Extra disclaimer: The goal here is not to create 'correct' Show instances for types that do not support it. There is no aspiration to be able to Read them later, or that print a != print b implies a != b.
The goal is to print any datastructure in a 'nice for human introspection' way.
The part I am stuck at, is that I want to use one implementation if extra constraints are holding for a resp. (other -> a), but a 'default' one if these do not exist.
Maybe type classes with FlexibleInstances, or maybe type families are needed here? I have not been able to figure it out (and maybe I am on the wrong track all together).
Not all problems have solutions. Not all constraint systems have a satisfying assignment.
So... relax the constraints. Store the data you need to make a sensible introspective function in your data structure, and use functions with type signatures like show, fmap, pure, and (<*>), but not exactly equal to them. If you need IO, use IO in your type signature. In short: free yourself from the expectation that your exceptional needs fit into the standard library.
To deal with things where you may either have an instance or not, store data saying whether you have an instance or not:
data InstanceOrNot c where
Instance :: c => InstanceOrNot c
Not :: InstanceOrNot c
(Perhaps a Constraint-kinded Either-alike, rather than Maybe-alike, would be more appropriate. I suspect as you start coding this you will discover what's needed.) Demand that clients that call notFmap and friends supply these as appropriate.
In the comments, I propose parameterizing your type by the constraints you demand, and giving a Functor instance for the no-constraints version. Here's a short example showing how that might look:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
import Data.Kind
type family All cs a :: Constraint where
All '[] a = ()
All (c:cs) a = (c a, All cs a)
data Lol cs a where
Leaf :: a -> Lol cs a
Fmap :: All cs b => (a -> b) -> Lol cs a -> Lol cs b
instance Functor (Lol '[]) where
fmap f (Leaf a) = Leaf (f a)
fmap f (Fmap g garg) = Fmap (f . g) garg
Great timing! Well-typed recently released a library which allows you to recover runtime information. They specifically have an example of showing arbitrary values. It's on github at
It turns out that this is a problem which has been recognized by multiple people in the past, known as the 'Constrained Monad Problem'. There is an elegant solution, explained in detail in the paper The Constrained-Monad Problem by Neil Sculthorpe and Jan Bracker and George Giorgidze and Andy Gill.
A brief summary of the technique: Monads (and other typeclasses) have a 'normal form'. We can 'lift' primitives (which are constrained any way we wish) into this 'normal form' construction, itself an existential datatype, and then use any of the operations available for the typeclass we have lifted into. These operations themselves are not constrained, and thus we can use all of Haskell's normal typeclass functions.
Finally, to turn this back into the concrete type (which again has all the constraints we are interested in) we 'lower' it, which is an operation that takes for each of the typeclass' operations a function which it will apply at the appropriate time.
This way, constraints from the outside (which are part of the functions supplied to the lowering) and constraints from the inside (which are part of the primitives we lifted) are able to be matched, and finally we end up with one big happy constrained datatype for which we have been able to use any of the normal Functor/Monoid/Monad/etc. operations.
Interestingly, while the intermediate operations are not constrained, to my knowledge it is impossible to write something which 'breaks' them as this would break the categorical laws that the typeclass under consideration should adhere to.
This is available in the constrained-normal Hackage package to use in your own code.
The example I struggled with, could be implemented as follows:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Example where
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Kind
import Data.Typeable
import Control.Monad.ConstrainedNormal
-- | Required to have a simple constraint which we can use as argument to `Expr` / `Expr'`.
-- | This is definitely the part of the example with the roughest edges: I have yet to figure out
-- | how to make Haskell happy with constraints
class (Show a, Typeable a) => Introspectable a where {}
instance (Show a, Typeable a) => Introspectable a where {}
data Expr' (c :: * -> Constraint) a where
C :: a -> Expr' c a
-- M :: (a -> b) -> Expr' a -> Expr' b --^ NOTE: This one is actually never used as ConstrainedNormal will use the 'free' implementation based on A + C.
A :: c a => Expr' c (a -> b) -> Expr' c a -> Expr' c b
instance Introspectable a => Show (Expr' Introspectable a) where
show e = case e of
C x -> "(C " ++ show x ++ ")"
-- M f x = "(M " ++ show val ++ ")"
A fx x -> "(A " ++ show (typeOf fx) ++ " " ++ show x ++ ")"
-- | In user-facing code you'd not want to expose the guts of this construction
-- So let's introduce a 'wrapper type' which is what a user would normally interact with.
type Expr c a = NAF c (Expr' c) a
liftExpr :: c a => Expr' c a -> Expr c a
liftExpr expr = liftNAF expr
lowerExpr :: c a => Expr c a -> Expr' c a
lowerExpr lifted_expr = lowerNAF C A lifted_expr
constant :: Introspectable a => a -> Expr c a
constant val = pure val -- liftExpr (C val)
You could now for instance write
ghci> val = constant 10 :: Expr Introspectable Int
(C 10)
ghci> (+2) <$> val
(C 12)
ghci> (+) <$> constant 10 <*> constant 32 :: Expr Introspectable Int
And by using Data.Constraint.Trivial (part of the trivial-constrained library, although it is also possible to write your own 'empty constrained') one could instead write e.g.
ghci> val = constant 10 :: Expr Unconstrained Int
which will work just as before, but now val cannot be printed.
The one thing I have not yet figured out, is how to properly work with subsets of constraints (i.e. if I have a function that only requires Show, make it work with something that is Introspectable). Currently everything has to work with the 'big' set of constraints.
Another minor drawback is of course that you'll have to annotate the constraint type (e.g. if you do not want constraints, write Unconstrained manually), as GHC will otherwise complain that c0 is not known.
We've reached the goal of having a type which can be optionally be constrained to be printable, with all machinery that does not need printing to work also on all instances of the family of types including those that are not printable, and the types can be used as Monoids, Functors, Applicatives, etc just as you like.
I think it is a beautiful approach, and want to commend Neil Sculthorpe et al. for their work on the paper and the constrained-normal library that makes this possible. It's very cool!

How to represent this type in Haskell

How can i represent a list which include 1 String and another list with maximum of 3 Strings.
Like this one:
osztaly = [("András", ["mákos", "meggyes", "almás"]), ("Joli", ["túrós"]), ("Anna", ["almás", "almás"]), ("Tamás", []), ("Mari", ["almás", "meggyes"]), ("Vera", [])]
If you just need size 3:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
data ListUpTo3 a
= Zero
| One a
| Two a a
| Three a a a
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
The Functor, Foldable, and Traversable instances recover many (but not all) of the convenient functions available for the builtin lists.
If you may need other sizes than max-3, you can generalize this, but it takes significantly more type-level programming, which adds significant programmer effort both for the implementer of the type and for the user of the type.
Personally, I probably would not try to capture this constraint at the type level. Then the max-length-3 bit is not compiler checked; but it is also much simpler to implement and use. You can read more about this idea elsewhere on the net under the keywords "smart constructor".
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-- N.B. we do not export the value constructor, only the type constructor
module UpTo3 (ListUpTo3, fromList, toList) where
newtype ListUpTo3 a = ListUpTo3 [a] deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
fromList :: [a] -> Maybe (ListUpTo3 a)
fromList xs = if null (drop 3 xs) then Just (ListUpTo3 xs) else Nothing
toList :: ListUpTo3 a -> [a]
toList (ListUpTo3 xs) = xs

(Generically) Build Parsers from custom data types?

I'm working on a network streaming client that needs to talk to the server. The server encodes the responses in bytestrings, for example, "1\NULJohn\NULTeddy\NUL501\NUL", where '\NUL' is the separator. The above response translates to "This is a message of type 1(hard coded by the server), which tells the client what the ID of a user is(here, the user id of "John Teddy" is "501").
So naively I define a custom data type
data User
{ firstName :: String
, lastName :: String
, id :: Int
and a parser for this data type
parseID :: Parser User
parseID = ...
Then one just writes a handler to do some job(e.g., write to a database) after the parser succesfully mathes a response like this. This is very straightforward.
However, the server has almost 100 types of different responses like this that the client needs to parse. I suspect that there must be a much more elegant way to do the job rather than writing 100 almost identical parsers like this, because, after all, all haksell coders are lazy. I am a total newbie to generic programming so can some one tell me if there is a package that can do this job?
For these kinds of problems I turn to generics-sop instead of using generics directly. generics-sop is built on top of Generics and provides functions for manipulating all the fields in a record in a uniform way.
In this answer I use the ReadP parser which comes with base, but any other Applicative parser would do. Some preliminary imports:
{-# language DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies #-}
{-# language DataKinds #-}
{-# language TypeApplications #-} -- for the Proxy
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (ReadP,readP_to_S)
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec (readPrec_to_P)
import Text.Read (readPrec)
import Data.Proxy
import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
import Generics.SOP
We define a typeclass that can produce an Applicative parser for each of its instances. Here we define only the instances for Int and Bool:
class HasSimpleParser c where
getSimpleParser :: ReadP c
instance HasSimpleParser Int where
getSimpleParser = readPrec_to_P readPrec 0
instance HasSimpleParser Bool where
getSimpleParser = readPrec_to_P readPrec 0
Now we define a generic parser for records in which every field has a HasSimpleParser instance:
recParser :: (Generic r, Code r ~ '[xs], All HasSimpleParser xs) => ReadP r
recParser = to . SOP . Z <$> hsequence (hcpure (Proxy #HasSimpleParser) getSimpleParser)
The Code r ~ '[xs], All HasSimpleParser xs constraint means "this type has only one constructor, the list of field types is xs, and all the field types have HasSimpleParser instances".
hcpure constructs an n-ary product (NP) where each component is a parser for the corresponding field of r. (NP products wrap each component in a type constructor, which in our case is the parser type ReadP).
Then we use hsequence to turn a n-ary product of parsers into the parser of an n-ary product.
Finally, we fmap into the resulting parser and turn the n-ary product back into the original r record using to. The Z and SOP constructors are required for turning the n-ary product into the sum-of-products the to function expects.
Ok, let's define an example record and make it an instance of Generics.SOP.Generic:
data Foo = Foo { x :: Int, y :: Bool } deriving (Show, GHC.Generic)
instance Generic Foo -- Generic from generics-sop
Let's check if we can parse Foo with recParser:
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ readP_to_S (recParser #Foo) "55False"
The result is
[(Foo {x = 55, y = False},"")]
You can write your own parser - but there is already a package that can do the parsing for you: cassava and while SO is usually not a place to search for library recommendations, I want to include this answer for people looking for a solution, but not having the time to implement this themselves and looking for a solution that works out of the box.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.Csv
import Data.Vector
import Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import GHC.Generics
data Person = P { personId :: Int
, firstName :: String
, lastName :: String
} deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)
-- the following are provided by friendly neighborhood Generic
instance FromRecord Person
instance ToRecord Person
main :: IO ()
main = do B.writeFile "test" "1\NULThomas\NULof Aquin"
Right thomas <- decodeWith (DecodeOptions 0) NoHeader <$>
B.readFile "test"
print (thomas :: Vector Person)
Basically cassava allows you to parse all X-separated structures into a Vector, provided you can write down a FromRecord instance (which needs a parseRecord :: Parser … function to work.
Side note on Generic until recently I thought - EVERYTHING - in haskell has a Generic instance, or can derive one. Well this is not the case I wanted to serialize some ThreadId to CSV/JSON and happened to find out unboxed types are not so easily "genericked"!
And before I forget it - when you speak of streaming and server and so on there is cassava-conduit that might be of help.

deriving clause with arbitrary "Constraint aliases"?

For example, this declaration with deriving:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, ConstraintKinds #-}
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
type Constraints a = (Show a, Eq a, Ord a, Data a, Typeable a)
data A = A deriving (Constraints)
errors with:
Illegal deriving item ‘Constraints’
Which makes sense given
I write deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable) for most of my types. It might be nice to export standard "constraint aliases", i.e. any type of kind * -> Constraint. Given, of course, that the constraints in the constraint tuple are all the right arity, have an empty "minimal complete definition", etc.
Is there any proposal for this? How hard would it be? Are there alternatives?
There is no proposal for this. It wouldn't be too hard, but I suspect it wouldn't get a lot of traction. Not only could you use template haskell to generate standalone deriving declarations as a comment suggests, but you could macro-expand to your desired clause using CPP if you really want.

Stackoverflow exception when comparing two dynamic types

I have defined a data type Loc which can accept Dynamics in the constructor. Moreover I need to compare Loc datatypes using == operator. So I came up with something like this:
data Loc = UnknownLoc | DynamicLoc Dynamic deriving (Eq,Show)
instance Eq Dynamic
data DynamicLocation = Loc_1 | Loc_2 deriving (Eq,Show)
instance Typeable DynamicLocation
But when attempting to run the following line I get stackoverflow exception.
DynamicLoc (toDyn Loc_1) == DynamicLoc (toDyn Loc_1)
any idea?
Please, read your compiler warnings :) You haven't provided a definition for the Typeable typeclass's typeOf method for DynamicLocation, and toDyn calls typeOf. So this definitely shouldn't work -- if you try just toDyn Loc_1, you'll get an exception.
But why an infinite loop? It's because you also haven't defined (==) for Dynamic, and (==) and (/=) are defined in terms of each other in GHC.Classes. GHC doesn't attempt to resolve such infinite recursion in default method declarations, so you unfortunately don't get a warning.
What to do? I suggest letting GHC derive the Typeable instance for you:
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
data DynamicLocation = Loc_1 | Loc_2 deriving (Eq,Show)
deriving instance Typeable DynamicLocation
or, more sensible:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
data DynamicLocation = Loc_1 | Loc_2 deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable)
However, as a commenter has already pointed out, it's not immediately clear how to define (==) for Dynamic, or if this is even possible.
