How to apply masonry to items appended by ajax call - jquery-masonry

I have a picture grid and in the Mobile View (320 X 480), there is a "Load More" button. The container div is as follows:
<div id="divMoments" class="grid" data-masonry='{ "itemSelector": ".grid-item"}'>
<div class="grid-item">
<div class="gridContainer">
<img src="ImageURL" />
On the button click, it triggers an ajax call. The received result is a html string of many such grid items:
"<div class=\"grid-item\">imagex<div>
<div class=\"grid-item\">imagey<div>
After appending the string to the container, I have the jQuery code to reload masonry, but all the images are overlapped. When I check the html, the masonry css is applied to all the items.
function GetNextSet() {
url: "/api/sitecore/Moment/GetNextSet",
type: "POST",
context: this,
success: function (data) {
function ShowNextResultSet(data) {
var $content = jQuery(data.ResultSet);
jQuery("#divMoments").append($content).masonry('appended', $content);
using masonry v4.1.1

Re-applying masonry after a delay worked for me.
function ShowNextResultSet(data) {
var $content = jQuery(data.ResultSet);
jQuery("#divMoments").append($content).masonry('appended', $content);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);


Is there a way to reference the images in vue?

I'm building a SPA using vue.js, I need to assign a div background-image referencing something in the following path:
I'm trying to reference src/assets/img/firstCard.jpg but for some reason it doesn't shows the image, this is how I'm binding the image:
<a class="card">
<div class="card__content">
<p class="card__category">Gratuita</p>
<h3 class="card__heading">Ademas en diferentes plataformas.</h3>
export default {
data () {
return {
thirdCard: {
'background-image': require('#/assets/img/firstCard.jpg')
secondCard: {
'background-image': require('#/assets/img/firstCard.jpg')
firstard: {
'background-image': require('#/assets/img/firstCard.jpg')
Thank you all for your time.
You can try to make method or computed property:
getUrl (img) {
return require(`#/assets/img/${img}.jpg`);
then call that method in data object (for background-image you need to specify url):
data () {
return {
firstCard: {
'background-image': `url(${this.getUrl('firstCard')})`

Angularjs Material md-datepicker within Formly template will not open calendar pane

I'm trying to create a Formly template using md-datepicker. Unfortunately, when I click on the md-datepicker control within my form the calendar panel does not open.
controller code:
className: 'col-xs-6',
key: 'dateCreated',
type: 'materialdatepicker',
templateOptions: {
label: 'Created'
expressionProperties: {
'templateOptions.disabled': function () {
return !vm.options.editMode;
'templateOptions.required': function () {
return vm.options.editMode;
<script type="text/ng-template" id="materialdatepicker.html">
<div layout="column">
<div flex="100">
<p class="input-group" style="display: block; margin: 0px;">
<md-datepicker id="{{::id}}" name="{{::id}}" ng-model="model[options.key]"></md-datepicker>
<div class="formlyMessages" ng-messages="fc.$error" ng-if="fc.$touched">
<div class="formlyMessage" ng-message="{{::name}}" ng-repeat="(name, message) in ::options.validation.messages">
{{message(fc.$viewValue, fc.$modelValue, this)}}
formly config:
name: 'materialdatepicker',
templateUrl: 'materialdatepicker.html',
wrapper: ['bootstrapLabel', 'bootstrapHasError'],
defaultOptions: {
ngModelAttrs: ngModelAttrs
controller: ['$scope', function ($scope) {
$scope.materialdatepicker = {};
I can't seem to figure out how to get the calendar panel to open. I'm not getting any errors in the console and the control does get populated with my initial value.
Any ideas?
What I forgot to mention in my original post was that this form is contained within a modal window ($uibModal). As such, the calendar pane was popping up behind my modal window.
The solution found here worked for me: Angular Material DatePicker Calendar Shows Behind Angular Modal
You need to tell your calendar pane to open with a high z-index so it renders above the modal. Place this style sheet code into your modal html:
.md-datepicker-calendar-pane {
z-index: 1200;

Cannot use $(this) in $.getJSON in .each

Im building a custom Minecraft Server Status and hit a problem. The first version of this was successful but the code was rather long and I decided to make it better and shorter. The script is supposed to fill the elements of each .server but it doesn't work.
<div class="server_status">
<div class="container servers_info">
<h1>My Network</h1>
<div id="of the server" class="server" title="of the server" server-ip="">
<div class="name"></div>
<div class="count"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></div>
<div class="players">Loading player data <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></div>
<div class="status"></div>
<div id="of the server" class="server" title="of the server" server-ip="">
<div class="name"></div>
<div class="count"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></div>
<div class="players">Loading player data <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></div>
<div class="status"></div>
<!-- ..... more servers -->
<span class="total"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span>
$(document).ready(function ping() {
$( ".servers_info .server" ).each( function() {
var name = $(this).attr( "title" );
var ip = $(this).attr( "server-ip" );
var id = $(this).attr( "id" );
var total = 0;
var call = "Get Avatar List adress";
//Set the name:
//Gets the data:
$.getJSON("" + ip, function (json) {
//Checks The status and applies visual effects:
if (json.status !== "false") {
$(".status",this).html("<span class=\"l-online\">" + + " ms</span>");
} else {
$(".status",this).html("<span class=\"l-offline\">0 ms</span>");
//Sets Refresh rate of 10s
setTimeout(ping, 10000);
I narrowed down the problem to the $.getJSON part. The data is retrieved correctly but cannot be placed in its respective DIVs. The only difference with the first version of the script is that I used 4 getJSON separately for each of the servers I wanted to display. Now using .each to combine it for all 4 of them and also $(this) to use relative objects.
I suspect the problem is in th usage of $(this) in .get but I'm nnot sure and don't know how to fix it.
As you suspect, the issue is the $(this). part. Inside the $.getJSON callback this no longer refers to the DOM object that triggered the event.
To fix this you can either:
Add a .bind(this) to the callback function. No changes required inside the function itself.
$.getJSON(url, function(json) {
/* all your code here */
Or save the reference to this before $.getJSON and use it inside the callback.
var _this = this;
$.getJSON(url, function(json) {
/* replace all references of this to _this for example*/
Hope that helps

Kendo UI Core Listview Edit Template with Autocomplete TextBox(Kendo Autocomplete)

How to use the Kendo UI Autocomplete textbox inside the Listview Edit Template??While trying to apply the autocomplete option the text box not taking it.The requirement also includes a server side filtering option.This needs to be implemented in an ASP.NET MVC5 Web Application.
I am working on Kendo UI for Jquery and I have implemented something similar. Idea behind the implementation is that you have to add the autocomplete when you are editing the ListView.
I am sharing the "Edit Template" and "ListView JS" below.
I found the idea here
<script type="text/x-kendo-tmpl" id="editTemplate">
<div class="product-view k-widget">
<dt>Product Name</dt>
<label for="PAPC">Project Code<span class="k-icon k-i-star requiredstar" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Required"></span></label>
<input type="text" required name="PAPC" validationMessage="Hotel is required" data-bind="value: ProjectCode" />
<span class="k-invalid-msg" data-for="PAPC"></span>
<div class="edit-buttons">
<a class="k-button k-update-button" href="\\#"><span class="k-icon k-i-check"></span></a>
<a class="k-button k-cancel-button" href="\\#"><span class="k-icon k-i-cancel"></span></a>
var listView = $("#lvPA").kendoListView({
dataSource: datasrc,
template: kendo.template($("#template").html()),
editTemplate: kendo.template($("#editTemplate").html()),
edit: function (e) {
var model = e.model;
var item = $(e.item[0]);
var projectcode = item.find('[name="PAPC"]'); //Get your element
//Add a autocomplete here
valueTemplate: '<span>#:data.ProjectCode#</span>',
template: projectTemplate,
minLength: 3,
autoWidth: true,
dataTextField: "ProjectCode",
dataSource: new{
type: "GET",
serverFiltering: true,
transport: {
read: ProjectAPI,
parameterMap: function (data, type) {
return { filter: $('[name="PAPC"]').val() };
height: 200

Date is not showing up properly in Liferay portlet

In my portlet I have one form where I am showing dates through following code
<aui:input type="text" name="createdDate" size="10" value="" id="createdDate" label="" />
<div class="calendar-icon" id="imageDiv">
<span class="aui-icon aui-icon-calendar"></span>
Script in JSP
function renderCalendar(imageDiv,inputDisplay,calendarDiv) {
AUI().ready('aui-calendar', function(A) {
var inputField1 =;
var inputField2 =;
var calendar1 = new A.Calendar({
dates: [ new Date() ],
dateFormat: '%d/%m/%Y',
selectMultipleDates: false,
after: {
datesChange: function(event) {
var formatted =;
calendar1.toggle(); // hide after a date was selected
var boundingBoxCal1 = calendar1.get('boundingBox');
boundingBoxCal1.setY(inputField1.getY() + 25);
inputField1.on('click', function() { calendar1.toggle(); });
It is showing date on page but the problem is with layout Date text field and calender icon both not coming in same line.Please help me out
use <span> instead of <div>. <div> opens a new block while <span> will remain in the same line
Strange that <span> didn't fix your problem. Try floating your <div> to the left, as in,
<div class="calendar-icon" id="imageDiv" style="float: left;">
