Implement Paging on Azure Cosmos Db Data coming from two seperate documents - azure

We have two separate set of documents in Cosmos Db, one storing User and it's various roles and second set of documents storing the permission to a particular job.
Now, the job list is unbounded and can grow substantially over a period of time. As group by is not allowed on multiple documents, we are trying to figure out the best strategy to implement a way on retrieving all users either based on role or particular job.
1) Solution 1 - Keep User data and job data as sub documents in a big long document and helps with querying and even continuation tokens.
2) Solution 2 - Keep user and role data in 1 documents and multiple job documents and query on the client side separately and perform query there. In this case the continuation token support is lost, as you have to query the complete data first to provide any meaningful results.
3) Solution 3 - Keep the role data with each job document and directly query on it. In this case, we will get number of users based on job and then make single query/user to get their information.
Can anyone recommend a better solution or pick from above 3 and suggest a path forward?

It seems that you need extra storage to store the relationship. We could use Azure SQL to store the relationship of user(documentId, userid, role id), role,job. Then store the incertain property info such as useinfo into Documentdb.


Azure Table Storage data modeling considerations

I have a list of users. A user can either login either using username or e-mail address.
As a beginner in azure table storage, this is what I do for the data model for fast index scan.
PartitionKey RowKey Property
users:email nickname:jack123
users:username jack123
So when a user logs in via email, I would supply PartitionKey eq users:email in the azure table query. If it is username, Partition eq users:username.
Since it doesn't seem possible to simulate contains or like in azure table query, I'm wondering if this is a normal practice to store multiple row of data for 1 user ?
Since it doesn't seem possible to simulate contains or like in azure
table query, I'm wondering if this is a normal practice to store
multiple row of data for 1 user ?Since it doesn't seem possible to
simulate contains or like in azure table query, I'm wondering if this
is a normal practice to store multiple row of data for 1 user ?
This is a perfectly valid practice and in fact is a recommended practice. Essentially you will have to identify the attributes on which you could potentially query your table storage and somehow use them as a combination of PartitionKey and RowKey.
Please see Guidelines for table design for more information. From this link:
Consider storing duplicate copies of entities. Table storage is cheap so consider storing the same entity multiple times (with
different keys) to enable more efficient queries.

Redis and Postgresql synchronization (online users status)

In an NodeJS application I have to maintain a "who was online in the last N minutes" state. Since there is potentially thousands of online users - for performance reasons - I decided to not update my Postgresql user table for this task.
I choosed to use Redis to manage the online status. It's very easy and efficient.
But now I want to make complex queries to the user table, sorted by the online status.
I was thinking of creating a online table filled every minute from a Redis snapshot, but I'm not sure it's the best solution.
Following the table filling, will the next query referencing the online table take a big hit caused by the new indexes creation or loading?
Does anyone know a better solution?
I had to solve almost this exact same issue, but I took a different approach because I Didn't like the issues caused by trying to mix Redis and Postgres.
My solution was to collect the online data in a queue (Zero MQ in my case) but any queueing system should work, or a stream processing facility like Amazon Kinesis (The alternative I looked at.) I then inserted the data in batches into a second table (not the users table). I don't delete or update that table, only inserts and queries are allowed.
Doing things this way preserved the ability to do joins between the last online data and the users table without bogging down the database or creating many updates on the user tables. It has the side effect of giving us a lot of other useful data.
One thing to note that I have though about when thinking of other solutions to this problem is that your users table in transactional data(OLTP) while the latest online information is really analytics data (OLAP), so if you have a data warehouse, data lake, big data, or whatever term of the week you want to use for storing this type of data and querying against it that may be a better solution.

How to account for a failed write or add process in Mongodb

So I've been trying to wrap my head around this one for weeks, but I just can't seem to figure it out. So MongoDB isn't equipped to deal with rollbacks as we typically understand them (i.e. when a client adds information to the database, like a username for example, but quits in the middle of the registration process. Now the DB is left with some "hanging" information that isn't assocaited with anything. How can MongoDb handle that? Or if no one can answer that question, maybe they can point me to a source/example that can? Thanks.
MongoDB does not support transactions, you can't perform atomic multistatement transactions to ensure consistency. You can only perform an atomic operation on a single collection at a time. When dealing with NoSQL databases you need to validate your data as much as you can, they seldom complain about something. There are some workarounds or patterns to achieve SQL like transactions. For example, in your case, you can store user's information in a temporary collection, check data validity, and store it to user's collection afterwards.
This should be straight forwards, but things get more complicated when we deal with multiple documents. In this case, you need create a designated collection for transactions. For instance,
transaction collection
id: ..,
state : "new_transaction",
value1 : values From document_1 before updating document_1,
value2 : values From document_2 before updating document_2
// update document 1
// update document 2
Ooohh!! something went wrong while updating document 1 or 2? No worries, we can still restore the old values from the transaction collection.
This pattern is known as compensation to mimic the transactional behavior of SQL.

Do I use Azure Table Storage or SQL Azure for our CQRS Read System?

We are about to implement the Read portion of our CQRS system in-house with the goal being to vastly improve our read performance. Currently our reads are conducted through a web service which runs a Linq-to-SQL query against normalised data, involving some degree of deserialization from an SQL Azure database.
The simplified structure of our data is:
Conversation (Grouping of Messages to the same recipients)
Recipients (Set of Users)
I want to move this into a denormalized state, so that when a user requests to see a feed of messages it reads from EITHER:
A denormalized representation held in Azure Table Storage
UserID as the PartitionKey
ConversationID as the RowKey
Any volatile data prone to change stored as entities
The messages serialized as JSON in an entity
The recipients of said messages serialized as JSON in an entity
The main problem with this the limited size of a row in Table Storage (960KB)
Also any queries on the "volatile data" columns will be slow as they aren't part of the key
A normalized representation held in Azure Table Storage
Different table for Conversation details, Messages and Recipients
Partition keys for message and recipients stored on the Conversation table.
Bar that; this follows the same structure as above
Gets around the maximum row size issue
But will the normalized state reduce the performance gains of a denormalized table?
A denormalized representation held in SQL Azure
UserID & ConversationID held as a composite primary key
Any volatile data prone to change stored in separate columns
The messages serialized as JSON in a column
The recipients of said messages serialized as JSON in an column
Greatest flexibility for indexing and the structure of the denormalized data
Much slower performance than Table Storage queries
What I'm asking is whether anyone has any experience implementing a denormalized structure in Table Storage or SQL Azure, which would you choose? Or is there a better approach I've missed?
My gut says the normalized (At least to some extent) data in Table Storage would be the way to go; however I am worried it will reduce the performance gains to conduct 3 queries in order to grab all the data for a user.
Your primary driver for considering Azure Tables is to vastly improve read performance, and in your scenario using SQL Azure is "much slower" according to your last point under "A denormalized representation held in SQL Azure". I personally find this very surprising for a few reasons and would ask for detailed analysis on how this claim was made. My default position would be that under most instances, SQL Azure would be much faster.
Here are some reasons for my skepticism of the claim:
SQL Azure uses the native/efficient TDS protocol to return data; Azure Tables use JSON format, which is more verbose
Joins / Filters in SQL Azure will be very fast as long as you are using primary keys or have indexes in SQL Azure; Azure Tables do not have indexes and joins must be performed client side
Limitations in the number of records returned by Azure Tables (1,000 records at a time) means you need to implement multiple roundtrips to fetch many records
Although you can fake indexes in Azure Tables by creating additional tables that hold a custom-built index, you own the responsibility of maintaining that index, which will slow your operations and possibly create orphan scenarios if you are not careful.
Last but not least, using Azure Tables usually makes sense when you are trying to reduce your storage costs (it is cheaper than SQL Azure) and when you need more storage than what SQL Azure can offer (although you can now use Federations to break the single database maximum storage limitation). For example, if you need to store 1 billion customer records, using Azure Table may make sense. But using Azure Tables for increase speed alone is rather suspicious in my mind.
If I were in your shoes I would question that claim very hard and make sure you have expert SQL development skills on staff that can demonstrate you are reaching performance bottlenecks inherent of SQL Server/SQL Azure before changing your architecture entirely.
In addition, I would define what your performance objectives are. Are you looking at 100x faster access times? Did you consider caching instead? Are you using indexing properly in your database?
My 2 cents... :)
I won't try to argue on the exact definition of CQRS. As we are talking about Azure, I'll use it's docs as a reference. From there we can find that:
CQRS doesn't necessary requires that you use a separate read storage.
For greater isolation, you can physically separate the read data from the write data.
"you can" doesn't mean "you must".
About denormalization and read optimization:
The read model of a CQRS-based system provides materialized views of the data, typically as highly denormalized views
the key point is
the read database can use its own data schema that is optimized for queries
It can be a different schema, but it can still be normalized or at least not "highly denormalized". Again - you can, but that doesn't mean you must.
More than that, if you performance is poor due to write locks and not because of heavy SQL requests:
The read store can be a read-only replica of the write store
And when we talk about request's optimization, it's better to talk more about requests themselves, and less about storage types.
About "it reads from either" [...]
The Materialized View pattern describes generating prepopulated views of data in environments where the source data isn't in a suitable format for querying, where generating a suitable query is difficult, or where query performance is poor due to the nature of the data or the data store.
Here the key point is that views are plural.
A materialized view can even be optimized for just a single query.
Materialized views tend to be specifically tailored to one, or a small number of queries
So you choice is not between those 3 options. It's much wider actually.
And again, you don't need another storage to create views. All can be done inside a single DB.
My gut says the normalized (At least to some extent) data in Table Storage would be the way to go; however I am worried it will reduce the performance gains to conduct 3 queries in order to grab all the data for a user.
Yes, of course, performance will suffer! (Also consider the matter of consistency). But will it be OK or not you can never be sure until you test it. With your data and your requests. Because delays in data transfers can actually be less than time required for some elaborate SQL-request.
So all boils down to:
What features do you need and which of them Table Storage and/or SQL Azure have?
And then, how much will it cost?
These you can only answer yourself. And these choices have little to do with performance. Because if there is a suitable index in either of those, I believe the performance will be virtually indistinguishable.
To sum up:
SQL Azure or Azure Table Storage?
For different requests and data you can and you probably should use both. But there is too little information in the question to give you the exact answer (we need an exact request for that). But I agree with #HerveRoggero - most probably you should stick with SQL Azure.
I am not sure if I can add any value to other answers, but I want to draw your attention toward modeling the data storage based on your query paths. Are you going to query all the mentioned data bits together? Is the user going to ask for some of it as additional information after a click or something? I am assuming that you have thought about this question already, and you are positive that you want to query everything in one go. i.e., the API or something needs to return all this information at once.
In that case, nothing will beat querying a single object by key. If you are talking about Azure's Table Storage specifically, it says right there that it's a key-value store. I am curious whether you have considered the document database (e.g. Cosmos DB) instead? If you are implementing CQRS read models, you could generate a single document per user that has all information that a user sees on a feed. You query that document by user id, which would be the key. This approach would be the optimal CQRS implementation in my mind because, after all, you are aiming to implement read models. Unless I misinterpreted something in your question or you have strong reasons to not go with document databases.

Cassandra design pattern for shared record (m:n)

we have two entities User and Role. One User can have multiple Roles, and single Role can be shared by many users -
typical m:n relation.
Roles are also dynamic and we expect large amount (millions).
It is quiet simple to model such data in relational DB. I would like to find out whenever it would be possible in cassandra.
Currently I see two solutions:
A) Use normalized model and create something similar to inner-join
Create each single role in separate CF and store in User record foreign keys to referenced roles.
pro: Roles are not replicated and maintenance is simple
contra: In order to get all Roles for single User multiple network calls are necessary. User record contains only FK, Roles are stored
using random partitioner, in this case each role could be stored on different cassandra node.
B) Denormalize model and replicate roles to avoid round trips
In this scenario User record in cassandra contains all user roles as copy.
pro: It is possible to read User with all roles within single query. This guarantees short load times.
contra: Each shared Role is copied multiple times - on each related User. Maintaining roles is very difficult, especially if we have
large data amount. For example: one Role is shared by 1000 users. Changes on this Role require update on 1000 User records.
For very large data sets such updates has to be executed as asynchronous job.
Solutions above are very limited, meybie Cassandra is not right solution for m:n relations ? Do you know any cassandra design patter for such problem?
The way you want to design a data store in Cassandra is to start with the queries you plan to execute and make it so you can get all the information you need at once. Denormalization is the name of the game here; if you're not replicating that role information in each user node, you're not going to avoid disk seeks, and your read performance will suffer. Joins do not make sense; if you want a relational database, use a relational database.
At a guess, you're going to ask a lot of questions about what roles a user has and what they should be doing with them, so you definitely want to have role information duplicated in each user entry - probably with each role getting its own column (role-ROLE_KEY => serialized-capability-info instead of roles => [serialized array of capability info]). Your application will need some way to iterate over all those columns itself.
You will probably want to look at what users are in a role, and so you should probably store all the user information you'll need for that view in the role column family as well (though a subset of the full user record will do).
When you run updates, and add/remove users from roles, you will need to make sure that you update both the role's list of users and the user's roles at the same time. Because you're using a column for each relation, instead of a single shared serialized blob, this should work even if you're editing two different roles that share the same user at the same time: Cassandra can merge the updates, including the deletes.
If the query needs to be asynchronous, then go make your application handle it. Remember that Cassandra is an eventual-consistency data store and you shouldn't expect updates to be visible everywhere immediately anyway.
Another option these days is to use playORM that can do joins for you ;). You just decide how to partition your data. It uses Scalabla JQL which is a simple addition on JQL as follows
#NoSqlQuery(name="findJoinOnNullPartition", query="PARTITIONS t('account', :partId) select t FROM Trade as t INNER JOIN as s where s.securityType = :type and t.numShares = :shares")
So, we can finally normalize our data on a noSQL system AND scale at the same time. We don't need to give up normalization which has certain benefits.
