Install GitLab locally on solaris OS - gitlab

I'm new with gitlab and I preferred it over github because it allows local installations on private servers, but the server that I want to install gitlab on it is not connected to internet, I can only FTP files to it. So my question is if I can find any ready gitlab package for solaris OS that I can move it to my solaris server after downloading it locally and install it on my solaris server?


What package format do I need for my AWS Server (debian or Linux)

I want to download Elasticsearch on an AWS Server. The AWS Server has the following configuration:
Plattform: Ubuntu (Inferred)
Plattformdetails: Linux/UNIX
The following packages exist:
It says:
The tar.gz archives are available for installation on any Linux distribution and MacOS.
The deb package is suitable for Debian, Ubuntu, and other Debian-based systems. Debian packages may be downloaded from the Elasticsearch website or from our Debian repository.
So should I download the tar.gz or the deb package?
The tar.gz you will have to unzip into a location you pick, and probably do some setup yourself. It's just a bunch of files zipped up without any sort of "installer". The deb package will use Ubuntu's package manager to install it onto your system. I would recommend always trying to use the package manager when possible.

How to install #hyperledger-fabric setup on centOS?

I have a server in my lab running centOS operating system, and i am connecting to the server using ubuntu installed on my windows laptop. I want to install hyperledger fabric on this lab server (centOS). but I am new to centOS as well ubuntu. have no idea, where to start and how. I need help to install hyperledger fabric platform on this centOS server.
have surf the Internet but not found any good information about centOS commands and support.
I need all steps to install hyperledger platform on centOS server.

Install MongoDB without YUM on Linux RHEL 6.7

I have have a Linux machine that I am trying to install MongoDB on. Unfortunately for me my work limits external access from where this machine is located at. I have tried to follow MongoDb's documentation on how to install via setting up YUM repo, but due to my machine having limited external access I can't install the way the documentation suggest since I cant reach the following site.
this is where to point mongodb yum repo.$releasever/mongodb-enterprise/3.4/$basearch/
I wanted to know if anyone knows another way of possibly installing MongoDB? I have other machines that I could possibly use to download RPM's if they exist.
Also I should mention I am running the following OS
cat /etc/*release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation release 6.7 (Santiago)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation release 6.7 (Santiago)
I should have waited a little longer before posting this question but I basically found in the documentation on how to install via tar ball. The steps are found here:

Which method of tomcat installation is needed in linux

Currently I need to deploy my enterprise App in Tomcat7 in linux machine. However I find two ways of tomcat installation:
Using apt-get install
Downloading the binaries
I confused, which method needs to be used for enterprise APP?
Please share your suggestions

Linux - Install manually a service at startup - GitBlit server on Synology NAS

I used GitBlit on windows but I purchased a Synology NAS. (An open source "GitHub like" server)
The NAS works with a custom distribution of linux.
I installed the ubuntu version of GitBlit It works great.
But I can't install the GitBlit service. I would like to start the server at startup.
But I try to launch the but there is no update.rc file on this Linux distribution.
sudo cp /etc/init.d/gitblit
sudo update-rc.d gitblit defaults
So I would like to install the service manually but don't know the Linux system.
