Azure SQL POOL Elasticity - azure

Just wanted to be sure if this is possible:
I am having all my app services in separate subscription, I want to use Sql pool elasticity for which I will create a separate subscription in which only my DBs will reside and will add all my DBs to this pool which I will create on this subscription.
1.Is it possible for my apps in different subscription to access the DB in another subscription?
2. If the above scenario is possible then will it hamper performance of my apps?
3. Will I be charged Data Transfer Cost for this? What if the region of the app and Db is same?
Thanks in advance.

1.Is it possible for my apps in different subscription to access the DB in another subscription?
Yes. The Firewall and Authentication are not related to the subscription at all.
If the above scenario is possible then will it hamper performance of my apps?
Will I be charged Data Transfer Cost for this? What if the region of the app and Db is same?
There is no data egress charge between resources in the same region.


cloud service and db between two subscriptions in Azure Cloud Service

I have two subscription in an azure account
After I only changed sql database from subscription A to subscription B,
The website slowed down.
Now sql database is in subscription A.
And cloud service is in subscription B.
Could this be related?
Now SQL database is in subscription A, and cloud service is in subscription B.
Could this be related?
The short answer: no.
The slightly longer answer: there might be multiple factors that impact the performance between the Cloud Service and the database. You could think of location, network, hardware, SKU/tier and so on. The subscription the database is in should not be one of them.
As long as all other properties of the database and the server it runs on are the same as they were previously, there should be little to no difference in the performance of the connection between the two.
Azure continuously monitors the latency (speed) of core areas of its network using internal monitoring tools as well as measurements collected by ThousandEyes, a third-party synthetic monitoring service.
Monthly latency numbers across Azure regions do not change regularly.
Also, this might be an interesting read: Microsoft global network.

Multi tenancy website hosting for legacy monolith web app in Azure

We had a legacy monolith website application that is hosted on Azure windows server and had 10 customers using it, now as the application data grows the bandwidth of the application is affecting each customer because they were hosted in single server as a single website. Now the client wants to split the database as per customer separately to reduce the database load, so we divided the databases as per customer.
Regarding the website, we still had a dilemma on how to proceed, so we already divide the databases so we are thinking as
it is better to host each customer website on separate servers?
create a different website on a single server for each and every customer?.
Because the clients want this to be scalable and 100%, that one client’s activities and usage will not affect another, as well as be able to easily distinguish cost.
The client also asked to differentiate how much cost occurring for each customer on the resource groups,
previously we had a shared resource group.
Could anyone suggest how to solve this problem?
If your requirement fits you could leverage Azure App Service WebApps (PAAS solution).
You can host apps in the same App Service Plan or isolate your app into new App Service plan (as per your requirement) by having tradeoff between level-of control and costs.
Or to have greater control on the underlying VMs you could leverage Azure VMs (IAAS solution).
To start with, kindly take a look at this approach - Common web application architectures – monolithic application design using Azure App Service.
You could create the web application as separate App Service apps. This design lets you run them in separate App Service plans so they can be scaled independently. If you don't need that level of scalability initially, you can deploy the apps into the same plan and move them into separate plans later if necessary.
The pricing tier of an App Service plan determines what App Service features you get and how much you pay for the plan.
Azure App Service plan overview
App Service plans pricing
Azure offers a number of ways to host your application code.
Kindly checkout this architecture guide on compute decision choice
Resource Group is a just a container that holds related resources for an Azure solution. The resource group can include all the resources for the solution, or only those resources that you want to manage as a group. It doesn't have direct cost implications, but the resources/services (in this case App Service) under it does.
You may wish to know:
Explore and analyze costs with cost analysis
Prevent unexpected charges with Azure billing and cost management

Will the Access keys used by services will be affected by moving resources to another subscription?

Issue: I am planning to move my Azure Resources to another subscription but as an impact analysis I want to know if Access Keys to a resource such as Storage, Batch Services will be affected.
I have more than 30 services which are currently in use. I am looking forward to having least possible downtime and so I need to analyze what all services will be impacted.
I am aware of the resources which are possible to migrate from the Microsoft page:
Here are my few questions, I would like to know the answers in all possible cases such as migration to different directory/Azure Active directory or common Azure Active directory.
Will the Access Keys to a resource such as Storage, Batch Services etc.. will be affected after I migrate my resource to another subscription?
Do I need to reconfigure the Service Endpoints?
They wont change
No, storage account endpoints are not tied to resourceId

It is possible use the same sql azure instance from two different cloud service of two different subscription?

I have one Microsoft Azure subscription with one cloud service and one sql azure instance. Now I want create another cloud service with a different subscription (using a different microsoft account). With this second cloud service, can I use the same sql azure instance of the first subscription? (I need to share data between the two cloud service)
Or there may be performance issues?
Thanks in advance
Yes. Azure SQL DB instance can be accessed from different subscription as long as you have the connection string, username and password to the Azure SQL instance. As long as both the services are from the same region, there is no performance issue.
Yes, sure. From user perspective SQL Azure is mostly an ordinary SQL Server which you can access from anywhere in the world (given that the firewall rules allow that access) - from Azure services, from VMs in some other services hosted elsewhere, from your desktop, from servers in your company server room.
Network latency might kick in. Also more clients to the same instance mean more load. Also there's a limit on number of concurrent connections. Other than that - no problems.
You need to make sure are a member in each Azure instance to be able to use the others SQL DB

Windows Azure - how do you change the region of a Table Storage account?

I've created a Hosted Service that talks to a Storage Account in Azure. Both have their regions set to Anywhere US but looking at the bills for the last couple of months I've found that I'm being charged for communication between the two as one is in North-Central US and the other South-Central US.
Am I correct in thinking there would be no charge if they were both hosted in the same sub-region?
If so, is it possible to move one of them and how do I go about doing it? I can't see anywhere in the Management Portal that allows me to do this.
Thanks in advance.
Adding to what astaykov said: My advice is to always select a specific region, even if you don't use affinity groups. You'll now be assured that your storage and services are in the same data center and you won't incur outbound bandwidth charges.
There isn't a way to move a storage account; you'll need to either transfer your data (and incur bandwidth costs), or re-deploy your hosted service to the region currently hosting your data (no bandwidth costs). To minimize downtime if your site is live, you can push your new hosted service up (to a new name), then change your DNS information to point to the new hosted service.
EDIT 5/23/2012 - If you re-visit the portal and create a new storage account or hosted service, you'll notice that the Anywhere options are no longer available. This doesn't impact existing accounts (although they'll now be shown at their current subregion).
In order to avoid such charges the best guideline is to use Affinity Groups. You define affinity group once, and then choose it when creating new storage account or hosted service. You can still have the Affinity Group in "Anywhere US", but as long as both the storage account and the hosted service are in the same affinity group, they will be placed in one DataCenter.
As for moving account from one region to another - I don't think it is possible. You might have to create a new account and migrate the data if required. You can use some 3rd party tool as Cerebrata's Cloud Storage Studio to first export your data and then import it into the new account.
Don't forget - use affinity groups! This is the way to make 100% sure there will no be traffic charges between Compute, Storage, SQL Azure.
