Schedule a node app to run i command tool - node.js

I have a node app that I want to schedule to run in the command tool. Is this possible? I extract data from a source with the command tool and save it to a json file. Can I run my node app in the browser to retrieve the file?


How to start a Nodejs server with options?

My computer runs Windows10 Enterprise.
I found this repo for creating a Nodejs server for tchatbot. As you can see there are options for starting the server. I tried to execute this command : node app.js DF_PROJECT_ID="agent-human-handoff-sampl-jseo" DF_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PATH="D:\Docs\TchatBot\clé_account_service_agent_human_operator\agent-human-handoff-sampl-jseo-3349b2f01974.json"
But I got error : You need to specify a path to a service account keypair in environment variable DF_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PATH
So what is wrong ?
It's basically same as jfriend00's solution, but I add node app.js in the end. And you just follow below sequence to run command.
set DF_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PATH="D:\Docs\TchatBot\clé_account_service_agent_human_operator\agent-human-handoff-sampl-jseo-3349b2f01974.json"
set DF_PROJECT_ID="agent-human-handoff-sampl-jseo"
node app.js
By the way, if you use linux system or macOS, you'll use following command to start server.
(Just one line)
DF_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PATH="D:\Docs\TchatBot\clé_account_service_agent_human_operator\agent-human-handoff-sampl-jseo-3349b2f01974.json" DF_PROJECT_ID="agent-human-handoff-sampl-jseo" node app.js
You can just set these in the environment in a command shell before running nodejs from that command shell:
set DF_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PATH="D:\Docs\TchatBot\clé_account_service_agent_human_operator\agent-human-handoff-sampl-jseo-3349b2f01974.json"
set DF_PROJECT_ID="agent-human-handoff-sampl-jseo"
Then, you you can run your program and these variables will be in the environment that your node program inherits. If you want to automate this, you can create a small batch file that will set them and then run your program. Keep in mind that setting environment variables like this sets them on for programs run from the current command shell, not other command shells and not for programs run other ways.
After setting those, your environment is now configured and you would run your program just as always:
node app.js

How to run a node file in the browser once a day

I am trying to run a script (crawler.js) that scrapes some information from a soundcloud url and creates a json file. I am able to create the json file, but I have to manually run node crawler.js in my terminal to update the results.
Note: This will live on a website
My Goal: Once a day, run the crawler.js script and update the episode.json file.
I can't put crawler.js in a script tag because I am using Nightmare as a npm package to do the scraping.
I've heard and looked into cron jobs and xvfb, but I'm not sure if those options are too heavy for my purposes.

How to execute node.js script by using .bat file?

I want to execute this script pm2 start d:\nodejs\ecosystem.config.js using .bat file
(I'm on windows 10)
but when I execute .bat file, it didn't work
I can't find any clues on any web, google
node d:\nodejs\ecosystem.config.js
Above command should execute the javascript file if the node is installed in the PC.

confused about writing script for helloworld.js using node-windows in nodejs

I am using node-windows in nodejs to run my nodejs script as a windows service.
now let's suppose that my helloworld.js code is a simple command which creates a folder on desktop. how do I execute this code ??
because my service app starts successfully but it does not do anything at all. it creates no directories on desktop.
please help..
what error am I doing?

How to run a node.js file as a background process on a Windows server?

I was creating a node.js project and uploaded it to my Windows server to provide an API service for mobile application.
When I open command prompt and type
node app.js
It runs correctly, but when I close the command prompt my node.js server stopped running.
How to make it still running when I close the commend prompt?
For example on Ubuntu I use the command
How can I do this on Windows?
You can make the process run in background using pm2
pm2 start app.js --watch
This will start the process and will also look for changes in the file.
More about watch flag
Nodemon #ftw. On Windows, Forever doesn't really watch files so much as casually observe them, while pm2 restarts the server every time you load a page.
Each of these tools works similarly, and each installs just as in the accepted answer. E.g.:
npm install nodemon -g
This installs nodemon globally, and to use you can simply navigate to your project folder and enter:
(Assuming your project has an app.js file). You can add the -w switch, just as in Forever and pm2, however if you're just wanting to watch all files, you can omit that. To run nodemon in the background with Forever, you would run this:
forever nodemon --exitcrash
Nodemon is good for development, especially on Windows, while Forever and pm2 are more for production, on Linux.
Here is a simpler answer that cuts right to the chase without any added libraries or overhead like in the other two answers described above. To run your Node.js application as a windowless startup program in the background (this would be analogous to "nohup" in Linux), modify this template to suit and copy it into a .VBS script file. Then copy that file to your Start Menu startup folder (for all users, that would be C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup) and it will automatically run. The techniques you are using here in Visual Basic are (1) preparing to run the Node.js application by first changing the working directory of the shell object and (2) informing the shell to run the Node.js application in a hidden window by adding a “, 0” immediately after the run function:
Dim objShell
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.CurrentDirectory = "C:\path-to-your-node-js-app\"
objShell.Run("""node"" your-app.js"), 0
Set objShell = Nothing
No, you can't.
Even if you make a GUI program you'll need to run it via console.
And as soon as you close the command prompt. Your service would be stopped/ terminated that moment only. Because node creates a server itself while running : http.createServer().listen(port) or app.listen(port). So this this makes it independent in nature.
So, as soon as you close the command prompt on which server was running all the services would stop at that moment.
