Weak Reference Finalizer Guaranteed to Run - haskell

In The cost of weak pointers and finalizers in GHC, Edward Yang writes (emphasis added):
A weak pointer can also optionally be associated with a finalizer, which is run when the object is garbage collected. Haskell finalizers are not guaranteed to run.
I cannot find any documentation that corroborates this claim. The docs in System.Mem.Weak are not explicit about this. What I need to know is, given some primitive that has identity (MutVar#, MutableArray#, Array#, etc.), if I attach a finalizer to it, will it reliably be called when the value gets GCed?
The reason is that I'm considering doing something like this:
data OffHeapTree = OffHeapTree
{ ref :: IORef ()
, nodeCount :: Int
, nodeArray :: Ptr Node
data Node = Node
{ childrenArray :: Ptr Node
, childrenCount :: Int
, value :: Int
I want to make sure that I free the array (and everything the array points to) when an OffHeapTree goes out of scope. Otherwise, it would leak memory. So, can this be reliably accomplished with mkWeakIORef or not?

"Haskell finalizers are not guaranteed to run" means that GC may not be performed (e.g. on program exit). But if GC is performed, then finalizers are executed.
Edit: For future readers: the statement above is not exactly correct. RTS spawns a separate thread to execute finalizers after GC. So the program may exit after GC is performed, but finalizers are not yet executed, see this comment.
That is true in theory anyway. In practice finalizer may not be executed, e.g. when RTS tries to execute a number of finalizers in a row, and one of then throws an exception. So I'd not use finalizers unless it is unavoidable.


Haskell evaluation synchronisation between threads

I'm trying to understand how GHC Haskell synchronises the computation of "basic" values (i.e. not IORef, TVar, etc.) between threads. I have searched for information about this but haven't found anything clear.
Take the following example program:
import Control.Concurrent
expensiveFunction x = sum [1..x] -- Just an example
val = expensiveFunction 12345
thread1 = print val
thread2 = print val
main = do
forkOS thread1
forkOS thread2
I understand that the value val will initially be represented by an unevaluated closure. In order to print val, the program must first evaluate it. Once a toplevel binding has been evaluated it should not need to be evaluated again.
Is the representation for "val" even shared by separate threads?
If for some reason thread1 completes evaluation first, can it convey the final computed value to thread2 by swapping out the pointer? How would that be synchronised?
If thread1 is busy evaluating when thread2 wants the value, does thread2 wait for it to finish or do they both race to evaluate it first?
In GHC-compiled programs, values go through three(-ish) phases of evaluation:
Thunk. This is where they start.
Black hole. When forced, a thunk is converted to a black hole and computation begins. Other threads that request the value of a black hole will instead add themselves to a notification list for when the black hole is updated. (Also, if the thunk itself tries to access the black hole, it will short-circuit to an exception instead of waiting forever.)
Evaluated. When the computation finishes, its last task is to update the black hole to a plain value (well, WHNF value, anyway).
The pointer that is getting updated during these phase transitions is shared with other threads and not protected from race conditions. This means that, very rarely, it is possible for two (or more) threads to both see a pointer in phase 1 and for both to execute the 1 -> 2 transition; in that case, both will evaluate the thunk, and the transition 2 -> 3 will also happen twice. Notably, though, the 1 -> 2 transition is typically much faster than the computation it is replacing (essentially just a memory access or two), in part exactly so that the race is difficult to trigger.
Because the language is pure, the racing threads will come to the same answer. So there is no semantic difficulty here. But in some rare cases, a little bit of work may be duplicated. It is very, very rare that the overhead of a lock on every 1 -> 2 transition would be better than this slight duplication. (If you find it is in your case, consider manually protecting the evaluation of whichever expensive thing is being shared!)
Corollary: great care must be taken with the unsafe IO a -> a family of functions; some guarantee synchronization of the evaluation of the resulting a and some don't. If your IO a action is not as pure as you promised it is, and a race causes it to be executed twice, all manner of strange heisenbugs can occur.

Compare and swap with and without garbage collector

How does CAS works? How does it work with garbage collector? Where is the problem and how does it work without garbage collector?
I was reading a presentation about CAS and using it on "write rarely, read many" problem and there was said, that use of CAS is convenient while you can use garbage collector, but there is problem (not specified) while you can not use garbage collector.
Can you tell me something about this? If you can sum up principle of CAS at first, it would be appreciated.
Ok, so CAS is an atomic instruction, that is there is special hardware support for it.
Its main use is to not use locks at all when implementing your data structures and other operations, since using locks, if a thread takes a page fault, a cache miss or is being descheduled by the OS for instance the thread takes the lock with it and all the rest of the threads are blocked. This obviously yields serious performance issues.
CAS is the core of lock-free programming and here and here.
CAS basically is the following:
You have a variable (e.g. class variable) and you have no clue if it was modified or not by other threads in the time you read from it and you want to write to it.
CAS helps you here on the write part since this CAS is done atomically (in hardware) and no lock is being implemented there, thus even if your thread goes to sleep the rest of the threads can operate on your data structure.
The issue with CAS on non-GC systems is the ABA problem and an example is the following:
You have a single linked list: HEAD->A->X->Y->Z
Thread 1: let's read A: localA = A; localA_Value = A.Value (let's say 5)
Thread 2: let's delete A: HEAD->A->X->Y->Z
Thread 3: let's add a new node at start (the malloc will find the right spot right were old A was): HEAD->A'->X->Y->Z (A'.Value = 10)
Thread 1 resumes and wants to swap A with B: CAS(localA, A', B) => but this thread expects that if CAS passes the value of A to be 5; wrong: since CAS passes given that localA and A' have the same memory location but localA.Value!=A'.Value => thus the operation shouldn't be performed.
The thing is that in GC enabled systems this will never happen since localA holds a reference to that memory location and thus A' will never get allocated to that memory location.

unsafePerformIO when accessing dependent C resources

I'm writing bindings (for the first time). On C level there are function to allocate some sort of resource, let's call it ParentRes. It returns IO (Ptr ParentRes). Everytime ParentRes is created, a child resource allocated, let's call it ChildRes. This stuff is all static, child pointer cannot change and it's freed when parent resource is freed.
Now the catch: there is a function that takes pointer to parent and returns pointer to child:
foreign import ccall unsafe "…"
c_get_child_res :: Ptr ParentRes -> IO (Ptr ChildRes)
I want to write wrapper of type Ptr ParentRes -> Ptr ChildRes using unsafePerformIO. Is there a reason I should not do it?
Here I'm answering from my real experience that I have had just now because
of “pure” functions that are not quite pure.
I can formulate it in these words: everything that can be affected by order
of execution should always stay in IO. IO monad is Haskell is standard
and reliable way to ensure order of execution. If order matters, your
functions should live in IO monad.
Now, if it's not obvious why order matters in this particular case, remember
than parent resource as well as child resource must be allocated and then
they are freed. When they are freed you won't get the same results (but
rather segmentation fault), so referential transparency is broken. So these
resource-dependent functions should stay in IO.
Also, I don't think it's impossible to allocate different objects at the same
address during single program execution. This again would break referential

When does the garbage collector run when calling Haskell exports from C?

When exporting a Haskell function to be called from C, when does Haskell's garbage get collected? If C owns main then there is no way to predict the next call in to Haskell. This question is especially pertinent when running single-threaded Haskell or without parallel GC.
When you initialize the ghc runtime, you can pass rts flags to it via argc and argv like so:
RtsConfig conf = defaultRtsConfig;
conf.rts_opts_enabled = RtsOptsAll;
hs_init_ghc(&argc, &argv, conf);
This lets you set options to, for example fix a smaller maximum heap size or use a compaction algorithm on the nursery to further reduce allocation. Further, note there is an idle GC whose interval can be set (or disabled), and if you link the threaded runtime, that should run whether or not you ever yield back to a Haskell call.
Edit: I haven't actually performed experimentation to verify the following, but if we look at the source of hs_init_ghc we see that it initializes signal handlers, which should include the timer handlers that respond on SIGVTALRM and indeed it also starts the time, which calls (on POSIX) timer_create that should throw those signals on regular intervals. In turn, this periodically should "wake up" the RTS whether or not anything is happening, which in turn should mean that it will run idle GC whether or not the system yields back to Haskell from C. But again, I have only read the code and commentary, not tested this myself.

Why is threading dangerous?

I've always been told to puts locks around variables that multiple threads will access, I've always assumed that this was because you want to make sure that the value you are working with doesn't change before you write it back
int a = sharedVar
a = someComplexOperation(a)
sharedVar = a
And that makes sense that you would lock that. But in other cases I don't understand why I can't get away with not using Mutexes.
Thread A:
sharedVar = someFunction()
Thread B:
localVar = sharedVar
What could possibly go wrong in this instance? Especially if I don't care that Thread B reads any particular value that Thread A assigns.
It depends a lot on the type of sharedVar, the language you're using, any framework, and the platform. In many cases, it's possible that assigning a single value to sharedVar may take more than one instruction, in which case you may read a "half-set" copy of the value.
Even when that's not the case, and the assignment is atomic, you may not see the latest value without a memory barrier in place.
MSDN Magazine has a good explanation of different problems you may encounter in multithreaded code:
Forgotten Synchronization
Incorrect Granularity
Read and Write Tearing
Lock-Free Reordering
Lock Convoys
Two-Step Dance
Priority Inversion
The code in your question is particularly vulnerable to Read/Write Tearing. But your code, having neither locks nor memory barriers, is also subject to Lock-Free Reordering (which may include speculative writes in which thread B reads a value that thread A never stored) in which side-effects become visible to a second thread in a different order from how they appeared in your source code.
It goes on to describe some known design patterns which avoid these problems:
The article is available here
The main problem is that the assignment operator (operator= in C++) is not always guaranteed to be atomic (not even for primitive, built in types). In plain English, that means that assignment can take more than a single clock cycle to complete. If, in the middle of that, the thread gets interrupted, then the current value of the variable might be corrupted.
Let me build off of your example:
Lets say sharedVar is some object with operator= defined as this:
object& operator=(const object& other) {
ready = false;
if (other.value == true) {
value = true;
} else {
value = false;
ready = true;
return *this;
If thread A from your example is interrupted in the middle of this function, ready will still be false when thread B starts to run. This could mean that the object is only partially copied over, or is in some intermediate, invalid state when thread B attempts to copy it into a local variable.
For a particularly nasty example of this, think of a data structure with a removed node being deleted, then interrupted before it could be set to NULL.
(For some more information regarding structures that don't need a lock (aka, are atomic), here is another question that talks a bit more about that.)
This could go wrong, because threads can be suspended and resumed by the thread scheduler, so you can't be sure about the order these instructions are executed. It might just as well be in this order:
Thread B:
localVar = sharedVar
Thread A:
sharedVar = someFunction()
In which case localvar will be null or 0 (or some completeley unexpected value in an unsafe language), probably not what you intended.
Mutexes actually won't fix this particular issue by the way. The example you supply does not lend itself well for parallelization.
