What is overhead in term of parallel and concurrent programming (Haskell)? - multithreading

What is overhead in term of parallel and concurrent programming (Haskell)?
However, even in a purely functional language, automatic parallelization is thwarted by an age-old problem: To make the program faster, we have to gain more from parallelism than we lose due to the overhead of adding it, and compile-time analysis cannot make good judgments in this area. An alternative approach is to use runtime profiling to find good candidates for parallelization and to feed this information back into the compiler. Even this, however, has not been terribly successful in practice.
(quoted from Simon Marlow's book Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell)
What are some examples in Haskell?

In any system, a thread takes resources. You have to store the state of that thread somewhere. It takes time to create the thread and set it running. Now GHC uses lightweight "green threads", which are much less expensive than OS threads. But they still cost something.
If you were to (for example) spawn a new thread for every single add, subtract, multiply and divide... well, the work to spawn a new thread has to be at least several dozen machine instructions, whereas a trivial arithmetic operation is probably a single instruction. Queuing the work as sparks takes even less work than spawning a whole new thread, but even that isn't as cheap as just doing the operation on the current thread.
Basically the cost of the work you want to do in parallel has to exceed the cost of arranging to do it in parallel. (Whether that's launching an OS thread or a green thread or queuing a spark or whatever.) GHC has all sorts of stuff to lower the cost, but it's still not free.

You have to understand that threads are resources. They do not come for free. In other words: when you create a thread (independent of the language) then you have to make system calls, the OS has to create a thread instance, and so on. Threads have state - which changes over time; so some kind of thread management happens in the background.
And of course, when you end up with more threads than the underlying hardware can support - then the system will have to switch threads from time to time. Of course, that is not as expensive as switching full blown processes, but it still means that registers need to be saved (or restored), your hardware caches might be affected, and so on.


Why are OS threads considered expensive?

There are many solutions geared toward implementing "user-space" threads. Be it golang.org goroutines, python's green threads, C#'s async, erlang's processes etc. The idea is to allow concurrent programming even with a single or limited number of threads.
What I don't understand is, why are the OS threads so expensive? As I see it, either way you have to save the stack of the task (OS thread, or userland thread), which is a few tens of kilobytes, and you need a scheduler to move between two tasks.
The OS provides both of this functions for free. Why should OS threads be more expensive than "green" threads? What's the reason for the assumed performance degradation caused by having a dedicated OS thread for each "task"?
I want to amend Tudors answer which is a good starting point. There are two main overheads of threads:
Starting and stopping them. Involves creating a stack and kernel objects. Involves kernel transitions and global kernel locks.
Keeping their stack around.
(1) is only a problem if you are creating and stopping them all the time. This is solved commonly using thread pools. I consider this problem to be practically solved. Scheduling a task on a thread pool usually does not involve a trip to the kernel which makes it very fast. The overhead is on the order of a few interlocked memory operations and a few allocations.
(2) This becomes important only if you have many threads (> 100 or so). In this case async IO is a means to get rid of the threads. I found that if you don't have insane amounts of threads synchronous IO including blocking is slightly faster than async IO (you read that right: sync IO is faster).
Saving the stack is trivial, no matter what its size - the stack pointer needs to be saved in the Thread Info Block in the kernel, (so usualy saving most of the registers as well since they will have been pushed by whatever soft/hard interrupt caused the OS to be entered).
One issue is that a protection level ring-cycle is required to enter the kernel from user. This is an essential, but annoying, overhead. Then the driver or system call has to do whatever was requested by the interrupt and then the scheduling/dispatching of threads onto processors. If this results in the preemption of a thread from one process by a thread from another, a load of extra process context has to be swapped as well. Even more overhead is added if the OS decides that a thread that is running on another processor core than the one handling the interrupt mut be preempted - the other core must be hardware-interrupted, (this is on top of the hard/soft interrupt that entred the OS in the first place.
So, a scheduling run may be quite a complex operation.
'Green threads' or 'fibers' are, (usually), scheduled from user code. A context-change is much easier and cheaper than an OS interrupt etc. because no Wagnerian ring-cycle is required on every context-change, process-context does not change and the OS thread running the green thread group does not change.
Since something-for-nothing does not exist, there are problems with green threads. They ar run by 'real' OS threads. This means that if one 'green' thread in a group run by one OS thread makes an OS call that blocks, all green threads in the group are blocked. This means that simple calls like sleep() have to be 'emulated' by a state-machine that yields to other green threads, (yes, just like re-implementing the OS). Similarly, any inter-thread signalling.
Also, of course, green threads cannot directly respond to IO signaling, so somewhat defeating the point of having any threads in the first place.
There are many solutions geared toward implementing "user-space" threads. Be it golang.org goroutines, python's green threads, C#'s async, erlang's processes etc. The idea is to allow concurrent programming even with a single or limited number of threads.
It's an abstraction layer. It's easier for many people to grasp this concept and use it more effectively in many scenarios. It's also easier for many machines (assuming a good abstraction), since the model moves from width to pull in many cases. With pthreads (as an example), you have all the control. With other threading models, the idea is to reuse threads, for the process of creating a concurrent task to be inexpensive, and to use a completely different threading model. It's far easier to digest this model; there's less to learn and measure, and the results are generally good.
What I don't understand is, why are the OS threads so expensive? As I see it, either way you have to save the stack of the task (OS thread, or userland thread), which is a few tens of kilobytes, and you need a scheduler to move between two tasks.
Creating a thread is expensive, and the stack requires memory. As well, if your process is using many threads, then context switching can kill performance. So lightweight threading models became useful for a number of reasons. Creating an OS thread became a good solution for medium to large tasks, ideally in low numbers. That's restrictive, and quite time consuming to maintain.
A task/thread pool/userland thread does not need to worry about much of the context switching or thread creation. It's often "reuse the resource when it becomes available, if it's not ready now -- also, determine the number of active threads for this machine".
More commmonly (IMO), OS level threads are expensive because they are not used correctly by the engineers - either there are too many and there is a ton of context switching, there is competition for the same set of resources, the tasks are too small. It takes much more time to understand how to use OS threads correctly, and how to apply that best to the context of a program's execution.
The OS provides both of this functions for free.
They're available, but they are not free. They are complex, and very important to good performance. When you create an OS thread, it's given time 'soon' -- all the process' time is divided among the threads. That's not the common case with user threads. The task is often enqueued when the resource is not available. This reduces context switching, memory, and the total number of threads which must be created. When the task exits, the thread is given another.
Consider this analogy of time distribution:
Assume you are at a casino. There are a number people who want cards.
You have a fixed number of dealers. There are fewer dealers than people who want cards.
There is not always enough cards for every person at any given time.
People need all cards to complete their game/hand. They return their cards to the dealer when their game/hand is complete.
How would you ask the dealers to distribute cards?
Under the OS scheduler, that would be based on (thread) priority. Every person would be given one card at a time (CPU time), and priority would be evaluated continually.
The people represent the task or thread's work. The cards represent time and resources. The dealers represent threads and resources.
How would you deal fastest if there were 2 dealers and 3 people? and if there were 5 dealers and 500 people? How could you minimize running out of cards to deal? With threads, adding cards and adding dealers is not a solution you can deliver 'on demand'. Adding CPUs is equivalent to adding dealers. Adding threads is equivalent to dealers dealing cards to more people at a time (increases context switching). There are a number of strategies to deal cards more quickly, especially after you eliminate the people's need for cards in a certain amount of time. Would it not be faster to go to a table and deal to a person or people until their game is complete if the dealer to people ratio were 1/50? Compare this to visiting every table based on priority, and coordinating visitation among all dealers (the OS approach). That's not to imply the OS is stupid -- it implies that creating an OS thread is an engineer adding more people and more tables, potentially more than the dealers can reasonably handle. Fortunately, the constraints may be lifted in many cases by using other multithreading models and higher abstractions.
Why should OS threads be more expensive than "green" threads? What's the reason for the assumed performance degradation caused by having a dedicated OS thread for each "task"?
If you developed a performance critical low level threading library (e.g. upon pthreads), you would recognize the importance of reuse (and implement it in your library as a model available for users). From that angle, the importance of higher level multithreading models is a simple and obvious solution/optimization based on real world usage as well as the ideal that the entry bar for adopting and effectively utilizing multithreading can be lowered.
It's not that they are expensive -- the lightweight threads' model and pool is a better solution for many problems, and a more appropriate abstraction for engineers who do not understand threads well. The complexity of multithreading is greatly simplified (and often more performant in real world usage) under this model. With OS threads, you do have more control, but several more considerations must be made to use them as effectively as possible -- heeding these consideration can dramatically reflow a program's execution/implementation. With higher level abstractions, many of these complexities are minimized by completely altering the flow of task execution (width vs pull).
The problem with starting kernel threads for each small task is that it incurs a non-negligible overhead to start and stop, coupled with the stack size it needs.
This is the first important point: thread pools exist so that you can recycle threads, in order to avoid wasting time starting them as well as wasting memory for their stacks.
Secondly, if you fire off threads to do asynchronous I/O, they will spend most of their time blocked waiting for the I/O to complete, thus effectively not doing any work and wasting memory. A much better option is to have a single worker handle multiple async calls (through some under-the-hood scheduling technique, such as multiplexing), thus again saving memory and time.
One thing that makes "green" threads faster than kernel threads is that they are user-space objects, managed by a virtual machine. Starting them is a user space call, while starting a thread is a kernel-space call that is much slower.
A person in Google shows an interesting approach.
According to him, kernel mode switching itself is not the bottleneck, and the core cost happen on SMP scheduler. And he claims M:N schedule assisted by kernel wouldn't be expensive, and this makes me to expect general M:N threading to be available on every languages.
Because the OS. Imagine that instead of asking you to clean the house your grandmother has to call the social service that does some paperwork and a week after assigns a social worker for helping her. The worker can be called off at any time and replaced with another one, which again takes several days.
That's pretty ineffective and slow, huh?
In this metaphor you are a userland coroutine scheduler, the social service is an OS with its kernel-level thread scheduler, and a social worker is a fully-fledged thread.
I think the two things are in different levels.
Thread or Process is an instance of the program which is being executed. In a process/thread there is much more things in it. Execution stack, opening files, signals, processors status, and a many other things.
Greentlet is different, it is runs in vm. It supplies a light-weight thread. Many of them supply a pseudo-concurrently (typically in a single or a few OS-level threads). And often they supply a lock-free method by data-transmission instead of data sharing.
So, the two things focus different, so the weight are different.
And In my mind, the greenlet should be finished in the VM not the OS.

Lightweight Threads in Operating Systems

It is said that one of the main benefits of Node (and presumable twisted et al) over more conventional threaded servers, is the very high concurrency enabled by the event loop model. The biggest reason for this is that each thread has a high memory footprint and swapping contexts is comparatively expensive. When you have thousands of threads the server spends most of its time swapping from thread to thread.
My question is, why don't operating systems or the underlying hardware support much more lightweight threads? If they did, could you solve the 10k problem with plain threads? If they can't, why is that?
Modern operating systems can support the execution of a very large number of threads.
More generally, hardware keeps getting faster (and recently, it has been getting faster in a way that is much friendlier to multithreading and multiprocessing than to single-threaded event loops - ie, increased number of cores, rather than increased processing throughput capabilities in a single core). If you can't afford the overhead of a thread today, you can probably afford it tomorrow.
What the cooperative multitasking systems of Twisted (and presumably Node.js et al) offers over pre-emptive multithreading (at least in the form of pthreads) is ease of programming.
Correctly using multithreading involves being much more careful than correctly using a single thread. An event loop is just the means of getting multiple things done without going beyond your single thread.
Considering the proliferation of parallel hardware, it would be ideal for multithreading or multiprocessing to get easier to do (and easier to do correctly). Actors, message passing, maybe even petri nets are some of the solutions people have attempted to solve this problem. They are still very marginal compared to the mainstream multithreading approach (pthreads). Another approach is SEDA, which uses multiple threads to run multiple event loops. This also hasn't caught on.
So, the people using event loops have probably decided that programmer time is worth more than CPU time, and the people using pthreads have probably decided the opposite, and the people exploring actors and such would like to value both kinds of time more highly (clearly insane, which is probably why no one listens to them).
The issue isn't really how heavyweight the threads are but the fact that to write correct multithreaded code you need locks on shared items and that prevents it from scaling with the number of threads because threads end up waiting for each other to gain locks and you rapidly reach the point where adding additional threads has no effect or even slows the system down as you get more lock contention.
In many cases you can avoid locking, but it's very difficult to get right, and sometimes you simply need a lock.
So if you are limited to a small number of threads, you might well find that removing the overhead of having to lock resources at all, or even think about it, makes a single threaded program faster than a multithreaded program no matter how many threads you add.
Basically locks can (depending on your program) be really expensive and can stop your program scaling beyond a few threads. And you almost always need to lock something.
It's not the overhead of a thread that's the problem, it's the synchronization between the threads. Even if you could switch between threads instantly, and had infinite memory none of that helps if each thread just ends up waiting in a queue for it's turn at some shared resource.

Can a multi-threaded program ever be deterministic?

Normally it is said that multi threaded programs are non-deterministic, meaning that if it crashes it will be next to impossible to recreate the error that caused the condition. One doesn't ever really know what thread is going to run next, and when it will be preempted again.
Of course this has to do with the OS thread scheduling algorithm and the fact that one doesn't know what thread is going to be run next, and how long it will effectively run.
Program execution order also plays a role as well, etc...
But what if you had the algorithm used for thread scheduling and what if you could know when what thread is running, could a multi threaded program then become "deterministic", as in, you'll be able to reproduce a crash?
Knowing the algorithm will not actually allow you to predict what will happen when. All kinds of delays that happen in the execution of a program or thread are dependent on environmental conditions such as: available memory, swapping, incoming interrupts, other busy tasks, etc.
If you were to map your multi-threaded program to a sequential execution, and your threads in themselves behave deterministically, then your whole program could be deterministic and 'concurrency' issues could be made reproducible. Of course, at that point they would not be concurrency issues any more.
If you would like to learn more, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Process_calculus is very interesting reading.
My opinion is: technically no (but mathematically yes). You can write deterministic threading algorithm, but it will be extremely hard to predict state of the application after some sensible amount of time that you can treat it is non-deterministic.
There are some tools (in development) that will try to create race-conditions in a somewhat predictable manner but this is about forward-looking testing, not about reconstructing a 'bug in the wild'.
CHESS is an example.
It would be possible to run a program on a virtual multi-threaded machine where the allocation of virtual cycles to each thread was done via some entirely deterministic process, possibly using a pseudo-random generator (which could be seeded with a constant before each program run). Another, possibly more interesting, possibility would be to have a virtual machine which would alternate between running threads in 'splatter' mode (where almost any variable they touch would have its value become 'unknown' to other threads) and 'cleanup' mode (where results of operations with known operands would be visible and known to other threads). I would expect the situation would probably be somewhat analogous to hardware simulation: if the output of every gate is regarded as "unknown" between its minimum and maximum propagation times, but the simulation works anyway, that's a good indication the design is robust, but there are many useful designs which could not be constructed to work in such simulations (the states would be essentially guaranteed to evolve into a valid combination, though one could not guarantee which one). Still, it might be an interesting avenue of exploration, since large parts of many programs could be written to work correctly even in a 'splatter mode' VM.
I don't think it is practicable. To enforce a specific thread interleaving we require to place locks on shared variables, forcing the threads to access them in a specific order. This would cause severe performance degradation.
Replaying concurrency bugs is usually handled by record&replay systems. Since the recording of such large amounts of information also degrades performance, the most recent systems do partial logging and later complete the thread interleavings using SMT solving. I believe that the most recent advance in this type of systems is Symbiosis (published in this year's PLDI conference). Tou can find open source implementations in this URL:
This is actually a valid requirement in many systems today which want to execute tasks parallelly but also want some determinism from time to time.
For example, a mobile company would want to process subscription events of multiple users parallelly but would want to execute events of a single user one at a time.
One solution is to of course write everything to get executed on a single thread. Another solution is deterministic threading. I have written a simple library in Java that can be used to achieve the behavior I have described in the above example. Take a look at this- https://github.com/mukulbansal93/deterministic-threading.
Now, having said that, the actual allocation of CPU to a thread or process is in the hands of the OS. So, it is possible that the threads get the CPU cycles in a different order every time you run the same program. So, you cannot achieve the determinism in the order the threads are allocated CPU cycles. However, by delegating tasks effectively amongst threads such that sequential tasks are assigned to a single thread, you can achieve determinism in overall task execution.
Also, to answer your question about the simulation of a crash. All modern CPU scheduling algorithms are free from starvation. So, each and every thread is bound to get guaranteed CPU cycles. Now, it is possible that your crash was a result of the execution of a certain sequence of threads on a single CPU. There is no way to rerun that same execution order or rather the same CPU cycle allocation order. However, the combination of modern CPU scheduling algorithms being starvation-free and Murphy's law will help you simulate the error if you run your code enough times.
PS, the definition of enough times is quite vague and depends on a lot of factors like execution cycles need by the entire program, number of threads, etc. Mathematically speaking, a crude way to calculate the probability of simulating the same error caused by the same execution sequence is on a single processor is-
1/Number of ways to execute all atomic operations of all defined threads
For instance, a program with 2 threads with 2 atomic instructions each can be allocated CPU cycles in 4 different ways on a single processor. So probability would be 1/4.
Lots of crashes in multithreaded programs have nothing to do with the multithreading itself (or the associated resource contention).
Normally it is said that multi threaded programs are non-deterministic, meaning that if it crashes it will be next to impossible to recreate the error that caused the condition.
I disagree with this entirely, sure multi-threaded programs are non-deterministic, but then so are single-threaded ones, considering user input, message pumps, mouse/keyboard handling, and many other factors. A multi-threaded program usually makes it more difficult to reproduce the error, but definitely not impossible. For whatever reasons, program execution is not completely random, there is some sort of repeatability (but not predictability), I can usually reproduce multi-threaded bugs rather quickly in my apps, but then I have lots of verbose logging in my apps, for the end users' actions.
As an aside, if you are getting crashes, can't you also get crash logs, with call stack info? That will greatly aid in the debugging process.

Processes, threads, green threads, protothreads, fibers, coroutines: what's the difference?

I'm reading up on concurrency. I've got a bit over my head with terms that have confusingly similar definitions. Namely:
"Green threads"
"Goroutines" in the Go language
My impression is that the distinctions rest on (1) whether truly parallel or multiplexed; (2) whether managed at the CPU, at the OS, or in the program; and (3..5) a few other things I can't identify.
Is there a succinct and unambiguous guide to the differences between these approaches to parallelism?
OK, I'm going to do my best. There are caveats everywhere, but I'm going to do my best to give my understanding of these terms and references to something that approximates the definition I've given.
Process: OS-managed (possibly) truly concurrent, at least in the presence of suitable hardware support. Exist within their own address space.
Thread: OS-managed, within the same address space as the parent and all its other threads. Possibly truly concurrent, and multi-tasking is pre-emptive.
Green Thread: These are user-space projections of the same concept as threads, but are not OS-managed. Probably not truly concurrent, except in the sense that there may be multiple worker threads or processes giving them CPU time concurrently, so probably best to consider this as interleaved or multiplexed.
Protothreads: I couldn't really tease a definition out of these. I think they are interleaved and program-managed, but don't take my word for it. My sense was that they are essentially an application-specific implementation of the same kind of "green threads" model, with appropriate modification for the application domain.
Fibers: OS-managed. Exactly threads, except co-operatively multitasking, and hence not truly concurrent.
Coroutines: Exactly fibers, except not OS-managed.
Goroutines: They claim to be unlike anything else, but they seem to be exactly green threads, as in, process-managed in a single address space and multiplexed onto system threads. Perhaps somebody with more knowledge of Go can cut through the marketing material.
It's also worth noting that there are other understandings in concurrency theory of the term "process", in the process calculus sense. This definition is orthogonal to those above, but I just thought it worth mentioning so that no confusion arises should you see process used in that sense somewhere.
Also, be aware of the difference between parallel and concurrent. It's possible you were using the former in your question where I think you meant the latter.
I mostly agree with Gian's answer, but I have different interpretations of a few concurrency primitives. Note that these terms are often used inconsistently by different authors. These are my favorite definitions (hopefully not too far from the modern consensus).
Each has its own virtual address space
Can be interrupted (preempted) by the system to allow another process to run
Can run in parallel with other processes on different processors
The memory overhead of processes is high (includes virtual memory tables, open file handles, etc)
The time overhead for creating and context switching between processes is relatively high
Each is "contained" within some particular process
All threads in the same process share the same virtual address space
Can be interrupted by the system to allow another thread to run
Can run in parallel with other threads on different processors
The memory and time overheads associated with threads are smaller than processes, but still non-trivial
(For example, typically context switching involves entering the kernel and invoking the system scheduler.)
Cooperative Threads:
May or may not be OS-managed
Each is "contained" within some particular process
In some implementations, each is "contained" within some particular OS thread
Cannot be interrupted by the system to allow a cooperative peer to run
(The containing process/thread can still be interrupted, of course)
Must invoke a special yield primitive to allow peer cooperative threads to run
Generally cannot be run in parallel with cooperative peers
(Though some people think it's possible: http://ocm.dreamhosters.com/.)
There are lots of variations on the cooperative thread theme that go by different names:
Green threads
User-level threads (user-level threads can be interruptable/preemptive, but that's a relatively unusual combination)
Some implementations of cooperative threads use techniques like split/segmented stacks or even individually heap-allocating every call frame to reduce the memory overhead associated with pre-allocating a large chunk of memory for the stack
Depending on the implementation, calling a blocking syscall (like reading from the network or sleeping) will either cause a whole group of cooperative threads to block or implicitly cause the calling thread to yield
Some people use "coroutine" and "cooperative thread" more or less synonymously
I do not prefer this usage
Some coroutine implementations are actually "shallow" cooperative threads; yield can only be invoked by the "coroutine entry procedure"
The shallow (or semi-coroutine) version is easier to implement than threads, because each coroutine does not need a complete stack (just one frame for the entry procedure)
Often coroutine frameworks have yield primitives that require the invoker to explicitly state which coroutine control should transfer to
Restricted (shallow) coroutines
yield can only return control back to whichever code invoked the generator
An odd hybrid of cooperative and OS threads
Cannot be interrupted (like cooperative threads)
Can run in parallel on a language runtime-managed pool of OS threads
Event handlers:
Procedures/methods that are invoked by an event dispatcher in response to some action happening
Very popular for user interface programming
Require little to no language/system support; can be implemented in a library
At most one event handler can be running at a time; the dispatcher must wait for a handler to finish (return) before starting the next
Makes synchronization relatively simple; different handler executions never overlap in time
Implementing complex tasks with event handlers tends to lead to "inverted control flow"/"stack ripping"
Units of work that are doled out by a manager to a pool of workers
The workers can be threads, processes or machines
Of course the kind of worker a task library uses has a significant impact on how one implements the tasks
In this list of inconsistently and confusingly used terminology, "task" takes the crown. Particularly in the embedded systems community, "task" is sometimes used to mean "process", "thread" or "event handler" (usually called an "interrupt service routine"). It is also sometimes used generically/informally to refer to any kind of unit of computation.
One pet peeve that I can't stop myself from airing: I dislike the use of the phrase "true concurrency" for "processor parallelism". It's quite common, but I think it leads to much confusion.
For most applications, I think task-based frameworks are best for parallelization. Most of the popular ones (Intel's TBB, Apple's GCD, Microsoft's TPL & PPL) use threads as workers. I wish there were some good alternatives that used processes, but I'm not aware of any.
If you're interested in concurrency (as opposed to processor parallelism), event handlers are the safest way to go. Cooperative threads are an interesting alternative, but a bit of a wild west. Please do not use threads for concurrency if you care about the reliability and robustness of your software.
Protothreads are just a switch case implementation that acts like a state machine but makes implementation of the software a whole lot simpler. It is based around idea of saving a and int value before a case label and returning and then getting back to the point after the case by reading back that variable and using switch to figure out where to continue. So protothread are a sequential implementation of a state machine.
Protothreads are great when implementing sequential state machines. Protothreads are not really threads at all, but rather a syntax abstraction that makes it much easier to write a switch/case state machine that has to switch states sequentially (from one to the next etc..).
I have used protothreads to implement asynchronous io: http://martinschroder.se/asynchronous-io-using-protothreads/

Why might threads be considered "evil"?

I was reading the SQLite FAQ, and came upon this passage:
Threads are evil. Avoid them.
I don't quite understand the statement "Thread are evil". If that is true, then what is the alternative?
My superficial understanding of threads is:
Threads make concurrence happen. Otherwise, the CPU horsepower will be wasted, waiting for (e.g.) slow I/O.
But the bad thing is that you must synchronize your logic to avoid contention and you have to protect shared resources.
Note: As I am not familiar with threads on Windows, I hope the discussion will be limited to Linux/Unix threads.
When people say that "threads are evil", the usually do so in the context of saying "processes are good". Threads implicitly share all application state and handles (and thread locals are opt-in). This means that there are plenty of opportunities to forget to synchronize (or not even understand that you need to synchronize!) while accessing that shared data.
Processes have separate memory space, and any communication between them is explicit. Furthermore, primitives used for interprocess communication are often such that you don't need to synchronize at all (e.g. pipes). And you can still share state directly if you need to, using shared memory, but that is also explicit in every given instance. So there are fewer opportunities to make mistakes, and the intent of the code is more explicit.
Simple answer the way I understand it...
Most threading models use "shared state concurrency," which means that two execution processes can share the same memory at the same time. If one thread doesn't know what the other is doing, it can modify the data in a way that the other thread doesn't expect. This causes bugs.
Threads are "evil" because you need to wrap your mind around n threads all working on the same memory at the same time, and all of the fun things that go with it (deadlocks, racing conditions, etc).
You might read up about the Clojure (immutable data structures) and Erlang (message passsing) concurrency models for alternative ideas on how to achieve similar ends.
What makes threads "evil" is that once you introduce more than one stream of execution into your program, you can no longer count on your program to behave in a deterministic manner.
That is to say: Given the same set of inputs, a single-threaded program will (in most cases) always do the same thing.
A multi-threaded program, given the same set of inputs, may well do something different every time it is run, unless it is very carefully controlled. That is because the order in which the different threads run different bits of code is determined by the OS's thread scheduler combined with a system timer, and this introduces a good deal of "randomness" into what the program does when it runs.
The upshot is: debugging a multi-threaded program can be much harder than debugging a single-threaded program, because if you don't know what you are doing it can be very easy to end up with a race condition or deadlock bug that only appears (seemingly) at random once or twice a month. The program will look fine to your QA department (since they don't have a month to run it) but once it's out in the field, you'll be hearing from customers that the program crashed, and nobody can reproduce the crash.... bleah.
To sum up, threads aren't really "evil", but they are strong juju and should not be used unless (a) you really need them and (b) you know what you are getting yourself into. If you do use them, use them as sparingly as possible, and try to make their behavior as stupid-simple as you possibly can. Especially with multithreading, if anything can go wrong, it (sooner or later) will.
I would interpret it another way. It's not that threads are evil, it's that side-effects are evil in a multithreaded context (which is a lot less catchy to say).
A side effect in this context is something that affects state shared by more than one thread, be it global or just shared. I recently wrote a review of Spring Batch and one of the code snippets used is:
private static Map<Long, JobExecution> executionsById = TransactionAwareProxyFactory.createTransactionalMap();
private static long currentId = 0;
public void saveJobExecution(JobExecution jobExecution) {
Assert.isTrue(jobExecution.getId() == null);
Long newId = currentId++;
executionsById.put(newId, copy(jobExecution));
Now there are at least three serious threading issues in less than 10 lines of code here. An example of a side effect in this context would be updating the currentId static variable.
Functional programming (Haskell, Scheme, Ocaml, Lisp, others) tend to espouse "pure" functions. A pure function is one with no side effects. Many imperative languages (eg Java, C#) also encourage the use of immutable objects (an immutable object is one whose state cannot change once created).
The reason for (or at least the effect of) both of these things is largely the same: they make multithreaded code much easier. A pure function by definition is threadsafe. An immutable object by definition is threadsafe.
The advantage processes have is that there is less shared state (generally). In traditional UNIX C programming, doing a fork() to create a new process would result in shared process state and this was used as a means of IPC (inter-process communication) but generally that state is replaced (with exec()) with something else.
But threads are much cheaper to create and destroy and they take less system resources (in fact, the operating itself may have no concept of threads yet you can still create multithreaded programs). These are called green threads.
The paper you linked to seems to explain itself very well. Did you read it?
Keep in mind that a thread can refer to the programming-language construct (as in most procedural or OOP languages, you create a thread manually, and tell it to executed a function), or they can refer to the hardware construct (Each CPU core executes one thread at a time).
The hardware-level thread is obviously unavoidable, it's just how the CPU works. But the CPU doesn't care how the concurrency is expressed in your source code. It doesn't have to be by a "beginthread" function call, for example. The OS and the CPU just have to be told which instruction threads should be executed.
His point is that if we used better languages than C or Java with a programming model designed for concurrency, we could get concurrency basically for free. If we'd used a message-passing language, or a functional one with no side-effects, the compiler would be able to parallelize our code for us. And it would work.
Threads aren't any more "evil" than hammers or screwdrivers or any other tools; they just require skill to utilize. The solution isn't to avoid them; it's to educate yourself and up your skill set.
Creating a lot of threads without constraint is indeed evil.. using a pooling mechanisme (threadpool) will mitigate this problem.
Another way threads are 'evil' is that most framework code is not designed to deal with multiple threads, so you have to manage your own locking mechanisme for those datastructures.
Threads are good, but you have to think about how and when you use them and remember to measure if there really is a performance benefit.
A thread is a bit like a light weight process. Think of it as an independent path of execution within an application. The thread runs in the same memory space as the application and therefore has access to all the same resources, global objects and global variables.
The good thing about them: you can parallelise a program to improve performance. Some examples, 1) In an image editing program a thread may run the filter processing independently of the GUI. 2) Some algorithms lend themselves to multiple threads.
Whats bad about them? if a program is poorly designed they can lead to deadlock issues where both threads are waiting on each other to access the same resource. And secondly, program design can me more complex because of this. Also, some class libraries don't support threading. e.g. the c library function "strtok" is not "thread safe". In other words, if two threads were to use it at the same time they would clobber each others results. Fortunately, there are often thread safe alternatives... e.g. boost library.
Threads are not evil, they can be very useful indeed.
Under Linux/Unix, threading hasn't been well supported in the past although I believe Linux now has Posix thread support and other unices support threading now via libraries or natively. i.e. pthreads.
The most common alternative to threading under Linux/Unix platforms is fork. Fork is simply a copy of a program including it's open file handles and global variables. fork() returns 0 to the child process and the process id to the parent. It's an older way of doing things under Linux/Unix but still well used. Threads use less memory than fork and are quicker to start up. Also, inter process communications is more work than simple threads.
In a simple sense you can think of a thread as another instruction pointer in the current process. In other words it points the IP of another processor to some code in the same executable. So instead of having one instruction pointer moving through the code there are two or more IP's executing instructions from the same executable and address space simultaneously.
Remember the executable has it's own address space with data / stack etc... So now that two or more instructions are being executed simultaneously you can imagine what happens when more than one of the instructions wants to read/write to the same memory address at the same time.
The catch is that threads are operating within the process address space and are not afforded protection mechanisms from the processor that full blown processes are. (Forking a process on UNIX is standard practice and simply creates another process.)
Out of control threads can consume CPU cycles, chew up RAM, cause execeptions etc.. etc.. and the only way to stop them is to tell the OS process scheduler to forcibly terminate the thread by nullifying it's instruction pointer (i.e. stop executing). If you forcibly tell a CPU to stop executing a sequence of instructions what happens to the resources that have been allocated or are being operated on by those instructions? Are they left in a stable state? Are they properly freed? etc...
So, yes, threads require more thought and responsibility than executing a process because of the shared resources.
For any application that requires stable and secure execution for long periods of time without failure or maintenance, threads are always a tempting mistake. They invariably turn out to be more trouble than they are worth. They produce rapid results and prototypes that seem to be performing correctly but after a couple weeks or months running you discover that they have critical flaws.
As mentioned by another poster, once you use even a single thread in your program you have now opened a non-deterministic path of code execution that can produce an almost infinite number of conflicts in timing, memory sharing and race conditions. Most expressions of confidence in solving these problems are expressed by people who have learned the principles of multithreaded programming but have yet to experience the difficulties in solving them.
Threads are evil. Good programmers avoid them wherever humanly possible. The alternative of forking was offered here and it is often a good strategy for many applications. The notion of breaking your code down into separate execution processes which run with some form of loose coupling often turns out to be an excellent strategy on platforms that support it. Threads running together in a single program is not a solution. It is usually the creation of a fatal architectural flaw in your design that can only be truly remedied by rewriting the entire program.
The recent drift towards event oriented concurrency is an excellent development innovation. These kinds of programs usually prove to have great endurance after they are deployed.
I've never met a young engineer who didn't think threads were great. I've never met an older engineer who didn't shun them like the plague.
Being an older engineer, I heartily agree with the answer by Texas Arcane.
Threads are very evil because they cause bugs that are extremely difficult to solve. I have literally spent months solving sporadic race-conditions. One example caused trams to suddenly stop about once a month in the middle of the road and block traffic until towed away. Luckily I didn't create the bug, but I did get to spend 4 months full-time to solve it...
It's a tad late to add to this thread, but I would like to mention a very interesting alternative to threads: asynchronous programming with co-routines and event loops. This is being supported by more and more languages, and does not have the problem of race conditions like multi-threading has.
It can replace multi-threading in cases where it is used to wait on events from multiple sources, but not where calculations need to be performed in parallel on multiple CPU cores.
