Pandas rolling mean don't change numbers to NaN in DataFrame - python-3.x

I'm working with a pandas DataFrame which looks like this:
(**N.B - the offset is set as the index of the DataFrame)
offset X Y Z
0 -0.140137 -1.924316 -0.426758
10 -2.789123 -1.111212 -0.416016
20 -0.133789 -1.923828 -4.408691
30 -0.101112 -1.457891 -0.425781
40 -0.126465 -1.926758 -0.414062
50 -0.137207 -1.916992 -0.404297
60 -0.130371 -3.784591 -0.987654
70 -0.125000 -1.918457 -0.403809
80 -0.123456 -1.917480 -0.413574
90 -0.126465 -1.926758 -0.333554
I have applied the rolling mean with window size = 5, to the data frame using the following code.
I need to keep this window size = 5 and I need values for the whole dataframe for all of the offset values (no NaNs).
df = df.rolling(center=False, window=5).mean()
Which gives me:
offset X Y Z
0.0 NaN NaN NaN
10.0 NaN NaN NaN
20.0 NaN NaN NaN
30.0 NaN NaN NaN
40.0 -0.658125 -1.668801 -1.218262
50.0 -0.657539 -1.667336 -1.213769
60.0 -0.125789 -2.202012 -1.328097
70.0 -0.124031 -2.200938 -0.527121
80.0 -0.128500 -2.292856 -0.524679
90.0 -0.128500 -2.292856 -0.508578
I would like the DataFrame to be able to keep the first values that are NaN unchanged and have the the rest of the values as the result of the rolling mean. Is there a simple way that I would be able to do this? Thanks
offset X Y Z
0.0 -0.140137 -1.924316 -0.426758
10.0 -2.789123 -1.111212 -0.416016
20.0 -0.133789 -1.923828 -4.408691
30.0 -0.101112 -1.457891 -0.425781
40.0 -0.658125 -1.668801 -1.218262
50.0 -0.657539 -1.667336 -1.213769
60.0 -0.125789 -2.202012 -1.328097
70.0 -0.124031 -2.200938 -0.527121
80.0 -0.128500 -2.292856 -0.524679
90.0 -0.128500 -2.292856 -0.508578

You can fill with the original df:
df.rolling(center=False, window=5).mean().fillna(df)
0 -0.140137 -1.924316 -0.426758
10 -2.789123 -1.111212 -0.416016
20 -0.133789 -1.923828 -4.408691
30 -0.101112 -1.457891 -0.425781
40 -0.658125 -1.668801 -1.218262
50 -0.657539 -1.667336 -1.213769
60 -0.125789 -2.202012 -1.328097
70 -0.124031 -2.200938 -0.527121
80 -0.128500 -2.292856 -0.524679
90 -0.128500 -2.292856 -0.508578
There is also an argument, min_periods that you can use. If you pass min_periods=1 then it will take the first value as it is, second value as the mean of the first two etc. It might make more sense in some cases.
df.rolling(center=False, window=5, min_periods=1).mean()
0 -0.140137 -1.924316 -0.426758
10 -1.464630 -1.517764 -0.421387
20 -1.021016 -1.653119 -1.750488
30 -0.791040 -1.604312 -1.419311
40 -0.658125 -1.668801 -1.218262
50 -0.657539 -1.667336 -1.213769
60 -0.125789 -2.202012 -1.328097
70 -0.124031 -2.200938 -0.527121
80 -0.128500 -2.292856 -0.524679
90 -0.128500 -2.292856 -0.508578

Assuming you don't have other rows with all NaN's, you can identify which rows have all NaN's in your rolling_df, and replace them with the corresponding rows from the original. Example:
#identify which rows are all NaN
idx = df_rolling.index[df_rolling.isnull().all(1)]
#replace those rows with the original data


substract two ECDF time series

Hi I have a ECDF plot by seaborn which is the following.
I can obtain this by doing sns.ecdfplot(data=df2, x='time', hue='seg_oper', stat='count').
My dataframe is very simple:
In [174]: df2
time seg_oper
265 18475 1->0:ADD['TX']
2342 78007 0->1:ADD['RX']
2399 78613 1->0:DELETE['TX']
2961 87097 0->1:ADD['RX']
2994 87210 0->1:ADD['RX']
... ... ...
330823 1002281 1->0:DELETE['TX']
331256 1003545 1->0:DELETE['TX']
331629 1004961 1->0:DELETE['TX']
332375 1006663 1->0:DELETE['TX']
333083 1008644 1->0:DELETE['TX']
[834 rows x 2 columns]
How can I substract series 0->1:ADD['RX'] from 1->0:DELETE['TX']?
I like seaborn because most of this data mangling is done inside the library, but in this case I need to substract these two series ...
So the first thing is to obtain what seaborn does, but manually. After that (because I need to) I can subtract one series from the other.
Cumulative Count
First we need to obtain a cumulative count per each series.
In [304]: df2['cum'] = df2.groupby(['seg_oper']).cumcount()
In [305]: df2
time seg_oper cum
265 18475 1->0:ADD['TX'] 0
2961 87097 0->1:ADD['RX'] 1
2994 87210 0->1:ADD['RX'] 2
... ... ... ...
332375 1006663 1->0:DELETE['TX'] 413
333083 1008644 1->0:DELETE['TX'] 414
Pivot the data
Rearrange the DF.
In [307]: df3 = df2.pivot(index='time', columns='seg_oper',values='cum').reset_index()
In [308]: df3
seg_oper time 0->1:ADD['RX'] 1->0:ADD['TX'] 1->0:DELETE['TX']
0 18475 NaN 0.0 NaN
1 78007 0.0 NaN NaN
2 78613 NaN NaN 0.0
3 87097 1.0 NaN NaN
4 87210 2.0 NaN NaN
.. ... ... ... ...
828 1002281 NaN NaN 410.0
829 1003545 NaN NaN 411.0
830 1004961 NaN NaN 412.0
831 1006663 NaN NaN 413.0
832 1008644 NaN NaN 414.0
[833 rows x 4 columns]
Fill the gaps
I'm assuming that the NaN values can be filled with the previous value of the row until the next one.
At this point, if you plot df3 you'll obtain the same as doing sns.ecdfplot(df2) with seaborn.
I still want to substract one series from the other.
df3['diff'] = df3["0->1:ADD['RX']"] - df3["1->0:DELETE['TX']"]
The following plot, is the result.
pd: I don't understand the negative vote on the question. If someone can explain, I'll appreciate it.

How to convert values of panda dataframe to columns

I have a dataset given below:
weekid type amount
1 A 10
1 B 20
1 C 30
1 D 40
1 F 50
2 A 70
2 E 80
2 B 100
I am trying to convert it to another panda frame based on total number of type values defined with:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
for type in df["type"].unique():
My aim is to get a data given below:
weekid type_A type_B type_C type_D type_E type_F
1 10 20 30 40 0 50
2 70 100 0 0 80 0
Is there any specific function that convert unique values as a column and fills the missing values as 0 for each weekId groups? I am wondering that how this conversion can be done efficiently?
You can use the following:
df = df.pivot(columns=['type'], values=['amount'])
dfp.columns = dfp.columns.droplevel(0)
Given your input this yields:
type A B C D F
1 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0
2 70.0 80.0 100.0 0.0 0.0

how to update rows based on previous row of dataframe python

I have a time series data given below:
date product price amount
11/01/2019 A 10 20
11/02/2019 A 10 20
11/03/2019 A 25 15
11/04/2019 C 40 50
11/05/2019 C 50 60
I have a high dimensional data, and I have just added the simplified version with two columns {price, amount}. I am trying to transform it relatively based on time index illustrated below:
date product price amount
11/01/2019 A NaN NaN
11/02/2019 A 0 0
11/03/2019 A 15 -5
11/04/2019 C NaN NaN
11/05/2019 C 10 10
I am trying to get relative changes of each product based on time indexes. If previous date does not exist for a specified product, I am adding "NaN".
Can you please tell me is there any function to do this?
Group by product and use .diff()
df[["price", "amount"]] = df.groupby("product")[["price", "amount"]].diff()
output :
date product price amount
0 2019-11-01 A NaN NaN
1 2019-11-02 A 0.0 0.0
2 2019-11-03 A 15.0 -5.0
3 2019-11-04 C NaN NaN
4 2019-11-05 C 10.0 10.0

Removing outliers based on column variables or multi-index in a dataframe

This is another IQR outlier question. I have a dataframe that looks something like this:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,size=(100, 3)), columns=('red','yellow','green'))
df.loc[0:49,'Season'] = 'Spring'
df.loc[50:99,'Season'] = 'Fall'
df.loc[0:24,'Treatment'] = 'Placebo'
df.loc[25:49,'Treatment'] = 'Drug'
df.loc[50:74,'Treatment'] = 'Placebo'
df.loc[75:99,'Treatment'] = 'Drug'
df = df[['Season','Treatment','red','yellow','green']]
I would like to find and remove the outliers for each condition (i.e. Spring Placebo, Spring Drug, etc). Not the whole row, just the cell. And would like to do it for each of the 'red', 'yellow', 'green' columns.
Is there way to do this without breaking the dataframe into a whole bunch of sub dataframes with all of the conditions broken out separately? I'm not sure if this would be easier if 'Season' and 'Treatment' were handled as columns or indices. I'm fine with either way.
I've tried a few things with .iloc and .loc but I can't seem to make it work.
If need replace outliers by missing values use GroupBy.transform with DataFrame.quantile, then compare for lower and greater values by and, chain masks by | for bitwise OR and set missing values in DataFrame.mask, default replacement, so not specified:
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,size=(100, 3)), columns=('red','yellow','green'))
df.loc[0:49,'Season'] = 'Spring'
df.loc[50:99,'Season'] = 'Fall'
df.loc[0:24,'Treatment'] = 'Placebo'
df.loc[25:49,'Treatment'] = 'Drug'
df.loc[50:74,'Treatment'] = 'Placebo'
df.loc[75:99,'Treatment'] = 'Drug'
df = df[['Season','Treatment','red','yellow','green']]
g = df.groupby(['Season','Treatment'])
df1 = g.transform('quantile', 0.05)
df2 = g.transform('quantile', 0.95)
c = df.columns.difference(['Season','Treatment'])
mask = df[c].lt(df1) | df[c].gt(df2)
df[c] = df[c].mask(mask)
print (df)
Season Treatment red yellow green
0 Spring Placebo NaN NaN 67.0
1 Spring Placebo 67.0 91.0 3.0
2 Spring Placebo 71.0 56.0 29.0
3 Spring Placebo 48.0 32.0 24.0
4 Spring Placebo 74.0 9.0 51.0
.. ... ... ... ... ...
95 Fall Drug 90.0 35.0 55.0
96 Fall Drug 40.0 55.0 90.0
97 Fall Drug NaN 54.0 NaN
98 Fall Drug 28.0 50.0 74.0
99 Fall Drug NaN 73.0 11.0
[100 rows x 5 columns]

Iterate over rows in a data frame create a new column then adding more columns based on the new column

I have a data frame as below:
Date Quantity
2019-04-25 100
2019-04-26 148
2019-04-27 124
The output that I need is to take the quantity difference between two next dates and average over 24 hours and create 23 columns with hourly quantity difference added to the column before such as below:
Date Quantity Hour-1 Hour-2 ....Hour-23
2019-04-25 100 102 104 .... 146
2019-04-26 148 147 146 .... 123
2019-04-27 124
I'm trying to iterate over a loop but it's not working ,my code is as below:
for i in df.index:
for j in range(24):
I did some research but I have not found how to create columns like above iteratively. I hope you could help me. Thank you in advance.
IIUC using resample and interpolate, then we pivot the output
s=df.set_index('Date').resample('1 H').interpolate()
0 1 2 3 ... 20 21 22 23
2019-04-25 100.0 102.0 104.0 106.0 ... 140.0 142.0 144.0 146.0
2019-04-26 148.0 147.0 146.0 145.0 ... 128.0 127.0 126.0 125.0
2019-04-27 124.0 NaN NaN NaN ... NaN NaN NaN NaN
[3 rows x 24 columns]
If I have understood the question correctly.
for loop approach:
list_of_values = []
for i,row in df.iterrows():
if i < len(df) - 2:
qty = row['Quantity']
qty_2 =[i+1,'Quantity']
diff = (qty_2 - qty)/24
df['diff'] = list_of_values
Date Quantity diff
2019-04-25 100 2
2019-04-26 148 -1
2019-04-27 124 0
Now create the columns required.
df['Hour-1'] = df['Quantity'] + df['diff']
df['Hour-2'] = df['Quantity'] + 2*df['diff']
There are other approaches which will work way better.
