BI Publisher / PeopleSoft Security Roles Report - user-roles

Hey I am trying to create a report to display in a matrix type format the navigations and permissions that a user has. I already have a query set up that correctly gets the path associated with each user. I am having trouble creating the XML / BI Publisher template.
The staging table has the format
and I want to convert this into a table where it may look something along the lines of
where it has all of the users access rights given a certain path. Any guidance is very much appreciated. Thanks

It appears your request is to print data horizontally, which has been answered previously here. This can be done via RTF templates, and there are samples provided by oracle here : C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\samples\RTF templates\Advanced\Dynamic Columns, where you have installed BIP Word Addon.


Cucumber: How to skip a single step and continue with the scenario (Java, JUnit)

I have a scenario with following structure:
Scenario Outline: Sections displayed on login
Given Robert is at the home page
When Robert logs in as "<role>"
Then the "<section1>" should be displayed
And the "<section2>" should be displayed
| email | section1 | section2 |
| Administrator | Administration | Profile |
| External | IGNORED | Profile |
As you can see, there is a parameter "IGNORED" in the second example.
In case I detect this keyword during runtime, I want the step, the keyword appeared in, to be skipped.
At the moment I use this:
#Then("the {string} should be displayed")
public void the_section_should_be_displayed(String sectionName) {
// rest of code
Here the step will be set as PASSED if the IGNORED keyword is there.
What I want instead, is that this single step is marked as SKIPPED and that the following steps are still executed and the full test scenario is afterwards marked as PASSED or FAILED depending on the status of the other steps.
So my question is:
Is there a way to manually set a Cucumber step to status SKIPPED without skipping the rest of the scenario?
I am aware that I could simply create two scenarios, one for each role. But I currently have no choice. I can not change anything within the feature file and need to solve this with code. So please try to answer the question if you can.
I appreciate any help!
Instead of adding logic to your step definition, consider making a separate scenario that skips this step. I'm assuming there is a reason that "section1" is not relevant to the role of "External"? It would be considered good practice to capture that in a different scenario with a different name. Remember that a goal of the feature files is to describe the intended behaviour of your system; using 2 different scenarios here allows you to specify what the difference in behaviour is for different roles.
For example, as follows:
Scenario Outline: Admin section is visible to Admin
Given Robert is at the home page
When Robert logs in as Administrator
Then the Administration section should be displayed
And the Profile section should be displayed
Scenario Outline: Relevant sections are visible to External
Given Robert is at the home page
When Robert logs in as External
Then the Profile section should be displayed
Alternatively, if you want to check that specific section are / are not displayed, you could do something like this, and use the step definition to check a sectio is / is not displayed based on the provided value:
Scenario Outline: Sections displayed on login
Given Robert is at the home page
When Robert logs in as "<role>"
Then the admin section "<admin>" be displayed
And the "<section2>" should be displayed
| email | admin | section2 |
| Administrator | should | Profile |
| External | should not | Profile |
(My example might not be correct Gherkin, but should give you an idea)

Dynamic userId in kusto query Application Insights

I'm new with Azure Application Insights service, I want to get data from my app (developed with Xamarin Forms, c#) and I need to make a specific query to be able to get a user stats and display it on my Azure Dashboard. I'm able to make this request for all users but not for one user. I show you my query
| where name == "LoggedUserEvent"
| where timestamp > now() - 31d
| extend Properties = todynamic(tostring(customDimensions.Properties))
| extend userId = todouble(todecimal(Properties.UserId))
| where userId == XXX
| summarize Total = count() by bin(timestamp, 1d)
| project Total, timestamp
this query work's well and show me Total and timestamp as you can see
but the issue it's I should specify
| where userId == XXX
Each time I want new data about specific user I have to update this line, is there en easier way to get this info using an input text for example or if you have any suggestions, salespeople will use this platform and need to be simple as possible. Thank you in advance.
To achieve the above requirement you can try with page view method so that we can get specific users who logged in to your application instead of using Custom events.
Example of query:
| project user_Id , timestamp
| summarize max(timestamp) by user_Id
For more information please refer the below links:-
SO THREAD : Application Insights - Distinct Users and the last time they visited the site & Trying to create a KQL with users who have not logged in within the last 30 days

How to create a single data tile in azure application insight dashboard?

How to create a single data tile in azure application insight dashboard ?
by single data i mean the XXX(A number)(which i found querying the application insights).
For say - I queried for unique users in Application Insight logs, and I want to display it as Single Data Tile on the Dashboard. i.e. just the number(XXX) and the heading (Unique Users For XYZ Application)
Workbooks will give you tons of features to create custom tiles showing just the number on the tile. Here's how to do it using Workbooks.
Try the code below, then pin to dashboard:
//add the filter for querying unique users
| extend users=""
| summarize number_of_users = count() by users
| render barchart
The result:

Realtime report in power BI

Is it possible to make real-time monitoring report by using Power BI?
I have an experience only with elasticsearch+kibana and I want to make the same dashboard by using Power BI:
There is a data source - RequestDateTime, Sendor, IsSuccess, RequestType, Request, Response. For example:
2016-10-20 12:00:12 | Test 1 | True | SetUserInfo | xml here... | xml here...
2016-10-20 12:00:18 | Test 2 | False | GetUserInfo | xml here... |
This data can be downloaded from Azure SQL database, by using simple sql-query.
I want to make a simple column chart. X-axis should be a timeline, accoring to the RequestDateTime field. Y-axis should be a count of records, that is correspond to filters.
Report should have a filters by sendor, isSuccess, RequestType and RequestDateTime range (for example - last 6 hours).
The report should be able to be refreshed in a real-time mode, according to the new events in the database.
The pipeline I usually do in my work using app.powerbi for real time visualization is :
Create a dataset: In your workspace, select the "create" option, there you can import or connect to data from Files and Databases. You can choose Azure SQL database and follow instructions.
Create a report: In your dataset list, select the icon to create a report (here you define the filters that you want) and save it.
Create a dashboard: Pin the charts to a dashboard. I have found that only dashboard refresh itself when data is added or deleted in the database, thus, you can see the real time in the dashboard.
You may find this video useful.

cucumber feature: simulate multiple selection fields in a form

I have started writing the following feature within an app designed to manage a cleaning business:
Feature: Creating a new cleaner
In order to allow Franchisees to allocate cleaners to jobs they need to be uploaded to the system
Given I am currently logged in to my account
And I have navigated to the "Cleaners" page
And I want to add a new cleaner to the database
Scenario: Add a new cleaner to the system
Given I have brought up the "Add Cleaner" form
Then I will need to complete the fields within the following form:
| first_name |
| last_name |
| email |
| date_of_birth |
| postcode |
| mobile |
| other_phone |
| address_1 |
| address_2 |
| work_radius |
| **days_available** |
| notes |
When I have entered valid data
Then I can save to the database
And I will have added a new cleaner to the system
In addition to welcoming comments on the way I have written the scenarios etc, my main problem is that I can't work out how to simulate selecting from a pre-populated field:
Populating the days_available should allow the franchisee to choose which days of the week, and which hours within those days, that a cleaner will be available for work. This obviously makes it possible to return queries which only show available cleaners for any given day/time of day.
Really hope someone can explain how this is done?
Just a quick comment on the structure of your feature file ... the 'Then' step in your feature should be asserting that something has or has not been done successfully.
Given I have logged into the site
When I add a new Cleaner to the site
Then I should see that the Cleaner has been added successfully
I would recommend using language that can be easily understood. Your scenario doesn't need to be instructions on how to use the site. Excessive navigational steps can make you lose track of the purpose of the scenario.
To answer your question regarding days_available accurately, would require some knowledge of how the site is structured and how the days_available are entered. Are you choosing from select lists, filling in form fields, etc? Also, since you are testing, you could consider setting the data from within your step (ie. hash, array) instead of passing all of the info in via a table.
Just some food for thought. Cheers.
Based on your updated post, I would suggest the following:
The step And I want to add a new cleaner to the database doesn't seem like an actionable step and could be removed. Same for the step When I have entered valid data. If you handle filling out the form in the previous step, you have already entered valid data.
If you need to multiple available days, I would consider making it its own step
And(/^the cleaner is available from (.*?) to (.*?) on (.*?)$/) do |start_time, end_time, day|
#fill in start time
#fill in end time
#select day
Given I am currently logged in to my account
And I have navigated to the "Cleaners" page
And I bring up the "Add Cleaners" form
And I complete the form with
| first name | Bob |
| last name | Smith |
And the cleaner is available from 0600 to 1800 on W
When I submit the Add Cleaners form
Then I should see the new cleaner has been successfully added
