React Virtualized windowscroller scrollElement not working - react-virtualized

You were right that I was not passing the props in correctly. Now I have it set up as such:
<div className='container' ref={(ref) => { = ref;}}>
<Section scrollContainer={}/>
Section.jsx (just passing down props)
<Panel scrollContainer={this.props.scrollContainer}/>
Section.propTypes = { scrollContainer: PropTypes.object.isRequired }
Panel.jsx (Passing down props)
<RenderedTable scrollContainer={this.props.scrollContainer} />
return (
<div className='padding-top-20 font-smoothing'>
<WindowScroller scrollElement={this.props.scrollContainer}>
{({ height, isScrolling, scrollTop, onChildScroll }) => (
<AutoSizer disableHeight>
{({ width }) => (
Unfortunately the windowScroller still does not resize. I also dont get any warnings or errors. Do you use css tricks to get the scroller to resize? I see that in the example
you change the flex and overflow properties when changing the scrollElement from window to scrollingBody.
I know you are very busy and greatly appreciate your help!

In your example, you've assigned the scroll ref to this.tabsContainer but you're trying to access it as this.props.tabContainer. Either this is your mistake, or the example is incomplete and more context is needed. :) Can you provide a Plnkr?


Load specific DIV with a react component without reloading the whole page

I have a menu where every menu item is a button and I want to load a specific reactjs component into a specific div without reloading the whole page.
This is the current code, clearly is bad but I don't know where to start fixing it...
<Button onClick={this.loadTarget}>
loadTarget(event) {
document.getElementById("datapanel").innerHTML="abc<TranslationsList />";
When I click a menu Item I want to load my div with the value "abc<TranslationsList />". "abc" is displayed but the custom component "TranslationsList" is not and I guess this is normal as the TranslationsList tag is not a HTML tag. But how could I load my component?
I could use links instead of buttons but in this case the question is how could I update the div content with a specific link?
It's hard if you've programmed plain JS before, but you have to forget the "good old JS pattern" in React. I also had a hard time getting used to not using standard JS elements (target, innerHTML, etc.) to solve such a problem.
So the solution in React is to use the framework and your page reload problem will be solved immediately. useState for the state of the component and handlers for the click. My main code looks like this. You can find a working application at Codesandbox.
export default function App() {
const [showComponent, setShowComponent] = useState(false);
const handleButtonClick = (e) => {
return (
<div className="App">
Load specific DIV with a react component without reloading the whole
<a href="">
Link to Stackoverflow
<div style={{ marginTop: "20px" }}>
<button onClick={handleButtonClick}>Magic</button>
{showComponent ? (
<div style={{ marginTop: "20px" }}>
This is the place of your component!
) : (
In the first place I wpuld not use vanilla JS syntax on a react app if it is not necessary. i.e: document.getElementById("datapanel").innerHTML="abc<TranslationsList />".
If you are using React you should be managing the State in the component of the DIV, giving the order to make an element appear once the button is clicked.
A simple example can be this:
import { useState } from "react";
export default function App() {
const [divState, setDivState] = useState(null);
const divElement = () => <div>I am the element that should appear</div>;
const handleDiv = () => {
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Hello CodeSandbox</h1>
<h2>Start editing to see some magic happen!</h2>
<button onClick={handleDiv}>Show DIV</button>
I agree with the answers given above. Since you are already using React, you should take advantage of its features/functionalities. No need to reinvent the wheel.
However, if you are still interested in how to make your current implementation work. You may use renderToString(), which can be imported from ReactDOMServer. Please refer to the following code snippet as an example.
import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server'
const TranslationsList = () => {
return <div>TranslationsList Content</div>
export default function App() {
const loadTarget = () => {
document.getElementById("datapanel").innerHTML=`abc${renderToString(<TranslationsList />)}`;
return (
<button onClick={loadTarget}>Insert Component</button>
<div id="datapanel">Data Panel Holder</div>

Material UI multiple Select MenuItem ref error

Lately, I'm getting without a reason this error from opening a multiple Select in React+Next.js using Material UI:
Error: Argument appears to not be a ReactComponent. Keys: retry
This appears to be an error related to a ref.
It happens on both the Select I do have on that page and both the select on another one.
This error only happens when I try to open a Select which has MenuItems inside; if it doesn't, it just doesn't happen (the select opens but it's, obviously, empty). And the error never happens if I don't open the Select, it probably happens when trying to render the MenuItems.
const FormControlLabel = dynamic(() => import("#material-ui/core/FormControlLabel"));
const InputLabel = dynamic(() => import('#material-ui/core/InputLabel'));
const MenuItem = dynamic(() => import('#material-ui/core/MenuItem'));
/* Then, in render... */
<FormControl id="selected-genres-wrapper">
<InputLabel htmlFor="selected-genres-input">Generi</InputLabel>
value={this.state.selectedEdited && this.state.selectedEdited.genres ? this.state.selectedEdited.genres : this.state.selected.genres}
input={<FilledInput variant="filled" id="selected-genres-input" />}
renderValue={selected => (
{ => (
<Chip key={value} label={value} />
{ => (
<MenuItem key={name} value={name}>
The error itself just doesn't make sense because it's an internal error with no kind of help to debug or prevent it in any way.
I also tried updating Material UI core (I was using 4.6, now I'm using 4.11) but really nothing changed.
Any idea? Thanks in advance.
The Menu.js line referenced in the stacktrace is code where the Menu is cloning the child MenuItem elements. The error is due to your dynamic import of MenuItem.
If you replace the dynamic import with:
import MenuItem from '#material-ui/core/MenuItem';
it should work fine.

WindowScroller + AutoSizer + List not working as expected

I was trying to use the combination of the WindowScroller + AutoSizer + List on my web application. The virtualization works well when it is only AutoSizer + List. However, when I put it inside the WindowScroller, the list of rows no longer display properly.
This is how it looks when WindowScroller is applied.
list result
I already searched for available solutions here and on the doc. Found similar problem posted here but the answer provided was already been applied on my code. Now, I can't figure out what exactly hinders the display of the rows.
return (
{({height, isScrolling, onChildScroll, scrollTop}) => (
<AutoSizer disableHeight>
{({width}) => (
rowRenderer={({ index, style }) => <div style={style}>Row {index}</div>}
It appears this is an implementation issue. The overflow style of the container element which I was using for the reference of the WindowScroller is not set properly.

Styled Components - why does prop position affect styling?

I'm using styled-components to style a parent and child element in a component:
function StyledDemo({
}) {
return (
<Parent {...props}>
I have a light prop which is true/false - but I'm having an issue with styling the elements based on the value of that property:
const Parent = styled.div`
background-color: #000;
width: 100%;
${props => props.light && `
background-color: #ccc;
The styling only seems to work when I remove the prop being passed into the function individually.
Parent element uses correct styling based on light prop value when:
function StyledDemo({ name, ...props })
Parent element does NOT use correct styling based on light prop value when:
function StyledDemo({ name, light, ...props })
I can get it all working by setting the prop on the Parent and Child component, but this doesn't seem like it's the best way:
return (
<Parent {...props} light={light}>
<Child light={light}>{name}</Child>
Is this the correct way to apply styles to components based on props, or is there an issue with my approach?
I have a demo to tinker with if it helps:
This is not related to styled-components but to the rest parameter.
When you do the rest operator, any property you "pick" out by name won't be contained in the variable. So when you do
const Button = ({ light, }) => ()
<Button light primary />
rest will only contain the primary property, but not light, that's now it's own variable.
If you did
const Button = ({ }) => ()
<Button light primary />
instead rest would also contain light.
So in your example, you're picking out light from ...props, so when you pass {...props} on to the parent it doesn't contain light anymore, so styled-components doesn't know it exists! Either you go with your first version, or you have to manually apply it to each component.
See MDN for more information about the rest parameter!

Does react-virtualized work with airbnb/enzyme?

Is it possible to use react-virtualized and enzyme together? When I try to use them together I seem to get an empty list of items in the grid.
The 2 should work together, yes. I believe the likely problem is that the react-virtualized component is being given a width or height of 0 which causes it not to render anything. (It only renders enough to fill the "window" it has.)
Assuming you're using the AutoSizer HOC- (most people do)- then one pattern I've found helpful is to export 2 versions of components- one that expects explicit width/height properties and one that wraps the other with an AutoSizer. Pseudo code would be:
import { AutoSizer, VirtualScroll } from 'react-virtualized'
// Use this component for testing purposes so you can explicitly set width/height
export function MyComponent ({
}) {
return (
// Use this component in your browser where auto-sizing behavior is desired
export default function MyAutoSizedComponent (props) {
return (
({ height, width }) => (
as of react-virtualized 9.12.0 the Autosizer has defaultWidth and defaultHeight properties.
I found setting those meant enzyme tests ran correctly - rendering the child rows as expected.
<AutoSizer disableHeight defaultWidth={100}>
{({ width }) => (
Putting this in my test case worked for me:
import { AutoSizer } from 'react-virtualized';
// ...
it('should do something', function() {
spyOn(AutoSizer.prototype, 'render').and.callFake(function render() {
return (
<div ref={this._setRef}>
{this.props.children({ width: 200, height: 100 })}
// do something...
I use Jasmine's spyOn here, but other libraries have their own ways of overwriting functions.
Keep in mind that this is pretty fragile against future changes to the react-virtualized library (this._setRef was just yanked from the source code), and may give you false positives.
