How to recover or reinstall .vim_runtime directory and contents - vim

I downloaded this vim config but decided later I wanted to work using vanilla vim (because i'm still not used to it).
So I followed the instructions at the bottom of the README:
How to uninstall
Just do following:
Remove ~/.vim_runtime
Remove any lines that reference .vim_runtime in
your ~/.vimrc
I deleted the hidden vim_runtime directory located in :home/user/ on Ubuntu 16.04, using
rm -rf ~/.vim_runtime/
then realized this was a mistake. I now can't open vim without getting:
Error detected while processing /home/user/.vimrc:
line 3:
E484: Cannot open file /home/user/.vim_runtime/vimrcs/basic.vim
line 4:
E484: Cannot open file /home/user/.vim_runtime/vimrcs/filetypes.vim
line 5:
E484: Cannot open file /home/user/.vim_runtime/vimrcs/plugins_config.vim
line 6:
E484: Cannot open file /home/user/.vim_runtime/vimrcs/extended.vim
Press ENTER or type command to continue
I don't know what to do from here, It would be great if I could just purge it all and have vim as it was when you first install the OS, I've tried:
sudo apt-get purge vim && sudo apt-get install vim
but still get the same error detection when opening vim after the command has completed.

If you had no personal configuration other than that Vim distribution, just rm /home/user/.vimrc and start anew. You can also remove /home/user/.vim/ if it exists. That gives you a clean slate. There's no need to reinstall Vim; that distribution presumably was just user configuration (i.e. you didn't need sudo to install it), whereas Vim is installed system-wide (via apt). If there's something inside .vimrc that you want to save (and you have no other editor installed), you can launch Vim with vim -N -u NONE.
Vim "distributions" like spf-13 and Janus lure you with a quick install and out-of-the-box settings, but you pay the price with increased complexity (you need to understand both Vim's runtime loading scheme and the arbitrary conventions of the distribution) and inflexibility (the distribution may make some things easier, but other things very difficult). Vim is incredibly customizable, using someone else's customization makes no sense.
new config
I would base your personal configuration on the example that ships with Vim. You can install it like this:
$ vim
:edit $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example
:saveas $MYVIMRC
Also see :help defaults.vim.


vim Error detected while processing function <SNR>66_MRU_Select_File_Cmd

I use vim8. When I use vim, whether I open or save a file, there will be errors. To save a file, I must use: w!, Open the file must be q to close the error.
Error detected while processing function <SNR>66_MRU_Select_File_Cmd[21]..<SNR>66_MRU_Window_Edit_File[67]..BufRead Autocommands for "*"..function <SNR>25_Detect[17]..<SNR>25_BufInit[1]..<SNR>25_autoload[2]..script /root/.vim/bundle/vim-rails/autoload/rails.vim[169]..function <SNR>87_add_methods[2]..<SNR>87_function:
I tried to reinstall vim, but it didn't work
sudo apt remove vim
sudo apt install vim
Also try to modify the .vimrc file and copy the .vimrc file of vim that is normally used on other servers, but it doesn't work
I also tried to add the content shown in the answer here to the top of the file, but it still failed
if has('python3')
silent! python3 1
and i tried the solution here, but it still failed Error detected while processing function vundle#installer#new
set shell=/bin/bash
Then I tried the solution here, but it still didn't work
mv ~/.vimrc ~/.vimrc_back
mv ~/.vim ~/.vim_back
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
cp ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim/test/minirc.vim ~/.vimrc
What should I do so that vim can be used normally and no error will be reported
When a script is sourced by Vim it is given a number, which can be used to make sense of a stack trace like yours (edited for legibility):
Error detected while processing function <SNR>66_MRU_Select_File_Cmd[21]
..BufRead Autocommands for "*"
..function <SNR>25_Detect[17]
..script /root/.vim/bundle/vim-rails/autoload/rails.vim[169]
..function <SNR>87_add_methods[2]
Before reinstalling Vim, a more constructive approach would be to figure out whether the problem occurs in Vim's own runtime files or in yours. You can use :help :scriptnames to put a filename to those numbers, so to speak.
Without even seeing the output of that command, it doesn't take much effort to find out that at least some of your problems come from your runtime files:
" one plugin
" another plugin
..script /root/.vim/bundle/vim-rails/autoload/rails.vim[169]
..function <SNR>87_add_methods[2]
Which means that you should look for the actual cause, not throw the towel and reinstall Vim or try random answers to random unrelated questions.
One good starting point would be line 21 of function MRU_Select_File_Cmd() in script number 66, which should be a call to MRU_Window_Edit_File() in your outdated version. The stack trace then points to line 67 of that function, and so on.
badly installed plugins,
incompatible Vim version,
incompatible plugins,
options incompatible with your plugins,
Good luck.

Vim Latex Suite can't find latex command using Pathogen

I was having dual boot issues with Windows 10 and Ubuntu 17.10, which eventually resulted in a boot loop and since I need Ubuntu 16.04.3 for an Operating Systems class I decided to load up an ISO into one of my USBs with Rufus, reformat my Windows partitions from GPT to NTFS to get around some nasty bootmg/efi issues and here we are, good as new, except for one thing...
The only thing I haven't been able to successfully reinstall has been Latex Suite for Vim. Installation last time had been an easy extraction into .vim, but after some deliberation I elected to use Pathogen.
I've installed Pathogen using
mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload ~/.vim/bundle && \
curl -LSso ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim
Which works for color schemes, etc., and every other aspect of latex-suite save for compiling, generating this every time I try to compile (using \ll):
/bin/bash: latex: command not found
I installed texlive which does then allow me to compile using vim, but I'd prefer not to use this solution if I don't have to (in fact I've already removed it, its more of a plan b for now given it's obstructive and non-intuitive compilation errors). I looked at the other questions asking how to install Latex Suite through pathogen and didn't see anything else similar to what I'm working on; below is self-explanatory in regards to installation structure.
~/.vim/bundle$ ls
vim-archery vim-latex-1.10.0
Obvious running pdflatex and latex can't be found because they are not in my $PATH but I was under the impression that with a good, recommended package manager like Pathogen I wouldn't need to which is what originally raised the red flag for me as its whole job is to modify the runtime path. I thought maybe trying sudo vim text.tex might work in case there hadn't been adequate permissions for Pathogen to modify runtime path but no dice.
execute pathogen#infect()
syntax on
filetype plugin indent on
colorscheme archery
let g:tex_flavor='latex'
set sw=2

How to update Vim under Cygwin

Vim behaves weirdly under Cygwin. I follow this instruction and realize that in my /bin there's only vi.exe, no vim.exe! So I put the .vimrc example from Vim Wiki into a .virc in home directory. When I run vi, I get the following error:
Error detected while processing /home/USER/.virc:
line 21:
E319: Sorry, the command is not available in this version: filetype indent plugin on
line 24:
E319: Sorry, the command is not available in this version: syntax on
line 113:
E538: No mouse support: mouse=a
My question is:
How do I update vi to avoid the above errors?
Is it necessary to install a vim.exe? If it is, how can I do that (under Cygwin) ?
Go back and run the CygWin setup.exe again and ensure you install absolutely everything (a) rather than just the defaults.
Disk space is cheap, time spent trying to figure out which package various things are in (b) is not :-)
(a) You do this by clicking on the "tail chasing arrows" at the top level until it says "Install" (see below image (b) for an example of the arrows, though those particular ones aren't at the top level).
(b) Vim is in Editors by the way, and it defaults to skip:

Cannot load CoqIDE plugin for vim

I'm trying to use the CoqIDE for vim plugin I found on this page.
I put the coq_IDE.vim file in ~/.vim/ftplugin folder. My current .vimrc file is:
set showcmd
set number
imap hl <Esc>
filetype plugin on
But when I start vim CoqIDE doesn't load automatically (I see no change whatsoever compared to normal vim, so I don't think it did). And when I try to load it manually by the command :source coq_IDE.vim, I get the following error message:
E484: Can't open file coq_IDE.vim
What could be the source of this error?
Here are some additional information that might be relevant:
1) I am running Ubuntu 14.04.
2) I checked that :version in vim shows +perl.
2) I am running vim from terminal, not gvim.
3) I tried removing and reinstalling different versions of vim (vim, vim-gtk, vim-gnome)
4) The CoqIDE installation guide says that coqtop.opt should be accessible via the PATH variable. Since I'm not even sure what this means, this might be the problem here, but that seems unlikely. From what I understand vim is getting errors when trying to read coq_IDE.vim, so it's not even getting to the part where it's looking for coqtop.opt.
5) I have CoqIDE installed from Ubuntu Software Center.
6) With :echo &runtimepath I get: ~/.vim,/var/lib/vim/addons,/usr/share/vim/vimfiles,/usr/share/vim/vim74,/usr/share/vim/vimfiles/after,/var/lib/vim/addons/after,~/.vim/after
The instructions are bad.
Put the file in ~/.vim/plugin not ~/.vim/ftplugin
The file layout should look exactly like the file layout found in this mirror for the plugin. (Maybe take a look at pathogen or vundle,).
The reason the :source coq_IDE.vim fails is vim is looking for the file coq_IDE.vim in the current directory and it isn't there. Use the full path to file if you are going to source it manually. (You shouldn't need to though.)

Vim Syntax Highlighting does not work

I've installed a fresh Arch Linux system on my laptop and downloaded the vim package.
I haven't altered the .vimrc file, but the syntax highlighting doesn't seem to work with any of the languages I tried (Python, Ruby, CSharp, C...).
Auto formatting (gg, =, G) also fails.
Until now when playing with vim (because I can't really say I've extensively used it) in other OSs (Ubuntu, Fedora), the syntax highlighting came on automatically.
Is there something I am missing here?
You need to have following settings in .vimrc file as per arch linux documentation
filetype plugin on
syntax on
This is the absolute minimum you need to put in your ~/.vimrc if you intend to use vim as your primary editor:
" activates filetype detection
filetype plugin indent on
" activates syntax highlighting among other things
syntax on
" allows you to deal with multiple unsaved
" buffers simultaneously without resorting
" to misusing tabs
set hidden
" just hit backspace without this one and
" see for yourself
set backspace=indent,eol,start
Anything else depends on your taste, workflow and needs.
vi /etc/profile
alias vi=vim
maybe you use vi instead of vim
I had this problem in Opensuse Leap 42.2 cloud. And solved it by installing vim-data
sudo zypper install vim-data
or just re-installing vim will include vim-data automatically.
sudo zypper remove vim
sudo zypper install vim
:syntax on
to get it to work. It is not a default option for vim. Probably in the other systems, it was set to on in the system default vimrc
Or put
syntax on
in ~/.vimrc
Another reason syntax highlighting won't work is you might have a theme/colorscheme set that VIM cannot find.
colorscheme darkblue
Either delete the line or comment it out:
"colorscheme darkblue
I had a similar problem. I could not have syntax highlighting on. I also found that gvim launched without pulldown menus or toolbar icons. It turned out I did not have the vim-runtime package properly installed. In my case I was on debian jessie with a large set of files missing under /usr/share/vim/vim74/ directory.
$ ls /usr/share/vim/vim74/
debian.vim doc/ rgb.txt
The solution was to run:
$ sudo aptitude reinstall vim-runtime
That fixed the problem for me, for syntax highlighting and for missing menus/icons in gvim. I'm not sure why my system was in this state, but the reinstall of the above package solved both issues.
in my case , I changed the term(terminal type) from vt100 to xterm. And it works.
To change the terminal type:
in bash:
export TERM=xterm
in bourne shell or ksh:
export TERM
in csh or tcsh:
setenv TERM xterm
On my Ubuntu 18.04 system i.e. c-highlighting works but Icinga2 config file highlighting being provided by the vim-icinga2 package does not. Quote from
As per the Debian vim policy, installed addons are not activated automatically, but the "vim-addon-manager" tool can be used for this purpose.
Executing vim-addon-manager -w install icinga2 following a regular vim-icinga2 package installation solved the issue. The -w option forces a system wide rather than a just per current user activation. Notice that executing vim-addon-manager without arguments yields a list of 39 modes being disabled by default:
> vim-addon-manager
# Name User Status System Status
align removed removed
alternate removed removed
icinga2 removed installed # Due to above command
If you do miss highlighting chances are your mode is among this list.
NB: Ubuntu 18.04 seemingly inherits Debian's policy. None of the above answers solved my issue. No ~/.vimrc configuration or manual activation was being required after the above described activation.
