Close Gitlab issue via commit - gitlab

I spend my day doing this:
Read an issue on a Gitlab-powered issue tracker,
Fix the issue,
Commit and push to the same Gitlab-powered Git server,
Mark the issue as closed.
To remove the 4th step, how can I close the issue automatically when committing?

Commit and push using this syntax:
git commit -m "Sort more efficiently" -m "Closes #843"
git push
This will commit and close the issue.
Note that unlike Github a single -m will not work.
The following will appear on the issue page:
How to commit a change with both "message" and "description" from the command line?

According to this link from gitlab, you will be able to do that with a variety of words such as "fixes" or "closes". It does not need to be in a seperate line.
So you could have the following message:
Fixes #20. I had to replace "foo" with "bar".
And that will close issue #20.


"commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules"

Since this morning I have a problem for committing my work :
I tried several commands to clean up my local repo but I still have the same problem, I have searched well in other topics where the problems encountered were similar to mine but the solutions differ without me being able to adapt anything ...
I await your answers
PS : Sorry for my lack of courtesy but obviously Stack Overflow does not want me to greet you ...
Actually it's not clear what you want to achieve exactly but to add the open change for committing just use
git add conFusion
Then you can commit again.
git commit -m "your description"
And finally push with
git push origin master
wheras origin master never seems to be required in your situation, so just git push will likely be enough.
I'm not sure why git commit -a didn't work, but the reason might be that the message with the parameter -m was missing.
Here you can find documentation about
git add
git commit
git push

GitLab projects failed their last repository check

I have received a gitlab alert mail stating that "One project failed its last repository check".
I did check the error in Gitlab admin panel as "Last repository check (just now) failed. See the 'repocheck.log' file for error messages." As suggested in Admin Panel in Gitlab, i have checked the repocheck.log file and the error is as below.
"Could not fsck repository: error: Could not read 0f188244898707e6090498bc03aafd8ac25e776e
failed to parse commit 0f188244898707e6090498bc03aafd8ac25e776e from object database for commit-graph
error: Could not read 4ab7111f3f8f1083cee8e33ec033c18edfefb0e9"
This happened the same with another repo last week. Even that had similar error message and it is not resolved yet. Tried to clone the same repo in another gitlab instance to recreate the issue but the repo check there seems to be fine.
Unable to find proper solution for that. Could any one please help on this.
It seems to be an active issue: The issue is a couple of years old, but the note I link to, has updates from today, including info on fixes and workarounds.
In any case: The commit-graph is a relatively new feature and since it is a form of index into packed data, it can be recreated. So the corrupted repo can be easily fixed without loss of data.
It can be reproduced like this:
Visit a commit graph: Project sidebar / Repository / Graph
Delete one of the visible commits by rewriting history:
git checkout <branch>
git reset head~1
git commit -am "Replace last commit with a new one"
git push --force
Refresh the page of step 1
Now GitLab will send you "A commit graph at GitLab projects failed their last repository check" when it runs the repository check on a scheduled interval.
I'd consider it a bug that admins and maintainers get a warning about this, since nothing is wrong really. See the GitLab issues linked by Anders Bandholm for more details.
I've now come across and fixed this twice, I found the fix on the forum:
Find all your failed repos at your instance's admin panel: https://your-gitlab-instance/admin/projects?last_repository_check_failed=1
Open the repo from that page and copy down its Gitaly relative path, it should look like #hashed/d4/73/c530f048efdf2711df6fa15198ff48003583303624f8b97c174fadc2cab5e582.git
NOTE! The following commands should be run with the user that gitlab runs as. You can do this with sudo su [username], in my case the username was git. They will work with sudo, but it may create files or folders that the gitlab user won't be able to access.
Run the fsck command using the repo's relative path (This should output the same text as your /var/log/gitlab/gitlab-rails/repocheck.log file):
/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/git -C /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories/[Gitlab relative path] fsck
# example
/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/git -C /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories/\#hashed/d4/73/c530f048efdf2711df6fa15198ff48003583303624f8b97c174fadc2cab5e582.git fsck
Run the gc command using the repo's relative path. This may take a minute to complete.
/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/git -C /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories/[Gitlab relative path] gc
# example
/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/git -C /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories/\#hashed/d4/73/c530f048efdf2711df6fa15198ff48003583303624f8b97c174fadc2cab5e582.git gc
Run the fsck command again from step 3 to check that the command was successful
On the repo's page from step 2, click the blue Trigger repository check button

Problem with creating a branch in atlassian-sourcetree

I am fairly new to SourceTree, so apologies if this question appears stupid... I have much more experience from VSC, but I think SourceTree works in a different way. I use SourceTree under Windows 10. The central repository is at
I have failed for creating a new branch. I added SSH key and cloning repositories locally, this did work good but I have faced with this problem. All help will be appreciated.
git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false --no-optional-locks branch
fatal: Not a valid object name: 'master'.
I fixed the issue and just wanted to let you guys know if anyone else having a problem with this one. When I tried to pull working copy of master, SourceTree was creating a .git/index.lock file. But this file was already existed for me.
Solution is, remove it and try to pull or create a new branch again.
So go to start and open git bash, use following command;
$ rm .git/index.lock
Open SourceTree again, pull or create a new branch. It should work now.

Commenting to issue when commiting to Gitlab does not work

I am running my own instance of a Gitlab-CE server with the following fairly-up-to-date specs:
Gitlab Version 10.8.4
Gitlab Shell 7.1.2
Gitlab Workhorse v4.2.1
Now my problem is that when I add a message to my commits referencing an issue, there is no commit mention in the issue as there should be.
As an example: git commit -m "handled issue #12" and the obligatory git push does not add anything to issue 12.
Any idea as to where the problem could be?
Edit: added the information that I am already pushing to the remote.
Found it: turns out that I had forgotten to change back my email adresse back to the one used in the remote repo – I had it changed locally a few weeks ago to test
So due to using my ssh key committing worked, but it showed the wrong user in my commits (which should have been a good hint for me as to what's up...) and due to that user not being a member of the project I had no access to the issues (at least that's my conclusion here).
Hope this might help anyone silly enough to run into similar issues...
git commit just creates a local commit in your branch. If you want GitLab to be aware of it, you need to push it:
$ git push origin my-branch

How to fix merge conflicts for a lot of files in git?

I am using the git mergetool command to fix conflicts. However I have thousands of conflicts, is there way to simplify this so I get everything from the remote?
I am asked to enter c, d or a in the command.
{local}: deleted
{remote}: created file
Use (c)reated or (d)eleted file, or (a)bort?
Since I have thousands of files, I don't want to keep sending c. Is there way to just do this in bulk?
You can solve this outside of git mergetool: run git status --porcelain to get a list of all unmerged files and their states in machine-readable format.
If your Git is new enough, it will support --porcelain=v2. See the git status documentation for details on the output formats. Output format v2 is generally superior for all purposes, but you should be able to make do with either one.
Next, you must write a program. Unfortunately Git has no supplied programs for this. Your program can be fairly simple depending on the specific cases you want to solve, and you can use shell scripting (sh or bash) as the programming language, to keep it easy.
Since you're concerned about the cases where git mergetool says:
Use (m)odified or (d)eleted file, or (a)bort?
you are interested in those cases where the file name is missing in the stage 1 ("base") version and also missing in the stage 2 ("local") version, but exists in the stage 3 ("remote") version. (See the git status documentation again and look at examples of your git status --porcelain=v2 output to see how to detect these cases. Two of the three modes will be zero.) For those particular path names, simply run git add on the path name to mark the file as resolved in favor of the created file.
Once you have marked all such files, you can go back to running git mergetool to resolve additional conflicts, if there are any.
Note that your "program" can consist of running:
git status --porcelain=v2 > /tmp/
and then editing /tmp/ to delete all but the lines containing files that you want to git add. Then change all of those lines to read git add <filename> where <filename> is the name of the file. Exit the editor and run sh /tmp/ to execute all the git add commands. That's your program!
supposing you want their change and modified yours you can do a pull as like:
git pull -X theirs
Other stackOverflow answers
git pull -X
git merge strategies this link will help understand any other merge strategies for the futuro
If you want that all the change you did will be deleted and you will be sync with the remote.
You should do the following:
git stash
git pull
And if you want to restore the change you did you should type:
git stash pop
Basically 'git stash' is moving the change to a temp repository.
you can learn more in:
NDP software:: Git Cheatsheet
