Note that I am using Python3 and Phoenix.
I would like to display a number (double, but that does not matter now) formatted in some way (again, no matter what that way is) within a rectangle: almost a wx.StaticText but not editable by the user. This is to display some data coming from some hardware, such as a temperature.
Is there such a widget?
I tried with using the default wx.StaticText with a style but I must have done something wrong:
hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
title = wx.StaticText(parent, label=label)
hbox.Add(title, border=5)
value = wx.StaticText(parent, label="3.141592", style=wx.BORDER_RAISED)
hbox.Add(value, border=5)
title = wx.StaticText(parent, label="\u2103")
hbox.Add(title, border=5)
Shows this on Linux (Fedora 24, GTK):
Wouldn't using a wx.TextCtrl set to read only do the job?
Temp = wx.TextCtrl(panel1, value="3.141592", style=wx.TE_READONLY)
The simplest solution is to just use wxStaticText with a border style (e.g. wxBORDER_SIMPLE, ...). If you don't like the appearance this results in, it's pretty simple to make your own widget drawing whatever border you desire: just create a window, define its wxEVT_PAINT handler and draw the (presumably centered) text in it and a border outside of it.
I need to add an IF statement, FOR and WHILE loop in my form, can someone add some kind of IF statment, FOR and WHILE loop in my code?
from tkinter import * # Ingress all components from Tkinter
mGui = Tk()
mGui.geometry('400x400') # The size of the form window
mGui.title('Registration Form',)
def response():
label3 = Label(text='Thank You!',fg='White', bg='Purple',font='none 16 bold').place(x=140,y=300) # The colours and font style and size used for the response
mlabel = Label(text='Registration Form',fg='White', bg='Purple',font='none 18 bold underline') # The colours and font style and size used for the form title
mlabel2 = Label(text='Forename',fg='White', bg='Purple',font='times 14 bold').place(x=0,y=100) # The colours and font style and size used for the label
mlabel3 = Label(text='Surname',fg='White', bg='Purple',font='times 14 bold').place(x=0,y=150) # The colours and font style and size used for the label
mbutton = Button(text = 'Submit',command = response).place(x=150,y=250) # Location of the the button 'submit' using the x and y axis
mGui.configure(background='Green') # Background colour of the form
mEntry = Entry(bg='White').place(x=100,y=100)
mEntry = Entry(bg='White').place(x=100,y=150)
mGui.mainloop() # The code iterates
Tkinter programs are event-driven, like all GUIs that I know of.
The only place where you can execute your own code is in callbacks or timeouts.
If you want to check the contents of the entry windows, you could do that in at least two ways:
Write a callback function for the Submit button that retrieves the contents of the entry windows and validates them. You could e.g. use a messagebox telling the user that the entries are not valid.
You could also set up the entry windows to validate themselves when a key is pressed. I've used this to e.g. make the text or background of an entry window red if it contains invalid text. You could also put a tip in a Label below the entry windows, like "Both Forename and Surname must at least contain one character."
I am a non-developer product manager for an application built in both Android and iOS. We have a bar graph in iOS that provides text for the content of the graph. It displays Totals for each bar, and percentages for each segment of each bar.
In Android, using AndroidPlot (so I understand) we just display the bars with different color segments and no percent totals or totals. I am told by the developer that we can't show more.
I would display the images here, but stackoverflow tells me I don't have enough reputation points to do this. I have created a link to my dropbox with the images
Is it possible to use AndroidPlot to emulate this iOS chart or at least represent to same information to the end user?
Your developer is more or less correct but you have options. Androidplot's BarRenderer by default provides only an optional label at the top of each bar, which in your iOS images is occupied by the "available", "new", "used" and "rent" label. That label appears to be unused in your Android screenshot so one option would be to utilize those labels do display your totals.
As far as exactly matching the iOS implementation with Androidplot, the missing piece is the ability to add additional labels horizontally and vertically along the side of each bar. You can extend BarRenderer to do this by overriding it's onRender(...) method. Here's a link for your developer that shows where in the code he'll want to modify onRender(...).
I'd suggest these modifications to add the vertical labels:
Invoke to store the default orientation of the Canvas.
Use Canvas.translate(leftX, bottom) to center on the bottom left point of the bar
Rotate the Canvas 90 degrees using Canvas.rotate(90) to enable vertical text drawing
Draw whatever text is needed along the side of the plot; 0,0 now corresponds to the bottom left corner of the bar so start there when invoking canvas.drawText(x,y).
Invoke Canvas.restore() to restore the canvas' original orientation.
After implementing the above, adding horizontal "%" labels should be self evident but if you run into trouble feel free to ask more questions along the way.
Here's a very basic implementation of the above. First the drawVerticalText method:
* #param canvas
* #param paint paint used to draw the text
* #param text the text to be drawn
* #param x x-coord of where the text should be drawn
* #param y y-coord of where the text should be drawn
protected void drawVerticalText(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, String text, float x, float y) {
// record the state of the canvas before the draw:;
// center the canvas on our drawing coords:
canvas.translate(x, y);
// rotate into the desired "vertical" orientation:
// draw the text; note that we are drawing at 0, 0 and *not* x, y.
canvas.drawText(text, 0, 0, paint);
// restore the canvas state:
All that's left is to invoke this method where necessary. In your case it should be done once per BarGroup and should maintain a consistent position on the y axis. I added the following code to the STACKED case in BarRenderer.onRender(...), immediately above the break:
// needed some paint to draw with so I'll just create it here for now:
Paint paint = new Paint();
basePositionY - PixelUtils.dpToPix(50)); // offset so the text doesnt intersect with the origin
Here's a screenshot of the result...sorry it's so huge:
Personally, I don't care for the fixed y-position of these vertical labels and would prefer them to float along the upper part of the bars. To accomplish this I modify my invocation of drawVerticalText(...) to look like this:
// needed some paint to draw with so I'll just create it here for now:
Paint paint = new Paint();
// right-justify the text so it doesnt extend beyond the top of the bar
Which produces this result:
qfont = QtGui.QFont('Ubuntu', 9)
qpaint.drawText(qpix.rect() , QtCore.Qt.AlignBottom + QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, Invent.get_item(i)['type'])
Font rendering (anti-aliasing) is different from the one used by other applications.
How do I make it look the same?
I'm not sure if this applies directly to pyQt, but on the c++ side render hints need to be set anytime the painting is scaled or it will look bad. Here's how I set my flags:
m_paintFlags = QPainter::RenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing |
QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform |
Then, in the paint event before drawing anything:
I am using PyQt to build a small application for viewing images. When I click on the image I would like to alter the color of the pixels I have clicked:
Schematically my current code looks like this:
scene = QtGui.QGraphicsScene()
view = QtGui.QGraphicsView( scene )
image = QtGui.QImage( "image.png" )
pixmap = QtGui.QGraphicsPixmapItem( QtGui.QPixMap.fromImage( image ))
scene.addItem( pixmap )
def mousePressEvent(self , event):
print "Click on pixmap recorded - setting Pixel to red"
image.setPixel( event.pos() , RED.rgb())
The code 'works' in the sense that the mousePressEvent() method is called, and the image.setPixel() method does not give any errors, but nothing happens on the screen. Any tips on how to get the updated pixels to be displayed?
To make changes appear, you need to reload image
self.image.setPixel(event.pos(), RED.rgb())
But I'm not sure that it's a good way. If you don't need to save modified image, I'd add some circles (e.g. addEllipse) instead modifying pixels.
Also, don't forget to map window coordinates to image.
I have a custom view in which I am trying to draw text using a Windows font (calibri.ttf). However, I am getting different behaviour between using the DrawString & ShowText functions.
I have embedded the font as part of the app (added it to the UIAppFonts list & set it's build action to Content) and I all works fine when I use the DrawString method from my custom UIView e.g.
public override void Draw (System.Drawing.RectangleF rect)
base.Draw (rect);
DrawString("Calibri font via DrawString", new RectangleF(10, 10, 100, 100), UIFont.FromName("Calibri", 16f));
However, if I attempt to draw the same text this time using ShowText it appears as if the font isn't encoding the text correctly, or the character mapping is wrong.
public override void Draw (System.Drawing.RectangleF rect)
base.Draw (rect);
var ctx = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext();
ctx.SelectFont("Calibri", 16f, MonoTouch.CoreGraphics.CGTextEncoding.FontSpecific);
ctx.ShowTextAtPoint(10, 10, "Calibri font via ShowText using SelectFont");
UPDATE - Here is what I get if I use MacRoman encoding instead of FontSpecific:
I have also tried loading in the font manually and using that but then I get nothing at all, it's like it doesn't recognise the font e.g.
var fontPath = NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource("calibri", "ttf");
var provider = new CGDataProvider(fontPath);
var font = CGFont.CreateFromProvider(provider);
var ctx = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext();
ctx.ShowTextAtPoint(10, 20, "Calibri font via ShowText using SetFont");
I know that DrawString is UIKit & ShowText is CG (Quartz) so I understand that there may be differences. However, from what I gathered the only difference with DrawString was it corrected the issue with the difference in Offset (CG being at the bottom left/UIKit being at the top left).
NOTE - The underlying problem I have is I need to use this font to draw text onto a layer via a custom CALayerDelegate. I don't have access to the DrawString function from in there, therefore, the only way I can see to draw the text is via ShowText. Alternative solutions are welcome!
This really looks like an encoding issue. Try using CGTextEncoding.MacRoman instead of CGTextEncoding.FontSpecific (even Arial wouldn't render, as expected, with FontSpecific).
UPDATE Oct 12th
a) your last code sample won't work because Apple doc specifically states not to use SetFont and ShowText together. Quote follow:
Quartz uses font data provided by the system to map each byte of the array through the encoding vector of the current font to obtain the glyph to display. Note that the font must have been set using CGContextSelectFont. Don’t use CGContextShowText in conjunction with CGContextSetFont.
b) the CGTextEncoding.MacRoman code works with several other iPhone-supplied fonts. I'm beginning to suspect it's something about the Calibri.ttf font itself that is not supported by iOS.