VB.NET Get Number Position Of Char In String (Index Of) - string

im having a hard time getting a function working. I need to search message.text for each "," found, for each "," found I need to get the number position of where the "," is located in the string. For example: 23232,111,02020332,12 it would return 6/10/19 where the "," are located (index of). My code finds the first index of the first , but then just repeats 6 6 6 6 over, any help would be appreciated thanks.
Heres my code:
For Each i As Char In message.Text
If message.Text.Contains(",") Then
Dim data As String = message.Text
Dim index As Integer = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(data, ",").Index
commas.AppendText(index & " ")
End If

You can try it this way; instantiate a Regex object and increment each time the position from which you start the matching (this possibility is not available with the static method Match).
Dim reg As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(",")
Dim Index As Integer = reg.Match(data).Index
Do While Index > 0
commas.AppendText(index & " ")
Index = reg.Match(data, Index + 1).Index
p.s the returned indices are zero-based.

Just use the Regex.Matches method
Dim message As String = "23232,111,02020332,12"
Dim result As String = ""
For Each m As Match In Regex.Matches(message, ",")
result &= m.Index + 1 & " "
I should also add that indexes are 0 based (which is why +1 is added to m.Index). If you later need these values to point to the position of a particular comma, you may be off by 1 and could potentially try to access an index larger than the actual string.


Insert a character in string (indexof)

what I want to do is insert a desired character like a "space" into a desired string like "123456789" at a specific point. Example: insert a space at the position 5 in the string 123456789 = 1234 56789. Here is my code:
Dim str As String = sum2.Text '123456789
Dim insStr As String = " " 'space
Dim strRes As String = str.Insert(5, insStr) '5th position
the code looks fine and i dont get any errors when i use it or run it but it will not add the space at the 5th position so i need some help!
You must not that the startIndex in String.Insert(Integer, String) is zero based. That means if your intention is to insert a space in the 5th position, you will have to adjust that by -1:
Dim insertPosition = 5 ' Assuming this came from the user who says put it in position 5
Dim inStr = " "
Dim strRes = str.Insert(insertPosition - 1, inStr) ' assuming your str already had a value.
That will insert the space between 4 and 5 and will produce
1234 56789
I saw in one your comments that you might want to insert spaces in positions 1,5,7. In that case, you will have to do it in reverse, starting with the largest position, to the smallest. This is of cause assuming that you wanted
I have used underscores to represent spaces so that you can see it better.
Before working with that, ensure that your string has enough characters to be indexed by your index otherwise you'll get a ArgumentOutOfRangeException.

VBA For each character and group characters

I have been working on a project which is getting a serial number in the context of "J39303", But sometimes there are multiple serials but every time I can guarantee each serial will be 6 letters long, so for example,
J848407888488393 - here is 3 serials just without the J as the start, I want to be able to split it up into 3 separate values, J84840, 78884, 88393,
I have looked at right, mid and left but because the position changes I cannot use these, I am now looking at a For loop to group each 5 characters but have had no luck,
Could someone post me in the right direction,
This should do it:
Sub mysplit()
Const SNLength As Integer = 5
Dim SNs As String
SNs = "J848407888488393"
Dim SerialNumber As String
Dim index As Integer
If Left(SNs, 1) = "J" Then SNs = Mid(SNs, 2)
index = 1
Do While index < Len(SNs)
SerialNumber = Mid(SNs, index, SNLength)
MsgBox "J" + SerialNumber
index = index + SNLength
End Sub

VBA Regular Expression Mail

I want to split a string into 3 parts. For example i have a email adress like
and i want to split it into
with left, right and mid (str) i only can extract a string if is a fixed lenght.
Has anybody some ideas to make it?
with left, right and mid (str) i only can extract a string if is a fixed length.
This is not actually true, because you can also use the len function to get the length of the string.
Dim L as Integer
L = Len("testuser#gamil.com")
MsgBox L
You can also use the Instr (and InstrRev, reversed) function to find the index of a particular character or substring.
Dim I as Integer
I = Instr("testuser#gamil.com", "#")
So, for your case, a custom function without regex will return an array of three items:
Function SplitEmail(email$)
'Function returns an array like:
' {"username", "domain", "tld"}
Dim Dot As Integer, At As Integer
Dot = InStrRev(email, ".")
At = InStr(email, "#")
Dim ret(1 To 3) As String
ret(1) = Left(email, At - 1)
ret(2) = Mid(email, At + 1, Dot - At - 1)
ret(3) = Mid(email, Dot + 1)
SplitEmail = ret
End Function
To get the username part, you could do:
Dim some_email$
some_email = "testuser#gamil.com"
MsgBox SplitEmail(some_email)(1)

Parsing a String in Excel VBA without Leaving Trailing Spaces?

I am currently working on an Excel spreadsheet capable of exporting data from the Yahoo Finance API for dynamic stock quote analysis. I am having problems properly parsing the values into my excel spreadsheet. The issue is that the last column of numeric values have a trailing space character, which prevents Excel from recognizing it as a number and formatting it in comma style.
Here is the function I use currently:
Function UpdateStockData(rawWebpageData As String)
Dim stockQuotes As Variant
Dim stockQuoteValues As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
stockQuotes = Split(rawWebpageData, vbLf)
For i = 0 To UBound(stockQuotes)
If InStr(stockQuotes(i), ",") > 0 Then
stockQuoteValues = Split(stockQuotes(i), ",")
For j = 0 To UBound(stockQuoteValues)
sheet.Cells(5 + i, 4 + j).Value = stockQuoteValues(j)
sheet.Cells(5 + i, 4 + j).Value = Trim(sheet.Cells(5 + i, 4 + j).Value)
Next j
End If
Next i
End Function
Here is some sample data:
The last value of each row of data above is where the problem occurs.
Check the value of the last char on the last iteration it might be a return char. You can use the left function to take what you want or replace.
It would be easier to answer if we I can see the value of rawWebpageData variable.
Check the cell format, you can try to set it to numeric if it is text.
If I was doing it I would debug the data and step through it to look for characters that i'm not checking.

Insert a character into a string at a specified index

So I have an array of indexes of characters in a string that I wish to insert a character before, how do i easily insert a character before each index? So for example:
"The big brown fox ... "
the positions
array = 4,9
the character to insert ','
the result: "The, big, brown fox ..."
Is there a method that provides such an easy utility?
String.insert(originalStr, index, stringToInsert) for example???
The example I provided is just an example implementation. I also may want to do the following:
orginalText = "some text with characters like ; : } <"
in which I may want to insert "\" with the result being:
result = "some text with characters like \; : } \<"
This is hacky and a bit rushed but try this:
Dim sString: sString = "the something something"
Dim position: position = 1
Dim character: character = "F"
if position = 0 then
sString = character + Left(Mid(sString, 1), Len(sString) + 1)
sString = Left(sString, position) + character + Left(Mid(sString, position), Len(sString) - position + 1)
end if
Assuming that the indexes are sorted, loop backwards and insert each character.
For lngPos = UBound(alngPositions) to 0 step -1
strText = Left(strText, alngPositions(lngPos) - 1) + "," + Mid(strText, alngPositions(lngPos))
Note that with your example data it will of course produce the string "The, big ,brown fox ... ". The indexes are not pre-added to match the position in the resulting string, are they?
An alternative that would be faster for large strings, is to split up the string at the index positions into an array, then join the strings with commas in between:
Dim astrSubstrings(UBound(alngPositions) + 1)
lngLeft = 1
For lngPos = 0 to UBound(alngPositions)
astrSubstrings(lngPos) = Mid(strText, lngLeft, alngPositions(lngPos) - lngLeft)
lngLeft = alngPositions(lngPos)
astrSubstrings(UBound(alngPositions) + 1) = Mid(strText, lngLeft)
strText = Join(astrSubstrings, ",")
I'm not a classic ASP user but you can use substring to get the part of the string up to the index where you have to insert the character, substring the other part of the string and take these two parts and build a new string doing part1 & "," & part2.
Hope it helps.
You should be able to use the split function based on the space between the words - this will return an array of words. You then put a comma after each item in the array and you can get to the requried string that you are looking for. Example here http://www.w3schools.com/VBscript/func_split.asp
It's been a while, but Mid(str, start, [end]) would be the way to go.
