How do I make the containers package match in stack for the version I want? - haskell

In my cabal file I have the following build-depends:
build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5,
containers >= 0.5.10 && < 0.6
When I try to run stack build I get the following error:
Error: While constructing the build plan, the following exceptions were encountered:
In the dependencies for server-
containers- must match >=0.5.10 && <0.6 (latest applicable is
I had this problem with cabal I resolved it by using cabals's sandboxes. I don't know how to resolve this problem with stack by looking at the --help documentation, the error, the stack documentation and searching. How do I tell stack I want the newer version of containers if not via the cabal file?
I also tried running stack install containers- which did not do what I expected it to. I see a containers in my list of installs. I noticed the documentation says stack is sandboxed by default, but it's been very painful getting it to build this simple source file due to the containers dependency.
I noticed that this command reports the old version of containers, not the version I want:
$ stack list-dependencies

Try putting the following in stack.yaml:
- containers-
Another way to make it work is change your cabal constraints. Making it something like this should make it work:
build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5,
containers >= 0.5.7 && < 0.6
Note that right now only is available in lts in Stackage.

In addition to #Sibi's great answer, I figured out that this command would automatically have resolved my dependency issue:
stack solver --update-config


Building the Spock tutorial example fails

I wanted to get going with Haskell a little bit and therefore took a look at the Spock framework. To start clean, I uninstalled everything Haskell related from my Arch Linux machine and installed ghcup, Cabal and Stack using the install scripts from their respective websites.
Now I want to follow Spock's Tutorial. Trying to install Spock globally with cabal install Spock as suggested gives me an error (abbreviated):
src/Web/Spock/Internal/Wire.hs:43:1: error:
Could not find module ‘Web.Routing.AbstractRouter’
Use -v (or `:set -v` in ghci) to see a list of the files searched for.
43 | import Web.Routing.AbstractRouter
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
cabal: Failed to build Spock- See the build log above for details.
I already found a question on reddit on the topic, but the solution does not apply because I'm not trying to use a specific version of the libraries as implied.
So I try to follow along and build only locally.
But when I reach the point where it says stack build --fast --pedantic, the build plan can not be constructed and Stack suggests to add another dependency, stm-containers. Doing so, I am presented with two additional suggestions for focus and primitive. When I add these, the plan fails again, this time without a simple solution:
In the dependencies for primitive-
base- from stack configuration does not match >=4.5 && <4.13 (latest matching version is
needed due to Spock-example- -> primitive-
I can do a little thing with Haskell, but with the build system(s), I am way out of my comfort zone. Help and hints appreciated. Oh, and all versions of course are the latest by the time of this post.
Due to incompatible versions of dependencies, Spock won't build with GHC 8.8 and above. A similar problem is described in Spock issue #149, though I'm not fully sure it is exactly the same incompatibility. The error you got from Stack hints at that, as base- is the version of base that is bundled with GHC 8.8. cabal-install failed in a more obscure way because, upon noting the incompatibility, it tries to solve the dependencies using older versions of Spock, eventually picking, attempting and, thanks to a missing version upper bound for the reroute dependency, failing to build it.
(Shortly after this answer was posted, the missing upper bound was retrofitted to the old Spock version, so attempting to reproduce the problem now will lead to an easier to understand failure.)
Casting the tutorial aside, the most straightforward way to use Spock given those complications is probably through cabal-install 3+. Begin by using ghcup to switch to GHC 8.6.5:
$ ghcup install 8.6.5
$ ghcup set 8.6.5
Then, create a blank project with cabal-install:
$ mkdir myproject
$ cd myproject
$ cabal init
Add Spock to the build-depends section of myproject.cabal:
build-depends: base >=4.12 && <4.13
, Spock == 0.13.*
Finally, you can run:
$ cabal build
Which will install Spock and its dependencies before building the project. (Note that you generally don't need to use cabal install to install libraries with cabal-install 3.)
It is presumably possible to make it work with Stack as well, by changing to the lts-14.27 resolver (the latest one that uses GHC 8.6.5), tracking down all dependency versions that need to be overriden (as you had began to do) and manually adding them to the extra-deps of stack.yaml.

Is there a tool for upgrading the dependecies' upper bounds to the latest versions of each dependency?

I'm trying to upgrade the dependencies of the pipes-files package, so that it can be included in the latest stack LTS. The pipes-files package does not contain a stack.yaml file, and the pipes-files.cabal file contains quite some upper and lower bounds on its dependencies, e.g.:
base >=4.7 && <4.10
, transformers >=0.3 && <0.6
, transformers-base >=0.3 && <0.6
-- and quite some more ...
Is there a tool that I can run to get the latest versions of each of these dependencies? The closest thing I could find was packdeps but it will require me to search for the dependencies one by one.
Preliminary notes:
hierarchy, a dependency of pipes-files, has the same issue you are trying to work around -- it is not in Stackage and has version bounds outdated with respect to the latest LTS. That means you'll first have to get it to build successfully, and then add your tweaked version of it to the extra-deps in the stack.yaml of pipes-files.
cabal gen-bounds, which "suggest[s] dependency version bounds that conform to Package Versioning Policy", is, in principle, the right tool for the job. However, getting cabal-install to behave according to the restrictions of a Stack-centric environment is not always straightforward. While this seems enough to run cabal gen-bounds from a bash shell in the absence of a Stack-independent GHC installation...
PATH=$PATH:$(stack path --compiler-bin) cabal gen-bounds
... I couldn't figure out how to get it to follow the version restrictions of the Stack(age) snapshot -- in particular, the --package-db option, which can be helpful with commands such as cabal configure, doesn't seem to be accepted by gen-bounds.
As I don't know how to make cabal gen-bounds and Stack cooperate, I will suggest a somewhat more convoluted method, but one that doesn't require using cabal-install directly. It uses Jenga, a tool that can retrieve the version information left implicit by your choice of Stackage snapshot. Jenga is not on Stackage; to install it with Stack, grab the sources from GitHub (or with stack unpack jenga) and then run stack init --solver followed by stack install.
Remove all version bounds from the hierarchy.cabal file (or whatever the relevant .cabal file is).
stack init --solver, to create a stack.yaml file with any extra-deps that might be necessary. (You can use --resolver to explicitly choose the snapshot to be used.)
stack build, as a sanity check that the package is buildable.
In the generated stack.yaml, check whether the extra-deps field is commented out; if so, uncomment it. This is necessary for step #6 to work.
jenga -i hierarchy.cabal, which will print the exact dependency versions Stack would use to build the package.
Paste the versions Jenga gave you into the build-depends of the .cabal file, adjusting then if desired (at a minimum, you'll probably want to relax the minor version bounds for PVP compliance -- e.g. changing base == to base == 4.9.*).

Stack not resolving dependencies properly

I'm trying to set up Hakyll on a fresh Ubuntu 16.04 instance, but I can't seem to get the Stack-based setup instructions right.
Starting out with stack install hakyll, I get:
Error: While constructing the build plan, the following exceptions were encountered:
In the dependencies for hakyll-
http-conduit-2.1.11 must match >=2.2 && <2.3 (latest applicable is 2.2.3)
Plan construction failed.
I got a similar error when tying to stack-install http-conduit-2.1.11, this time with:
Error: While constructing the build plan, the following exceptions were encountered:
In the dependencies for http-conduit-2.2.3:
http-client- must match >=0.5 && <0.6 (latest applicable is 0.5.5)
http-client-tls- must match >=0.3 && <0.4 (latest applicable is
Plan construction failed.
After resolving dependencies for this (also using Stack), I tried once again to stack install http-conduit-2.1.11, but I once again got the same dependency error.
The packages http-client- and http-client-tls- appear in my ~/.stack/precompiled/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.0.1/, which isn't explicitly in my $PATH, however that feels like an extremely hacky solution, and I haven't found any documentation recommending this approach.
How can I correctly install Hakyll on my machine?
Dependency management with stack is meant to be reproducible and declarative, that means that a stack project will only compile once all dependencies are recorded in the .cabal file(s) of the project and once the stack.yaml of the project defines versions for these dependencies either in the resolver or the extra-deps section.
Your confusion seems to stem from a misunderstanding of what stack install does. The command line help has this to say about it:
build Build the package(s) in this directory/configuration
install Shortcut for 'build --copy-bins'
--[no-]copy-bins Enable/disable copying binaries to the local-bin-path
(see 'stack path')
stack install does not save any dependencies.
So the proper way of making hakyll available as a dependency to your code is:
Create a proper stack project with stack init if you already have a Cabal package, or stack new if you don't.
Add hakyll to the library or executable build-depends in your .cabal file.
Attempt to stack build and follow the instructions in any error messages until all issues are resolved.
A simpler solution than #sjakobi's in this case was to specify a resolver as a command line option when starting a new Stack project:
stack install hakyll --resolver=5.11 --install-ghc

Why am I getting build plan errors running "stack haddock" when "stack test" works?

I'm creating a new Haskell project using Stack on Windows 8. My stack.yaml file looks like this:
flags: {}
- 'lazy-engine'
extra-deps: []
resolver: lts-3.4
When I run stack build or stack test, everything works beautifully. I can run haddock manually from the command line and that works, too. But when I run stack haddock I get output like this:
Setting codepage to UTF-8 (65001) to ensure correct output from GHC
NOTE: the haddock command is functionally equivalent to 'build --haddock'
While constructing the BuildPlan the following exceptions were encountered:
-- Failure when adding dependencies:
base: needed (>=4.5 && <4.9), latest is, but not present in build plan
needed for package: array-
-- While attempting to add dependency,
Could not find package base in known packages
-- Failure when adding dependencies:
array: needed (-any), latest is, but couldn't resolve its dependencies
base: needed (>=4.2 && <5), latest is, but not present in build plan
deepseq: needed (>=1.2 && <1.5), latest is, but couldn't resolve its dependencies
ghc-prim: needed (-any), latest is, but not present in build plan
needed for package: containers-
-- Failure when adding dependencies:
array: needed (>=0.3 && <0.6), latest is, but couldn't resolve its dependencies
base: needed (==4.3.* || >=4.5 && <4.9), latest is, but not present in build plan
needed for package: deepseq-
-- While attempting to add dependency,
Could not find package ghc-prim in known packages
-- Failure when adding dependencies:
base: needed (>=4.7 && <5), latest is, but not present in build plan
containers: needed (==0.5.*), latest is, but couldn't resolve its dependencies
needed for package: lazy-engine-
Recommended action: try adding the following to your extra-deps in
- base-
- ghc-prim-
You may also want to try the 'stack solver' command
Obviously this is nonsense—I shouldn't have to add base to my extra-deps, especially since I'm working off an LTS package set! What is going on here?
Update: As discussed in the answer below, this seems to have been a bug in stack and should be fixed in newer versions. See
A guess: you're using a GHC install that does not include documentation, or at least not as stack expects it to be discovered. Can you try with "--install-ghc --no-system-ghc"? I may have the specific flag names wrong.
Also, how is GHC installed on your system?
I solved this by installing the ghc-doc package (available in most package managers).

How to install a package using stack?

Using cabal, I could install hakyll with the command:
cabal install hakyll
How can I do the same thing using stack?
stack install hakyll
stack offers a curated set of packages that won't blow your machine up. If you want to check what packages are available, or exactly what version is supported, or on what version of GHC you can get it, check out
For example, you can get hakyll right now for both GHC 7.8.4 and GHC 7.10.1. Pretty neat. - source
EDIT: I forgot to mention, Yuan Wang's method works for getting the version of hakyll that is not curated into stackage. It's up to you what version you need.
add hakyll in stack.yaml generated by stack init or stack new
yaml file should look like:
flags: {}
- '.'
- hakyll-
resolver: lts-2.15
after that, run stack solver installs it
This documentation worked for me
On package.yaml add the library under dependencies, for example:
- base >= 4.7 && < 5
- hakyll # added here
