find a replace multiple strings in a matching code block using sed - linux

Please any help on this using Linux "sed" will be appreciated.
I have the code block as below in a file. Looking to extract a block starting with "" and end with "}". From the extracted block, find the strings ["bb11:11211"] ["ff5rt:11211"] and delete the matching lines from the file.
ddd, \
fff, \
ggg \
wwww{"List": [ \
"aa11:222", \
"bb11:11211", \
"cc22ss:11211", \
"dd33ss:11211", \
"ff5rt:11211", \
"gg6hj:11211", \
], "dd": true, "ff": 0, "hh": 0, "jj": 10, "kk": 0 }
ddd, \
fff, \
ggg \
wwww{"List": [ \
"aa11:222", \
"cc22ss:11211", \
"dd33ss:11211", \
"gg6hj:11211", \
], "dd": true, "ff": 0, "hh": 0, "jj": 10, "kk": 0 }
Thanks in Advance!!

sed approach:
sed '/^aa\.bb\.cc\.config=/,/}$/{ /\"\(bb11\|ff5rt\):11211\"/d; }' file
/^,/}$/ - address range, considering lines from /^ to /}$/
/\"\(bb11\|ff5rt\):11211\"/d; - delete lines matched the pattern within captured pattern space
The same using extended regex -E:
sed -E '/^aa\.bb\.cc\.config=/,/\}$/{ /"(bb11|ff5rt):11211"/d; }' file
The output:
ddd, \
fff, \
ggg \
wwww{"List": [ \
"aa11:222", \
"cc22ss:11211", \
"dd33ss:11211", \
"gg6hj:11211", \
], "dd": true, "ff": 0, "hh": 0, "jj": 10, "kk": 0 }


kubernetes config map - syntax error: unterminated quoted string

I am getting below error when trying to attach shell script as config map.
I am not sure what's the issue because script work without adding in config map
It shows error is on the line 58
Which is not even there.
Any help will be really appreciated.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: {{ }}-micro
data: |
while [ "$status" = "$START_EXIT_STATUS" ]
-Xbootclasspath/a:"$CARBON_XBOOTCLASSPATH" \
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError \
-XX:HeapDumpPath="$CARBON_HOME/repository/logs/heap-dump.hprof" \
-classpath "$CARBON_CLASSPATH" \"$CARBON_HOME/tmp" \
-Dcatalina.base="$CARBON_HOME/wso2/lib/tomcat" \
-Dwso2.server.standalone=true \
-Dcarbon.registry.root=/ \
-Djava.command="$JAVACMD" \
-Dqpid.conf="/conf/advanced/" \
-Dcarbon.home="$CARBON_HOME" \"micro-integrator" \
-Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager \
-Dcarbon.config.dir.path="$CARBON_HOME/conf" \
-Dcarbon.repository.dir.path="$CARBON_HOME/repository" \
-Dcarbon.components.dir.path="$CARBON_HOME/wso2/components" \
-Dcarbon.dropins.dir.path="$CARBON_HOME/dropins" \
-Dcarbon.external.lib.dir.path="$CARBON_HOME/lib" \
-Dcarbon.patches.dir.path="$CARBON_HOME/patches" \
-Dcarbon.internal.lib.dir.path="$CARBON_HOME/wso2/lib" \
-Dcom.atomikos.icatch.hide_init_file_path=true \
-Dorg.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.STRICT_QUOTE_ESCAPING=false \
-Dorg.apache.jasper.runtime.BodyContentImpl.LIMIT_BUFFER=true \
-Dcom.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.pool.authentication=simple \
-Dcom.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.pool.timeout=3000 \
-Dorg.terracotta.quartz.skipUpdateCheck=true \ \
-Dfile.encoding=UTF8 \ \
-DNonRegistryMode=true \
-DNonUserCoreMode=true \ \
-Dcarbon.use.registry.repo=false \
-DworkerNode=false \ \
-DavoidConfigHashRead=true \
-Dproperties.file.path=default \
-DenableReadinessProbe=true \
-DenableManagementApi=true \
-Dorg.apache.activemq.SERIALIZABLE_PACKAGES="*" \
org.wso2.micro.integrator.bootstrap.Bootstrap $*

why run "python" doesn't work?

I want fine tune on squad with huggingface, but meet the following question:
1, when I use "--do_train" without "True" as following code, after 20 minutes runing,there is no models in output_dir:
!python \
--model_type bert \
--model_name_or_path bert-base-uncased \
--output_dir models/bert/ \
--data_dir data/squad \
--overwrite_output_dir \
--overwrite_cache \
--do_train \
--train_file train-v2.0.json \
--version_2_with_negative \
--do_lower_case \
--do_eval \
--predict_file dev-v2.0.json \
--per_gpu_train_batch_size 2 \
--learning_rate 3e-5 \
--num_train_epochs 2.0 \
--max_seq_length 384 \
--doc_stride 128 \
--threads 10 \
--save_steps 5000
2, when I use "--do_train=True" as following code, the error message is " error: argument --do_train: ignored explicit argument 'True'":
!python \
--model_type bert \
--model_name_or_path bert-base-uncased \
--output_dir models/bert/ \
--data_dir data/squad \
--overwrite_output_dir \
--overwrite_cache \
--do_train=True \
--train_file train-v2.0.json \
--version_2_with_negative \
--do_lower_case \
--do_eval \
--predict_file dev-v2.0.json \
--per_gpu_train_batch_size 2 \
--learning_rate 3e-5 \
--num_train_epochs 2.0 \
--max_seq_length 384 \
--doc_stride 128 \
--threads 10 \
--save_steps 5000
3, when I use "--do_train True" as following code, the error message is " error: unrecognized arguments: True":
!python \
--model_type bert \
--model_name_or_path bert-base-uncased \
--output_dir models/bert/ \
--data_dir data/squad \
--overwrite_output_dir \
--overwrite_cache \
--do_train True \
--train_file train-v2.0.json \
--version_2_with_negative \
--do_lower_case \
--do_eval \
--predict_file dev-v2.0.json \
--per_gpu_train_batch_size 2 \
--learning_rate 3e-5 \
--num_train_epochs 2.0 \
--max_seq_length 384 \
--doc_stride 128 \
--threads 10 \
--save_steps 5000
I run code in colab with GPU: Tesla P100-PCIE-16GB
Judging by the running time, I think the code didn't through training process, but I don't know how to set parameters in order to let training go.what should I do?

Linux try_cmpxchg mysterious inline assembly

I need some help understanding Linux's `try_cmpxchg semantics and implementation. In the kernel source, it is implemented as:
#define __raw_try_cmpxchg(_ptr, _pold, _new, size, lock) \
({ \
bool success; \
__typeof__(_ptr) _old = (_pold); \
__typeof__(*(_ptr)) __old = *_old; \
__typeof__(*(_ptr)) __new = (_new); \
switch (size) { \
case __X86_CASE_B: \
{ \
volatile u8 *__ptr = (volatile u8 *)(_ptr); \
asm volatile(lock "cmpxchgb %[new], %[ptr]" \
CC_SET(z) \
: CC_OUT(z) (success), \
[ptr] "+m" (*__ptr), \
[old] "+a" (__old) \
: [new] "q" (__new) \
: "memory"); \
break; \
} \
case __X86_CASE_W: \
{ \
volatile u16 *__ptr = (volatile u16 *)(_ptr); \
asm volatile(lock "cmpxchgw %[new], %[ptr]" \
CC_SET(z) \
: CC_OUT(z) (success), \
[ptr] "+m" (*__ptr), \
[old] "+a" (__old) \
: [new] "r" (__new) \
: "memory"); \
break; \
} \
case __X86_CASE_L: \
{ \
volatile u32 *__ptr = (volatile u32 *)(_ptr); \
asm volatile(lock "cmpxchgl %[new], %[ptr]" \
CC_SET(z) \
: CC_OUT(z) (success), \
[ptr] "+m" (*__ptr), \
[old] "+a" (__old) \
: [new] "r" (__new) \
: "memory"); \
break; \
} \
case __X86_CASE_Q: \
{ \
volatile u64 *__ptr = (volatile u64 *)(_ptr); \
asm volatile(lock "cmpxchgq %[new], %[ptr]" \
CC_SET(z) \
: CC_OUT(z) (success), \
[ptr] "+m" (*__ptr), \
[old] "+a" (__old) \
: [new] "r" (__new) \
: "memory"); \
break; \
} \
default: \
__cmpxchg_wrong_size(); \
} \
if (unlikely(!success)) \
*_old = __old; \
likely(success); \
#define __try_cmpxchg(ptr, pold, new, size) \
__raw_try_cmpxchg((ptr), (pold), (new), (size), LOCK_PREFIX)
#define try_cmpxchg(ptr, pold, new) \
__try_cmpxchg((ptr), (pold), (new), sizeof(*(ptr)))
I am curious what those CC_SET and CC_OUT means. They are defined as:
* Macros to generate condition code outputs from inline assembly,
* The output operand must be type "bool".
# define CC_SET(c) "\n\t/* output condition code " #c "*/\n"
# define CC_OUT(c) "=#cc" #c
# define CC_SET(c) "\n\tset" #c " %[_cc_" #c "]\n"
# define CC_OUT(c) [_cc_ ## c] "=qm"
Also, it would be great if you can explain the exact semantics of try_cmpxchg (not quite understand how can a atomic cmpxchg fail...)
Newer versions of gcc (I believe from version 6) support specific flag outputs. The macros are there to use this support if available, else fall back to the old way by doing a setCC instruction and a temporary output.
As to how cmpxchg can "fail": it does a compare so it fails if that compare fails, in which case the destination is unchanged and the current value is fetched from memory. Consult an instruction set reference for the details.

Catalina-Opts with string parameter is not working

On my linux machine I want to configure tomcat 8 with the following
export CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Dsina.elasticsearch.cluster.nodes=sina-1:9300 -Dsina.rabbitmq.port=5672 -Dsina.rabbitmq.user=guest -Dsina.rabbitmq.password=guest -Dsina.scheduler.rate=30000 -Dsina.alfresco.url=http://ares:8181/alfresco/api/-default-/public/cmis/versions/1.1/browser -Dsina.alfresco.repository=-default- -Dsina.alfresco.user=admin -Dsina.alfresco.password=admin -Dsina.cas.server.port=9444 -Dsina.cas.service.port=9443 -Dsina.cas.service.appname=sina-suite -Dsina.fileupload.size=250000000 -Dsina.farhos.url.login= -Dsina.farhos.url.component= -Dsina.farhos.url.logout="
But on trying to start tomcat I'm getting the error:
/home/dev/tomcat/bin/ line 434: -Dsina.farhos.url.logout= No such file or directory
/home/dev/tomcat/bin/ line 434: command not found
/home/dev/tomcat/bin/ line 434: -Dsina.farhos.url.component= No such file or directory
/home/dev/tomcat/bin/ line 434: command not found
Please help
Try to surround URLs with single quotes.
-Dsina.elasticsearch.cluster.nodes=sina-1:9300 \ \ \
-Dsina.rabbitmq.port=5672 \
-Dsina.rabbitmq.user=guest \
-Dsina.rabbitmq.password=guest \ \ \
-Dsina.scheduler.rate=30000 \
-Dsina.alfresco.url='http://ares:8181/alfresco/api/-default-/public/cmis/versions/1.1/browser' \ \
-Dsina.alfresco.repository=-default- \
-Dsina.alfresco.user=admin \
-Dsina.alfresco.password=admin \ \
-Dsina.cas.server.port=9444 \ \
-Dsina.cas.service.port=9443 \
-Dsina.cas.service.appname=sina-suite \ \
-Dsina.fileupload.size=250000000 \
-Dsina.farhos.url.login='' \
-Dsina.farhos.url.component='' \ \
FYI, It is recommended to add CATALINA_OPTS to bin/

$$ and \ \ are not rendering for math equation in browser using MathJax

I'm rendering mathematical equation in browser using MathJax with following code :
Dynamic HTML content :
<td style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 95%;">
<span>$$If\ \ f(x) \ \ is \ continuous \ on \ [0,8]\ defined \ as$$<br>
$$f(x) = x^2 +ax + 6 \ \ \ \ for \ \ 0 <x < 2$$<br>
$$= 3x +2 \ \ \ \ \ \ for \ 2<x<4$$<br>
$$= 2ax + 5b \ \ \ \ \ \ \ for \ 2<x<8$$<br>
Find <em>a</em> and <em>b</em></span>
Mathjax Config. :
<script type='text/x-mathjax-config'>
tex2jax: {
inlineMath: [ ['$','$'], ["\[","\]"] ],
linebreaks: {
automatic: true
<script type="text/javascript" async src = ""></script>
Output :
Here we can see that text till 'defined as' rendered perfectly. But whats wrong with remaining. If anybody have solution, then please !
Thanks !
As per suggestion given by Niyoko and Peter, I've replace '<' with '<' from dynamically generated HTML string
<td style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 95%;">
<span>$$If\ \ f(x) \ \ is \ continuous \ on \ [0,8]\ defined \ as$$<br>
$$f(x) = x^2 +ax + 6 \ \ \ \ for \ \ 0 <x < 2$$<br>
$$= 3x +2 \ \ \ \ \ \ for \ 2<x<4$$<br>
$$= 2ax + 5b \ \ \ \ \ \ \ for \ 2<x<8$$<br>
Find <em>a</em> and <em>b</em></span>
But its not working and breaking whole expression rendering.
If you want to align equations, don't use spaces like that. Use \\ to create line break, wrap all equations with \begin{align} and \end{align} and mark align point with &. Your < sign also conflict with html tag. Use < and > instead.
If\ \ f(x) \ \ is \ continuous \ on \ [0,8]\ defined \ as \\
f(x) & = x^2 +ax + 6 \ \ \ \ for \ \ 0<x<2 \\
& = 3x +2 \ \ \ \ \ \ for \ 2<x<4 \\
& = 2ax + 5b \ \ \ \ \ \ \ for \ 2<x<8
Find $a$ and $b$
<script type='text/x-mathjax-config'>
tex2jax: {
inlineMath: [ ['$','$'], ["\[","\]"] ],
linebreaks: {
automatic: true
<script type="text/javascript" async src = ""></script>
If you cannot change HTML, then just replace < with <
<td style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 95%;">
<span>$$If\ \ f(x) \ \ is \ continuous \ on \ [0,8]\ defined \ as$$<br>
$$f(x) = x^2 +ax + 6 \ \ \ \ for \ \ 0 <x < 2$$<br>
$$= 3x +2 \ \ \ \ \ \ for \ 2<x<4$$<br>
$$= 2ax + 5b \ \ \ \ \ \ \ for \ 2<x<8$$<br>
Find <em>a</em> and <em>b</em></span>
<script type='text/x-mathjax-config'>
tex2jax: {
inlineMath: [ ['$','$'], ["\[","\]"] ],
linebreaks: {
automatic: true
<script type="text/javascript" async src = ""></script>
