I am trying to gather metrics info of azure resources. For that i need an access token to authorize. But to get an access token i have to give client id, client secret, subscription id, tenant id.I was wondering if i could get this access token without giving so many details except username and password of my azure account.
Basically you need the parameters. Azure's APIs are protected by Azure AD so you have to authenticate against it first. If you want to make calls as the user, you still need to authenticate with one of the few ways available. The password grant (as shown in #4c74356b41 answer) is one option, though it is not really recommended. The reason is that if the user's password has expired or has MFA enabled, it won't work.
What you usually do is request the user to login via Azure AD sign-in page (via redirect or web view), and then exchange the resulting authorization code for an access token and refresh token. Then you can make calls against the APIs as the user.
Another option is to register your app in Azure AD and grant its service principal some roles in your Azure subscriptions/resource groups/resources. Then it can authenticate with client credentials (using only its client id and secret + your Azure AD tenant id).
it is possible, but it is considered not safe. And you would still need a lot of parameters:
Name Description
grant_type The OAuth 2 grant type: password
resource The app to consume the token, such as Microsoft Graph, Azure AD Graph or your own Restful service
client_id The Client Id of a registered application in Azure AD
username The user account in Azure AD
password The password of the user account
scope optional, such as openid to get Id Token
ps. Don't mind Walter, he is wrong like 50% of the time in his answers.
It really depends on your need and if you want this fully automated or not.
If you want to have a token for a ServicePrincipal, the answer of 4c74356b41 is a great way to do it.
However if you would want to obtain a bearer token for a user (you or another AAD user) that is already authenticated in a PowerShell session, you could do this very easily if you use this piece of code that I wrote.
Basically what it does, it fetch the current token from the token cache and return it to you. This way you don't have to deal with clientId, cliendSecret or certificate. I use this all the time when I need to call the Azure REST API on a Just In Time fashion.
How can I login a demo user with azure B2C through a API without using username and password?
I like to give visitors access to a demo account without having to sign up.
Basically my first idea is to provide a azure function or app service which returns a valid user token and/or forwards user to the app with the signed in guest user.
My app uses azure b2c oauth taking the token from url after redirect back to the app, thus it should be easy to provide the token from a second source.
I thought it should be possible to generate a valid user token through a API? Thus the API itself runs under a service user, having the right to generate the token (eg. impersonation).
What's the right approach / B2C APIs to generate this token?
There is no API to access the /authorize or /token endpoint.
Why not just create a dummy user and give people the name and password?
Or a page that kicks off the resource owner password flow with canned credentials.
I have a JWT token which is generated client side and stored in session storage. It is passed to ASP.NET WebApi endpoints that are decorated with the Authorize attribute. If a user signs out of my application then I can delete the token and sign the user out of Azure.
However if the user goes to a different Azure site and signs out then the token that is used in my application remains valid (despite the user being signed out.) How can I force WebApi to call back to Azure and revalidate the token on each request?
Azure AD JWT access tokens are self signed and the payload contains the exp timestamp, datetime until which the token is valid. The relying party application does not communicate with Azure AD to validate the token, instead, it uses the self-signed information.
The only way to log out, as you mention, is to delete the token.
When you log out from Azure AD SSO you only log out of the possibility to create new access tokens, but already issued access tokens will continue to work until they expire.
Try to log out from Azure AD SSO but keep the access token to your application: You will still be able to access it.
So if you want to log out from both applications, you will need to delete access tokens for both applications.
I need clarification with sample or reference link for below items:
How to enable automatic renewal of access token?
How to get active access token and expiry time ?
Is there any possible ways to get Ad username, password and client id again from access token?
How to validate access token ?
It all needs to be implement in c# not in powershell.
How to enable automatic renewal of access token?
Upon successful authentication , Azure AD returns two tokens: a JWT access token and a JWT refresh token .When the access token expires, the client application will receive an error that indicates the user needs to authenticate again. If the application has a valid refresh token, it can be used to acquire a new access token without prompting the user to sign in again. If the refresh token expires, the application will need to interactively authenticate the user once again.
How to get active access token and expiry time ?
For how to authenticate users and get an Azure AD access token for your azure ad app , you could refer to Authentication Scenarios for Azure AD .The Azure Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) enables client application developers to easily authenticate users to cloud or on-premises Active Directory (AD), and obtain access tokens for securing API calls. ADAL is available on a variety of platforms. You could find code samples and common scenario in this document .
Is there any possible ways to get Ad username, password and client id again from access token?
You could get decode the access token , find the upn claim which Stores the user name of the user principal ; appid claim identifies the application that is using the token to access a resource. Please refer to document :Azure AD token reference .And of course ,you can't get password information .
How to validate access token ?
JWT tokens are signed, but not encrypted when received. It must validate the signature to prove the token's authenticity and validate a few claims in the token to prove its validity. The claims validated by an app vary depending on scenario requirements, but there are some common claim validations that your app must perform in every scenario.For example, we need to verify the iss and aud claim if you were developing a single tenant app. And you also need to verify the nbf to ensure the token is not expired. For more details , please refer to Validating tokens .
Here is a code sample for how to manually validating a JWT access token in a web API . And if you were using the OWIN components in your project, it is more easy to verify the token by using UseWindowsAzureActiveDirectoryBearerAuthentication extension , code sample here is for your reference .
I have a question about the tokens regarding Azure AD and multi-factor authentication (MFA).
So I have managed to look into what happens with tokens when they are sent for a user with and without MFA enabled.
What I observed is that in the payload of the token there is an extra claim in the: "amr": [] tag. By default there is a 'pwd' in that object, but with MFA there is also a claim called 'mfa'.
So now I know that somehow the token gets modified depending on the enabled options.
Is there some other claim or mechanism to obtain a specific ID for the device that the token was issued to. A device ID that potentially relates to its regustration through "Workplace Join" in Azure AD or through the Microsoft Authenticator App?
Is there a separate token being sent related to the Application Pass that is continuously talked about in the forums and documentation?
Ok so reading the application password, it's basically used as another form of authenticating the multi-factor authentication. And I guess it gets stored both on Azure AD and also on the phone somewhere inside the Authentication app.
So another question, is it possible to access this password from code?
There is no such claim about the device information in the id_token issued by Azure AD. You can refer all the claims in id_token from links below:
Azure AD token reference
Azure Active Directory v2.0 tokens reference
is it possible to access this password someone from code?
As far as I know, there is no such API like Azure Graph REST we can retrieve the password. And if you any suggestion about MFA, you can submit them from link here.
This question is related to
passport-azure-ad, does it parse & validate token?
I've tried to master using the passport-azure-ad module. I successfully log in my user with OpenID Connect, pick up the access_token and use it directly my REST API's which are secured by app.get('myapi',passport.authenticate('oath-bearer',
{failureRedirect: '/'}),
However, if i try to log out from the session created by OpenID connect, the token is still valid untill it expires (typically 3600 seconds).
I'm using the access_token to secure my endpoint not hosted behind a API Gateway at Microsoft, so i guess revocation of the access_token is not straight forward.
Is there any way i can check if the access_token is revoked using passport-azure-ad ? What is the best practise?
According the description on Azure Document:
While directing the user to the end_session_endpoint will clear some of the user's single sign-on state with Azure AD B2C, it will not sign the user out of the user's social identity provider (IDP) session. If the user selects the same IDP during a subsequent sign-in, they will be reauthenticated, without entering their credentials. If a user wants to sign out of your B2C application, it does not necessarily mean they want to sign out of their Facebook account entirely. However, in the case of local accounts, the user's session will be ended properly.
So you can directly use the end_session_endpoint. You can find it in the metadata document for the b2c_1_sign_in policy endpoint, e.g.:
As if you are using a common Azure AD application in v1, you also can find the end_session_endpoint in the metadata document at, e.g.:
You can refer to Azure Active Directory B2C: Web sign-in with OpenID Connect for more info.
Any further concern, please feel free to let me know.