What are the vim commands that start with g? - vim

g is a prefix to several commands. e.g. goto to move the cursor, but also gqip to format a paragraph. Where is the reference for all commands that are prefixed with g?

Vim's documentation is http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/. If you go for the HTML docs, you will find |reference_toc| More detailed information for all commands, which includes |index.txt| alphabetical index of all commands, which -- due to an unfortunate quirk with the doc file named index.txt and linked as index.html -- doesn't actually lead to where you would expect it to lead.
Long story short, http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/vimindex.html#g is the documentation you are looking for ("Commands starting with 'g'").
Alternatively, type :help *g* in Vim.
(Sorry merlin2011 but your list is somewhat incomplete...)
Some reformatting applied:
2.4 Commands starting with 'g'
char note action in Normal mode
g CTRL-A only when compiled with MEM_PROFILE
defined: dump a memory profile
g CTRL-G show information about current cursor
g CTRL-H start Select block mode
g CTRL-] |:tjump| to the tag under the cursor
g# 1 like "#", but without using "\<" and "\>"
g$ 1 when 'wrap' off go to rightmost character of
the current line that is on the screen;
when 'wrap' on go to the rightmost character
of the current screen line
g& 2 repeat last ":s" on all lines
g'{mark} 1 like |'| but without changing the jumplist
g`{mark} 1 like |`| but without changing the jumplist
g* 1 like "*", but without using "\<" and "\>"
g0 1 when 'wrap' off go to leftmost character of
the current line that is on the screen;
when 'wrap' on go to the leftmost character
of the current screen line
g8 print hex value of bytes used in UTF-8
character under the cursor
g< display previous command output
g? 2 Rot13 encoding operator
g?? 2 Rot13 encode current line
g?g? 2 Rot13 encode current line
gD 1 go to definition of word under the cursor
in current file
gE 1 go backwards to the end of the previous
gH start Select line mode
gI 2 like "I", but always start in column 1
gJ 2 join lines without inserting space
["x]gP 2 put the text [from register x] before the
cursor N times, leave the cursor after it
gQ switch to "Ex" mode with Vim editing
gR 2 enter Virtual Replace mode
gU{motion} 2 make Nmove text uppercase
gV don't reselect the previous Visual area
when executing a mapping or menu in Select
g] :tselect on the tag under the cursor
g^ 1 when 'wrap' off go to leftmost non-white
character of the current line that is on
the screen; when 'wrap' on go to the
leftmost non-white character of the current
screen line
ga print ascii value of character under the
gd 1 go to definition of word under the cursor
in current function
ge 1 go backwards to the end of the previous
gf start editing the file whose name is under
the cursor
gF start editing the file whose name is under
the cursor and jump to the line number
following the filename.
gg 1 cursor to line N, default first line
gh start Select mode
gi 2 like "i", but first move to the |'^| mark
gj 1 like "j", but when 'wrap' on go N screen
lines down
gk 1 like "k", but when 'wrap' on go N screen
lines up
gm 1 go to character at middle of the screenline
go 1 cursor to byte N in the buffer
["x]gp 2 put the text [from register x] after the
cursor N times, leave the cursor after it
gq{motion} 2 format Nmove text
gr{char} 2 virtual replace N chars with {char}
gs go to sleep for N seconds (default 1)
gu{motion} 2 make Nmove text lowercase
gv reselect the previous Visual area
gw{motion} 2 format Nmove text and keep cursor
gx execute application for file name under the
cursor (only with |netrw| plugin)
g#{motion} call 'operatorfunc'
g~{motion} 2 swap case for Nmove text
g<Down> 1 same as "gj"
g<End> 1 same as "g$"
g<Home> 1 same as "g0"
g<LeftMouse> same as <C-LeftMouse>
g<MiddleMouse> same as <C-MiddleMouse>
g<RightMouse> same as <C-RightMouse>
g<Up> 1 same as "gk"
note: 1 = cursor movement command; 2 = can be undone/redone

Open vim. Type :help g.
2.4 Commands starting with 'g' g
tag char note action in Normal mode
g_CTRL-A g CTRL-A only when compiled with MEM_PROFILE
defined: dump a memory profile
g_CTRL-G g CTRL-G show information about current cursor
g_CTRL-H g CTRL-H start Select block mode
g_CTRL-] g CTRL-] :tjump to the tag under the cursor
g# g# 1 like "#", but without using "\<" and "\>"
g$ g$ 1 when 'wrap' off go to rightmost character of
the current line that is on the screen;
when 'wrap' on go to the rightmost character
of the current screen line
g& g& 2 repeat last ":s" on all lines
g' g'{mark} 1 like ' but without changing the jumplist
g` g`{mark} 1 like ` but without changing the jumplist
gstar g* 1 like "*", but without using "\<" and "\>"
g+ g+ go to newer text state N times
g, g, 1 go to N newer position in change list
g- g- go to older text state N times
g0 g0 1 when 'wrap' off go to leftmost character of
the current line that is on the screen;
when 'wrap' on go to the leftmost character
of the current screen line
g8 g8 print hex value of bytes used in UTF-8
character under the cursor
g; g; 1 go to N older position in change list
g< g< display previous command output
The list above has been truncated for readability.


Jump to current function declaration from middle of function

Is there a way to jump to the signature of the function my cursor is currently in, then jump back to where I was?
For example, when I have a 1000 line function, where the prefix x + y: refers to line numbers, is there a way from me to jump from my cursor location at x + 555 to the signature at x + 0 then back to where I was at (x + 555):
x + 000: void theFn(int arg) {
x + ...: ...
x + 555: /// where my cursor starts
x + ...: ...
x + 999: }
And, yes, I couldn't agree with you more that there shouldn't be 1000 line functions.
Also, is there a way to automatically jump to the end of function without being at the opening bracket of the function?
Useful motions in such case are [[, ][ and <C-o>.
As we can read in help:
[[ [count] sections backward or to the previous '{' in
the first column. |exclusive|
Note that |exclusive-linewise| often applies.
][ [count] sections forward or to the next '}' in the
first column. |exclusive|
Note that |exclusive-linewise| often applies.
CTRL-O Go to [count] Older cursor position in jump list
(not a motion command).
{not available without the |+jumplist| feature}
In short:
[[ to got to the beginning
<C-o> to go back to previous place
][ to go to end
Those motions will have the desired effect only when braces are in the first column, but from your example seems like this requirement is not met.
In such case at the end of :h section we can read:
If your '{' or '}' are not in the first column, and you would like to use "[["
and "]]" anyway, try these mappings: >
:map [[ ?{<CR>w99[{
:map ][ /}<CR>b99]}
:map ]] j0[[%/{<CR>
:map [] k$][%?}<CR>
Unfortunately, Vim doesn't offer better solution as it doesn't parse syntax.
It may change though as Neovim experiments with Tree-sitter.
It also wouldn't be surprising if there was a plugin which provides better support for such motion.
Tagbar could fit this role:
Toggle Tagbar window
Switch to it
Cursor should be already over the current tag
Press enter
Toggle window
You are at beginning of the function
Use <C-o> to get back
I also once found and had in my config a mapping which could also be useful in such case:
nnoremap <Leader>gd ?\v%(%(if|while|for|switch)\_s*)#<!\([^)]*\)\_[^;(){}]*\zs\{

Copy block of code with increasing index

I have the following function declaration:
function f1(s)
real f1,s
f1 = 1/s
I would like to copy the same block but with increasing function name, i.e. f1, f2, f3, ... in order to get this:
function f1(s)
real f1,s
f1 = 1/s
function f2(s)
real f2,s
f2 = 1/s
function f3(s)
real f3,s
f3 = 1/s
My present approach is to copy the block in visual mode, paste it several times and then rename the functions manually. I would like to know how to achieve this faster using Vim. Thanks.
You can always use a recording (see :h recording). Assuming you have a blank line before and after your function and no blank lines in between
// empty line here, cursor here
function f1(s)
real f1,s
f1 = 1/s
// empty line here
With the cursor on the empty line above, make a recording to any register you like. Here I'm using register c. Press qc then press y}}Pjw*Ne^Ane^Ane^A{ and exit with q.
y} - yank next paragraph
} - move down one paragraph
P - put above this line
j - move one line done
w - move to next word
* - search for word under cursor ( this is the function name here)
N - search backwards ( we moved with * to get the pattern into the register )
e - go to end of word
^A - Ctrl a to increase the number
n - go to next match / search forward ( this is the function name )
e - go to end of word
^A - increase the number
n - go to next match / search forward
e - go to end of word
^A - increase the number
{ - move up one paragraph (same relative position as in the beginning, but at the inserted function f2 )
Now you can use #c to copy the function and increase all numbers. Prefix with the count you want, e.g. 5#c will copy the function 5 times and adjust the numbering.
In case you don't want to remember the string y}}Pjw*Ne^Ane^Ane^A{ you can paste it in the vim buffer. You will have to replace the ^A before yanking though. Delete ^A and when in insert mode press Ctrl va. ( If you are inside a screen session you will have to press Ctrl aa, this is CTRL-a and a)
With the cursor on the line in normal mode press "cY to yank it in register c.
Then you can replay it with #c.
This way you can also modify it or yank it to another register.
Use let #c=y}}Pjw*Ne^Ane^Ane^A{ in your .vimrc to have it always load to register c when starting vim.
I figured out the solution. It may seems complex but does not, cause you have just to copy this function to the clipboard and load the function with:
Below the function with additional features
fun! CopyAndIncrease()
let l:old_copy = getreg('0')
normal yip
let #0 = substitute(#0,'\d\+','\=submatch(0) + 1','g')
exec "normal }O\<Esc>p"
call setreg('0', l:old_copy)
command! -nargs=0 CopyIncrease silent call CopyAndIncrease() | exec "normal \<Esc>"
let mapleader = ','
nnoremap <Leader>c :CopyIncrease<CR>
Now pressing ,c Now you can use the keybinding and commands defined in the function.
Function's explanation:
let l:old_copy = getreg('0') -> save copy register
normal yip -> copy block
let #0 ... increase numbers on copy register
exec "normal }O\<Esc>p" -> paste increased block

Vim - Scroll Below the End of the Document

When we edit the last few lines of a document in vim, those lines are displayed at the bottom part of the screen, which is a little uncomfortable for me. Is there a way to scroll below the end of the document, so that the bottom lines in the document can be displayed at the top of the screen? (Currently Sublime Text has such capability.)
I've done some searches, the closest answer I could find is to use "set scrolloff=10". But that is not what I am looking for. Since it doesn't display the bottom lines of the document at the top of the screen.
Thanks in advance!
In addition to #Kent's answer, zz would allow you to bring the current line to the middle of the screen, which in my opinion is more convenient to see the context of the current line of text/code.
Also, zb would bring the current line to the bottom of the screen, which may also help sometimes.
Is there a way to scroll below the end of the document, so that the
bottom lines in the document can be displayed at the top of the
If I understood your requirement right, zt (or z<cr>) can do that when your cursor on the last line (in fact works on any line, :h zt for details)
In normal mode you can use CTRL-E to scroll down and CTRL-Y to scroll up without moving the position of the cursor (unless the cursor would get pushed off the screen). If you're at the end of the document pressing CTRL-E will scroll past the end until the last line is at the top of the screen. I tend to like this method better than zt or zz since I can see it scrolling rather having the screen just jump ahead.
There are some caveats. For example, CTRL-Y when using the Windows key bindings is mapped to redo. Check out :help scrolling for more info.
In addition to set scrolloff=10, some of the other answers mentioned Ctrl+E.
I wanted the default motion key j to scroll the cursor as normal if the cursor isn't on the last line of the file, and then when the cursor is on the last line, j should scroll the file (in this case using Ctrl+E).
Placing the following in a .vimrc file enables this behaviour.
function! Scroll()
" what count was given with j? defaults to 1 (e.g. 10j to move 10 lines
" down, j the same as 1j)
let l:count = v:count1
" how far from the end of the file is the current cursor position?
let l:distance = line("$") - line(".")
" if the number of times j should be pressed is greater than the number of
" lines until the bottom of the file
if l:count > l:distance
" if the cursor isn't on the last line already
if l:distance > 0
" press j to get to the bottom of the file
execute "normal! " . l:distance . "j"
" then press Ctrl+E for the rest of the count
execute "normal! " . (l:count - l:distance) . "\<C-e>"
" if the count is smaller and the cursor isn't on the last line
elseif l:distance > 0
" press j the requested number of times
execute "normal! " . l:count . "j"
" otherwise press Ctrl+E the requested number of times
execute "normal! " . l:count . "\<C-e>"
nnoremap j <Cmd>call Scroll()<CR>
nnoremap <Down> <Cmd>call Scroll()<CR>
Note: I'm not an expert Vim scripter, please edit with improvements
The last line also enables the same behaviour for the down arrow key ↓.
For Neovim, putting the following in init.lua would do the same:
local line = vim.fn.line
local nvim_input = vim.api.nvim_input
local function scroll()
-- what count was given with j? defaults to 1 (e.g. 10j to move 10 lines
-- down, j the same as 1j)
local count1 = vim.v.count1
-- how far from the end of the file is the current cursor position?
local distance = line("$") - line(".")
-- if the number of times j should be pressed is greater than the number of
-- lines until the bottom of the file
if count1 > distance then
-- if the cursor isn't on the last line already
if distance > 0 then
-- press j to get to the bottom of the file
-- then press Ctrl+E for the rest of the count
nvim_input((count1 - distance).."<C-e>")
-- if the count is smaller and the cursor isn't on the last line
elseif distance > 0 then
-- press j as much as requested
-- otherwise press Ctrl+E the requested number of times
vim.keymap.set("n", "j", scroll, {
desc = "continue scrolling past end of file with j",
vim.keymap.set("n", "<Down>", scroll, {
desc = "continue scrolling past end of file with ↓",

How can I make vim to format matrix side by side

I am using vim to log a lot of my day-to-day work. I usually have a lot of results with matrix. When I paste those at the end of the day I have pages of (sometimes) 0ne or 2 columns matrix
My question is how can I ask vim to programatically format
R) DT = data.frame(x=rnorm(6),y=rnorm(6))
x y
1 -0.0007499 0.7661
2 1.5559552 -0.6664
3 0.2082094 -0.1598
4 -0.1684766 -0.0536
5 3.1014233 -0.7439
6 0.1985104 2.0415
R) DT2 = data.frame(x=rnorm(7),y=rnorm(7))
R) DT2
x y
1 -0.005116 -0.4388
2 2.317381 0.6597
3 0.359883 0.4770
4 -1.426220 0.4911
5 0.468820 -0.3260
6 0.626147 -0.6254
7 -1.086660 2.1973
to this: side by side
R) DT = data.frame(x=rnorm(6),y=rnorm(6)) R) DT2 = data.frame(x=rnorm(7),y=rnorm(7))
R) DT R) DT2
x y x y
1 -0.0007499 0.7661 1 -0.005116 -0.4388
2 1.5559552 -0.6664 2 2.317381 0.6597
3 0.2082094 -0.1598 3 0.359883 0.4770
4 -0.1684766 -0.0536 4 -1.426220 0.4911
5 3.1014233 -0.7439 5 0.468820 -0.3260
6 0.1985104 2.0415 6 0.626147 -0.6254
7 -1.086660 2.1973
Thanks everybody, Kent solution worked, strangely before set ve=all my C-Q did not allow to select a block like
I couldn't reach the last column of the second line (using gvim on win XP).
Now works very well
I'll also use Ingo Karkat plugin"
try following steps:
:set ve=all
move cursor to beginning of line R) DT2 = data.frame(x=rnorm(7),y=rnorm(7))
press C-V, then using motion magic to select the 2nd block
press d
move cursor to the first line, the position you want to paste the 2nd block. type p
if your text is always like that format, you could try this mapping:
:nnoremap <leader>mt :let &ve='all'<cr>gg/^R)<CR>n<c-v>G$dgg$3lp  
then you could in normal mode type <leader>mt to do the transformation.
I have no experience of vim on windows... so you may have to change the mapping for windows blockwise selection. <C-Q> ? not sure.
I assume the first line of the file is R)...
this will paste the 2nd block to the position: 3 spaces after the end of 1st line, change the number 3 in mapping if you want to adjust it
The key to this is blockwise visual mode. Go to the beginning of the second block (what should become the right column next to the first block), press Ctrl+V (on Windows, this is often remapped to Ctrl+Q), create the selection with $ and jjj. . ., then delete with d. Then go to the first line of the first block, $ to go to the end of line, (optionally append padding whitespace), then paste with p . The second block should be pasted to the right of your cursor. Finally, you can delete the empty lines left where the second block was.
My UnconditionalPaste plugin simplifies this task: You can then simply delete the second block with dd or Vjjj. . .d, and force a paste in blockwise mode with the plugin's gdp mapping.
If you find a way to determine the size of the blocks (the } key, which jumps to the next empty line, may come handy here), you can then put all of the steps into a custom mapping.

Mark a block of characters in VI/M ex command

It's quite straitforward for VI/M to mark a block of lines from Mth line to Nth line ready to delete, cut & past, or copy & paste.
:M,N d
:M,N m p
:M,N t p
If it's further required for VI/M to mark a block of characters from Ith character of Mth line to Jth character of Nth line, is it possible to accomplish similarly to the above?
Except the next answer asked for visual block mode, how about the option on typing a succinct ex command?
To clarify the meaning of a block of characters:
a square block of characters, addressed by visual block mode, directly called upon by pressing Ctrl-v in normal mode
a zipzag area of successive characters, addressed by visual character mode, directly called upon by pressing v in normal mode
a rows region of successive lines, addressed by visual line mode, directly called upon by pressing V in normal mode. In this case, the handy solution in ex mode has been illustrated above when this topic was originally raised.
Selecting abitrary zipzag area of successive characters from line M, column I to line N, column J in ex mode exactly like in visual character mode :
:normal! MggI|vNggJ|
:normal! MggI|vNggJ|d
:normal! MggI|vNggJ|y
move to line X column Y
:normal! MggI|vNggJ|dXggY|p
copy to line X column Y
:normal! MggI|vNggJ|yXggY|p
Selecting abitrary square block of characters from line M, column I to line N, column J in ex mode exactly like in visual block mode :
:execute "normal! MggI|\<C-v>NggJ|"
:execute "normal! MggI|\<C-v>NggJ|d"
:execute "normal! MggI|\<C-v>NggJ|y"
move to line X column Y
:execute "normal! MggI|\<C-v>NggJ|dXggY|p"
copy to line X column Y
:execute "normal! MggI|\<C-v>NggJ|yXggY|p"
You can use visual block mode from an ex command mode using normal!: for example, to select a block (line, column) from (42, 10) to (54, 20) and yank it (both lines must have at least 20 characters or virtualedit=block should be set):
execute "normal! 42gg10|\<C-v>54gg20|y"
. It is very straightforward way to do this, useful only in scripts.
Note that this command has at least following side-effects:
Setting marks '<, '>, '[, '], ''.
Moving a cursor.
Changing registers #", #0.
Adding one item to the jumplist.
Overwriting previous visual selection.
Altering v:count and v:count1 variables.
Ctrl+V enables visual block mode, then you can use the arrow keys to select the block.
