How to change owner of Docker for Windows - linux

Windows 10 [10.0.15063]
Docker for Windows Community Edition 17.03.1-ce-win12(12058) stable
The host is mounted and partitioned into NTFS format
docker run -d --volume E:/tmp:/tmp/test --name debian debian:8
docker exec -it debian /bin/bash
cd /tmp/test
mkdir abc
ls -l # This line will be shown that root is the owner of abc
useradd hello
chown hello:hello abc
ls -l # This line will be shown that root is still the owner of abc
How can I change the owner of mounted directories? or I can't within Windows?

So far, I haven't found a solution in Windows. But I found a way to solve this problem with data volumes.


Docker run "error while creating mount source path '[...]': mkdir [...]: permission denied"

I'm trying to mount a directory in Docker run:
docker run --restart always -t -v /home/dir1/dir2/dir3:/dirX --name [...]
But I get the error:
error while creating mount source path '/home/dir1/dir2/dir3': mkdir /home/dir1/dir2/dir3: permission denied.
All the directories exist for sure, and the strange thing is when trying to mount dir2 and not dir3 it is working ok:
docker run --restart always -t -v /home/dir1/dir2/:/dirX --name [...] # THIS IS WORKING
All the directories ('dir2' and 'dir3') have the same permissions: drwxr-x---
Any suggestions on what might be the problem? why one is working and the other don't?
Check the permission for the folder you're trying to mount docker with ls -la, you might need to modify the permissons with chmod.
If you don't want to modify permissions, just add sudoto the beggining of the command.
sudo docker run --restart always -t -v /home/dir1/dir2/dir3:/dirX --name [...]

create the file or copy the file from docker container to host

Below is my code:
docker container run -it ubuntu /bin/bash -c "touch /root/test.txt"
What I wanted is this file to be created at my host. Can someone help me, please?
One option is to mount a directory from the host in the container. Touch the .txt file in the location where you created the mount, inside the container.
This example will create on the docker host, in the working directory, the test.txt file:
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/root/mout-from-host ubuntu /bin/bash -c "touch /root/mout-from-host/test.txt"
test.txt <<--file on host, created by the container

Docker mounting volume. Permission denied

I have a problem with creating new files in mounted docker volume.
Firstly after installation docker i added my user to docker group.
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
Created as my $USER folder:
mkdir -p /srv/redis
And starting container:
docker run -d -v /srv/redis:/data --name myredis redis
when i want to create file in /srv/redis as a user which created container I have a problem with access.
mkdir /srv/redis/redisTest
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/srv/redis/redisTest’: Permission denied
I tried to search in other threads but i didn't find appropriate solution.
The question title does not reflect the real problem in my opinion.
mkdir /srv/redis/redisTest
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/srv/redis/redisTest’: Permission denied
This problem occurs very likely because when you run:
docker run -d -v /srv/redis:/data --name myredis redis
the directory /srv/redis ownership changes to root. You can check that by
ls -lah /srv/redis
This is normal consequence of mounting external directory to docker. To regain access you have to run
sudo chown -R $USER /srv/redis
I think /srv/redis/redisTest directory is created by user inside redis container, so it belong to redis container user.
Have you already check using ls -l to see that /srv/redis/redisTest directory belong to $USER?
This could also be related (as I just found out) to having SELinux activated. This answer on the DevOps Stack Exchange worked for me:
The solution is to simply append a :z to the [docker] run volume argument so that this:
docker run -v /host/foobar:/src_dir /bin/bash
becomes this:
docker run -it -v /host/foobar:/src_dir:z /bin/bash

Docker volume option create folder as "root" user

I am logged in in my PC (Fedora 24) as rperez. I have setup Docker for being able to run through this user, so I am running a container as follow:
$ docker run -d \
-it \
-e HOST_IP= \
-p 80:80 \
-v ~/var/www:/var/www \
--name php55-dev reypm/php55-dev
Notice the $ sign meaning I am running the command as a non root user (which uses #). The command above creates the following directory: /home/rperez/var/www but owner is set to root I believe this is because docker run as root user behind scenes.
Having this setup I am not able to create a file under ~/var/www as rperez because the owner is root so ...
What is the right way to deal with this? I have read this and this but is not so helpful.
Any help?
As discussioned here, this is an expected behavior of docker. You can create the target volume directory before running docker command or change the owner to your current user after the directory is created by docker:
chown $(whoami) -R /path/to/your/dir
I hit this same issue (also in a genomics context for the very same reason) and also found it quite unintuitive. What is the recommended way to "inherit ownership". Sorry if this described elsewhere, but I couldn't find it. Is it something like:
docker run ... -u $(id -u):$(id -g) ...

Docker with '--user' can not write to volume with different ownership

I've played a lot with any rights combinations to make docker to work, but... at first my environment:
Ubuntu linux 15.04 and Docker version 1.5.0, build a8a31ef.
I have a directory '/test/dockervolume' and two users user1 and user2 in a group users
chown user1.users /test/dockervolume
chmod 775 /test/dockervolume
ls -la
drwxrwxr-x 2 user1 users 4096 Oct 11 11:57 dockervolume
Either user1 and user2 can write delete files in this directory.
I use standard docker ubuntu:15.04 image. user1 has id 1000 and user2 has id 1002.
I run docker with next command:
docker run -it --volume=/test/dcokervolume:/tmp/job_output --user=1000 --workdir=/tmp/job_output ubuntu:15.04
Within docker I just do simple 'touch test' and it works for user1 with id 1000. When I run docker with --user 1002 I can't write to that directory:
I have no name!#6c5e03f4b3a3:/tmp/job_output$ touch test2
touch: cannot touch 'test2': Permission denied
I have no name!#6c5e03f4b3a3:/tmp/job_output$
Just to be clear both users can write to that directory if not in docker.
So my question is this behavior by docker design or it is a bug or I missed something in the manual?
docker's --user parameter changes just id not a group id within a docker. So, within a docker I have:
uid=1002 gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
and it is not like in original system where I have groups=1000(users)
So, one workaround might be mapping passwd and group files into a docker.
-v /etc/docker/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro -v /etc/docker/group:/etc/group:ro
The other idea is to map a tmp directory owned by running --user and when docker's work is complete copy files to a final location
TMPFILE=`mktemp`; docker run -v $TMPFILE:/working_dir/ --user=$(id -u); cp $TMPDIR $NEWDIR
This discussion Understanding user file ownership in docker: how to avoid changing permissions of linked volumes brings some light to my question.
For both correct uid and gid mapping try: docker run --user=$(id -u):$(id -g)
Avoid use another use, because the UID is different and you can't sure about the user name. You can use root without problem inside container.
