How to deal with strongly varying data sizes in spark - apache-spark

I'm wondering about the best practice in designing spark-jobs where the volume of data is not known in advance (or is strongly varying). In my case, the application should both handle initial loads and later on incremental data.
I wonder how I should set the number of partitions in my data (e.g. using repartition or setting parameters like spark.sql.shuffle.partitions in order to avoid OOM excpetion in the executors (giving fixed amount of allocated memory per executor). I could
define a very high number of partition to make sure that even on very high workloads, the job does not fail
Set number of partitions at runtime depending on the size of source-data
Introduce an iteration over independent chunks of data (i.e. looping)
In all option, I see issues:
1: I imagine this to be inefficient for small data sizes as taks get very small
2: Needs additional querys (e.g. count) and e.g. for setting spark.sql.shuffle.partitions, SparkContext needs to be restartet which I would like to avoid
3: Seems to contradict the spirit of Spark
So I wonder what the most efficient strategy is for strongly varying data volumes.
I was wrong about setting spark.sql.shuffle.partitions, this can be set at runtime woutout restarting spark context

Do not set a high number of partitions without knowing this is needed. You will absolutely kill the performance of your job.
As you said, don't loop!
As you mention, you introduce an extra step which is to count your data, which at first glance seems wrong. However, you shouldn't think of this as mis-spent computation. Usually, the time it takes to count your data is significantly less than the time it would take to do further processing if you partition the data badly. Think of the count operation as an investment, it's certainly worth it.
You do not need to set partitions through the config and restart Spark. Instead, do the following:
Note current number of partitions for RDD / Dataframe / Dataset
Count number of entries / rows in your data
Based on an estimate of average row size, compute the target number of partitions
If #targetPartitions << #actualPartitions Then coalesce
Else If #targetPartitions >> #actualPartitions Then repartition
Else #targetPartitions ~= #actualPartitions Then do nothing
The coalesce operation will re-partition your data without shuffling, and so is much more efficient when it is available.
Ideally you can estimate the number of rows your will generate, rather than count them. Also, you will need to think carefully about when it is appropriate to perform this operation. With a long RDD lineage you can kill performance, because you may inadvertently reduce the number of cores which can execute complex code, due to scala lazy execution. Look into checkpointing to mitigate this problem.


Align Dataset partitioning to table partitioning scheme

I am writing to a table partitioned by month. I know that my data is ≈100MB per partition, no skew - it is going to fit within single HDFS block and I want to ensure that every partition gets a single file written. I also know the exact number of months in my dataset (which is something between 1 and 10), therefore:
ds.repartition(nMonths, $"month").write.<options>.insertInto(<...>)
This works. However I'm thinking from here... As Spark uses key's hash to determine the partition, I have no guarantee that every partition will receive a single month's data. The more partitions I have, the less likely this actually is - right?
Does it make sense then to increase the number of partitions above number of distinct keys?
ds.repartition(nMonths * 3, $"month").write.<options>.insertInto(<...>)
Lots of partitions will be empty, but this shouldn't be that much of a pain (should it?) and we're reducing the probability that some unlucky partitions get 3x/4x data, increasing overall execution time. Does this make sense? Is there any rule of thumb regarding the factor? Or any other approach to achieve the same?
If you want to be super-safe you can use range partitioning, something like:
This way you also won't be having empty partitions, which in turn means you won't produce zero-size files in HDFS too.

Does Spark's reduceByKey use a constant amount of memory, or a linear one in the number of keys?

As far as I know there are solutions of external sorting and/or in Hadoop MapReduce that allow for a constant amount of memory, not more, to be used when sorting/grouping data by keys for further piping through aggregation functions for each key.
Assuming that the reduce state is a constant amount as well, like addition.
Is this constant-memory grouping/sorting available for Apache Spark or Flink as well, and if so, is there any specific configuration or programatic way of asking for this constant memory way of processing in the case of reduceByKey or aggregateByKey?
Both systems needs to implicitly perform the operation as the Java processes get only a fixed amount of main memory. Note that when the data to sort gets much larger, data needs to be spilled on disk. In the case of sorting and depending on your query, it may mean that the complete dataset needs to be materialized on main memory and disk.
If you are asking if you could limit the memory consumption of a specific operator, then things look much more complicated. You could limit your application to one specific operation and use the global memory setting to limit the consumption but that would result in complicated setup.
Do you have a specific use case in mind, where you would need to limit the memory of a specific operation?
Btw you can consider Spark and Flink to supersede Hadoop MapReduce. There are just a couple of edge cases, where MapReduce may be able to beat the next generation systems.

Spark count dataframe to estimate output partitions, then write, efficiently without caching?

As my spark program runs on more data, I think I am crashing because I'm picking up the default number of output partitions for aggregation - namely the 200. I've learned how to control this, but it seems ideally, I would set the number of output partitions based on the amount of data I'm writing. Here in lies the conundrum - I need to first call count() on the dataframe, and then write it. That means I may re-ready it from S3 twice. I could cache and then count, but I've seen spark crash when I cache this data, caching seems to use the most resources, whereas if I just write it - it can do something more optimal.
So my questions are, if you think this is a decent approach - doing a count first (the count is a proxy to the size on disk) or should you just hard code some numbers, change them when you need? And if I am going to count first, is their some clever way to optimize things so that the count and write share work? Other than caching the whole dataframe?
Yes the count approach is actually correct way to go. Ideally you want your rdd partitions to be some considerable size like 50MB before writing. Otherwise you will end up with "small file problem".
Now if you have large data caching in memory could be hard. You could try MEMORY_AND_DISK but then the data will spill to disk and cause slowdown.
I have faced this predicament multiple times and every time I have chosen a "magic number" for the number of partitions. The number is parameterized so when I need to change I don't need to change the code, rather pass the different parameter.
If you know your datasize is generally in a particular range you could set the partition number hard coded. It is not ideal but gets the job done.
Also you could pump the metrics like size of the data in s3 and if that breaches some threshold raise an alarm then someone could change the partition number manually.
In generally if you keep the partition number moderately high like 5000 for approximately 500GB data that works for a large range i.e from 300GB to 1.2TB amount of data. This means probably you don't need to change the partition number too often if you have moderate inflow of data.

Why is it so bad to have large partitions in Cassandra?

I have seen this warning everywhere but cannot find any detailed explanation on this topic.
For starters
The maximum number of cells (rows x columns) in a single partition is
2 billion.
If you allow a partition to grow unbounded you will eventually hit this limitation.
Outside that theoretical limit, there are practical limitations tied to the impacts large partitions have on the JVM and read times. These practical limitations are constantly increasing from version to version. This practical limitation is not fixed but variable with data model, query patterns, heap size, and configurations which makes it hard to be give a straight answer on whats too large.
As of 2.1 and early 3.0 releases, the primary cost on reads and compactions comes from deserializing the index which marks a row every column_index_size_in_kb. You can increase the key_cache_size_in_mb for reads to prevent unnecessary deserialization but that reduces heap space and fills old gen. You can increase the column index size but it will increase worst case IO costs on reads. Theres also many different settings for CMS and G1 to tune the impact of a huge spike in object allocations when reading these big partitions. There are active efforts on improving this so in the future it might no longer be the bottleneck.
Repairs also only go down to (in best case scenario) the partition level. So if say you are constantly appending to a partition, and a hash of that partition on 2 nodes are compared at not an exact time (distributed system essentially guarantees this), the entire partition must be streamed over to ensure consistency. Incremental repairs can reduce impact of this, but your still streaming massive amounts of data and fluctuating disk significantly which will then need to be compacted together unnecessarily.
You can probably keep adding onto this of corner cases and scenarios that have issues. Many times large partitions are possible to read, but the tuning and corner cases involved in them are not really worth it, better to just design data model to be friendly with how Cassandra expects it. I would recommend targeting 100mb but you can go far beyond that comfortably. Into the Gbs and you will need to start consider tuning for it (depending on data model, use case etc).

Limit max parallelism for a single RDD without decreasing the number of partitions

Is it possible to limit the max number of concurrent tasks at the RDD level without changing the actual number of partitions? The use case is to not overwhelm a database with too many concurrent connections without reducing the number of partitions. Reducing the number of partitions causes each partition to become larger and eventually unmanageable.
I'm re-posting this as an "answer" because I think it may be the least-dirty hack that might get the behavior you want:
Use a mapPartitions(...) call, and at the beginning of the mapping function, do some kind of blocking check on a globally viewable state (REST-call, maybe?) that only allows some maximum number of checks to succeed at any given time. Since that will delay the full RDD operation, you may need to increase the timeout on RDD finishing to prevent an error
Primary significance of partitioning in spark is for providing parallelism, and your requirement is to reduce parallelism!!! But the the requirement is genuine :)
What is the real problem with less number of partition? Is writing too much data at once is creating problem? If that is the case, you could breakdown the per partition writing.
Can you put the data in some intermediate queue and process the at a controlled manner?
One approach might be to enable dynamic allocation, and set the maximum number of executors to your desired maximum parallelism.
spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled true
spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors <maximum>
You can read more about configuring dynamic allocation is described here:
If you are trying to control one specific computation, you could experiment with programmatically controlling the number of executors:
