Syntax error in python when using {} to reference a variable earlier in code - python-3.x

Here is my code:
name = input("What's your name? ")
age = input("how old are you? ")
age_in_dog_years = age * 7
print(f"{name}you are {age_in_dog_years}in dog years.")
The error I get is:
File "", line 7
print(f"{name} you are {age_in_dog_years} in dog years.")
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
can't seem to understand the rror


md5(str.encode(var1)).hexdigest() giving hex value as 382fbe213f159eecf85facb256f265d0 - how to know the var1?

While running the test case, my code is failing as the expected value in hex is different then my answer.
for example, my ws_std value is 13.06 i.e. var1
md5(str.encode(var1)).hexdigest() giving hex value as 382fbe213f159eecf85facb256f265d0
But I am not sure if it matches with the hex value.
Getting error in below code :-
variables = ["ws_std", "p_range", "corr", "dew_month", "max_gust_month", "max_gust_value", "avg_temp", "temp_range", "max_p_range_day", "num_days_std", "median_b_days"]
answers = [ws_std, p_range, corr, dew_month, max_gust_month, max_gust_value, avg_temp, temp_range, max_p_range_day, num_days_std, median_b_days]
answer_dict = dict()
for var, ans in zip(variables, answers):
answer_dict[var] = md5(str.encode(ans)).hexdigest()
with open('test_files/', 'rb') as file:
hash_dict = pickle.load(file)
def test_ws_std():
assert hash_dict["ws_std"] == answer_dict["ws_std"]
Error Code:-
========================================================== FAILURES ==========================================================
________________________________________________________ test_ws_std _________________________________________________________
def test_ws_std():
> assert hash_dict["ws_std"] == answer_dict["ws_std"]
E AssertionError: assert 'c8cc550afa85...2c6946c238f36' == '382fbe213f159...facb256f265d0'
E - c8cc550afa85496c4ee2c6946c238f36
E + 382fbe213f159eecf85facb256f265d0 AssertionError
see comments below .
output required : ws_std

Why is there an error: "File "stdin1", line 1, invaild syntax"

def profile(name, age, lang1,lang2,lang3, lang4, lang5):
print("이름 : {0}\t나이 : {1}\t".format(name,age), end="")
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
C:/Users/man/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python38-32/python.exe "c:/Users/man/Desktop/python work space/"
File "", line 1
C:/Users/man/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python38-32/python.exe "c:/Users/man/Desktop/python work space/"
I don't know how to fix it please help me.

Python- Trying to print a variable and using (str) in front of number, but still getting a syntax error

I created a variable called "age = 23". I try and add it to another variable called "message" and specify it as a string using the (str) tag in front of the "age" variable.
age = 23
message = "Happy " + (str)age + "rd
But whenever I try and run the code it comes back with a snytax error that looks like this:
line 7
message = "Happy " + (str)age + "rd
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
1|potter:/ $
You have the brackets in the wrong place, I'm not going to use your example as you've added it as an image, as AChampion mentioned, but an example is:
number = 34
message = "The number is " + str(number)
I'd recommend taking some time to read the Python documentation, as this can help get your head around the language and its more basic uses.
message = "Happy " + str(age) + "rd birthday!"
If you are learning Python from other languages such as C, you might know this method:
age = 23
print ('Happy %srd birthday!' % (age))
print ('Happy {}rd birthday!'.format(age)) # Use this
Might help:

Groovy: Get a specific value in a file

I'm quite new in Groovy.
Basically I load a text file, then I need to get a specific value at one line (actually the 6th).
The line is like:
STATIC_ASSERT(VERSION == 888888, "blablabla");
I need to get the 888888 value.
I found a way using multiple split but it's ugly.
I also think of using something like:
line.substring(ind+"VERSION ==".length(), line.length()-10).trim();
But the "blablabla" length can change..
Thank you.
Edit: It works using an hardcoded string like this.
But when I try to run it from the file I get this error:
test' is failed: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
script1516208488151762512206.groovy: 4: expecting '}', found '' # line 4, column 69.
ne.contains('VERSION ==')
1 error
Here is my code:
String Ver
def file = new File("C:\\test.cpp")
def data = file.filterLine { line ->
line.contains('VERSION ==')
Ver = data.split("==")[1].split(",")[0].trim()
I also tried something like this:
String Ver
def file = new File("C:\\test.cpp")
while ((line = file.readLine())!=null)
int ind = line.indexOf("VERSION ==")
if (ind >= 0)
Ver = line.split("==")[1].split(",")[0].trim()
But I get same kind of weird error:
expecting '}', found '' # line 9, column 58.
1 error
You do as shown below:
def line = 'STATIC_ASSERT(VERSION == 888888, "blablabla");'
println line.split('==')[1].split(',')[0].trim()

how to get data out of voidptr with Python 3.6.3

Hello my Problem is to get my data out of an sip.voidptr.
Before I used Python 2.7 and this code:
def winEvent(self, message):
if message.message == WM_COPYDATA:
if sys.version.find("64 bit") != -1:
structure = ctypes.string_at( message.lParam, 24 )
data = struct.unpack("QQP", structure)
unused, str_len, str_adr = data
my_string = ctypes.string_at( str_adr, str_len )
Now I use Python 3 and had changed from "winevent" to "event_Type".
Does anybody have an idea or an example how to get the data out of the sip.voidptr?
The error massage i get is:
File "C:\OSGEO4~1\apps\Python36\lib\ctypes\", line 488, in string_at
return _string_at(ptr, size)
OSError: exception: access violation reading 0x0000000000000001
and before I get as my_string:
Name ID
1 1_2
2 1_3
3 1_4
4 1_5
