Add full Sourcecode in Doxygen search - search

i would like to ask, if it is possible to make the whole sourcecode searchable in doxygens html output ?
I have already found SOURCE_BROWSER and INLINE_SOURCES to display the code, but it is not searchable fulltext via the searchbox...
thanks for your help,

You probably need to set EXTRACT_ALL = YES
Additionally, Doxygen needs to be able to find all of your sources (see the INPUT and FILE_PATTERNS variables).


How to specify the items in reference list using BibTeX? ChemPhysChem LaTeX requirement

I'm revising a manuscript for ChemPhysChem. They just provided a very simple templet here. However, I have some problems meeting the requirement:
Please follow our house style for references for example: [1] X. Y.
Name, A. B. Name, J. Abbr. 2016, 5, 111-120.
This kind of reference hides the title, and I can not find an existing style to meet the need.
I am using the following latex script:
\usepackage[sorting=none, backend=biber]{biblatex}
What do I need to do to solve the problem? Do I really need to build a new .bst file? Could anyone share their experience on submitting manuscripts on ChemPhysChem using LaTeX?
Don't use biblatex for journal submissions unless your publisher explicitly states that they do accept it. While it is a nice and flexible tool, biblatex is not yet the standard.
Just follow the instructions from the template and use
%alternatively you may use
%and send the .bib file along with your manuscript
Don't worry if the resulting style might be a bit different from their requirement, they won't use it anyway but convert your source files with their pipeline.
I changed to my latex using BibTeX back, and built a cpc.bst file for ChemPhysChem using the following command with the help of the youtube video:
latex makebst
It would not be that hard to create the bibliography style file using the guide of the above-mentioned video.
And the result looks like

modx creating new lexicon entry event

I need to create a plugin in modx revolution. I need to set plugin event when some one will create or update a lexicon entry from modx lexicon management.I want to save created/updated lexicon entry to somewhere else. I have been searching in googles and see modx documentations. I could not find useful links. Any ideas or links will be helpful.
For this you can use plugins: and you would be wanting to look into system events:
What I would suggest is to use OnDocFormSave for your plugin, then you should be able to read lexicon data as it is has already loaded the lexicon it needs with these functions:
I really hope this helps, but feel free to ask again and I will try my best to help. :)

Parse DICOM files in VC++

How can I parse DICOM files in VC++? How to edit the DICOM tags?
If possible, it is better to use some already existing libraries such as MergeCom (not free) or DCMTK. They handle all kinds of conditions such explicit VR, implicit VR, parsing of nested sequence items etc. Take a look at this link regarding the basic structure of a dicom file: Introduction DICOM single file format.
For editing the DICOM file, remember that you might have update the group length tag also. Also, its going to be quite tricky if you want to validate the edited value as there are so many VRs and different IODs have different mandatory and optional tags. So I suggest again to use the existing libraries if possible.
Are you looking for any library that would do it for you? Or you want to write your own? Try DCMTK if you want the first.
Try GDCM, it is even wrapped in C#. It uses CMake, so generation of Visual Studio file is easy.
As other people suggested there are many 3rd party library available. Although many are paid but nobody will stop you from using trial versions :)
MergeCom (C version, Java Version) Windows/Linux, This is the best one , You will get a lots of sample along with library to learn.
There are a lot more, needed is you start work on one :)
As posted before, there are many free libraries who would gladly do it for you.

Drupal search - alternative ways of doing it?

3rd Drupal question in a day.. guess what I'm doing!
OK, I've got the default Drupal search block, but I really need to find a way of restricting it to just searching one particular content type which is called "recipes" (guess what that one contains!)
Does anyone have any ideas on how I can restrict the search and then go about controlling the output display?
You can use the Search config module. If this module does not your work you should also look at this page: Just type in "search" and you can find a few search plugins with descriptions.
I recommend the Finder module, which works well with CCK and filters and is straightforward to theme.
You could be interested in trying Faceted Search, which add a series of blocs to filter the results returned by the search module. There are many other modules which are related (see Projects related with Faceted Search).

Bug template in Bugzilla

Is there any way to enforce a template in Bugzilla to guide users fill in bugs descriptions ?
Actually, i'd like to put some markup texts in the bug description field and avoid the creation of custom fields.
I've installed version 3.2rc1.
Indeed, just check ../enter_bug.cgi?format=guided , which forms an example of the template feature. Half the work is already done for you.
The mechansism described under 6.2.5 Particular Templates (under the section called bug/create/create.html.tmpl and bug/create/comment.txt.tmpl) works pretty well for us. Even though you say you don't want to create custom fields, adding some arbitrary HTML is easy enough.
