Use transactions with mariadb and node.js - node.js

Is there a better way to use transactions with the mariasql library than adding BEGIN to the start of the query, and finalizing with either a commit or a rollback?
Currently, if I want to wrap a series of queries in a transaction I have to do something like this:
const MariaClient = require('mariasql');
let client = new MariaClient();
host: "",
user: "user",
password: "pass",
db: "some_db",
multiStatements: true
client.query('BEGIN; INSERT INTO some_table VALUES ("a0","b0"), ("a1","b1"), ("a2","b2");', function (err) {
if (err) {
This seems clunky and potentially error prone. We are using the generic-pool to manage the mariadb client, so it seems like there could be some unintended consequences handling transactions this way.

Plan A: If autocommit is set to 1, then each statement is its own transaction. No BEGIN/COMMIT needed.
Plan B: Suck it up and use separate calls to the API for each statement here:
some SQL statement;
some SQL statement;
some SQL statement;
If the API has special calls for BEGIN and COMMIT, use them instead of performing the corresponding SQL; there may be something important hiding in the call.
In both cases you must check for errors at all steps. Deadlocks can happen when you least expect them.


Synchronize multiple requests to database in NestJS

in our NestJS application we are using TypeORM as ORM to work with db tables and typeorm-transactional-cls-hooked library.
now we have problem with synchronization of requests which are read and modifying database at same time.
async doMagicAndIncreaseCount (id) {
const await { currentCount } = this.fooRepository.findOne(id)
// do some stuff where I receive new count which I need add to current, for instance 10
const newCount = currentCount + 10
this.fooRepository.update(id, { currentCount: newCount })
When we executed this operation from the frontend multiple times at the same time, the final count is wrong. The first transaction read currentCount and then start computation, during computation started the second transaction, which read currentCount as well, and first transaction finish computation and save new currentCount, and then also second transaction finish and rewrite result of first transaction.
Our goal is to execute this operation on foo table only once at the time, and other requests should wait until.
I tried set SERIALIZABLE isolation level like this:
#Transactional({ isolationLevel: IsolationLevel.SERIALIZABLE })
which ensure that only one request is executed at time, but other requests failed with error. Can you please give me some advice how to solve that?
I never used TypeORM and moreover you are hiding the DB engine you are using.
Anyway to achieve this target you need write locks.
The doMagicAndIncreaseCount pseudocode should be something like
do computation
Alternatively you have to use some operation which is natively atomic on the DB engine; ex. the INCR operation on Redis.
Reading on TypeORM find documentation, I can suggest something like:
where: { id },
lock: { mode: "pessimistic_write", version: 1 },
P.S. Looking at the tags of the question I would guess the used DB engine is PostgreSQL.

Querying DB2 every 15 seconds causing memory leak in NodeJS

I have an application which checks for new entries in DB2 every 15 seconds on the iSeries using IBM's idb-connector. I have async functions which return the result of the query to which emits an event with the data included to the front end. I've narrowed down the memory leak to the async functions. I've read multiple articles on common memory leak causes and how to diagnose them.
MDN: memory management
Rising Stack: garbage collection explained
Marmelab: Finding And Fixing Node.js Memory Leaks: A Practical Guide
But I'm still not seeing where the problem is. Also, I'm unable to get permission to install node-gyp on the system which means most memory management tools are off limits as memwatch, heapdump and the like need node-gyp to install. Here's an example of what the functions basic structure is.
const { dbconn, dbstmt } = require('idb-connector');// require idb-connector
async function queryDB() {
// create new promise
let promise = new Promise ( function(resolve, reject) {
// create new connection
const connection = new dbconn();
const statement = new dbstmt(connection);
statement.exec(sSql, (rows, err) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
let ticks = rows;
resolve(ticks.length);// resolve promise with varying data
let result = await promise;// await promise
return result;
async function getNewData() {
const data = await queryDB();// get new data
io.emit('newData', data)// push to front end
setTimeout(getNewData, 2000);// check again in 2 seconds
Any ideas on where the leak is? Am i using async/await incorrectly? Or else am i creating/destroying DB connections improperly? Any help on figuring out why this code is leaky would be much appreciated!!
Edit: Forgot to mention that i have limited control on the backend processes as they are handled by another team. I'm only retrieving the data they populate the DB with and adding it to a web page.
Edit 2: I think I've narrowed it down to the DB connections not being cleaned up properly. But, as far as i can tell I've followed the instructions suggested on their github repo.
I don't know the answer to your specific question, but instead of issuing a query every 15 seconds, I might go about this in a different way. Reason being that I don't generally like fishing expeditions when the environment can tell me an event occurred.
So in that vein, you might want to try a database trigger that loads the key to the row into a data queue on add, or even change or delete if necessary. Then you can just put in an async call to wait for a record on the data queue. This is more real time, and the event handler is only called when a record shows up. The handler can get the specific record from the database since you know it's key. Data queues are much faster than database IO, and place little overhead on the trigger.
I see a couple of potential advantages with this method:
You aren't issuing dozens of queries that may or may not return data.
The event would fire the instant a record is added to the table, rather than 15 seconds later.
You don't have to code for the possibility of one or more new records, it will always be 1, the one mentioned in the data queue.
yes you have to close connection.
Don't make const data. you don't need promise by default statement.exec is async and handles it via return result;
keep setTimeout(getNewData, 2000);// check again in 2 seconds
line outside getNewData otherwise it becomes recursive infinite loop.
Sample code
const {dbconn, dbstmt} = require('idb-connector');
const connection = new dbconn(); // Create a connection object.
connection.conn('*LOCAL'); // Connect to a database.
const statement = new dbstmt(dbconn); // Create a statement object of the connection.
statement.exec(sql, (result, error) => {
if (error) {
throw error;
console.log(`Result Set: ${JSON.stringify(result)}`);
statement.close(); // Clean up the statement object.
connection.disconn(); // Disconnect from the database.
connection.close(); // Clean up the connection object.
return result;
*async function getNewData() {
const data = await queryDB();// get new data
io.emit('newData', data)// push to front end
setTimeout(getNewData, 2000);// check again in 2 seconds
change to
**async function getNewData() {
const data = await queryDB();// get new data
io.emit('newData', data)// push to front end
setTimeout(getNewData, 2000);// check again in 2 seconds**
First thing to notice is possible open database connection in case of an error.
if (err) {
throw err;
Also in case of success connection.disconn(); and connection.close(); return boolean values that tell is operation successful (according to documentation)
Always possible scenario is to pile up connection objects in 3rd party library.
I would check those.
This was confirmed to be a memory leak in the idb-connector library that i was using. Link to github issue Here. Basically there was a C++ array that never had it's memory deallocated. A new version was added and the commit can viewed Here.

Node calling postgres function with temp tables causing "memory leak"

I have a node.js program calling a Postgres (Amazon RDS micro instance) function, get_jobs within a transaction, 18 times a second using the node-postgres package by brianc.
The node code is just an enhanced version of brianc's basic client pooling example, roughly like...
var pg = require('pg');
var conString = "postgres://username:password#server/database";
function getJobs(cb) {
pg.connect(conString, function(err, client, done) {
if (err) return console.error('error fetching client from pool', err);
client.query('select * from get_jobs()', [], function(err, result) {
done(); //call `done()` to release the client back to the pool
if (err) console.error('error running query', err);
cb(err, result);
function poll() {
getJobs(function(jobs) {
// process the jobs
setTimeout(poll, 55);
poll(); // start polling
So Postgres is getting:
2016-04-20 12:04:33 UTC:[5778]:LOG: statement: BEGIN;
2016-04-20 12:04:33 UTC:[5778]:LOG: execute <unnamed>: select * from get_jobs();
2016-04-20 12:04:33 UTC:[5778]:LOG: statement: COMMIT;
... repeated every 55ms.
get_jobs is written with temp tables, something like this
) AS
_nowstamp bigint;
-- take the current unix server time in ms
_nowstamp := (select extract(epoch from now()) * 1000)::bigint;
-- 1. get the jobs that are due
select ...
from really_big_table_1
where job_time < _nowstamp;
-- 2. get other stuff attached to those jobs
select ...
from really_big_table_2 r
inner join jobs j on = j.some_id
-- 3. return the final result with a join to a third big table
RETURN query (
select, ...
from jobs_extra je
left join really_big_table_3 r on =
group by
I've used the temp table pattern because I know that jobs will always be a small extract of rows from really_big_table_1, in hopes that this will scale better than a single query with multiple joins and multiple where conditions. (I used this to great effect with SQL Server and I don't trust any query optimiser now, but please tell me if this is the wrong approach for Postgres!)
The query runs in 8ms on small tables (as measured from node), ample time to complete one job "poll" before the next one starts.
Problem: After about 3 hours of polling at this rate, the Postgres server runs out of memory and crashes.
What I tried already...
If I re-write the function without temp tables, Postgres doesn't run out of memory, but I use the temp table pattern a lot, so this isn't a solution.
If I stop the node program (which kills the 10 connections it uses to run the queries) the memory frees up. Merely making node wait a minute between polling sessions doesn't have the same effect, so there are obviously resources that the Postgres backend associated with the pooled connection is keeping.
If I run a VACUUM while polling is going on, it has no effect on memory consumption and the server continues on its way to death.
Reducing the polling frequency only changes the amount of time before the server dies.
Adding DISCARD ALL; after each COMMIT; has no effect.
Explicitly calling DROP TABLE jobs; DROP TABLE jobs_extra; after RETURN query () instead of ON COMMIT DROPs on the CREATE TABLEs. Server still crashes.
Per CFrei's suggestion, added pg.defaults.poolSize = 0 to the node code in an attempt to disable pooling. The server still crashed, but took much longer and swap went much higher (second spike) than all the previous tests which looked like the first spike below. I found out later that pg.defaults.poolSize = 0 may not disable pooling as expected.
On the basis of this: "Temporary tables cannot be accessed by autovacuum. Therefore, appropriate vacuum and analyze operations should be performed via session SQL commands.", I tried to run a VACUUM from the node server (as some attempt to make VACUUM an "in session" command). I couldn't actually get this test working. I have many objects in my database and VACUUM, operating on all objects, was taking too long to execute each job iteration. Restricting VACUUM just to the temp tables was impossible - (a) you can't run VACUUM in a transaction and (b) outside the transaction the temp tables don't exist. :P EDIT: Later on the Postgres IRC forum, a helpful chap explained that VACUUM isn't relevant for temp tables themselves, but can be useful to clean up the rows created and deleted from pg_attributes that TEMP TABLES cause. In any case, VACUUMing "in session" wasn't the answer.
DROP TABLE ... IF EXISTS before the CREATE TABLE, instead of ON COMMIT DROP. Server still dies.
CREATE TEMP TABLE (...) and insert into ... (select...) instead of CREATE TEMP TABLE ... AS, instead of ON COMMIT DROP. Server dies.
So is ON COMMIT DROP not releasing all the associated resources? What else could be holding memory? How do I release it?
I used this to great effect with SQL Server and I don't trust any query optimiser now
Then don't use them. You can still execute queries directly, as shown below.
but please tell me if this is the wrong approach for Postgres!
It is not a completely wrong approach, it's just a very awkward one, as you are trying to create something that's been implemented by others for a much easier use. As a result, you are making many mistakes that can lead to many problems, including memory leaks.
Compare to the simplicity of the exact same example that uses pg-promise:
var pgp = require('pg-promise')();
var conString = "postgres://username:password#server/database";
var db = pgp(conString);
function getJobs() {
return db.tx(function (t) {
return t.func('get_jobs');
function poll() {
.then(function (jobs) {
// process the jobs
.catch(function (error) {
// error
setTimeout(poll, 55);
poll(); // start polling
Gets even simpler when using ES6 syntax:
var pgp = require('pg-promise')();
var conString = "postgres://username:password#server/database";
var db = pgp(conString);
function poll() {
.then(jobs=> {
// process the jobs
.catch(error=> {
// error
setTimeout(poll, 55);
poll(); // start polling
The only thing that I didn't quite understand in your example - the use of a transaction to execute a single SELECT. This is not what transactions are generally for, as you are not changing any data. I assume you were trying to shrink a real piece of code you had that changes some data also.
In case you don't need a transaction, your code can be further reduced to:
var pgp = require('pg-promise')();
var conString = "postgres://username:password#server/database";
var db = pgp(conString);
function poll() {
.then(jobs=> {
// process the jobs
.catch(error=> {
// error
setTimeout(poll, 55);
poll(); // start polling
It would be a dangerous approach, however, not to control the end of the previous request, which also may create memory/connection issues.
A safe approach should be:
function poll() {
.then(jobs=> {
// process the jobs
setTimeout(poll, 55);
.catch(error=> {
// error
setTimeout(poll, 55);
Use CTEs to create partial result sets instead of temp tables.
) AS
_nowstamp bigint;
-- take the current unix server time in ms
_nowstamp := (select extract(epoch from now()) * 1000)::bigint;
RETURN query (
-- 1. get the jobs that are due
WITH jobs AS (
select ...
from really_big_table_1
where job_time < _nowstamp;
-- 2. get other stuff attached to those jobs
), jobs_extra AS (
select ...
from really_big_table_2 r
inner join jobs j on = j.some_id
-- 3. return the final result with a join to a third big table
select, ...
from jobs_extra je
left join really_big_table_3 r on =
group by
The planner will evaluate each block in sequence the way I wanted to achieve with temp tables.
I know this doesn't directly solve the memory leak issue (I'm pretty sure there's something wrong with Postgres' implementation of them, at least the way they manifest on the RDS configuration).
However, the query works, it is query planned the way I was intending and the memory usage is stable now after 3 days of running the job and my server doesn't crash.
I didn't change the node code at all.

Perform non-blocking eval reads in MongoDB

I figured out how to run javascript code on the MongoDB server, from a node.js client:
db.eval("function(x){ return x*10; }", 1, function (err, retval) {
console.log('err: '+err);
console.log('retval: '+retval);
And that works fine. But the docs say that db.eval() issues a write lock, so that nothing else can read or write to the database. I do not want that.
It also says that eval has no such limitation, but I do not know where to find it. From the way they're talking about it, it seems as if regular eval is only available in the mongo shell, and so not from the client side.
So: how can I run these stored procedures on the mongodb server without blocking everything?
you can pass an object with the field nolock set to true as an optional 3rd parameter to eval:
db.eval('function (x) {return x*10; }', [1], {nolock:true}, function(err, retval) {
console.log('err: '+err);
console.log('retval: '+retval);
Note that this prevents eval from setting an obligatory write-lock, but it doesn't prevent any operations inside your function from creating write-locks on their own.
Source: the documentation.
Note that the term "stored procedure" is wrong in this case. A stored procedure refers to code which is stored on the database itself and not delivered by the application layer. MongoDB can also do this utilizing the special collection db.system.js, but doing this is discouraged:
By the way: MongoDB wasn't designed for stored procedures. It is usually recommended to implement any advanced logic on the application layer. The practice to implement even trivial operations as stored procedures, like it is sometimes done on SQL databases, is discouraged.
This is this the way to store your functions on the Server Side and you call use it as shown below: { _id : "myAddFunction" , value : function (x,y)
{ return x +y;} } );
{ "_id" : "myAddFunction", "value" : function (x,y){ return x + y; } }
db.eval( "myAddFunction( 1 ,2)" )

Redis: How to check if exists in while loop

I'm using Redis in my application and one thing is not clear for me. I save an object with a random generated string as its key. However I would like to check if that key exists. I am planning to use while loop however I am not sure how would I struct it according to Redis. Since if I would like to check for once, I would do;
redisClient.get("xPQ", function(err,result){
exists = false
But I would like use the while loop as;
while(exists == false)
However I cannot build the code structure in my head. Would the while be inside the function or outside the function?
In general, you shouldn't check for existence of a key on the client side. It leads to race conditions. For example, another thread could insert the key after the first thread checked for its presence.
You should use the commands ending with NX. For example - SETNX and HSETNX. These will insert the key only if doesn't already exist. It is guaranteed to be atomic.
I do not understand why you need to implement active polling to check whether a key exists (there are much better ways to handle this kind of situations), but I will try to answer the question.
You should not use a while loop at all (inside or outside the function). Because of the asynchronous nature of node.js, these loops are better implemented using tail recursion. Here is an example:
var redis = require('redis')
var rc = redis.createClient(6379, 'localhost');
function wait_for_key( key, callback ) {
rc.get( key, function(err,result) {
if ( result == null ) {
console.log( "waiting ..." )
setTimeout( function() {
}, 100 );
} else {
wait_for_key( "xPQ", function(key,value) {
console.log( key+" exists and its value is: "+value )
There are multiple ways to simplify these expressions using dedicated libraries (using continuation passing style, or fibers). For instance you may want to check the whilst and until functions of the async.js package.
