Google cloud DNS record set doesn't work - dns

I have a back-end service on Google cloud, which I access through a Google cloud load-balancer with a static IP for front-end and port 80 (do not get any ideas, I am a developer with very basic knowledge of networking).
For accessing this service through a domain name (as a sub-domain of, not custom domain), I created a zone (in cloud DNS) and then an A-Type record set with the IP of the load balancer. I get a 404 (google 404 page) on this new Domain.
I did a nslookup on new domain name and the IP returned was different than the loadbalancer IP. NSLookup returned another IP when I tried again after 30 minutes.
Is this the right way to setup the domain?
P.S. The back-end is a Kubernetes service.
For creating zone, I used this DNS suffix :

The "" domain is a generic domain owned by Google. You aren't supposed to be able to modify the IP of it.
When you running a "Nslookup" on the domain name it is returning an IP of Google. That's why when you try to access through the load balancer IP directly it works.
You should add an CNAME record that point to your custom domain to the domain .


Azure Application Gateway w/ AKS Custom Domain Not Loading

My Registar is Google. I updated the nameservers to point to Azure in a DNS zone and have confirmed the Records are being sourced from Azure.
I am attempting to setup my custom domain to the application gateway Pubic IP address, so I have added the following configs below. When I hit the GW IP Directly the WebAPP loads but when hitting the custom domain that is pointing to the IP the web app does not load.
A Record Pointing to AppGW IP
I have also attemtped to point to the IP Address and that has not worked as well.
I am running an AKS cluster.
Listener Configuration
The custom domain that is pointing to the IP the web app does not load. These issues may occur if you have not added your own app gateway public Ip address value in DNS record please check the below following workaround for reference: -
After creating a DNS, try to add IP address by adding a record set as shown below.
For getting Ip address Go to your application gateway -> overview -> double click on frontend public Ip address
Try using this IP address on that record set.
In your public DNS record set, once Ip address value is added, custom domain will point to that IP. your DNS server will be visited first, where the IP address is visible, it returns back and come to your server. Once it arrives, an ‘A’ host record for the IP address section will redirect the request to your IP address, and then it redirects the backend pool part to HTTP port 80.
The application gateway will handle load balancing if you try to create two backend pools, it will redirect the section to port 80 and connect to your backend target using that port.
Additionally, please check this similar thread by kartik as it contains some useful information.

DNS record mapping the hostnames and the external IP

So I'm deploying this app called WSO2 API Manager to AKS and at the end of the tutorial it asks me to do this :
If the defined hostnames (in the previous step) are backed by a DNS
service, add a DNS record mapping the hostnames and the external IP
(EXTERNAL-IP) in the relevant DNS service.
So I don't know where to go from here, because if I map the DNS to the IP in the hosts file, the app works no problemo.
But I'm on AKS, if someone could guide me through doing the equivalent over there, I would be grateful.
For a DNS to work through the internet you need to properly configure it. If your DNS name is, first you need to purchase "" domain through a domain registrar. Then it should be mapped to the public IP of your Ingress. You can use Azure DNS for this. Refer to the following.

Configure custom DNS for Public IP Address

i created VM behide Azure Load Balancer. i want to use custom domain to Load Balance Public IP. for example i want to access url like '' instead Load Balance Public IP from internet. how i can do it?
i tried to did followed reference link '' but still not working.
Please recommend how to register my domain name i wish, i want map my domain name to my application running on VM behide Azure Load Balancer.
and Azure have service about internet domain registrar?
about your last question - no, Azure have only Azure DNS, which is not a domain registrar, but a DNS as a service.
Easiest way to achieve what you want - assign a dns name to a public ip (called dns label here) and create a CNAME record in your DNS for that DNS name. or just straight up create a A record in your DNS and point it to your public ip.

Remove DNS authorization for IP address in Azure

I have a couple of web applications on an Azure server. A client allowed the domain to lapse, and I can no longer access the DNS settings for this domain. The domain's DNS settings (A records, CNAMES) are still authorized in Azure to control traffic for the server's IP address. So, any app I create on this server now resolves to the domain that is no longer under my control.
How do I get myself out of this pickle? Can I change the server's IP address? I have not been able to find out how to do that. Can I de-authorize the DNS settings that now control access to this IP address?
If you want to remove access to the app from a domain, you just remove the domain from the App Service.
DNS tells users where to go for a particular domain name.
If your app doesn't mention it as a domain, the request won't be routed to it.
Remember that addresses in Azure App Service are shared so it requires that you actually explicitly mention the domain in the app service's configuration.
Ugh. Ok, my issue was that I was redirecting to the domain in my web.config.

Azure webapps having same ip

i created a resource group and multiple web apps under it. now trying to map custom domains to those apps but the ip address is the same for both the apps. i referred to this article but to setup A record I need a static ip before mapping the domains.
To run 2 websites as described by the OP and,
Both have the same IP address X.X.X.X (reason yet to be explained adequately).
I have a wild card domain * and want the
* traffic to go to to go to my
Traffic is working with the following configurations:
A, -> X.X.X.X
CNAME * ->
Open webapp a.azurewebsites, Custom Domains, Hostnames assigned ot site:
Open webapp b.azurewebsites, Custom Domains, Hostnames assigned ot site:
Web Apps on Azure often share IP addresses. This doesn't matter. You can map the custom domain as you would normally. The server will know which app you are accessing based on the Host header sent by browsers.
IP addresses may be same for all apps when all apps are hosted in same server.You have to create an A record pointing to the apps IP address and also a TXT record that points to the azure app domain name ( TXT record is different from one app to another.
Azure document says...
To use an A record to map to your Azure app's IP address, you actually
need to create both an A record and a TXT record. The A record is for
the DNS resolution itself, and the TXT record is for Azure to verify
that you own the custom domain name.
You can find more details here. Map a custom domain name to an Azure app
