Tried compiling my project after installing Xcode 9 b2 and I keep on getting this error:
/Users/Cyril/Desktop/App/App/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard: Internal error. Please file a bug at and attach "/var/folders/39/mgnz9fv159l_w86z0y_dh8lh0000gn/T/IB-agent-diagnostics_2017-06-21_21-56-59_829000".
I've tried cleaning the project, deleting derived data, restarting Xcode and rebooting but to no avail.
Any help?
I forked a repository and my gradle started updating. After syncing everything works well but when I try to run the emulator "I am using android studio" this error displays
snapshot of the error that I am getting
I do not know how to fix it
My app was installing just fine... installing and reinstalling for testing, etc. But now it won't install anymore... and Android Studio says,
Application Installation Failed
Installation failed with message Failed to
finalize session :
lib_slice_3_apk was defined multiple times.
It is possible that this issue is resolved by
uninstalling an existing version of the apk if it is
present, and then re-installing.
WARNING: Uninstalling will remove the
application data!
Do you want to uninstall the existing
I tried uninstalling the app from my phone, but it still won't re-install.
Also, I tried installing it fresh on an emulator where it had never been installed before, and that did not work either.
I suppose I must have inadvertently messed up some compile-related setting that I don't understand (but I haven't been doing anything like that). I don't have a knowledge of the compile process, and pretty much depend on Android Studio to do that.
I have been working on a "sister" app to this one... where I copied some libraries (.jar files such as zixng.jar from [project root]\app\libs) from this app to the other app. And that other app is installed on my phone also... but then again, it's not on the emulator... so I guess that's not the problem. Merp.
Thanks for any suggestions or possible explanations.
Try to clean & then Rebuild the project again. To do so please go to Build menu, both the tools are present their.
If issue not solved with that than try to invalidate caches & restart Android Studio from File menu -> Invalidate Caches/Restart.
I am using VS 2017 with version 15.3.0. I have a project with C++ source codes that can be built successfully in VS version 15.2 but failed in 15.3 with the following error:
msxml2.lib(msxml2_i.obj) : fatal error LNK1103: debugging information corrupt; recompile module
Does anyone have suggestions about this?
I have filed a bug report to Microsoft including a sample application which reproduces the bug:
Hopefully this will be fixed in a subsequent 15.3.x update.
I met the same problem when my project use an external lib(CyAPI.lib).
I tried delete the Debug folder, and recompiled, but the problem still exist.
I resolved the problem by changed to CyAPI.lib to the newest version.
I have the latest Java version installed as you can see, but it still tells me the message. Moreover, I can not load any projects because it gets stuck in the gradle building process. Any idea?
It is working fine after reinstalling the JDK(500mb) pack, rather than the update (66mb).
Everything in my Node project worked perfectly, but then I decided to reinstall my Windows OS so I copyied all my project to Google drive. After i reinstalled, i went and downloaded my node project back to my desktop, installed node, and now i get this error: Failed to lookup view "error" in views directory "C:\Users\Tom\Desktop\Node\views".....Why is this happening?
I have already searched for multiple solutions, but all of them say that this part of the code is to blame:
I found the error. After reinstalling windows and sublime, when I inserted my project, the files got renamed from index.ejs to index.ejs.html.... after getting rid of the ".html", everything worked perfectly.