Netflix tools in NodeJS for micro services - node.js

Is there service discovery (eureka), circuit breaker pattern (Hystrix), client side load-balancing (ribbon) and api gateway (Zuul) implementation available on NodeJS? I see nice integration of these components in Spring framework for Java but is anything such that available in NodeJS?
Netflix has provided an alternative way for non JVM languages through Prana ( but it is not actively supported. Is there any alternative suite of production ready components available for NodeJS? Ideally one of the benefit of micro services is each service can be developed in different language. Are there any good option available or should I implement myself?


Which external AMQP-client-library for IoT Hub integration?

I want to connect to the Microsoft Azure IoT Hub with Java to implement a device-gateway with some kind of identity translation. As I don't want to use the proprietary Azure SDK, I'm looking for a suitable AMQP-client-library.
I made first steps with the very high-level Vert.X AMQP client and was able to connect to the IoT Hub with SASL and exchange messages. But as a per-device-authentication is required, I came to the libraries limits fast, as sessions and links are not supported.
There are other AMQP-client-libraries like the parent-library of the Vert.X AMQP Client, Vert.X Proton, and of course the most detailed AMQP-client-implementations Apache Qpid Proton-J and Qpid JMS.
The question which arises now is which library too choose for my usecase? Currently I can't answer it myself satisfactorily, as the available online-resources (documentation and examples) to these libaries itself and the external AMQP-integration to the IoT Hub with other libraries then the Azure SDK are very rare. Apache Qpid seems to be the most powerful but also the most complex one. Vert.X Proton as an easier to use wrapper also supports sessions and links, but probably still doesn't support all required AMQP-features to connect to a IoT hub? It's hard to get an overview on the requirements.
The Azure IoT SDKs are fully open source under MIT license, so not proprietary per se. The Java SDK depends on Apache qpid Proton J and adds a light convinience layer to abstract the protocol itself. Allowing you to take full advantage of all the Azure IoT Hub features. I'm genuinely curious why you would prefer not to use an open source SDK that is supposed to make your life easier. Also curious to why you prefer AMQP rather than MQTT. Once again these are purely genuine questions as I am trying to understand better our developers needs and wants.
Also in case you have not found it there is a doc that explains how IoT Hub uses AMQP here:

How we can achieve Microservices related functionality with Loopback Framework

I need your help in Loopback Framework.
Actually, my need is how we can achieve Microservices related functionality with Loopback Framework.
Please share any links/tutorials/knowledge if you have any.
I have gone through below links,
I have downloaded the related demo from below links but doesn't work it.
Basically it depends on your budget and size of your system. You can make some robust and complex implementations using tools like Spring Cloud or KrakenD. As a matter of fact, your question is too broad. I've some microservices architecture knowledge and I can recommend just splitting your functionality into containerized solutions, probably orchestrated by Kubernetes. In that way, you can expose for example, the User microservice with loopback, and another Authentication microservice with loopback and/or any other language/framework.
You could (but shouldn't) add communication between those microservices (as you should expose some REST functionality) with something like gRPC.
The biggest cloud providers have some already made solutions, eg AWS has ECS or Fargate. For GCP you have Kubernetes.
We have created an open source catalog of microservices which can be used in any microservice project using LB4. Also, you can get an idea of how to create microservices using LB4.

Spring Integration: inbound and outbound adapters to MQTT

I'm trying to build MQTT support into my Spring application. For this I'm looking at the references provided by Spring, which can be found here here.
They provide sample code for inbound and outbound channel adapters, but this concept of adapters is unclear to me. I couldn't find a lot of information about it on the web.
What exactly are these adapters and why are they needed?
Where do I need to define these adapters and how do I access them?
I'm using eclipse as my IDE and maven as my buildtool.
The adapters are a concept from Spring Integration which is yet another Spring project that provides an implementation of the Enterprise Integration Patterns and provides an abstraction layer that standardizes the way you integrate with external system, whether they are based on JMS, FTP or as in your case MQTT.
As with so many other Spring projects, the driver behind it is a loose coupling and standardization that will enable you to swap your channel provider (e.g. if its a JMS provider swap RabbitMQ with ActiveMQ or vice-versa) with a minimal impact to the rest of you code.
Its comparable to Apache Camel, in case your more familiar with it, and this comparison is quite an interesting read

Opensource ESB vs Apache ServiceMix vs Spring Integration?

I am new to the enterprise integration area.
We have a requirement to develop a solution where multiple OSS (operations support systems) should talk to multiple EMS (element management systems) and network devices (Different transports and protocols has to be supported), solution should be such that, that it should run in Weblogic.
Which will be the best fit for this situation ESB/Apache ServiceMix/Spring Integration?
If we use opensource ESBs ( like WSo2 and Talend ESBs) I think we need to maintain two servers ESB server and Weblogic server and ESB/Weblogic integration will be an issue?
Apache servicemix or Spring Integration be deployed/run inside Weblogic?
Whether Apache ServiceMix is supported now, as I could see most updates are happening in fuse ESB only?
You need to analyze your scenario and then decide. If you need only transformation or alongside with a simple routing you can use some frameworks like smooks, camel etc.
You need to transform and still a lot of system involved where you need those transformed messages then you could use an ESB.
Then comes selecting the ESB product is also based on you application eco system. All products are amazing and each fits the better than the other in their own application eco system.
First you need to know a few things on Camel / Fuse ESB / Service Mix
All the above revolve around the same, each of them are projects where camel integration framework is the coding De fact o
1.Camel -- Integration framework and the De fact o coding way(sophisticated in its own way and much flexible)
2.Service Mix -- Container for deploying the your integration code. (Camel integration code)
3.Fuse ESB -- Enterprise Feather on the hat of Service Mix where it provides a Studio for coding , a list of components and wrappers like clustering and other facilities around service service mix
I would like you to also consider Mule ESB which could also and it will be a good contender in your list.
Some answers for your questions
1.You can deploy Camel code or the spring integration code into the what so ever container (all in the hands Maven and jar management thing you need to do....)
2.Service mix is a Apache license and is complete open source and if you need some support I suggest you to choose the FUSE ESB which is not part of JBoss family and powered by RedHat
Please follow this link below for more detailed discussion from other users
use the below for your analysis
Apache Camel and other ESB products
What is an ESB and what is it good for?
Messaging, Queues and ESB's - I know where I want to be but not how to get there
JMS and ESB - how they are related?

Is there any Application Server Frameworks for other languages/platforms than JavaEE and .NET?

I'm a CS student and has rare experience from the enterprise software industry. When I'm reading about enterprise software platforms, I mostly read about these two:
Java Enterprise Edition, JavaEE
.NET and Windows Communication Foundation
By "enterprise software platforms" I mean frameworks and application servers with support for the same characteristics as J2EE and WCF has:
[JavaEE] provide functionality to deploy fault-tolerant, distributed, multi-tier Java software, based largely on modular components running on an application server.
WCF is designed in accordance with service oriented architecture principles to support distributed computing where services are consumed by consumers. Clients can consume multiple services and services can be consumed by multiple clients. Services are loosely coupled to each other.
Is there any alternatives to these two "enterprise software platforms"?
Isn't any other programming languages used in a bigger rate for this problem area?
Why isn't there any popular application servers for C++/Qt?
Note: By "Application Server" I mean a server mainly for GUI-software and not a Webserver/Web Framework. See what is the difference between web servers and application servers?
Well, you can pretty much consider the high end IBM mainframe machines "application servers", they're pretty popular.
TUXEDO is a transaction manager that empowers a lot of high end applications, written in many things, like C++.
Microsoft had MTS (Microsoft Transaction Server) back in the day. It talked to C, C++, VB, etc.
Application Server is a nice, vague term. Tomcat is an application server, for example. Arguably ZOPE can be considered an application server.
But the thing, in my mind, that really distinguishes an Application Server from "just code" is the transaction manager. I don't consider a raw Tomcat an Application Server, for example, it's basically a really cool web server.
Most folks rely on the database for transactions, but a transaction manager works at a higher level where a database is simply a participant. And transaction managers are where a lot of the heavy lifting in terms of services and middleware offered by Application Servers happens. Transactions are really important in business processes.
Java EE has transaction managers. I don't know of any other "free" system that offers a transaction manager capable of distributed transactions. As I mentioned, most folks rely on the DB and stop there.
There are several transaction managers that support Java JTA (Java EE servers are JTA compliant internally), that's what Spring plugs in to in order to offer transaction services. (Spring is just a framework, it's not a server itself.)
When you add a TM to an OS, the entire machine can become an Application Server. That's what MTS does for Windows.
Java EE app servers stand out because they make much of these services first class (thread pools, object allocation, database pooling, transactions, etc.). Many OSes offer all of these services, at least at the process level. But folks didn't care much to dedicate an entire machine to a task, and having to tune the OS to service that single application. But, all that capability is there.
Add in modern VM systems, and dedicated, "single task" OS instances make more sense. "This Linux VM handles my DNS", "This Linux VM handles my email", etc. So, perhaps the OS will be returning to being a dedicated Application Server. is available for Python.
