I have a excel sheet and i have created a data validation function. Its a conditional dropdown but I can not input my equation in data validation field. Its says too many arguments. My equation is =IF(A4="Capital",'New List'!$C$2:$C$42,IF(A4="Pier Caps",'New List'!$C$43:$C$84),IF(A4="Keystones",'New List'!$C$85:$C$86),IF(A4="Round Louvre",'New List'!$C$87:$C$88),IF(A4="Open Rings",'New List'!$C$89:$C$90),IF(A4="Pyramids",'New List'!$C$91:$C$92),IF(A4="Plinths",'New List'!$C$93:$C$94),IF(A4="Columns",'New List'!$C$95:$C$96))
What i am missing here? Is it too long? Is there any other way to achieve this?
Thanks in advance
Create individual named ranges for each of your lists. For example the range
Capital refers to 'New List'!$C$2:$C$42
Pier_Caps refers to 'New List'!$C$43:$C$84
etc. Note that there cannot be spaces in named ranges. Use the underscore _ character instead. Now you can use this in the data validation:
In words: Take cell A4, replace any spaces with underscores and return the range with that name.
Similarly to this thread I have found Click here...
I am trying to create various formulae looking across tabs with the tab names kept in cells. My hyperlink function has been successful as:
=HYPERLINK("#'"&B2&"'!A1","Click Here")
Where B2 represents a 2-3 character tab name of a person's initials (e.g. AA in this example).
However if I try this method with other formulae I am returning a #VALUE! error. Can anyone help me with making this nested Index/Match function work dynamically from cell B1 rather than being fixed to the tab name "AA"?
Thanks in advance?
The hyperlink function accepts a constructed string to use as the link and interprets it as a range address just as it would a true url. A formula cannot accept a constructed string address as a worksheet range reference but the INDIRECT function converts constructed strings to a usable worksheet range reference.
... becomes,
INDEX(indirect(text(B2, "'#'!\B\:\H")), MATCH(TODAY()-WEEKDAY(TODAY(), 11)+1, indirect(text(B2, "'#'!\B\:\B")), 0), 2)
With AA in B2, text(B2, "'#'!\B\:\H") becomes 'AA'!B:H. I find it easier to take care of the wrapping ' marks with a format mask.
My understanding is that you can define a range using index. example I can set a defined name of MyList to
This would be the equivalent of saying A3:A5. I can then turn around and use index(MyList,1,1) and I would see the contents of A3. All this works for me.
So I was trying to define a range of sheet names. I used defined name sheetnames as:
(I used transpose to get the list vertical)
when I use:
I get the name of my 3rd or 6th sheet in my workbook respectively. So that part is working. However when I try to define a range like I did for MyList using the following I get #value
Why is it not working?
As a test to get first sheetname I have also tried:
This also gave the same error.
What I am ultimately trying to do is generate a pull down list through data validation of all sheet names except the sheets named "Index" and "Master".
As per Excel's help file on INDEX...
Reference form
Returns the reference of the cell at the intersection of a particular
row and column. If the reference is made up of nonadjacent selections,
you can pick the selection to look in.
INDEX(reference, row_num, [column_num], [area_num])
The INDEX function syntax has the following arguments.
Reference Required. A reference to one or more cell ranges
Therefore, in order to return a reference, you would need to reference a range of cells. SheetNames, however, doesn't refer to a range of cells. It refers to GET.WORKBOOK, which returns an array of values. In this case, it returns an array of sheet names.
So with the following formula...
...it gets evaluated as follows (assuming the workbook is called Book1.xlsx and you have Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, etc)...
--> some preliminary evaluations <---
You can evaluate the formula for yourself by selecting the cell containing the formula, and stepping through it using the Evaluate Formula button on the Ribbon (Formulas tab > Formula Auditing group).
You can also confirm that INDEX doesn't return a reference in this case by using the ISREF function. The following formula should return FALSE...
Hope this helps!
I'm using two cells with Data Validation - the first cell (E9) simply creates a drop down menu based on the range A2:A6, and the second cell (E10) validation uses the source INDIRECT(E9), which will always refer to one of five different named ranges.
When I have the named ranges fixed, (i.e A2:A250), the second drop down works, but I really need the ranges to be dynamic, so far I've been creating named ranges with the following "source" formula:
With the other ranges being the exact same only in columns C-F.
When I write out this formula it highlights the correct area on the screen, but the drop down button in cell E10 is completely unresponsive, when the drop down list should show the exact area that's being highlighted.
As a note, the lists themselves are created using an array formula and some VBA code to create a sorted unique list based on another part of the spreadsheet, so I've been unable to use tables to create the ranges as some other websites have suggested.
INDIRECT doesn't work with dynamic ranges. Credit to these guys for the solution:
First, insert a module into you sheet and paste in the UDF:
Option Explicit
Function RetrieveRangeForName(psRange As String) As String
RetrieveRangeForName = Range(psRange).Address
End Function
Then you will need a helper cell, since I don't think UDFs work in the Data Validation dialog. In E11, enter =RetrieveRangeForName(E9).
Then in the Data Validation, set to List, you can enter: =INDIRECT(E11)
The reason it doesn't work as discussed here is that INDIRECT expects a string that it can evaluate to give a reference. However your named range is already a reference. Logically, the only way to use it in INDIRECT is to convert it into a string first which you can do with a UDF:-
Function GetAddress(Name As String) As String
Dim rng As Range, addr As String
Set rng = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range(Name)
addr = rng.Address
GetAddress = addr
End Function
Then use this to define a range called NewRange:-
Finally this can be used in the validation for E10 (Named Range ListB is defined as in the question, ListA etc. correspondingly for columns A to E).
I'd like to use something like the EVALUATE-Function in Excel for if-statements.
I've got the following issue: I'd like to use Excel to validate my data. I've got three sheets:
the real data I'd like to check. Each row represents a customer and each column some data. The columns have specific names like “age”, “name”, …
the description of the checks I’d like to perform. Each row represents one check and I’ve got 3 columns: 1 check_id – an identifier of each check; 2 check_desc – a description of the check that every normal person can understand like “Age below 18”; 3 rule – the Excel Formula as a string like If(age<18, “error”, “no error”)
the place where sheet 1 and 2 should come together. Each row should represent one customer and each column one check.
Now, if I’ve got for example check_1 “If(age<18, “error”, “no error”)” and the customer data 10 and 20, then the check for the first customer should fire and the check for the second shouldn’t.
If the data is changed, and the age is set from 10 to 18, then everything should be fine, or if the rule is changes to “If(age<21, “error”, “no error”)” then the new condition should be applied to all data.
Is something like this possible?
With the evaluate function only ‘simple’ formulas work.
Thanks in advance,
Attached you can find the
Excel-Sample File
You will definitely need some VBA here. Make a custom EVAL function:
Public Function EVAL(ByRef Rng As Range, Formula As String) As Variant
Dim RngAddress As String
RngAddress = "'" & Rng.Parent.Name & "'!" & Rng.Address(External:=False)
EVAL = Evaluate(Replace(Formula, "$", RngAddress))
End Function
Then you can easily evaluate your values with formulas passed as text ($ is for parameter):
=EVAL(A1, "IF($<21,""error"",""no error"")")
(note the escaped double quotes). But you would rather pass formula from another cell - then you can specify formula in cell with single quotes:
IF($<21,"error","no error")
=EVAL(A1, B1)
I personally would rename check_desc!B2 to "Check_1" (named range) and then refer to that. You can use the INDIRECT function as well once you've renamed your column header "Check_1" as well.
Note: the value in this case should be "18" instead of "age below 18". You can of course change the number format to "age below "0.
If the relations are changing too I would insert a table that would have uniform formulae changing in each cell when changed in one cell.
The only issue you would then face is the non-expanding nature of your table. You can use VBA for this, but maintaining formulae increases your accountability even if it would be slightly easier not to deal with nasty nested functions.
I'm working in a test cases spreadsheet in Excel, last week I ran into a problem, the DEV team decided to change a lot of 'field' labels of the application under test. What I had to do is go to my Excel spreadsheet and modify the labels' name one by one.
What I want to do now is define the names of the labels as variables and then make the changes directly from the variables instead of doing it by occurrence.
For example, I wrote:
"The user inputs the username in 'Name' field".
I want 'Name' to be pulled from a variable so next time they decide to change the label name, e.g: from 'Name' to 'User-Name', I have to only change the variable name from 'Name' to 'User-Name' rather than doing this manually in each occurrence.
Any idea on how can I do this in Excel?
Thanks in advance!
Named Ranges might be beneficial to you. You can refer to a Range of cells by a name and if you ever add columns or rows the Named Range will automatically increment the reference to the Range. Look under the Formulas menu and click on Name Manager. From there you can define a name for any cell range you would like, say:
MyRange = A1:C1
and refer to it in VBA like:
On a WorkSheet you can simply refer to it like this
Sure. Just make a 2-column list in a separate worksheet, where column A is the variable name and column B is the corresponding value. Everywhere you want to reference a specific variable name, perform a VLOOKUP() against that 2-column list.
="The user inputs the username in '"&VLOOKUP("Name",Sheet1!$A$1:$B$30,2,FALSE)&"' field."
Or you wouldn't even need to do the VLOOKUP if you chose to use a one-column list with no field labels. You could refer directly to the cell you want with concatenation, i.e.:
="The user inputs the username in '"&Sheet1!$A$1&"' field."
Even easier, which wouldn't require any special entries would just be to do a global find/replace, which is made more convenient since your fields are enclosed by single quotes. I.e., there's nothing stopping you from replacing all occurrences of 'Name' with 'User-name'.
For example, I wrote: "The user inputs the username in 'Name' field".
If this is in an Excel sheet, you can just concatenate a cell reference into your text. For example, if the field header "User-Name" is in A1 on Sheet1, you would use a formula like this:
="The user inputs the username in '" & Sheet1!$A$1 & "' field."
If you're trying to do this in VBA code, you can always declare constant string variables.
Const strName as String = "Name"
then use it in the code, for example:
MsgBox "The user inputs the username in " & strName & " field"
Hope that helps :)