Initializing a C++11 string with {} - string

What is the difference between initializing a string with:
std::string testString = "Test";
std::string testString{"Test"};
Is this only syntactic sugar thing or there actually are some performance related differences?

The {} initialization syntax is known as the uniform initialization syntax, it has a few key differences, but in your code as is they both do the same thing - construct a std::string object from the string literal "Test"
Initializing an object with an assignment is essentially the same as putting the right hand side in parentheses and constructing the object. For example the below two are the same
T obj = a;
T obj(a);
So you should be asking yourself, what is the difference between constructing a string object the following two ways
And the answer is that both the constructions above are the same and call the same constructor for std::string
For more on uniform initialization see

There is no difference in this particular case. But try
std::string s1(1, '0'); // calls string(size_type , char )
std::string s2{1, '0'}; // calls string(std::initializer_list<char> )
assert(s1.length() == 1 && s1[0] == '0');
assert(s2.length() == 2 && s2[0] == '\x1');
or with std::vector
std::vector<int> v1(1); // calls vector(size_type )
std::vector<int> v2{1}; // calls vector(std::initializer_list<int> )
assert(v1.size() == 1 && v1[0] == 0);
assert(v2.size() == 1 && v2[0] == 1);

There is no difference between them.
First declaration is preferred in most projects due to the syntax highlighting.

I found a clear answer in Herb Sutter


Resolving code analysis warnings with the BOLDDAY macro (used with CMonthCalCtrl)

I have some issues with the CMonthCalCtrl control and modernizing my code. The first problem is related to the BOLDDAY macro.
This macro is used to adjust day states (making specific dates bold on the calendar) and the concept is described in detail here. As documented, you need to define a macro:
#define BOLDDAY(ds, iDay) if(iDay > 0 && iDay < 32) \
(ds) |= (0x00000001 << (iDay-1))
Here is my code that uses this macro so that you have some context:
void CMeetingScheduleAssistantDlg::InitDayStateArray(int iMonthCount, LPMONTHDAYSTATE pDayState, COleDateTime datStart)
int iMonth = 0;
COleDateTimeSpan spnDay;
CString strKey;
SPECIAL_EVENT_S *psEvent = nullptr;
if (pDayState == nullptr)
memset(pDayState, 0, sizeof(MONTHDAYSTATE)*iMonthCount);
if (m_pMapSPtrEvents == nullptr && m_Reminders.Count() == 0)
spnDay.SetDateTimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0);
auto datDay = datStart;
const auto iStartMonth = datStart.GetMonth();
auto iThisMonth = iStartMonth;
auto iLastMonth = iThisMonth;
strKey = datDay.Format(_T("%Y-%m-%d"));
if (m_pMapSPtrEvents != nullptr)
psEvent = nullptr;
m_pMapSPtrEvents->Lookup(strKey, reinterpret_cast<void*&>(psEvent));
if (psEvent != nullptr)
BOLDDAY(pDayState[iMonth], datDay.GetDay());
if (m_Reminders.HasReminder(datDay))
BOLDDAY(pDayState[iMonth], datDay.GetDay());
datDay = datDay + spnDay;
iThisMonth = datDay.GetMonth();
if (iThisMonth != iLastMonth)
iLastMonth = iThisMonth;
} while (iMonth < iMonthCount);
Everywhere I use this BOLDDAY macro I get a code analysis warning (C26481):
warning C26481: Don't use pointer arithmetic. Use span instead (bounds.1).
It is not clear to me if the problem is with the BOLDDAY macro or my own code?
I still get the warning when I turn the macro into a function:
Update 2
If it helps, I currently call the InitDayStateArray function in the following ways:
Method 1:
void CMeetingScheduleAssistantDlg::SetDayStates(CMonthCalCtrl &rCalendar)
COleDateTime datFrom, datUntil;
const auto iMonthCount = rCalendar.GetMonthRange(datFrom, datUntil, GMR_DAYSTATE);
auto pDayState = new MONTHDAYSTATE[iMonthCount];
if (pDayState != nullptr)
InitDayStateArray(iMonthCount, pDayState, datFrom);
VERIFY(rCalendar.SetDayState(iMonthCount, pDayState));
delete[] pDayState;
Method 2
void CMeetingScheduleAssistantDlg::OnGetDayStateEnd(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
NMDAYSTATE* pDayState = reinterpret_cast<NMDAYSTATE*>(pNMHDR);
MONTHDAYSTATE mdState[3]{}; // 1 = prev 2 = curr 3 = next
const COleDateTime datStart(pDayState->stStart);
if (pDayState != nullptr)
InitDayStateArray(pDayState->cDayState, &mdState[0], datStart);
pDayState->prgDayState = &mdState[0];
if (pResult != nullptr)
*pResult = 0;
Perhaps if the container for the LPMONTHDAYSTATE information is tweaked somehow it would contribute to resolve this span issue?
Sample code provided by Microsoft used to be published as code that compiles both with a C and C++ compiler. That limits availability of language features, frequently producing code that particularly C++ clients shouldn't be using verbatim.
The case here being the BOLDDAY function-like macro, that's working around not having reference types in C. C++, on the other hand, does, and the macro can be replaced with a function instead:
void bold_day(DWORD& day_state, int const day) noexcept {
if (day > 0 && day < 32) {
day_state |= (0x00000001 << (day - 1));
Using this function in place of the BOLDDAY macro silences the C26481 diagnostic.
While that works, I'm at a complete loss to understand where the compiler is seeing pointer arithmetic in the macro version. Regardless, replacing a function-like macro with an actual function (or function template) where possible is always desirable.
Things are starting to make sense now. While replacing the function-like macro with a function, as suggested above, is desirable, it will not resolve the issue. My test happened to have used pDayState[0] which still raises C26481 for the macro, but not for the function. Using pDayState[1] instead, the diagnostic is raised in either case.
Let's put the pieces of the puzzle together: Recall that the array subscript expression p[N] is exactly identical to the expression *(p + N) when p is a pointer type and N an integral type. That explains why the compiler is complaining about "pointer arithmetic" when it sees pDayState[iMonth].
Solving that is fairly straight forward. As suggested by the diagnostic, use a std::span (requires C++20). The following changes to InitDayStateArray() make the C26481 diagnostic go away:
void CMeetingScheduleAssistantDlg::InitDayStateArray(int iMonthCount,
COleDateTime datStart)
std::span const day_month_state(pDayState, iMonthCount);
// ...
// memset(pDayState, 0, sizeof(MONTHDAYSTATE)*iMonthCount);
std::fill(begin(day_month_state), end(day_month_state), 0);
// ...
// ...
bold_day(day_month_state[iMonth], datDay.GetDay());
if (m_Reminders.HasReminder(datDay))
bold_day(day_month_state[iMonth], datDay.GetDay());
// ...
} while (iMonth < day_month_state.size());
A std::span "describes an object that can refer to a contiguous sequence of objects". It takes the decomposed pointer and size arguments that describe an array and reunites them into a single object, recovering the full fidelity of the array.
That sounds great. But remember, this is C++, and there's a caveat: Just like its evil C++17 ancestor std::string_view, a std::span is an unhesitating factory for dangling pointers. You can freely pass them around, and hang on to them far beyond the referenced data being alive. And this is guaranteed for every specialization, starting with C++23.
The other issue is, that addressing this one diagnostic now has several others pop out of nowhere, suggesting that std::span isn't good enough, and gsl::span should be used instead. Addressing those would probably warrant another Q&A altogether.

COleDateTime::SetDateTime and noexcept (code analysis)

See this code:
COleDateTime CSpecialEventDlg::GetSpecialEventDate() noexcept
COleDateTime datEvent;
if (datEvent.SetDateTime(m_datEvent.GetYear(),
0, 0, 0) != 0)
// Error
return datEvent;
My code analysis said I could add noexcept (which I did). But I decided to investigate a little more. I noticed that SetDateTime returns a value:
Zero if the value of this COleDateTime object was set successfully; otherwise, 1. This return value is based on the DateTimeStatus enumerated type. For more information, see the SetStatus member function.
For that latter function (SetStatus) it states:
The status parameter value is defined by the DateTimeStatus enumerated type, which is defined within the COleDateTime class. See COleDateTime::GetStatus for details.
Now, the documentation for GetStatus is documented to have a definition of:
DateTimeStatus GetStatus() const throw();
So, it throws an exception if there is an error. Therefore, I decided to look at the MFC source for SetDateTime:
inline int COleDateTime::SetDateTime(
_In_ int nYear,
_In_ int nMonth,
_In_ int nDay,
_In_ int nHour,
_In_ int nMin,
_In_ int nSec) throw()
::ZeroMemory(&st, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME));
st.wYear = WORD(nYear);
st.wMonth = WORD(nMonth);
st.wDay = WORD(nDay);
st.wHour = WORD(nHour);
st.wMinute = WORD(nMin);
st.wSecond = WORD(nSec);
m_status = ConvertSystemTimeToVariantTime(st) ? valid : invalid;
return m_status;
It uses ConvertSystemTimeToVariantTime to set the status. That uses:
inline BOOL COleDateTime::ConvertSystemTimeToVariantTime(_In_ const SYSTEMTIME& systimeSrc)
return AtlConvertSystemTimeToVariantTime(systimeSrc,&m_dt);
And that uses:
inline BOOL AtlConvertSystemTimeToVariantTime(
_In_ const SYSTEMTIME& systimeSrc,
_Out_ double* pVarDtTm)
//Convert using ::SystemTimeToVariantTime and store the result in pVarDtTm then
//convert variant time back to system time and compare to original system time.
BOOL ok = ::SystemTimeToVariantTime(const_cast<SYSTEMTIME*>(&systimeSrc), pVarDtTm);
::ZeroMemory(&sysTime, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME));
ok = ok && ::VariantTimeToSystemTime(*pVarDtTm, &sysTime);
ok = ok && (systimeSrc.wYear == sysTime.wYear &&
systimeSrc.wMonth == sysTime.wMonth &&
systimeSrc.wDay == sysTime.wDay &&
systimeSrc.wHour == sysTime.wHour &&
systimeSrc.wMinute == sysTime.wMinute &&
systimeSrc.wSecond == sysTime.wSecond);
return ok;
At this point I have got lost. In short, I am assuming that SetDateTime does not throw an exception.
I understand this much, if I decide to make a call to GetStatus inside the if clause then we do have a potential for exception to be thrown.
All three MFC functions for which you have shown the source code (COleDateTime::SetDateTime, COleDateTime::ConvertSystemTimeToVariantTime and AtlConvertSystemTimeToVariantTime) have – according to their declarations – the potential to throw exceptions (because they have no specification to the contrary, such as noexcept).
However, that doesn't mean that they will (or are even likely to). Digging a bit further into the MFC source code, the only place I can see, in those three functions, where an exception could be thrown is in the ATLENSURE(pVarDtTm!=NULL); line (in the third function).
The ATLENSURE macro is defined as follows:
And ATLENSURE_THROW is, in turn, defined thus:
#define ATLENSURE_THROW(expr, hr) \
do { \
int __atl_condVal=!!(expr); \
ATLASSUME(__atl_condVal); \
if(!(__atl_condVal)) AtlThrow(hr); \
} __pragma(warning(suppress:4127)) while (0)
So, it would seem that, in your code, an exception will be thrown if expr (in the above snippets) is null (the double-bang, !! pseudo-operator makes any non-zero value into 1 and leaves a zero as zero). That expr is the result of the pVarDtTm!=NULL expression, which can only be 0 (false) if the &m_dt argument in the call in your second MFC source excerpt is itself NULL – and, as the address of a member of the class object through which it is being called, that seems improbable (if not impossible).
Another issue you have is that you appear to misunderstand what the throw() specification in the DateTimeStatus GetStatus() const throw(); declaration means. As described here, it is actually (since C++17) an alias for noexcept (or noexcept(true), to be more precise). To specify that a function can throw any type of exception, the throw(...) or noexcept(false) specifications should be used (or use no except/throw specification at all).
So, your last sentence is not really true:
I understand this much, if I decide to make a call to GetStatus inside the if clause then we do have a potential for exception to be
Because the GetStatus() function is specified explicitly as non-throwing, and you already have a call to the SetDateTime member function, which (as described above) can throw an exception (but won't, in your code).

Checking the size of a user defined string litteral at compile time in C++11

I'm trying to restrict the use of some user defined litteral for string to a given length
Carte operator"" _C (const char* str, std::size_t sz) {
if (sz != 2)
throw runtime_error("Wrong size of string");
return from_string(str);
This works perfectly except that since litteral is known at compile time, the size test could be done at that time as well. However the I can't use a static assert here
jeu.cpp:105:17: error: static_assert expression is not an integral constant expression
static_assert(sz == 2, "Wrong size of string");
jeu.cpp:105:17: note: read of non-const variable 'sz' is not allowed in a constant expression
jeu.cpp:104:51: note: declared here
Is there a way to check the size of user defined string litteral at compile time in c++11 ?
If not, is it possible with more recent standard of c++ ?
use sizeof(test) to get length.. then you can use static_assert
const char test[] = "blablalba";
static_assert (sizeof(test) == 10);

Second order functions in GLSL?

I'm looking for a way to use a function as an argument to another function in GLSL. In regular C, it can be simulated by passing a function pointer as a function argument. It also seems that other languages (like HLSL) now provide ways to deal with high-level constructs like higher-order functions, or can simulate them with clever use of HLSL structures. unfortunately I'm stuck with GLSL for now, and I can't find any way to simulate higher-order functions. Is it really impossible in current (4.2) GLSL ? Or am I missing some clever trick ?
common example of what I'm trying to achieve :
int f(someType f2, int i) {
return f2(i);
I'm looking for a way to use a function as an argument to another function in GLSL.
Short answer: you can't.
The closest thing to this kind of functionality you'll get in GLSL is shader subroutines. And that only allows the external OpenGL API to select which subroutine to use, not the shader itself.
So just do the switch/case statement and get it over with.
There are no higher-order functions in GLSL, but it's possible to simulate them:
#define second_order 1
#define second_order1 2
#define another_function 3
//there are no function pointers in GLSL, so I use integers instead
int call(int f2,int param1){
//instead of a function, an integer is passed as a parameter
case second_order:
return param1*2;
case second_order1:
return param1*3;
int call(int f2,int param1,int param2){
//this function can be overloaded to accept more parameters
case another_function:
return param1 + param2;
int f(int f2, int i) {
return call(f2,i);
Alternatively, this can be done using structs:
struct function{
int x;
function Sin(){
return function(1);
function Cos(){
return function(2);
float call(function func,float x){
if(func == Sin()){
return sin(x);
else if(func == Cos()){
return cos(x);
vec4 map(function func,vec4 a1){
//this function can be overloaded for different array sizes
vec4 a2;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
a2[i] = call(func,a1[i]);
return a2;
It's also possible to simulate generic second-order functions using macros:
#define map(function,input1,output1) \
for(int i = 0; i < input1.length(); i++){ \
output1[i] = function(input1[i]); \
This macro can be used with any type of array:
float[] arr1 = float[](1.,3.,4.);
float[arr1.length()] output1;

Having trouble passing array to function

I am getting all kinds of errors when passing my array to this function. The function is suppose to have the user enter a name and a score and store them in 2 seperate arrays, one for the names, one for the scores. I believe I have to use pointers but have no idea on how to use them. I don't want the answer, just a push in the right direction. Here is the code:
#include <iostream>
int InputData(int &, char, int);
using namespace std;
int main()
char playerName[100][20];
int score[100];
int numPlayers = 0;
InputData(numPlayers, playerName, score);
return 0;
int InputData(int &numPlayers, char playerName[][20], int score[])
while (numPlayers <= 100)
cout << "Enter Player Name (Q to quit): ";
cin.getline(playerName, 100, ‘\n’);
if ((playerName[numPlayers] = 'Q') || (playerName[numPlayers] = 'q'))
return 0;
cout << "Enter score for " << playerName[numPlayers] <<": ";
cin >> score[numPlayers];
Ok, I made some more changes and the errors are less, must be getting close, Lol!
This looks like a school assignment and I applaud you for not asking for the answer. There are several ways to do it, but you are already fairly close in the approach that you are using. When you pass an array reference, you do not want to include the length of the array. For example, the parameter int score[100] should be int score[]. The exception, especially in your scenario, is with multidimensional arrays. In this case, you want to use char playerName[][20]. Your function declaration also needs to change to match. Don't forget InputData returns an int. Your declarations and function call are correct; you just need to adjust your function signature.
Keeping the errors aside -
InputData(numPlayers, playerName, score, size);
// ^^^^ size is no where declared
// resulting Undeclared indentifier error
Prototype mentions of taking 3 arguments but calling the function passing 4 parameters.
Hint regarding errors:
An 1D array decays to a pointer pointing to first element in the array while passing to a function.
A 2D array decays to a pointer pointing to the 1D array ( i.e., T[][size] ) while passing to a function.
Return type of main() should be int.
It seems with the given hints you corrected most of the errors. But you forgot to change the prototype. So, change -
int InputData(int &, char, int);
int InputData(int &, char[][20], int[]);
Why aren't you using std::string array for player names ? Use it and remove rest of the errors. Good luck.
