Access to _vti_bin/sharedaccess.asmx Throttles SharePoint - sharepoint

We have SharePoint 2013 Service Pack1 May 2015 CU.
Of lately we see lots of POST requests to SharePoint for end point " _vti_bin/sharedaccess.asmx" .
These requests just wait in IIS pipeline for as long as 3+ hours and after.
Once IIS can't take more requests, SharePoint Throttles and no one can access anything.
Any idea why this web service is hanging? What can be done to fix this?

turns out this was a problem with Distributed Cache. The App Fabric service on the WFE stopped. Upon restarting the service and doing an issreset , everything seems ok.
In case App fabrci keeps stopping you might have to remove the cache host and add it again


Problems regarding White Screen Of Death (WSOD) at my site

I have a problem regarding White Screen Of Death (WSOD) at my site.
I will try to explain what I have tried until now.
I know it is not a triviel error to debug, but maybe some of you have tried something similar.
Here is the setup: One Windows Server 2019 v1809 with one IIS: 10.0.17763.1.
Multiple websites with associated application pools.
It's a MVC solution, and we are using .net 4.7.2.
What I have tried:
Recycled application pools every night
Restarted the server every night
Issued a IISReset every night
Deleted temporary files in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\
Looked at the IIS logs
Looked at the application log, our own log
Looked at the Windows log
Searched the Internet for similar problems
Made sure there always were some traffic at the website
Made sure no errors were shown when pressing F12 in the browser, the site always returs code 200
The WSOD comes at varies times, and not all the sites are affected at the same time.
A manuel recycle of the website always helps.
My question is, have any of you encounted similar problems?
And how did you solve it?
If you need more information please ask, and I will try to provide it.
/Regards Søren
This kind of problem is very unusual in IIS, because there is almost no record and useful information in the log file.
You can try to use this plan to repair IIS.
Unregister all the versions of ASP.NET with command "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis –ua". and the framework 64 also versions. 3.0 and 3.5... etc
Delete ASPNET account from "Local Users and Group – Users".
reregister ASP.NET with IIS using "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis –i". and framework64... net 3, 3.5 etc
Give permissions to the ASPNET account using "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis –ga machinename\ASPNET". for framework 32 and 64 and versions.
Reset IIS .

IIS - Service Unavailable

Recently we are facing "Service Unavailable" while opening our web reports url in internet explorer.
Restarting the IIS service resolves the issue but didn't found any logs/errors in event viewer to track what is causing IIS to fail.
Is there any other way to troubleshoot this?
Many thanks...
To actually help you out SO need more information but following is more common cause.
There is no enough memory for application to run when it try to start. If there are multiple application in your IIS then it cause such issue as other application took priority so memory consume by them.
Your application has some un-handle exception that cause your application to shutdown and sometime it cause worker process to stop.
If your application is .NET based ( This is not the case with you because after IIS restart it runs successfully ) then .NET Runtime Version conflict also create such problem.

IIS 6 to IIS 8 Migration Errors after using Microsoft Web Deploy

I have recently been trying to migrate some websites from a 2003 server with IIS 6 to a 2012 server with IIS 8 installed. I am using Microsoft's Web Deploy tool and have been successful in copying a few web sites one at a time using the following command (changing the site identifier # for each site).NOTE: The reason the mumbo jumbo with replacing the drive exists is because our new server has a different data drive on it, and MSDeploy didn't like that. Could that be breaking things as well?
msdeploy -verb:sync -source:metakey=lm/w3svc/#,computername=SourceServerNameHere -dest:metakey=lm/w3svc/# -replace:objectName=metaProperty,scopeAttributeName=name,scopeAttributeValue=Path,targetAttributeName=value,match="F:",replace="E:" -enableLink:appPoolExtension > migration.log
The main issue is that when I try to navigate to any site one of three errors happens..
1. 503 Service Unavailable
2. 401.2 Unauthorized
3. 404.17 Not Found
These errors start from 1, and progress to 3 as I am trying to troubleshoot the IIS configurations. But this kind of defeats the purpose of using the Web Deploy Tool. Has anyone had any luck migrating sites being completely successful, or does the tool not actually support "IIS 6.0 or higher migration?"
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: So I have been able to get the main page of my site working by reverting the Handler Mappings and Default Documents to their parent configurations, and making sure that the AppPools don't conflict with versions, etc. The problem with this, is that I have to figure out how to do this for every app and app pool under the sites... Does anyone else have a similar problem?
Try using the iisApp provider instead of the MetaKey provider. For example,
msdeploy -verb:sync -source:iisApp=Site1/ContosoApp,computerName=Server1 -dest:iisApp="Site1/ContosoApp",computerName=Server2
I ended up contacting Microsoft Support to get this sorted out and ended up spending 3 hours on the phone with them...There were multiple issues that came up during the deploy tool's migration.
The bulk of the issues were corrected by changing the application pools to 64-bit and commenting out abomappercustom handlers in the applicationhost.config.

IIS 7.5 how to verify if Auto-Start actually works?

I hosted my mvc3 application on amazon ec2 cloud using windows server 2008 R2. The first time page loading is very slow. I decided to enable auto start on IIS 7.5.
I followed Scott's post.
I only have one web application hosted on this server, and this application got its own app pool, not shared with anything else.
this is all I did, add startMode="AlwaysRunning".
here's hte problem. I see performance gets a little bit better, but still about 4-5 seconds.
Is there way to verify if my auto-start setting acutally works?
If you have access to IIS Manager on the box, you can examine "Worker Processes" for the site. Otherwise, look for a process named w3wp.exe. If you only have one site, it should be the only process.
Try stopping the application and confirming the worker process has stopped. Now start the application without issuing a request. If the process is there, auto-start is working.
EDIT: Slides 11 and 12 from may be helpful.

Update-SPSolution stops application pools on IIS

I have a ps1 script that deploys all of my webparts. I started noticing an error (Error 503 service unavailable) after running Update-SPSolution. What is happening is that when I upgrade all my webparts, the application pools for all SharePoint web applications stop. It also takes about 12 minutes per web part to deploy (which seems like forever - it looks like it may be running them all in parallel). Could someone shed some light as to what the best way is to upgrade web parts using Update-SPSolution. Optimally, I would like my script to stop while it fully completes an upgrade on a particular web part, and then move on the next one when it is finished. Thoughts?
You might get better performance on the upgrade if you set ResetWebServer to false in each solution manifest. Naturally, you would be compelled to reset the web server(s) after all the upgrades, but at least you would only be required to do it once.
You might also consider combining web parts into fewer projects/solutions. This can be challenging, as your web parts' assembly-qualified names are part of the .webpart file, and therefore part of any web part that is still in use.
If your solutions are Farm solutions, SharePoint will restart the application pool in order to reload your assemblies.
The only way to completely remove this restart is to use Sandbox solution. That's not always possible, but depending on your type of customization this may be an answer.
Another solution is to only have one solution containing all your webparts. You'll still need an application pool restart, but it should take less than a minute.
12min is really a lot!
To merge your WSPs, you'll have to merge your Visual Studio projects into one. It's also possible to do it by hand, but it's not a good choice in the long term.
