Why is .show() on a 20 row PySpark dataframe so slow? - apache-spark

I am using PySpark in a Jupyter notebook. The following step takes up to 100 seconds, which is OK.
toydf = df.select("column_A").limit(20)
However, the following show() step takes 2-3 minutes. It only has 20 rows of lists of integers, and each list has no more than 60 elements. Why does it take so long?
df is generated as follows:
spark = SparkSession.builder\
df = spark.sql("""SELECT column_A
FROM datascience.email_aac1_pid_enl_pid_1702""")

In spark there are two major concepts:
1: Transformations: whenever you apply withColumn, drop, joins or groupBy they are actually evaluating they just produce a new dataframe or RDD.
2: Actions: Rather in case of actions like count, show, display, write it actually doing all the work of transformations. and this all Actions internally call Spark RunJob API to run all transformation as Job.
And in your case case when you hit toydf = df.select("column_A").limit(20) nothing is happing.
But when you use Show() method which is an action so it will collect data from the cluster to your Driver node and on this time it actually evaluating your toydf = df.select("column_A").limit(20).


Spark converting dataframe to RDD takes a huge amount of time, lazy execution or real issue?

In my spark application, I am loading data from Solr into a dataframe, running an SQL query on it, and then writing the resulting dataframe to MongoDB.
I am using spark-solr library to read data from Solr and mongo-spark-connector to write results to MongoDB.
The problem is that it is very slow, for datasets as small as 90 rows in an RDD, the spark job takes around 6 minutes to complete (4 nodes, 96gb RAM, 32 cores each).
I am sure that reading from Solr and writing to MongoDB is not slow because outside Spark they perform very fast.
When I inspect running jobs/stages/tasks on application master UI, it always shows a specific line in this function as taking 99% of the time:
override def exportData(spark: SparkSession, result: DataFrame): Unit = {
try {
val mongoWriteConfig = configureWriteConfig
MongoSpark.save(result.withColumn("resultOrder", monotonically_increasing_id())
.map(row => {
implicit val formats: DefaultFormats.type = org.json4s.DefaultFormats
val rMap = Map(row.getValuesMap(row.schema.fieldNames.filterNot(_.equals("resultOrder"))).toSeq: _*)
val m = Map[String, Any](
"queryId" -> queryId,
"queryIndex" -> opIndex,
"resultOrder" -> row.getAs[Long]("resultOrder"),
"result" -> rMap
}), mongoWriteConfig);
} catch {
case e: SparkException => handleMongoException(e)
The line .rdd is shown to take most of the time to execute. Other stages take a few seconds or less.
I know that converting a dataframe to an rdd is not an inexpensive call but for 90 rows it should not take this long. My local standalone spark instance can do it in a few seconds.
I understand that Spark executes transformations lazily. Does it mean that operations before .rdd call is taking a long time and it's just a display issue on application master UI? Or is it really the dataframe to rdd conversion taking too long? What can cause this?
By the way, SQL queries run on the dataframe are pretty simple ones, just a single group by etc.

Caching in spark before diverging the flow

I have a basic question regarding working with Spark DataFrame.
Consider the following piece of pseudo code:
val df1 = // Lazy Read from csv and create dataframe
val df2 = // Filter df1 on some condition
val df3 = // Group by on df2 on certain columns
val df4 = // Join df3 with some other df
val subdf1 = // All records from df4 where id < 0
val subdf2 = // All records from df4 where id > 0
* Then some more operations on subdf1 and subdf2 which won't trigger spark evaluation yet*
// Write out subdf1
// Write out subdf2
Suppose I start of with main dataframe df1(which I lazy read from the CSV), do some operations on this dataframe (filter, groupby, join) and then comes a point where I split this datframe based on a condition (for eg, id > 0 and id < 0). Then I further proceed to operate on these sub dataframes(let us name these subdf1, subdf2) and ultimately write out both the sub dataframes.
Notice that the write function is the only command that triggers the spark evaluation and rest of the functions(filter, groupby, join) result in lazy evaluations.
Now when I write out subdf1, I am clear that lazy evaluation kicks in and all the statements are evaluated starting from reading of CSV to create df1.
My question comes when we start writing out subdf2. Does spark understand the divergence in code at df4 and store this dataframe when command for writing out subdf1 was encountered? Or will it again start from the first line of creating df1 and re-evaluate all the intermediary dataframes?
If so, is it a good idea to cache the dataframe df4(Assuming I have sufficient memory)?
I'm using scala spark if that matters.
Any help would be appreciated.
No, Spark cannot infer that from your code. It will start all over again. To confirm this, you can do subdf1.explain() and subdf2.explain() and you should see that both dataframes have query plans that start right from the beginning where df1 was read.
So you're right that you should cache df4 to avoid redoing all the computations starting from df1, if you have enough memory. And of course, remember to unpersist by doing df4.unpersist() at the end if you no longer need df4 for any further computations.

PySpark + AWS EMR: df.count() taking a long time to complete

I am using the action count() to trigger my udf function to run. This works, but long after my udf function has completed running, the df.count() takes days to complete. The dataframe itself is not large, and has about 30k to 100k rows.
AWS Cluster Settings:
1 m5.4xlarge for the master node
2 m5.4xlarge for the worker nodes.
Spark Variables & Settings (These are the spark variables being used to run the script)
--executor-cores 4
--conf spark.sql.execution.arrow.enabled=true
'spark.sql.inMemoryColumnarStorage.batchSize', 2000000 (set inside pyspark script)
Psuedo Code
Here is the actual structure of our script. The custom pandas udf function makes a call to a PostGres database for every row.
from pyspark.sql.functions import pandas_udf, PandasUDFType
# udf_schema: A function that returns the schema for the dataframe
def main():
# Define pandas udf for calculation
# To perform this calculation, every row in the
# dataframe needs information pulled from our PostGres DB
# which does take some time, ~2-3 hours
#pandas_udf(udf_schema(), PandasUDFType.GROUPED_MAP)
def calculate_values(local_df):
local_df = run_calculation(local_df)
return local_df
# custom function that pulls data from our database and
# creates the dataframe
df = get_df()
df = df\
print(f'==> finished running calculation for {df.count()} rows!')
I met same issues like yours,but the reason for me its due to the limition of jdbc not the cluster itself. So if you are same as me, using jdbc access to db like impala or postgre. you can try following scripts
df = spark.read.option("numPartitions",100).option("partitionColumn",$COLUMN_NAME).jdbc($THE_JDBC_SETTTING)
instead of
df = spark.read.jdbc($THE_JDBC_SETTTING)

How to avoid excessive dataframe query

Consider there is spark job has multiple dataframe transitions
val baseDF1 = spark.sql(s"select * from db.table1 where condition1='blah'")
val baseDF2 = spark.sql(s"select * from db.table2 where condition2='blah'")
val df3 = basedDF1.join(baseDF12, basedDF1("col1") <=> basedDF1("col2"))
val df4 = df3.withcolumn("col3").withColumnRename("col4", "newcol4")
val df5 = df4.groupBy("groupbycol").agg(expr("coalesce(first(col5, false))"))
val df6 = df5.withColumn("level1", col("coalesce(first(col5, false))")(0))
.withColumn("level2", col("coalesce(first(col5, false))")(1))
.withColumn("level3", col("coalesce(first(col5, false))")(2))
.withColumn("level4", col("coalesce(first(col5, false))")(3))
.withColumn("level5", col("coalesce(first(col5, false))")(4))
.drop("coalesce(first(col5, false))")
I just wondering how Spark generate the spark SQL logic, is it going to generate the query-like transaction for each data frame, i.e
df1 = select * ....
df2 = select * ....
df3 = df1.join.df2 // spark takes content from df1/df2 instead run each query again for joining
df6 = ...
or generate large query by the end of the last dataframe
df6 = select coalesce(first(col5, false)).. from ((select * from table1) join (select * from table2 ) on blah ) group by blah 2...
All I trying to figure out, is how to avoid Spark generate huge query-like logic instead I can let Spark "Commit" somewhere to avoid huge long transaction
the reason behind the inquiry is because current spark job threw following exception
19/12/17 10:57:55 ERROR CodeGenerator: failed to compile: org.codehaus.commons.compiler.CompileException: File 'generated.java', Line 567, Column 28: Redefinition of parameter "agg_expr_21"
Spark has two operations - transformation and action.
Transformation happens when a DF is being built using various operations like - select, join, filter etc. It is read to be executed but has not done any work yet, it is being lazy. These transformations can be composed to make new transformation which you do while operating on predefined dataframes, like basedDF1.join(baseDF12, basedDF1("col1") <=> basedDF1("col2")). But again nothing has run.
Action happens when certain operations are called like save, collect, show etc. This is when real work happens. Here each and every 'transformation' that was defined before with be either executed or retrieved from cache. You can save a lot of work for Spark if you can cache some of the complex steps. This can also simplify the plan.
val baseDF1 = spark.sql(s"select * from db.table1 where condition1='blah'")
val baseDF2 = spark.sql(s"select * from db.table2 where condition2='blah'")
val df3 = basedDF1.join(baseDF12, basedDF1("col1") <=> basedDF1("col2"))
val df4 = baseDF1.join(baseDF12, basedDF1("col2") === basedDF1("col3"))// different join
When df4 is executed after df3, it won't be selecting from db.table1 and db.table2 but rather reading baseDF1 and baseDF2 from cache. The plan will look simpler too.
if some reason cache is gone then Spark will recompute baseDF1 and baseDF2 as they were defined, so it knows its lineage but didn't execute it.
You can also use checkpoint to break up the lineage of overall execution, hence simplify it. I think this can help your case.
I have also saved intermediate dataframe to a temporary file and read It back as a dataframe and use it down the line. This breaks up the complexity at the cost of extra io. I won’t recommend it unless other methods didn’t work.
I am not sure about the error you are getting.

In Spark, caching a DataFrame influences execution time of previous stages?

I am running a Spark (2.0.1) job with multiple stages. I noticed that when I insert a cache() in one of later stages it changes the execution time of earlier stages. Why? I've never encountered such a case in literature when reading about caching().
Here is my DAG with cache():
And here is my DAG without cache(). All remaining code is the same.
I have a cache() after a sort merge join in Stage10. If the cache() is used in Stage10 then Stage8 is nearly twice longer (20 min vs 11 min) then if there were no cache() in Stage10. Why?
My Stage8 contains two broadcast joins with small DataFrames and a shuffle on a large DataFrame in preparation for the merge join. Stages8 and 9 are independent and operate on two different DataFrames.
Let me know if you need more details to answer this question.
UPDATE 8/2/1018
Here are the details of my Spark script:
I am running my job on a cluster via spark-submit. Here is my spark session.
val spark = SparkSession.builder
.config("spark.executor.cores", 5)
.config("spark.driver.memory", "300g")
.config("spark.executor.memory", "15g")
This creates a job with 21 executors with 5 cpu each.
Load 4 DataFrames from parquet files:
val dfT = spark.read.format("parquet").load(filePath1) // 3 Tb in 3185 partitions
val dfO = spark.read.format("parquet").load(filePath2) // ~ 700 Mb
val dfF = spark.read.format("parquet").load(filePath3) // ~ 800 Mb
val dfP = spark.read.format("parquet").load(filePath4) // 38 Gb
Preprocessing on each of the DataFrames is composed of column selection and dropDuplicates and possible filter like this:
val dfT1 = dfT.filter(...)
val dfO1 = dfO.select(columnsToSelect2).dropDuplicates(Array("someColumn2"))
val dfF1 = dfF.select(columnsToSelect3).dropDuplicates(Array("someColumn3"))
val dfP1 = dfP.select(columnsToSelect4).dropDuplicates(Array("someColumn4"))
Then I left-broadcast-join together first three DataFrames:
val dfTO = dfT1.join(broadcast(dfO1), Seq("someColumn5"), "left_outer")
val dfTOF = dfTO.join(broadcast(dfF1), Seq("someColumn6"), "left_outer")
Since the dfP1 is large I need to do a merge join, I can't afford it to do it now. I need to limit the size of dfTOF first. To do that I add a new timestamp column which is a withColumn with a UDF which transforms a string into a timestamp
val dfTOF1 = dfTOF.withColumn("TransactionTimestamp", myStringToTimestampUDF)
Next I filter on a new timestamp column:
val dfTrain = dfTOF1.filter(dfTOF1("TransactionTimestamp").between("2016-01-01 00:00:00+000", "2016-05-30 00:00:00+000"))
Now I am joining the last DataFrame:
val dfTrain2 = dfTrain.join(dfP1, Seq("someColumn7"), "left_outer")
And lastly the column selection with a cache() that is puzzling me.
val dfTrain3 = dfTrain.select("columnsToSelect5").cache()
It looks like the cache() is useless here but there will be some further processing and modelling of the DataFrame and the cache() will be necessary.
Should I give more details? Would you like to see execution plan for dfTrain3?
