Error when attempting to Publish Customizations (Cannot access the uploaded file) - acumatica

We've recently created a second Company (id=3) based on a snapshot of our original company (id=2). I am attempting to publish a change to one of the Customization Projects in the new company. The file upload/save worked fine, but publishing leads to this error:
Publish Customization
Compiled projects: AA, BB, CC, DD
Validation has been started.
PX.Data.PXException: Cannot access the uploaded file. Failed to get the
latest revision of the file 9a65331c-ad34-477c-9759-2c414dead49f
at Customization.CstBinFile.GetFileFromDb()
at Customization.CstBinFile.SaveFiles(FilesCollection context)
at Customization.CstDocument.GetFiles(FilesCollection context)
at Customization.CstManager.ValidateDocument(CstDocument doc, Action`1
logMessageDelegate, Boolean patchLibInDB)
at PX.Customization.CstValidationProcess.ValidateCurrentDocument(Action`1
at PX.Customization.CstValidationProcess.CompileInternal()
at PX.Customization.CstValidationProcess.<>c__DisplayClass6_0.
This attempt represents the first publish within this Company.
I retried the upload/save, but still no luck.
Our version is: 6.10.0010.
How do I overcome this error?
Any help would be great. Thanks.

This can happen when the customization projects reference a file that has been removed from the database. Customization project still has the file reference ID but the database doesn't contain a file associated with that ID anymore.
If this is the cause of your error, you can correct it by removing and adding back missing files. To do this, go to the Files section of your customization project. Click on each file link.
If the file is missing in database, an error message popup will appear. For these, remove the file link reference and add it back again. When files are not missing, they will appear like in the screenshots below.


xamarin form ios missing required icon file 167x167

for my xamarin forms ios project I am getting an error when uploading an ipa file via the application uploader to apple.
missing required icon file ipad of exactly 167x167 for ipad pro.
The weird thing is I have actually included this file already in the media.xcassets.
any idea how to fix this?
So here is what I have found regarding this:
First, I would check that all the information found in this article is done (it talks about making sure your .csproj file has the needed references to the files):
Second, I would check for miss-match of the case of letters in the file name between the json file in the Assets.xcassets/AppIcons.appiconset folder and your ios csproj file. For example ipad176.png is not the same as iPad176.png. This article explains it well.
Finally, neither of these resolved my problem. For me it seemed that one of the entries in my json file had something weird about it (event though visually it looked fine). I noticed that every icon entry in the json file AFTER the one that had something weird about it, showed as missing when I attempt to publish the archive. For me the easiest way to find the offending entry was to look for the first (i.e. earliest in the json list) icon entry that generated a missing icon error message when I published. Then, I unloaded my iOS project, opened the .csproj file for the iOS project in Visual Studio, and found the entry for that first app icon. I then copied the file name from the .csproj file and replace the file name in the json with the copied name, saved the json file and magically, I could publish my archive to the App Store.

How can I delete binaries attached to a tag/release in GitLab?

While adding files to a tag in order to create a release I incorrectly attached the wrong file. I modified the tag again to remove the bad file link, and uploaded a new one. However, where does the wrong file go? I can't see anywhere in Gitlab's administration interface a way to delete the previously uploaded file.
For clarification, the files I refer to are those I drag in the web UI to attach to a release tag and appear in a path like

"This file is currently not available for use on this computer"

I am hoping someone has had this issue before and can help me resolve. I was working on a company project. I had just finished up and needed to publish my project to the server. When trying to publish, I got the error "This file is currently not available for use on this computer."
So then I tried to open one of the .cs files of the solution, and the error occurred again from trying to open the file. So I tried to grab the latest version from TFS thinking it would give me whichever file is missing, but when I click "Get Latest Version" on the project, the error message pops up there too.
I thought surely I will be able to delete the project locally and then remap it, but I can't even delete the project off my computer, as the error message pops up halfway through deletion. When it occurs there, however, I do get "Error 0x800710FE: This file is currently not available for use on this computer."
Also have tried deleting offline cached files through Control Panel > Sync Center > Manage Offline Files > Disk Usage > Delete temp files
I got this error for a small, test solution that was not using TFS. The default file location is the documents folder, which in my environment is synced using the Sync Center. I moved all of the solution files to a new local folder that was not included in Sync operations and the error went away.
Conclusion: storing VS files in a folder managed by Sync Center is likely a bad idea.
I got this error when trying to save an excel file served from a webpage.
The solution for me was to save it under a different filename. Possibly because I previously had a file with the same name open in excel.

Domino Designer error: "Resource already exists on disk" for service config file

we have a XPage project in the Domino Designer. The project contains a file [database.nsf]/Code/Java/META-INF/services/, which configures an (same with to be executed when the application is created, refreshed and destroyed.
When I clean and rebuild the project I often get the following error in the problem section:
The project was not built due to "Resource already exists on disk: '[database.nsf]/WebContent/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/services/'." Fix the problem, then try refreshing this project and building it since it may be inconsistent.
This message is correct: the file is than available at that location. (You have to use the Eclipse view "Navigator" to see it, because the directory /WebContent/WEB-INF/classes is hidden in the project explorer.). When I open the file, it is empty. When I open the properties of the file, the size is "-1 bytes" (yes, minus). When I delete the file and refresh the folder in the Navigator, sometimes the file come directly back again with size -1 bytes, sometimes not. Sometimes the bug is solved after next clean project, but sometimes it reoccurs.
When the Designer compiles the project without error, the file has the correct content. At runtime this file is read and the ApplicationListener is executed, all events are fired as expected.
When the error occurs I could copy the content by hand into the problematic file and save it, delete the error task in the Domino Designer. Than the application also works fine (?).
I tried to create a minimal example, with a new project (nsf database) with only the configuration file (/Code/Java/META-INF/services/ and the application listener implementation. Unfortunately the error does not occur.
The reason may be, that our project has a lot of files. We had this problem only with the services definition file. The problem also occurs when I rename the file (I appended two underscores as test).
The problem occurs with Domino Designer 9.0.1 and Notes 9.0.1 FP3.
Our project has an associated on disk project. But I had the same problem after removing the association. After associate again the problem was there again.
Is there a solution, except removing the file? (Whithout the file our application will not work correctly.)
Thanks in advance
Stephan Koops
I have had the same issue. In the 'Problems' view it lists 'The project was not built due to "Resource already exists on disk .../WebContent/WEB-INF/Classes/... then a file with a long hex name ending in .js.
Even simple Xpage changes would not appear on the browser no matter what I did with clean/build etc
What I find works is:
Open the 'Package Explorer' view, and in the first Folder called Local you will see a series of *.js files as mentioned above.
Delete them all.
Clean and build.
Bingo, my xpage is now working again.

Access is Denied when trying to add a resource to C++/CLI project

I am trying to add a resource to my C++/CLI project. I am working with Visual Studio 2012. TFS 2013.
Right Click on the project => Add => Resource => I get the error.
The operation could not be completed. Access is denied.
I do not understand why I am getting this error. I don't know how to fix it. So far:
I checked-out the entire project (Project and all its files)
I removed the "Read-Only" mark of the folder and all the files inside it.
I can add other files and edit everything, but for some reason I can not add resources.
I can edit the resource file in Notepad, so I don't know what else to do. (I even rebooted just in case).
I can add resources to a C++ Native Library I have in the same project.
What else could be causing this error?
This happened to me because I had still opened the resource (*.rc) file in the Resource Editor and/or Text Editor. As soon as I closed it, I was able to add resources again.
It seems the Resource file was somehow corrupted. After trying different approaches, I kept getting the same error, while I could easily add resources to other projects.
I deleted the resource file and everything related, and created everything from scratch and it worked.
