tool to convert pre-cordinated SNOMED to post-coordinated - nlp

I have typed into the international Snomed browser tool `Superficial injury of head" to which I get the following -
or rather the important details:
283025007 |Superficial injury of head (disorder)|
82271004 |Injury of head (disorder)| +
283024006 |Superficial injury of head and neck (disorder)| :
{ 363698007 |Finding site (attribute)| = 69536005 |Head structure (body structure)|,
116676008 |Associated morphology (attribute)| = 3380003 |Superficial injury (morphologic abnormality)| }
I would find it hard to believe that the creators of SNOMED did not have a tool to take pre-coordinated exporessions and output the post-coordinated expressions.
Any SNOMED familiars happen to know of an automated way to achieve this is a tool doesn't already exist?

I am not aware of a free online tool to do this. But what is happening is normal form generation; in your example it is giving the definition of a pre-coordinated expression but it could be taking a post-coordinated expression and generating a different normalised expression.
Without the capability of normalising an expression it is impossible to use some more advanced features of SNOMED CT, for example inheritance testing between post-coordinated expressions requires that expressions are converted into a normal form.
Having said I'm not aware of a free tool to do this, there are explicit instructions on how to do this - if you're feeling brave:


Which tool privides the easiest way to create a textual external DSL for simple code translation?

In my application I have to type in some code for a specific domain and I would like to create a DSL for that. The DSL just should have some really basic commands.
DSL code example:
code: "if("
func: insertInputData(1)
code: "){\n "
func: insertOutputData(0)
code: "\n}\n"
cond: checkForOutputConnection(1):
code: "else{\n "
func: insertOutputData(1)
code: "\n}\n"
This code should get translated into source code of a general purpose language (f.ex. Python) like this:
def getSrcCode():
s = ""
s += "if("
s += insertInputData(1)
s += "){\n "
s += insertOutputData(0)
s += "\n}\n"
s += "else{\n "
s += insertOutputData(1)
s += "\n}\n"
return s
So its actually just about a simple translation.
Xtext seems to get quite complex no later than when trying to integrate it in other (non-java) applications and well it seems to stich to Java.
JetBrains MPS is surely is something completely awesome but I don't want a projectional editor, just pure text
(this might be wrong, I didn't use any of them so far)
What workbench or tool would you recommend me to use to achieve the possibility to translate the code into other languages easily like as shown (I prefer something, that is fairly limited somehow but easy to learn and use while fitting my low needs).
It's true that you can't get rid of the projectional editor in MPS, but with a good design of the DSL, you can limit the end-user and control their flow.
If you decide to give a chance to the projectional editor, this is the plugin that you will need

Haskell Haddock latex equation in comments

I'd like to use latex notation for equations in my source code.
For example, I would write the following comment in some haskell source file Equations.hs:
-- | $v = \frac{dx}{dt}$
In the doc directory, this gets rendered by haddock in Equations.tex as:
{\char '44}v = frac{\char '173}dx{\char '175}{\char '173}dt{\char '175}{\char '44}
I found this function in the source for Haddock's latex backend that replaces many characters that are used in latex formatting:
latexMunge :: Char -> String -> String
latexMunge '$' s = "{\\char '44}" ++ s
Is there any existing functionality that allows me to bypass this and insert latex equations in comments?
No. The main reason why this (and similar features) don't exist is that it's unclear what to do with the markup in the other backends, be it HTML one, Hoogle one or whatever else someone might be using. This is fairly commonly requested but there is no common agreement and more importantly, no patches.
Technically we don't support the LaTeX backend, it's kept around compiling so that the Haskell Report can be produced. If you or someone else wants to give it some new life (and features) then we'll happily accept patches.
tl;dr: no can do. I know people simply pre-render LaTeX and insert the resulting images in with the image syntax.

Capybara: Should I get rid of extracted constants or keep them?

I was wondering about some best practices regarding extraction of selectors to constants. As a general rule, it is usually recommended to extract magic numbers and string literals to constants so they can be reused, but I am not sure if this is really a good approach when dealing with selectors in Capybara.
At the moment, I have a file called "selectors.rb" which contains the selectors that I use. Here is part of it:
checkout: {
checkbox_agreement: 'input#agreement-1',
input_billing_city: 'input#billing\:city',
input_billing_company: 'input#billing\:company',
input_billing_country: 'input#billing\:country_id',
input_billing_firstname: 'input#billing\:firstname',
input_billing_lastname: 'input#billing\:lastname',
input_billing_postcode: 'input#billing\:postcode',
input_billing_region: 'input#billing\:region_id',
input_billing_street1: 'input#billing\:street1',
In theory, I put my selectors in this file, and then I could do something like this:
There are several problems with this:
If I want to know the selector that is used, I have to look it up
If I change the name in selectors.rb, I could forget to change it somewhere else in the file which will result in find(nil).click
With the example above, I can't use this selector with fill_in(SELECTORS[:checkout][:input_billing_city]), because it requires an ID, name or label
There are probably a few more problems with that, so I am considering to get rid of the constants. Has anyone been in a similar spot? What is a good way to deal with this situation?
Someone mentioned the SitePrism gem to me:
A Page Object Model DSL for Capybara
SitePrism gives you a simple, clean and semantic DSL for describing
your site using the Page Object Model pattern, for use with Capybara
in automated acceptance testing.
It is very helpful in that regard and I have adjusted my code accordingly.

Ternary operator should not be used on a single line in Node.js. Why?

Consider the following sample codes:
var IsAdminUser = (User.Privileges == AdminPrivileges)
? 'yes'
: 'no';
var IsAdminUser = (User.Privileges == AdminPrivileges)?'yes': 'no';
The 2nd sample I am very comfortable with & I code in that style, but it was told that its wrong way of doing without any supportive reasons.
Why is it recommended not to use a single line ternary operator in Node.js?
Can anyone put some light on the reason why it is so?
Advance Thanks for great help.
With all coding standards, they are generally for readability and maintainability. My guess is the author finds it more readable on separate lines. The compiler / interpreter for your language will handle it all the same. As long as you / your project have a set standard and stick to it, you'll be fine. I recommend that the standards be worked on or at least reviewed by everyone on the project before casting them in stone. I think that if you're breaking it up on separate lines like that, you may as well define an if/else conditional block and use that.
Be wary of coding standards rules that do not have a justification.
Personally, I do not like the ternary operator as it feels unnatural to me and I always have to read the line a few times to understand what it's doing. I find separate if/else blocks easier for me to read. Personal preference of course.
It is in fact wrong to put the ? on a new line; even though it doesn’t hurt in practice.
The reason is a JS feature called “Automatic Semicolon Insertion”. When a var statement ends with a newline (without a trailing comma, which would indicate that more declarations are to follow), your JS interpreter should automatically insert a semicolon.
This semicolon would have the effect that IsAdminUser is assigned a boolean value (namely the result of User.Privileges == AdminPrivileges). After that, a new (invalid) expression would start with the question mark of what you think is a ternary operator.
As mentioned, most JS interpreters are smart enough to recognize that you have a newline where you shouldn’t have one, and implicitely fix your ternary operator. And, when minifying your script, the newline is removed anyway.
So, no problem in practice, but you’re relying on an implicit fix of common JS engines. It’s better to write the ternary operator like this:
var foo = bar ? "yes" : "no";
Or, for larger expressions:
var foo = bar ?
"The operation was successful" : "The operation has failed.";
Or even:
var foo = bar ?
"Congratulations, the operation was a total success!" :
"Oh, no! The operation has horribly failed!";
I completely disagree with the person who made this recommendation. The ternary operator is a standard feature of all 'C' style languages (C,C++,Java,C#,Javascript etc.), and most developers who code in these languages are completely comfortable with the single line version.
The first version just looks weird to me. If I was maintaining code and saw this, I would correct it back to a single line.
If you want verbose, use if-else. If you want neat and compact use a ternary.
My guess is the person who made this recommendation simply wasn't very familiar with the operator, so found it confusing.
Because it's easier on the eye and easier to read. It's much easier to see what your first snippet is doing at a glance - I don't even have to read to the end of a line. I can simply look at one spot and immediately know what values IsAdminUser will have for what conditions. Much the same reason as why you wouldn't write an entire if/else block on one line.
Remember that these are style conventions and are not necessarily backed up by objective (or technical) reasoning.
The reason for having ? and : on separate lines is so that it's easier to figure out what changed if your source control has a line-by-line comparison.
If you've just changed the stuff between the ? and : and everything is on a single line, the entire line can be marked as changed (based on your comparison tool).

Embedding a domain specific language in an OCaml toplevel -- to Camlp4 or not?

I have some code that includes a menhir-based parser for a domain specific language (a logic). For the sake of my sanity while debugging, it would be great to be able to type instances of this language (formulas) directly in the toplevel like so:
# f = << P(x,y) & x!=y >>
Is campl4/5 my only option? If yes, I find the documentation rather intimidating. Is there an example/tutorial that is close-enough to my use case and that I could conceivably adapt? (For instance, syntax extensions that introduce new keywords do not seem relevant). Thanks!
If you're willing to call a function to do the parsing, you can use ocamlmktop to include your parser into the top level. Then you can install printers for your types using #install_printer. The sessions might look like this then:
# let x = parse ()
<< type your expression here >>
# x : type = <<formatted version>>
I have used specialed printers, and they definitely help a lot with complicated types. I've never gotten around to using ocamlmktop. I always just load in my code with #load and #use.
This is a lot easier than mastering camlp4/5 (IMHO). But maybe it's a bit too crude.
Yes, you can use camlp4 and it will work reasonably well (including in the toplevel), but no, it's not well-documented, and you will have to cope with that.
For an example that is close to your use-case, see the Lambda calculus quotation example of the Camlp4 wiki.
For the toplevel, it will work easily. You can dynamically load "camlp4o.cmo" then your syntactic extension in the toplevel, or use findlib which handles that: from the toplevel, #use "topfind";;, then #camlp4o;;, then #require "myfoo.syntax";; where myfoo.syntax is the name of the findlib package you've created to deploy your extension.
